DM WaterSprite |


Nimwi |

Nimwi, I was just reminded that you can get a familiar this level. (The monkey comment makes more sense now. :)
What kind of critter were you thinking of?
I can choose between monkey and parrot. Does the monkey comment make even more sense now?

Deron |

Concerning the bleeding out "metagaming": There are only three active characters at the moment. One of them has been trying to stabilize Nimwi every round since the fight ended. Another tried once, realized he had no reasonable chance to help, and moved on. And the other already knew he had no chance to help (and said so) and moved on. As far as the characters are aware, given we have no magical healing and zero Heal skill or Wisdom bonus amongst us, Nimwi has a better chance of stabilizing on his own than we have of helping him. As far as I can tell, everyone's actions have been appropriate to the situation.
And yes, people will read behind the spoilers. I'm actually unclear why anyone thinks people won't on a messageboard. Partly because people tend to put things behind spoilers that actually shouldn't be there. In this case, it should actually be obvious when someone stabilizes. You no longer need to do a Heal check to figure that out.

![]() |

And yes, people will read behind the spoilers. I'm actually unclear why anyone thinks people won't on a messageboard. Partly because people tend to put things behind spoilers that actually shouldn't be there. In this case, it should actually be obvious when someone stabilizes. You no longer need to do a Heal check to figure that out.
I play in several games on these boards where spoilers are used extensively. My fellow players in those games do not read other people's spoilers. It is a matter of respect and trust. We like to keep up the suspense. Besides, not having knowledge of another character's actions leaves open the opportunity for expanded role play between party members when one character shares what they know with other characters.
Let's drop the niceties and call it what it is; cheating. I think people do not read spoilers because they do not like to cheat, themselves or others, of a good time. As for what is placed behind a spoiler, it is at the DM discretion to decide if it is appropriate or if it should be shared with others. It is not up to the individual players to decide what they, and their character, should know.
I don't like to cheat. It ruins the fun for me. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. You cheating ruins the fun for me, too. As it is my fun that is ruined while your fun is apparently intact, I will bow out.
DM WaterSprite, thank you for the opportunity to play in your imagination. I think you are doing a great job. I wish you much success with your campaign. To all the rest, have fun!

Patch Cullen |

Whoa, I guess I'm late to this party. That'll teach me not to read the OOC thread regularly.
FWIW, I haven't been reading the spoilers. I just thought Patch had one chance to heal Nimwi and blew it (also why I asked about taking 10 or 20, which was never really answered). Also, Patch isn't too fond of Nimwi after his supposed "insult."
I think quitting the game over people who might be reading the spoilers is a bit of an overreaction, but okay, if it wrecks your fun that much... It was fun gaming with you.
Now to level up. Woohoo!

DM WaterSprite |

First, Hoga, if you missed it you are second level now. You may either roll for hp or take the average of your hit die plus one.
Second, since this is my first time gm'ing a play by post game I'm a little unsure the proper procedure for dealing with character that quits. I am thinking doing a script rewrite and having the arrow and the fall kill Nimwi. Everyone may have still attempted a heal check and Daniel may have still attempted to heal him. It would all just been to no avail. Does this sound reasonable to everyone?
Also, I am fine with continueing on with five players now since at least one of you is actually a healer. :)

Patch Cullen |

Second, since this is my first time gm'ing a play by post game I'm a little unsure the proper procedure for dealing with character that quits. I am thinking doing a script rewrite and having the arrow and the fall kill Nimwi. Everyone may have still attempted a heal check and Daniel may have still attempted to heal him. It would all just been to no avail. Does this sound reasonable to everyone?
Sounds reasonable to me. I too think you're doing a great job. :)

Deron |

Someone should really take over handling loot distribution before it starts taking a week every time we find something. I assume Hoga, the non-talking Sylph and the goblin aren't going to, so that leaves Patch. We can still discuss the details of who gets what, but I'd suggest some handle the big stuff so we don't take fifteen posts just to hand out a couple of potions.
And once we get used to Daniel, he might be able to take over if he wants to.

Patch Cullen |

I'd be willing to help with that once I'm established with the group.
That's a deal. I'll try and keep a list updated either here or on my character page, depending on if DMWaterSprite doesn't want me clogging up this thread with updates. DM, will we have a chance to sell some of the stuff we got off the pirates and sahuagin?
Also, around the middle of next week I'll be heading into an area with spotty internet coverage, so I might not be able to post for two or three days. I hope not, but just in case, I wanted to warn you.

Patch Cullen |

You are at a port for pirates and smugglers. You can pretty much buy and/or sell anything that you want.
OK, I wasn't sure if we'd be given the time to.
Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
MW trident
bone trident
2 nets
gold armband, about 3 inches wide and set with mother-of-pearl and aquamarines in a swirling pattern
rapier with bejeweled hilt
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
pouch of gold pieces bearing the marks of Cheliax, signet ring and locket w girl's portrait (Opposite the girls portrait in the locket is a drawing of a family's emblem that matches the signet ring that is in the pouch)

Patch Cullen |

OK, it looks like I'll be gone from around noon tomorrow until Friday, unless I can get a signal out in the boonies. Patch will help out in whatever capacity he can 'til then, and use the signet ring and bejeweled rapier as part of their disguises (unless anyone thinks that's a bad idea). Let's sell some stuff for bribe cash, too.

