Way of the Wicked - The fall of Andoran, Chapter II (Inactive)

Game Master increddibelly

After emerging victoriously from the Butchery of Balentyne, the villains travel to Farholde, for their second mission.

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Male Human HP 52/52 | AC: 21 /T: 16 /FF: 15 | Perc. +16 | F: +5 / R: +13 /W: +8 | CMB +11 | CMD +27 | Speed 30 | Init. +6

I have a handy haversack, and my bracers give a +3 competence bonus to perdception. I would like to magic up my bow and armor in the future. Bow is first priority, armor doesn't matter much unless I get jumped like I just did :)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Wand of Speak with Animals [CL 1] - 750 GP
Wand of Mage Armor [CL 1] - 750 GP
Scroll of Speak with Plants [CL 2] x2 - 200 GP each

Upgrade Sindran's Headband of Alluring Charisma from (+2) to (+4) // Cost (craft): 6,000 GP

Sindran has spent 7900, that's over a week's work at roughly 1k / day

Cole, I've taken off 6k for a +1 => +2 upgrade of your masterwork bow - that okay?
that's a week of work, according to the ~1k / day rule.

Cala/Talon; please be more specific, I can't deduct the cost for 'some stable AC boosters' off the total party cash ;)
I've given the both of you a handy haversack for another 2x1000 gold spent.

we're around 30k now. give or take a few k, but who's counting with such a massive pile. Heck, even dragons would be jealous...

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Ring of protection, amulet of natural armor. Probably just a +1 on each, but I would never complain about larger bonuses.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Be a little ambitious, Talon! There is 30k to spend !

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Well I didn't want to take too much from the pot since I already took 16k with my armor. Well here's a wishlist that should keep Talon set for a while.

Talon's Wishlist:

Amulet of Natural Armor
Ring of Protection
Cloak of Resistance
Headband of Vast Intelligence
Belt of Giant's Strength/Belt of Physical Might (Str/Con)
Spell Storing Armor

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Stating again that Sindran took the following from the loot of the 7th:

Potion of Gaseous Form
Cloak of Resistance (+3)

Talon, there's an Amulet of Natural Armor (+2) included in the 7th's loot. You might want it.

There are also 4 potions of moderate wounds, which is again useful.

Male Human HP 52/52 | AC: 21 /T: 16 /FF: 15 | Perc. +16 | F: +5 / R: +13 /W: +8 | CMB +11 | CMD +27 | Speed 30 | Init. +6

Bow was a +1 already. Should be 3K to go to +2 or 7K to go to +3 If someone is magicing it up for me.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

yeah my maths were broken, Cole. I will fix.
I recommend a maximum of +2 weapons in general, for now, or else I might get tempted to find something that can sunder them just to make you weep.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Sindran Eithe wrote:

Talon, there's an Amulet of Natural Armor (+2) included in the 7th's loot. You might want it.

This. Anything serving Asmodeus would see that this would be a sensible decision. Once Talon comes in, everything cowers; if he's more confident about coming in, more will cower.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Hey, sorry for the long absence... I was away for the long weekend. In any event, since Caladwhen is only going to bother with the Wand and that weird idol of Elise, she'll craft the rest of her new gear.

For herself, I'd like to craft a few Metamagic rods:

Empower Rod, Lesser - 4.5K
Reach Rod - 5.5K

Originally I had thought a Pearl of Power for 4th level (8K), but it occurred to me that for 2K more, I could just upgrade Caladwhen's Vast Intelligence Headband to +6, and get a bonus 4th spell from a higher ability score and increase her spellcasting efficacy at the sametime. The cost to do that would be an additional 10K.

If that's too rich for our blood, I'd round out her gear with some scrolls, and possibly the Voidfrost robes, which would be more for effect than anything (icy robes for Cala vs. firey robes for Sindran)

What is our individual budget? I ask only that aside from her Headband of Intelligence +4 and now the Vampiric Touch Wand, Caladwhen has almost nothing in the way of gear... so I was hopping she could have a decent cut of the proceeds to get her there.

I'll post IC later today, but you guys are kinda on your own mission without her right now, so no rush on that.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Caladwhen wrote:

I'd like to craft a few Metamagic rods:

Empower Rod, Lesser - 4.5K
Reach Rod - 5.5K

I could just upgrade Caladwhen's Vast Intelligence Headband to +6, [...]The cost to do that would be an additional 10K.

That would take 20 days of work. a bit much for right *now* but certainly feasible, since you have about 20 more weeks to go until the end of the ritual.

