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![]() "Hah! Get in my way, little ogre, and I’ll show you what a real monster looks like. Now, bring this to your masters." Her fine hand drops a small decorated chest into Grumblejack's outstretched paw.
"And bathe, will you? Your stench is intolerable." *whiff of brimstone* *puff of smoke* ![]()
![]() (at some moment during week 10) *puff of smoke* *whiff of brimstone* The familiar immaculatesque shape of Tiadora cracks her neck left, then right. Looking displeased as always, she spots Grumblejack on the other side of the horn's "front yard".
"PET!" The word pierces the otherwise blissful silence, and her shrill voice does NOT make it any easier. All who hear her feel as if a dagger was just inserted into both their eardrums. ![]()
![]() while Cala is staring out the top floor window, vaguely watching the fireworks but mostly contemplating Elise Zadaria's impending epic fail, a voice speaks out, not 3 feet from her location. "Mesmerizing, isn't it dearie? I do love the smell of sulphur in the evening." The casual, pleasant, but oh-so-obviously-dangerous tone...This can only be Tiadora, the Cardinal's assistant. She must have teleported nearby and silently navigated her way through the horn. Knowing full well she must have startled the pretty elf - even though Cala will probably make every effort not to show it - Tiadora, in mock conspiratory tone continues her snide monologue. "I've been assured that you'd been killed! As you know, we don't assume. So I wanted to have a little look-see for myself." She deftly climbs through the window, sitting down on the window sill, a couple hundred feet above ground floor. Her face turns serious for the first time since you've met her.
Tiadora subtly nods goodbye, and casually leaps off the tower. Of course, she teleports away well before hitting the ground. profession(barrister)/knowledge(planes) DC15: Breaking infernal laws usually invokes some kind of clause, damning your soul to the lemure pit or something similarly vile; but first, the suspected oathbreaker must be arrested and informed of their new status as 'accused' - strict procedure and formalities must be obeyed, of course. The act of bringing the suspect to trial is something left to the plaintiff, the party who stands to lose from a broken contract. In this case, your Cardinal. But usually, that party gives express written permission to a third party, delegating his authority to someone he trusts to do it right. This written 'arrest warrant' if you will, is commonly referred to as a 'Dread Writ'. It is considered great honor and great sport to be allowed to execute such Writ, as usually there is quite some wiggle room as to exactly how the suspect should be delievered.
If memory serves, at least 51% of the suspect must be presented to the plaintiff for the Dread Writ to be executed correctly. If Tiadora is right, this could become quite a rewarding evening... ![]()
![]() Meet Tiadora, Our Cardinal's personal assistant. I think she's actually a devil of some kind, though, working for him for some unspeakable mutually beneficial contract. Hilde Alfborne wrote: I am primarily a role player and make extremely detailed characters. "oh dearest, that just sounds delightful." Hilde Alfborne wrote: May we assume that [...] "Deary, you may assume everything you want. But, usually, those that do, end up making an ass out of u and me." The real reason is simply that we have no stealthy sneaky person in the group. We have lots of fire and lots of violent men, but no subtlety at all.Hilde wrote: a vivisectionist alchemist No - we've already lost two alchemists. And CHA typically is their dump stat, so I don't think the third will be the charm either. ba-dum, tsshhh Hilde wrote: a gunslinger No.. sorry. Hilde wrote: a Ninja reskinned as Hmmmmm No... Hilde wrote: a rogue No. Wait! Yes!!! :) Hilde, about Leadership wrote: Are we required to take that cohort? No. It’s just a way to bring you and the cohort into the game in a way that makes sense. Go ahead and make up your own, just please run it by me first so we don’t break the world. Hilde wrote: My primary concept is a ratfolk assassin hired by the cardinal to kill his rival. I would want his cohort to either be a ratkin rogue/ninja or a rat ogre brute and would not be particularly interested in a human cohort. I’ll admit, that sounds very interesting. A bit ambitious though – the cardinal’s rivals are high in the double-digit levels. I don’t think he’d pick a level 8 assassin, he’d sooner summon a few Handmaidens into their bedroom. Or - maybe you assassinated a rival many years ago, and you're still in his service now; ending up in the 7th knot? That would explain your loyalty to him as well.Hilde wrote: Agatha converted to a ninja. Agatha was made as a lunatic serial killer (CE) but can easily be reinivisioned as a cultist serial killer (LE) I think that could indeed be a very interesting character, but I don’t see a Ninja work very well where we’re going. That class clashes with the infernal theme I’m aiming for; sort of like a weird Japanese cartoon trying to be too many things at once... ![]()
![]() At some time during the last days; after the horn has lit up. Tiadora appears out of thin air (if you can call a puff of sulphurous smoke that....) just a few feet away from where Aerent is inspecting the horn's defenses. Those who recognize her quickly see that she shows no sign of her usual sardonic smile. She's not messing about, and she has a message: Formal Infernal:
"Knight Sephim. I am envoy on behalf of Avernus. Your Patron lord, Duke Furcas, has desired to direct your qualities elsewhere at this time. Obviously, current activities must be discontinued. If you would kindly follow me." While Tiadora lets the significance of this abrupt message sink in, she extends a hand to Aerent, her body language making clear she's simply waiting for the human's lesser mind to come to terms with the new reality; infernal law:
Furcas, the infernal duke of Duty, is the patron lord of our friend Aerent.
