Telandia Edasseril

Náriel Lauric's page

22 posts. Alias of Calinthas Aldimay.

Full Name

Náriel Lauric




Wizard (Conjuror)








Neutral Good



Homepage URL

Character Sheet

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 13
Charisma 14

About Náriel Lauric

Náriel Lauric
Female Neutral Good Elf Wizard (Abjurer), Level 1, Init +2, HP 7/7, Speed 30
AC 12, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10, Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger 0 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6, x2)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 14
Condition None
Traits Influence, Focused Mind
Feats Improved Initiative
Class Abilities Scribe Scroll

Nariel is tall, slender and delicate appearing, possessing long blond hair and pale skin. She is quite beautiful and graceful, and takes great care in her appearance. Her eyes are a light green color, bordering on gray. She appears at all times to be calm and reserved, and her movements are always fluid and deliberate.

Nariel wears tasteful but luxurious flowing gowns in court, opting for colors of blue and green to augment her blond hair. She typically adorns herself with tasteful and conservative jewelry, favoring silver and emeralds above all else. Whist adventuring, Nariel opts instead for more rugged clothing, including thigh high boots of soft black leather, form fitting breeches of light grey, a pale green embroidered leather jerkin, a practical but attractive black jacket, black leather gloves and a warm charcoal hooded cloak with modest black fur fringes. When not in the company of friends or in public, Nariel always wears her hood drawn up to hide her face as much as possible.

Physical Traits
Height: 5'10
Weight: 106 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Light Green

Reference Image

First impressions of Nariel can be somewhat cool, though the reality is that Nariel is simply cautious with people she has never met. Friends would describe her quite affable, but perhaps a little bookish. Nariel is nevertheless quite outgoing and charismatic, owning a quick wit but a gentle sense of humor.

Most likely though, people would simply agree that Nariel is woman possessing an exceptional mind. Ever since a young age, Nariel showed signs of great intelligence, mastering many languages and showing an affinity for all her studies.

Personality Traits

Personality Flaws

Nariel was born in the rolling fields and forests of Kyonin some one hundred and thirty years ago to her parents Seldon and Tessara Lauric, both Wizards of great talent and repute. From an early age, Nariel showed promise and was clearly quite brilliant, even by Elven standards. She also demonstrated great ability for the Arcane arts, and thus her parents began her training at a young age.

When she came of a certain age, her parents deemed that Nariel should see the world as they had when they were younger. Realizing her talent for languages and diplomacy, the Laurics sent their daughter to serve in the Court of Baron Lebeda as an adviser. The Laurics had a long standing relationship with the Lebeda family as business partners and allies, and knew that their daughter would gain great experience by participating in the rough and tumble politics of Brevoy.

Arriving at Silverhall, Nariel immediately took a liking to the busy machinations of Brevoy Court life. As a courtier, she handled herself aptly, as though she had been doing it for years. Nariel also proved useful to the Lebeda family, as she spoke multiple languages, providing quick and accurate translations for foreign traders and dignitaries visiting court. When the Baron passed, the business of governance fell to Dame Sarrona Lebeda who was charged Regent until the Baron's eldest son Lander came of age to rule. Dame Sarrona found Nariel a most useful and delightful presence in court, and grew to value her counsel.

When news of trouble in the outskirts of Brevoy came to her attention, Sarrona decided it best to send Nariel, and charged her with investigating on behalf of the Lebeda.