Tirion Jörðhár |

Ok, playing around with characters. I am putting together an Inquisitor/4-Rogue/2-Shadowdancer/2 for my submission. Not gonna have it finished tonight. I hope to get the background and crunch finished tomorrow.
Took a while playing with builds, but finally went with Con for the Foible, and put the human +2 in Con. Was intending on Int for the foible, but that negates Combat Expertise and Dirty Trick, which just seem like what someone who hides in the shadows should specialize in.
Plan is high crit weapon + butterfly sting + dirty trick for combat. Not a damage dealer, but a great flanker/supporter. Also has a teamwork feat to pair with anyone else who might want to take teamwork feats.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Ok, mostly have my character done. Still working on the equipment, so that may not be finished if you look right away. My final choice was:
Morossa - Human Monk(Monk of the Sacred Mountain)/2-Ranger(Trapper)/2-Inquisitor(Infiltrator)/2-Shadowdancer/2
Ok, so it is a strange build, but should be fun to play and I think gives the party exactly what they are looking for and then some. Capable in combat, but never going to do much damage, but very good at flanking and setting up the heavy hitters. Great at getting to those pesky enemy casters. Almost impossible to see, stealthy and great with disguises. Perceptive and good at reading people. Able to disarm traps, and avoid most damage most of the time if she fails to disarm them.
HP: 8 + 1d8 + 2d10 + 4d8 ⇒ 8 + (5) + (9, 10) + (1, 5, 6, 3) = 47 <-- any rule on rerolling 1s?
I have not created the Cohort as I did not take the Leadership Feat. This is an option and could be done. As written, her brother could fill most rolls, although I was thinking that a cleric of some sort would be the most likely choice.
Thanks for the chance to apply, this looks like an interesting group/party.
EDIT - added some equipment. If the party has a crafter, need to figure how to work things. Could easily have absconded with mostly cash, and have little equipment when I fled the 7th. This would allow for more stuff (+4 Bracers, +3 Cloak) rather than what is listed.

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Everyone, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to create those beautiful characters.
For now, recruitment is closed. I'd like to discuss with the party on how we'll proceed.
We'll be discussing in the discussion thread. I can't stop you from spying on us, but I simply hope you won't; we'll be speaking our minds, and if you decide to read those discussions, I can promise some feelings are going to be hurt. So, I ask you, please don't read the discussion thread for a while :)

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This is Agatha Geist. She is an 8th level alchemist who acts as part rogue, part necromancer.
I have been holding out on Way of the Wicked to play a necromancer as I think that is the only place I will get to play one. Knowing that you need a rogue however, I have tried to compromise.
Agatha should be able to perform all of the duties of a rogue. She has a high perception, she can disarm traps, she has high stealth plus invisibility, she can fly over walls and she has a very high Knowledge: local. I believe you said you already had a "face" so I did not try to fill that role. I then made her a vivisectionist so that she would get sneak attack damage.
I made her a Samsaran because I needed their ability to add spells to another classes list. I had initially looked at animating dead with potions, but those would be rather costly. The spell adding shortcut made the necromancy spells possible and I then took Infusions to be able to cast it on someone other than myself. I believe this should allow me to make undead according to RAW but if not, I can always just buy a wand.
Making her a samsaran was probably not the best idea however, as it took me an hour to turn her skin from "tanned asian" to "samsaran white".
For my undead I took 8 bloody belching beheaded. They are tiny and so occupy 4 to a square and will provide ranged attacks. They are one shot kills, but they come back after an hour, which I think balances them out because they are worth killing, but not something I invest a lot in just to lose them. Naturally, if you really want to kill them, one positive energy burst or a few bottles of holy water will do it.
Lastly, I come to my familiar. I took tumor familiar to provide the familiar and then improved familiar as a feat. I wanted to get a beheaded familiar but 1) you must be Neutral Evil and 2) the stats on them are not real clear. I'd therefore like to make either of two compromises:
1) Keep the stats of the imp she is entitled to by level and and remove anything a head can't do like the stinger.
2) Skip improved familiar altogether, give it the stats of a raven and make it shaped like a skull.
You see, what I really want is a floating smart-ass skull like Morte out of Planescape: Torment. I don't care what he can actually do, I just really want a smart-ass floating skull. 8)
So, that leaves me with three last things needed to finish the character and unfortunately, with 5 hours into this character, I have spent way more time than I have, what with my state medical boards coming up in two weeks.
1) I need to add wings to Agatha's picture on the front page.
2) I need to pick out her crime (she's guilty of at least five easily)
3) I need to write her history to put her in the world as you've requested.
Because I am so short on time, I'd like you to approve the concept/crunch before I do the last three parts. I know that you and your party have specific needs and I'd like to find out if this character fulfills them before I put in more time. I think this is fair as I've already put in so much.
Please let me know what you and your group think. I'll be happy to answer any questions and I think this is will fill the needs you are looking for.