Caladwhen wrote:
What is our individual budget?

that's entirely your problem.

Contractually, The Third Loyalty binds you to share equally (per aeque pensus, of equal weight.) Most interpretations of such a clause use the weight-as-in-pounds where treasure is reduced to its value in grams of gold, but there are cases where the term is interpreted as weight-as-in-weighed-average, where those who were most instrumental in obtaining said Rewards gain the most of it.
Oh, Infernal laws - I could blather on about them all evening. Absolutely delightful stuff.

While the loot pile is still a pile, I couldn't care less who spends it. Any consequences of your choices are yours to deal with. However, when the money is gone, you're not spending another dime until you can explain who you took it from. ^_^

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Talon Dalkar wrote:
We need to pick up the pace then.

You need to complete a ritual. Other than that I don't mind how Talon spends his days. I'll do my best to get you in trouble, though :)

I can't read faces through the internetz so I'll just ask: if you prefer, of course we can skip the impending good night's sleep and fast forward to the tiger? It all depends on how much fun these lizardmen are bringing us. If you'd prefer to move on, just let me know. Never a problem.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Oh my apologies, I should have been clearer. That was in response to you informing us that Cala was chronologically ahead of us. We meant the tiger hunting group, and I don't want to skip anything, I'm just encouraging my fellow players to post and move things along!

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

you were clear enough Talon ;) there's just not a whole lot for everyone to do, I'd like to prevent people getting bored.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

It's been long overdue, but I've finally done it. What you may ask? Hehehe...

Well I got into this game and created Talon back when I was a Paizo board newbie and Talon's sheet was adequate at best. I've nearly updated his sheet to the much more detailed and organized one that I use now, but I need some help with gear (since I wasn't tracking it for some reason).

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

We need to find you a cool picture... actually, I might have a few for everybody, gonna post them later this evening while you guys are dealing with Old One Eye.

Male Human HP 52/52 | AC: 21 /T: 16 /FF: 15 | Perc. +16 | F: +5 / R: +13 /W: +8 | CMB +11 | CMD +27 | Speed 30 | Init. +6

This is what I had in mind for Cole

Artic Camo

I think of him as haveing different overcoats for whatever type of mission he is on to blend in better. Like now the coat would be green with some browns in it for forested area.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Nice, great art from a great game Cole.

Well, here is some art I assembled because (a) I'm bored (b) Cala is not at the current scene and (c) can't sleep...

Very similar to how I always perceived Caladwhen

Perhaps a good reference for Sindran? Shaman/Oracle like Orc who looks pretty scary.

Finding art for Talon is problematic due to the fact there is pretty much no decent concepts for Pathfinder Strix. That being said, Asmodians from the game Aion (which I played once upon a time) make a pretty good stand-in, albeit more human looking than Strix would appear. Here is one I thought might make a good Talon, replete with black wings, a wicked blade and an absolutely evil looking character... though his armor maybe over the top for our level.

Possible Talon

Keep in-mind this is similar to the kind of mental images I always had, but may not have any baring on how you perceive your character.

The Exchange

Black blade 7

I don't know who that winged bloke is but that is DEFINITELY ME in that picture!

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

wow, great find Cala :)
Also, feel free to follow up on your side of the story; the patrols have all returned unmolested. Perhaps you told them to look for something that I'm not (yet) aware of...?

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Sorry, I must have misintepreted the fact that Caladwhen is a day ahead in events as simmer a moment lol

Yeah, I thought those were pretty good finds too.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

That is a pretty good reference for Sindran. Not exactly his build and his mouth wouldn't be covered, but there's definitely some hoodoo going on there.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Just letting everyone know that I'll be away until Tuesday night, so feel free to BOT Cala until then.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Hey all, back. I'll post in detail tomorrow.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

BTW, you're now officially the only white witch in the Caer Bryr ;) the other one passed away.

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Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

In Caladwhen's mind... she was always the only white witch in the Caer Bryr, the others were just incidental pretenders ;)

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Just want to let everyone know that I'll be away until Saturday; we're getting our last licks in at the cottage before the summer ends and school starts up.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

FYI, here is one eye's girlfriend, about to deliver pups. Any day now.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Ya the will save vs the black blade isn't terribly hard at this level. At higher levels it gets more dangerous, doubly so because of a magi's damage potential at that point.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

New magus arcana and teleport blade. Hmm, maximize arcana maybe?

