Hoga the half orc |
M Half Orc Bloodrager 6 / Init +3; Perc +10 / AC 22(26), 11, 20 / hp 31/(76) / F+9, R+5, W+7

Hoga begins to sing, I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!
With that, he tears his shirt off and spins it wildly around over his head, thrusting his hips suggestively at the hostess, and smiles with his big teeth showing.

Patch Cullen |
male undine swashbuckler rogue/aquatic sorceror 1/1

Hoga the half orc wrote:
Hoga begins to sing, I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!
With that, he tears his shirt off and spins it wildly around over his head, thrusting his hips suggestively at the hostess, and smiles with his big teeth showing.
ROFLMAO! Now THERE'S a scene that ought to be animated and posted on the board.