Tirion Jörðhár |

As a note for those looking at my character, Morossa has two levels of Monk(Monk of the Sacred Mountain) because it fits with her background. But more importantly, I wanted something that would not result in Evasion being duplicative with the Shadowdancer's Evasion. The only Rogue archetype which has Evasion traded out is the Smuggler, which did not fit with the character I wanted to create. Also, I thought that Oret was a Hungry Ghost, I completely missed that he had grabbed two archetypes.
I do not know if it will make any difference, but I do not intend to take any more monk levels. It would most likely be all Shadowdancer through Shadowdancer/10, then either a few more Ranger or Inquisitor levels, possibly another PrC, although that would be 8 levels in the future, so I have not mapped it out at this point.
Pretty much, she is a sneak, both with her tongue and her body. And this is how I would expect to continue building her. The classes she has are built around her background. She did not attend finishing school, but learn nothing there. She did not go to a monastery and gain no skills. She did not spend her youth as a knight's aid without gaining any weapon skills.
I am sorry if the character is not a straight rogue, but though that the combination I presented fit the bill except for sneak damage, which with the repeated mentions by the players that this character was not supposed to be martial, I figured would be a good thing to drop (especially since one of the requested classes was Ranger.)
Thanks for the consideration.

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That is a fair question.
The opening is pretty specific. I feel there are bound to be folks who'd like to fill that role; heck we have two in our party saying it's their favorite role in any game.
Truth is, you all have interesting backstories. The questions you've asked show you know what you're doing and are open to suggestions. My problem lies with the fact that many of you have created a character that's bound to overlap with one already in the party.
Funny thing is, I tried to set pretty strict requirements to prevent exactly this situation. I sincerely believe they were pretty clear too....so, color me surprised. I'd love to hear if I wasn't clear, and what caused the confusion.
I haven't decided who gets the spot yet; but we have ruled most out. In your position I guess I'd like to know, so the least I can do is end the wait.
I'm waiting for one other guy to get back to me. The spot either goes to him or Cole.

Ashe |

well you asked for a rogue type. The archaeologist does it better. Rogue is a underpowered bad class. So thats why no one built a strait level 8 one. They get only one good save and have no versatility. As a bard I get two good saves. Same BAB, I get Rouge talents. I only have 2 less Skill Points per level, but get to add half my level to Perception, Disable Device, and all Knowledges I have 1 point in. I also get to get rid of Sneak attack way to situational and really bad if wanting to do archery. Not saying it isn't possible but I replace that with spell casting that can buff the party, or debuff the bad guys or in this case good guys, and I get swift action luck bonus that I can add to attack and damage for all my shots. I love playing the sneaky/face/daredevil/spy type as well, but rogue is probably 4th or 5th on the list of being the best at it. Also you wanted a trap finder, good luck if a rouge was submitted b/c it most likely would have given this up b/c every archetype but one or two give up trapfinding.
I'm happy to hear Cole is being considered. I can have him done and ready to go as an alias within and hour or so if selected. Look forward to the decision.

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To be honest, I don't care much about the absolute best combo.
I'd rather have an interesting character try to be best at what they are and take 20 levels of one thing. I believe that sort of ambition is what Asmodeus would like to see from us.
Well, I guess we could discuss this until hell finally comes to Andoran, but we wouldn't get any proper gaming done in the meantime. That'd be a shame.