Male Human HP 52/52 | AC: 21 /T: 16 /FF: 15 | Perc. +16 | F: +5 / R: +13 /W: +8 | CMB +11 | CMD +27 | Speed 30 | Init. +6

So meta magic on crafting is a gray area that is up to you as the GM. The rules for crafting being a guidline and all. It works just like if using if for the a spell. So lets look at magic missle. You could do a maximized version at CL 9 for all 5 missles for 25 damage a charge and the formula would look like making a 3rd level wand as the metamagic takes it from a level 1 to 3 spell. I guess this only effects wands and staves or items that cast spells so many times a day.

Working on leveling. Think I'm taking the Anti-Paladin level.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Ooo, creating metamagic items would be fantastic for Caladwhen. She is going to be taking meta-magic feats at level 9 and 10, and pretty much from here on out, so this will help greatly.

Speaking of meta-magic, I'd still like to hear from you guys about the fund allocations I initially discussed and to which IB responded here. Ultimately, if it's too much, I'll just go with the rods and perhaps the Voidfrost robes (which are fairly cheap and more for flavor than effect)... I only bring this up because aside from her Headband of Intelligence, Caladwhen is relatively item poor and derives all of her effectiveness from Intelligence (though she has a wand of Vampiric Touch now I think, or does somebody else want it?)

I'm cool either way though.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14
Cole Adams wrote:
Working on leveling. Think I'm taking the Anti-Paladin level.

That'd be cool actually... we lost our Anti-Paladin when Aerent left, and it seems almost all Way of the Wicked adventuring parties have at least one lol

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Folks, could you please oblige Caladwhen and answer her question? There is a lot of cash available still, so I am not a party in the discussion.
Or, does your silence imply agreement? :)

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

I'm cool with your purchases.

Oh, and don't forget Cloak of Resistances +3 for everyone!

Male Human HP 52/52 | AC: 21 /T: 16 /FF: 15 | Perc. +16 | F: +5 / R: +13 /W: +8 | CMB +11 | CMD +27 | Speed 30 | Init. +6

I got to enter with some wealth so besides upgrading my bow I don't feel entitled to much of what you already have so didn't want to give an opinion, our groups have always worked to get what all the players want so if Cala needs stuff go for it :)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

4,5k and 5,5k for Cala's rods, and another 10k for Cala's headband,
that is 20k off party loot.

Sindran Eithe wrote:
Cloak of Resistances +3 for everyone!

Great idea! I'll be happy to deduct 2 x 9000gp and 2x8000gp from your combined wealth (cole and cala both have a +1 cloak which can be upgraded for a 1k discount on the 9k cost.)

that would be 34k, and it would make the total gold spent in one single forum post 54.000gp. But alas, since you don't have that kind of cash, I won't be able to claim that record.
I guess you'd prefer to delay the cloaks for now?
Or would you like to tell your minions to rob Farholde?

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Sindran already has said cloak, taken from the 7th. That's one less cost to worry about.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Sindran Level 9:

HP: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 ...Yeah.
Favored Class Bonus: Bonus Spell
Fort +1
Ref +1

3rd Level Spells +1
4th Level Spells +1

Feat: Divine Protection (this gives me crazy saving throws)

Spells gained: Enthrall (2nd), Vision of Hell (3rd), Restoration (4th)
Favoured Class Bonus Spell: Bestow Curse (3rd)

Language Learned: Signs of the 9th Knot, Read Lips

Skill Ranks: 7+2
Heal +1
Linguistics +2
Knowledge (religion) +4
Perception +1
Sense Motive +1

I've also invested in a linguistics rank for a secret 9th Knot sign language and also one for reading lips if that's okay.

Also, does this mean Grumblejack levels? He should learn the sign language too.

Organization of Fire

Leadership for Heitr is now 17 = 9 (character level) + 8 (charisma modifier).

That gives me a whopping 4 actions per week.

Which reminds me to remind you about that thing with Zikomo and his juice.

So that's one action to spend on helping those lizardmen, another action to gather and prepare Zikomo's juice, one action to abduct peasants for assorted rituals and experiments (may Caladwhen never run out of skeletons), and one remaining action for anything else we might want.

Which in this case may be liberating money.

Need to pay for Handy Haversacks!

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

reading lips! fun! useful...! reroll HP, or take 1. 0 is not an option.
Also, thanks for the reminder :)

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

So, I'm making a substitution for the lesser empower rod for the standard extend metamagic rod... reason being is that Caladwhen will be taking the Suffocation as her necromancy 5th spell. This spell is normally kinda meh, but with twice the duration and a high Fort DC save of 24 or higher for Caladwhen, it'll be a reliable autokill spell. More importantly though, Caladwhen will be able to use the classic line

"I find you lack of faith disturbing Admiral..."