Apparently, this majestic being wishes to assign Aerent to a mission - asking him to abandon his current task. Since Furcas clearly outranks our Cardinal, this new mission would rank higher in priority than your current task, assigned to you by a 'mere' Cardinal. In fact, this new task would fall under the highest law of Hell; even your first loyalty of the contract. Aerent has no choice but to leave you and follow Tiadora. And one absolutely does NOT want to leave an Infernal Duke waiting. Aerent quickly considers the implications but realizes he simply must go with the Cardinal's assistant. Looking around, he bids a quick farewell to those present. Resigned to his fate, he takes Tiadora's hand.
![]() With the introduction to the Baron accomplished, Tiadora's mission in Farhold is complete. She reminds you of the small clay tablet given to you by Cardinal Thorn: "Break it when you need to speak with the Master. Be sure not to was his time - He can be most unforgiving about that." "The Seventh Knot is already close at hand. They will arrive tomorrow on a river barge named 'the Lucky Lady'. You should probably meet them and come up with a plan for seeing our Master's will done. But that matters not to me, of course - not my problem. Goodbye dearest."
perception DC 15:
"*whispered to herself* these yokels have less culture than a bowl of yoghurt. *sigh*" And with that, she teleports out of the Baron's mansion, away to her next assignment. A devil's work is never done. ![]()
![]() The baron's picture seems to have dropped out of my earlier post... Tiadora just barely waits for the baron's introduction - had she spoken a hair earlier it would've been rude, but she has mastered impatience to perfection. She introduces you all; Aerent first, mentioning his close relation to Furcas as an honorary title; then Sindran - quickly followed by Talon and Oret who are almost skipped over, since their merit to hell is yet to be proven. Then, frowning for a fraction of an instant as if wondering that four did not seem to be the correct count, she continues (a single breath too late to be considered the same sentence) :
![]() I'd like to move forward to the dinner with Baron Arkov Vandermir - if I've missed a question or character action please point that out to me and we'll work it in. I'll use Oret's knowledge rolls to provide some usefull information and from there it's up to you to make a friend - or an enemy. The next evening, after your business in town is completed or is hacked in retrospectively you meet again with Tiadora near Farhold's bustling docks. She is bedecked brilliantly in all white, looking like a travelling noble on the way to her wedding. She escorts you to the nicest part of town, the gently sloping hill called Calliver's Green. This is a gated community, and she approaches the guard confidently.
![]() Tiadora is waiting for you on the docks, in impeccable white dress with red accents, suiting her perfect form perfectly.
She informs you that she has already contacted Baron Vandermir and arranged for you to have dinner with him tomorrow night.
This gives you some time to investigate Farholde, buy supplies, convert your loot to cash and your cash to gear, and so forth. ![]()
![]() On the twelfth night, Cardinal Adrastus Thorn finally shows himself. He unexpectedly teleports onto the boat, rocking it back and forth, and is already walking straight to Tiadora’s cabin while the spell is still dissapating. Inside, he spends a few moments getting a complete report from his agent. He eventually sends her to summon you, his ninth knot, into the chamber. "The master is here and commands you attend him," Tiadora says grimly. "He’s in the cabin." Sense Motive DC20: did he just give her a reprimand? persumably for causing mayhem along the trip?! She does seems every-so-slightly less haughty, knocked down from her high pedestal...! ![]()
![]() Aware of your frustration, Tiadora rewards the eager villains with tidbits of information.