Patch Cullen |

Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
MW trident
bone trident
2 nets
gold armband, about 3 inches wide and set with mother-of-pearl and aquamarines in a swirling pattern
rapier with bejeweled hilt
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
7 cutlasses
several daggers
3 lanterns
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
pouch of 400 gold pieces bearing the marks of Cheliax, signet ring and locket w girl's portrait (Opposite the girls portrait in the locket is a drawing of a family's emblem that matches the signet ring that is in the pouch)

Patch Cullen |

Man, my reason for not posting tomorrow sounds lame now! "Crocodile fossils" beats "having company over" by so many orders of magnitude that it's sad.
But anyway, I probably won't post much tomorrow due to said company. Nyah. :P
Patch is all for tossing the slavers overboard anyway.

Patch Cullen |

Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
MW trident
bone trident
2 nets
gold armband, about 3 inches wide and set with mother-of-pearl and aquamarines in a swirling pattern
rapier with bejeweled hilt
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
7 cutlasses
several daggers
3 lanterns
a pile of assorted cutlasses, daggers, knifes and random assortment of earrings, rings and a necklace
disguises for everyone
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
pouch of 400 gold pieces bearing the marks of Cheliax, signet ring and locket w girl's portrait (Opposite the girls portrait in the locket is a drawing of a family's emblem that matches the signet ring that is in the pouch)

Patch Cullen |

I'll probably be unable to post this coming Friday, at least until pretty late in the evening.
Also, I might as well update the loot list:
Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
MW trident
bone trident
2 nets
gold armband, about 3 inches wide and set with mother-of-pearl and aquamarines in a swirling pattern
rapier with bejeweled hilt
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
7 cutlasses
several daggers
3 lanterns
a pile of assorted cutlasses, daggers, knifes and random assortment of earrings, rings and a necklace
disguises for everyone
a masterwork dagger
ring of feather fall
ring of minor energy resistance (fire)
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
pouch of 400 gold pieces bearing the marks of Cheliax, signet ring and locket w girl's portrait (Opposite the girls portrait in the locket is a drawing of a family's emblem that matches the signet ring that is in the pouch)
masterwork cutlass

Patch Cullen |

Haha, I should be so good at math! I know one I play with IRL and he's always mocking my lousy math skills. :P
After the slavers are gone we all get healed, right?
Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
MW trident
bone trident
2 nets
gold armband, about 3 inches wide and set with mother-of-pearl and aquamarines in a swirling pattern
rapier with bejeweled hilt
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
7 cutlasses
several daggers
3 lanterns
a pile of assorted cutlasses, daggers, knifes and random assortment of earrings, rings and a necklace
disguises for everyone
a masterwork dagger
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
ring of feather fall
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
ring of minor energy resistance (fire)
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
pouch of 400 gold pieces bearing the marks of Cheliax, signet ring and locket w girl's portrait (Opposite the girls portrait in the locket is a drawing of a family's emblem that matches the signet ring that is in the pouch)
masterwork cutlass

Patch Cullen |

Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
1049gp (incl. 400 gold pieces bearing the marks of Cheliax)
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
ring of feather fall
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
ring of minor energy resistance (fire)
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
masterwork cutlass

Deron |

I suggest splitting gold evenly and splitting useful loot separately (and just trying to keep it relatively even). But I'm open to a more strict loot distribution if people want.
You can probably just track who took what in gp terms if you want to save room. And I'd completely ignore potions, as those are never worth selling and will probably just be given to whoever will need them.

Patch Cullen |

Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
ring of feather fall
mwk. thieves' tools
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
ring of minor energy resistance (fire)
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
masterwork cutlass

Lunthawg |

Yes, and including the Chelish gold we got on the wreck, minus the 100 Hoga used to get some thieves' tools.
Gotcha. In the future we should probably split gold first and then let anyone make whatever purchases they want from their personal share rather than purchases first and then splitting.

Patch Cullen |

Here's the list of loot so far - let me know if I forgot anything.
A battered log
Various flags
A cask of ale
slave pen keyring
ring, protection +1
ring - water walking
necklace - necklace of fireballs , it has 3 golden balls left on it. 2 small (3d6) and one big (5d6)
potion of cat's grace
potion of feather fall
potion of CLW
potion of bull's strength
potion of enlarge person
potion of bull's strength
potion of CLW
ring of feather fall
mwk. thieves' tools
potion of spider climb
potion of invisibility
ring of minor energy resistance (fire)
potion of feather fall
potion of cat's grace
potion of CLW
masterwork cutlass