Oh, I can't bloody well wait to do that!

In any event, her is Caladwhen's level up:

Hit Points: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Fort +1
Reflex +1

2nd Level Spells +1
5th Level Spells +1

Feat: Quicken Spell

Diplomacy +1
Fly +2
Kn. Arcana +1
Kn. Planes +1
Profession Barrister +1
Linguistics +1 (9th Knot Sign)
Perception +1
Spellcraft +1

Spells: Suffocation, Teleport and Feeblemind

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Quick question IB, do our cohorts also level when we do? Also, I'm thinking I think I'm going to take Summon Monster V instead of Feeblemind. At this point, you start to get some pretty good summons, like evil outsiders and the whatnot.

One final question IB... are we able to utilize the retraining rules? If so, I think I'd like to swap out Skeletal Summoning for something more effective.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

I'll take that reroll.

HP: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Praise be.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

My next feat slot will be taken by Divine Interference but I'm posting this anyway since Caladwhen might be interested in it.

Sacred Geometry is an interesting feat because it requires you, the player, to actively perform mathematical operations for it in exchange for a good chance of two metamagic feats on a spell of your choice for free.

It's weird because this is one of the few instances where the player takes an active role in determining how it works out. And also because in a tabletop game it would horribly delay encounters as the guy with this feat furiously performs math while everyone else glares at him to hurry up. So basically every tabletop game ever with a player being glared at instead of the GM.

This might not seem broken, but someone did the math, and when you have 12 ranks of Knowledge (engineering), the chance of coming out with a valid solution is 100% for every spell level. Even better if you have a program that does the math for you.

Pretty much on par with the Divine Protection feat I took that gives me broken saving throws.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

That. Feat. Is. Fantastic.

Male Human HP 52/52 | AC: 21 /T: 16 /FF: 15 | Perc. +16 | F: +5 / R: +13 /W: +8 | CMB +11 | CMD +27 | Speed 30 | Init. +6

Cole level up in Anti-Paladin

BAB +1
Fort +2
Will +2

HP=1d10 ⇒ 9

Profession Soldier +1
Linguistics +1 (Hand Signs, and Draconic)

Thinking about Feat still. Either leadership or Manyshot. I think manyshot unless we need another cohort or group at the moment. What do you guys think?

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14
Talon Dalkar wrote:
That. Feat. Is. Fantastic.

Wow, I'll say. Thank for finding that one Sindran! While I think in a table top scenario, this feat would drive the GM nuts, in a PbP scenario, it it crazy awesome.

This feat will get exponentially more powerful the higher level you get. The big draw back is the casting time, but with the quicken feat I just took, in a few levels I'll be able to do something like this:

Using Caladwhen's Reach Rod, she could fire off a highly powered ranged touch attack doing the following starting at level 11:

I. 6th Level Spell Slot - Quickened (+4 SL) & Intensified Shocking Grasp (+1 SL)
II. Apply sacred geometry, then Maximize (+3 SL) and Empower (+2 SL)

So in this instance, she would deliver a 10d6 jolt via ranged touch attack that inflicts a guaranteed 90 points of damage, no save. Ouch. That's Talon level damage right there. The feat is definitely better when you can apply quicken readily to keep the casting time to a standard action though. Just for fun, I'd probably research a Freezing Grasp version of the spell, which better suits Caladwhen.

The possibilities for pumping up lower level spells with this feat are endless now that I think of it... so yeah, I think at level 10, Caladwhen might want to take the feat plus 10 ranks in Engineering.

Edit: Oh oh..! Doing the same thing as above at level 13 using Vampiric Touch,

Reach rod - Quickened Vampiric Touch, apply sacred geometry and maximize and reach again for a medium range touch attack that does 42 points of damage, no save and transfers those HP to Caladwhen. Damn, I could do this all day!

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Oh dear gods

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14
Cole Adams wrote:
Thinking about Feat still. Either leadership or Manyshot. I think manyshot unless we need another cohort or group at the moment. What do you guys think?

Hmmm, ultimately it's what you want to do Cole. That being said, our cohorts consist of somebody relatively bulky and mean (Grumblejack) and an evil cleric capable of many buffs, so I don't think we're hurting in keeping our bases covered. I'd probably say go with Many Shot.

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