sense motive DC15:
It is highly likely that she could tell you much more. She's having far too much fun asserting her higher rank in the organisation and seeing you squirm. Where are we headed?:
"We are bound for Farholde, the northernmost colony of Andoran." Why are we headed there?:
"To bring Andoran to its knees. The master will reveal more when he is ready." Are you coming with us?:
"I am tasked to escort you to Farholde and to introduce you to old friends of the master. Once that is done, I have other errands. Why? Will you miss me, dearest?" What are you doing at night? Why are we stopping so close to the villages?: "I am giving the poor souls of Andoran hell. Do you really have a problem with that?" ![]()
![]() Tiadora herself is not idle. Though “The Folly” is adquately provisioned and never docks, every night the barge anchors within sight of a village or keep. Tiadora uses her teleportation powers to visit each coastal settlement to commit unimaginable atrocities to each in turn. She does so in the illusionary form of a Knight of the Alerion, the knightly order of the late Lord Havelynon, Andoran's most sacred defenders. These are not random acts of cruelty (though she does relish them). Tiadora takes the form of a knight and for one night murders and tortures helpless, innocent villagers claiming all the while to be searching for gremlin-like followers of Asmodeus. She kills loved ones, pillars of the communites and those who are obviously incapable of being guilty. She perpetrates these massacres and leaves lots of witnesses. Thus does Cardinal Thorn hope to shake support against the current regime and the Church of Sarenrae in the Borderlands.
![]() After you emerge victoriously from the Butchery of Balentyne, Tiadora guides you over a concealed path, downwards, towards lake Tarik. A ramshackle river barge named “Halstyn’s Folly” is tied to Lake Tarik’s western bank. The captain and three man crew of this shallow-bottomed barge are commoners, all thoroughly under Tiadora’s control. They are certainly no threat.
![]() Eventually, Even the parts of Aldencros that Sindran left intact now burn or lie in ruins. As evening falls, it is time to break the seal and contact the Cardinal, to inform him of the mission's success. Mere moments after you break the seal, the impeccable maiden Tiadora appears, showing her smug smile as always, but this time there's something more in her look - perhaps, respect, even. She bears a gift. "Our lord smiles upon your success. Here is a token of his esteem. Use it to rest, recover, and strengthen yourselves. Other commands will come soon - your Knot is again needed. Your work has just begun." A small but heavy wooden box contains 10lbs of platinum ingots worth the small fortune of 5000gp. From your high viewpoint, you can see the great bugbear horde camped west of the Watch Wall. Balentyne yet burns behind you. Tiadora remarks: "I have seen no evidence of any army gathering to meet the horde. It appears Zadaria has also succeeded at her mission of assassinating the army commanders. Truly, a great achievement." She motions to the east. "Making matters worse for poor Andoran, bands of creatures not aligned with Sakkarot approach the breach you created; eager to take advantage of the erupted chaos. I wonder how these beasts already know about this break in the Wall? Someone must have told them."
"Still, this will not be enough. Balentyne may be broken, but Andoran is yet strong. Soon word will reach the capital. Then, the heartland and the great cities will marshal their armies, and meet the Sakkarot on the field. It will be far too close to a fair fight; we simply must to do something about that." "Come, my lords. Your ship awaits."
"Oh - and do try not to burn this one, mmmh?" ![]()
![]() well...there's nothing of value left in the dungeon, so I'm going to move forward. As you retrace your steps, and leave the cellar, you are met by Tiadora, who awaits you in the hallway. She laughs - a truly inspiring sound, regardless of the sarcasm that drips off her words - as Talon emerges from the basement. "Ah dearest, you look unwell. Well, just be happy the seamen didn't hit your face, hmm?" She seems to be enjoying some inner joke before she continues.
![]() Cardinal Thorn takes a seat at his desk and a moment later Tiadora arrives, right on cue. "Dearest, this way." is all she says. Tiadora leads you from the audience chamber down the central stairwell, to a set of stairs leading. "Below you will find the Nine Lessons." A set of stone stairs leads down, through a hallway, ending at a door. The hallway beyond is lit by a smal oil lantern hanging from the wall. Inscribed upon the archway over the door, in the common tongue is: "Deception is a tool. Self-deception is death. Deceive always thy enemy but never thyself. She leaves you standing there, without any further explanation. ![]()
![]() disguised as old-crone-housekeeper
Rider1 : "Good lady, we are come from Veryston to bring dire news."
Crone : "A prison break?! Those fools. Pah, how do I know you're not the fugitives?! BEGONE from my master's grounds or I will call the hounds at once!" Rider2 : "No such thing is called for, my lady. We are in service to the Greater Good of Sarenrae, our faith true and just. We are here to ensure your safety, as your master's mansion lies closest to the prison." Crone, shaking head in disbelief : "closest, you say? Closest?! Do you halfwits honestly believe that even one of the escaped prisoners would be daft enough to risk the wild creatures of the swamp or the forest to come straight here, when they could've just stolen a horse from a random merchant and run halfway to Ghastenhall before the day's end? tsk, tsk, tsk. " Rider1 : "We have orders to search all cellars, sheds and attics for possible hiding escapees. You will" Crone : "I WILL Nothing! You cannot help us - you can't even help yourself. We're done talking." and she briskly turns away, leaving two dazzled riders outside the gate. As the Crone passes to the back of the house, Tiadora changes her appearance back to her gorgeous self, this time draped in a simple yet disturbingly tight-fitting linen gown. As she peeks around the corner, watching the riders shake their heads and depart once more, she grumbles in a foul mood : "We should put up a sign, "Sarenrae knows what you did last night". That ought to keep those halfwits out." ![]()
![]() Caladwhen wrote: "it's not like I'm frittering away my time changing into all manners of skimpy outfits to titillate human masters. Though I suppose if my youth was fading as quickly as a humans, I'd be tempted to enjoy such vanities whilst they lasted." Tiadora puts her hand over her mouth, almost hiding a contemptuous smile, "oh dearie, you're an absolute delight! I'm in conflict as to which of your assumptions*) is the most amusing one to dispute... *sigh* I'm so glad you joined!"The latter being a compliment to your intellect, no matter how Tiadora made it sound, since this is evidence that none of the other residents of the manor pose an intellecutal challange to the beautiful creature. *) a little side note about the infernal language may be required here.
![]() "Transportation will be arranged for you." you don't need to bother about horses, boats, carts, and whatnot. Currently, you all own at least 462 gold; on top of that goes 1/5th of any loot you want to sell. So the question remains : "Would you like me to arrange appropriate compensation for the items stored in your rooms?" ![]()
![]() Tiadora, wearing a dark red velvet robe, walks into the library, where Caladwhen is fanatically scribing scrolls. "Cala, dear, a tip; you'll be travelling for a while for your first mission, that should leave plenty of time for scribing. You wouldn't want to overexert your pretty little head now would you? Wouldn't you rather focus on filling that rather feeble spellbook of yours, hmm?" ![]()
![]() ---{ Act II - into the knot }--- Arryn recovers after receiving care from a skilled medic. She rests for a while and enjoys the comforts of her room but soon she's eager to see how you are doing. (Sindran, Arryn, feel free to fill in any specific wishes and actions later, we'll work them in.) As you assemble in the hall of the mansion, time passes. But at last Tiadora appears, wearing yet another dress; this one is a slight green, a perfect match to her eyes, and even more revealing than those before;certainly revealing more than Caladwhen ever could even if she tried. She presents one of her chillingly beautiful smiles, and pleasantly tells you to "come, my dears, follow me." She leads you to a beautifully appointed office richly decorated with dark wood and sumptuous brocade tapestry. Sitting in a leather high-backed chair is a devilishly handsome fellow who smiles as you enter. ![]()
![]() assuming you don't linger at the edge of the forest, At the door of the manor house, you are met by Tiadora. The only difference is her dress. She no longer looks like she is destined for a funeral. Instead she wears a diaphanous white gown that makes her look almost angelic.
"Dearest. Took you long enough." she scowls pitilessly. "We were beginning to wonder if you’d even make it. Oh, and you brought your friends. The master commands all of you to appear before him but before that, you must be made presentable." She claps her hands and yells sharply. "Slaves!" A dozen young, fit and attractive men and women all wearing very traditional servant’s livery appear quickly, their heads bowed. "These people are our guests," she commands imperiously. "See them to their rooms. I want them cleaned, dressed and refreshed. Quick..ly." There is something in that last word that sounds like a threat. Certainly, the slaves take it that way, hustling to perform their duties. "You, and you!" she calls out, pointing at two slaves, "You will clean up the girl, and see to her injuries. And you shall bring the Ogre to the nest.". She smiles at Grumblejack:"Jack, this humong has food and mud for you." |