The Lost Voice |

The selection for the trip to Absalom Station was not a surprise to you. You had put in the work to ensure that you were at the top of the selection criteria, and the notification was one that stood as validation for everything you had done leading up to it. As the date got closer details were imparted, the type of ship, the others that would be traveling with you under the same program, but also a couple other addendum that you were not quite expecting. Your point of contact was someone named Taeron, a recent graduate from the Imagemaker section of an associated school.
Their first contact with you was a message of greeting, and a link to an InfoDot, stating that they were eager to start working with you. The ship that you would be traveling on was a specialized Ringworks Transport named "Excelsior", and the diagram indicated a full creation bay, as well as a Holographic Amusement center, and luxurious accommodations for everyone aboard. While the ship was Drift-capable, it appeared that things were being set up to coincide with your arrival. A shared itinerary indicated that there were some minor interviews scheduled and yet-to-be scheduled, as well as some personal communications from other graduates from the Academy, extending feelers for what you might find favorable.
It seemed that there were some interested parties already curious about the next to arrive from the Star Academy.

Pertinax Islaran |

Pertinax worried as he repacked his things. It would be the first time he'd been back to the Pact Worlds System since he'd been...well, not *exiled* exactly. Not technically. But certainly encouraged to *go away*, and he wasn't sure what reception would be like. Certainly, Absalom was not Eox, but if there were Bone Sages on the station... Shaking his head to clear it of such worries, he made a mental note to visit the Cathedral of Pharasma when he had the time. His faith's houses of worship were often grand and architecturally impressive, but more important to him was that they were places of calm and soothing. He never felt more at peace than when on the Lady of Graves' holy ground.

Dirk Gently. |

Patiently waiting in a formal line to board the Excelsior, the grinning Dirindi takes out his data pad to rewatch the correspondence from his Contact, Taeron, a recent graduate from the Imagemaker section of an associated school, at Absolam Station.
The grinning Dirindi then proceeds to do his do diligence on his Contact. He Googles him!
Computers (Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Whistling while he works, the grinning Dirindi walks forward his allotted 3 steps.....

The Lost Voice |

The modular nature of the Ringworks models lends itself to ease of customization, and the bays themselves are quite easy to adjust to individual tastes. To practiced eyes, the recent retrofit seems to have done a couple of things with the bays, and the paint job is quite recent, the emblems of the academy near the nose and wings not having as much wear as others that have been flying for a while, due to the wear and tear of atmosphere entry and exit.
The spaceport is busier than usual, with the numerous schools in the region seeing a batches of graduates off to their next places, and the sounds of ships lifting off are regular, if orderly. While the weather is not quite overcast, there is the promise of weather soon, and the slight ionization in the air more than confirmed it. For those that had their InfoAugments on, the minimalist design of the spaceport was transformed into a vibrant landscape of the stellar region, with star lanes marking paths out for those boarding, while the stylized bodies of the various amenities, operations, and businesses were marked out for those that required it.

Dirk Gently. |

Still standing in line to board, the grinning Dirindi chuckles
Looks like I done found me my new barber! Hotdog! This just keeps getting better!
An eager sound of one clearing her throat is heard not so discreetly from just behind the chuckling Dirindi. Turning his three blue eyed head around to peer at the two hazel eyes of someone's grandmother, Dirt Gently smiles at her.
Excuse my enthusiasm for haircutology. Been a bit concerned since I found out about my assignment.
The grandmotherly lady points ahead of their current position in line. Dirk Gently turns back around, places one foot in front of the other, and takes his obligatory 3 steps forward. The Dirindi turns again to smiles and tip his hat to the kind, attentive grandmotherly lady....

Sparks Goforth |

Sparks Goforth entered the Excelsior carrying a small bag with some clothes and toiletries. His only other possessions were an assault hammer, a Red Star flare axe, and an ember pistol. He had spent most of his last stipend purchasing weapons and a set of second skin armor, knowing that for all its civilized elements, Absalom Station could be a rough and tumble place at the grubbier edges. He planned to use his first stipend from the sponsoring agency to get some more practical things like a comm unit and a flashlight.
The modest sized Brenneri wriggled a little with excitement, marveling at the luxurious accommodations. Maybe it would have a tub for baths instead of the usual shower. He looked around and made eye contact with two others who appeared to be part of the group, a woman with different colors in her hair, perhaps an aasimar or ganzi, a thoughtful looking Elebrian, and a dirindi. Sparks smiles at all three and ambles in their direction.
"I'm Sparks Goforth. Pleased to meet you all. Isn't this exciting?"

The Lost Voice |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

For those arriving at the spaceport and expecting to get in line, there was a short correction once the check-in process rebooted from having a comet impact the planet representing the airport system. A lot of the things that occurred in the Augmented Reality (and Virtual Reality for those that could multitask that well) had a parallel to what was going on, if one knew how to interpret it. However, it is thankfully not too long of a wait before the star that was indicated on your ticket animated and shot off, leaving a trail for you to follow from your respective positions. Depending on the permissions and settings of your comm unit, that was anything from literal to metaphorical as your navigation notified you of a route to your destination.
Upon your arrival, an Atlas VI greeted you at the door of the ship, the silver softball-sized orb presenting a cheery face and voice, greeting you in the default language of your commlink, or default language of your species. When in mixed company, it defaulted to the common language. It hovered near eye-level with its miniaturized pads, and bobbled somewhat along with its projected mood.
"Hello! I'm Bahz, and welcome to the Excelsior! We've been looking forward to your arrival, and hope you have been looking forward to travel with us! Please come in, and you will find your accommodations indicated on your HUD, or comm unit, or I can direct you!
Your quarters are Luxurious, in a word. No expense was spared as the regard or reputation that you had earned was reflected in them. Your room was modeled to your tastes as best as it could with the information you had shared or had allowed it to access. Many of the systems were interlinked, and while the access was greyed out, it did appear that with proper permissions, the ships functions could also be utilized at need.
"We are still waiting for everyone to arrive, so please settle in, and on behalf of The Attelan Star Academy— as well as the crew of the Excelsior– Congratulations!

Dirk Gently. |

With a building excitement level bordering on the same level as a Head Cheerleader becoming Prom Queen, the smiling Dirindi practically skips his final 10 steps to stand proudly before an Atlas VI! Grinning stupidly at the hovering silver softball-sized orb presenting a cheery face and voice...
...still standing there stupidly smiling, Dirk's hands are seen precariously patting his person down as if he were arresting himself....
Still grinning stupidly (although his three blue eyes do appear to convey concern) the Dirindi nods as the Atlas VI finishes it's greeting.
Well...yes...very nice to meet you, Bahz. Well...you see...what happened was...I may have misplaced my ticket...
The strangely familiar eager sound of one clearing her throat is heard not so discreetly from just behind the nervous Dirindi.
Turning his three blue eyed head around to peer at the two hazel eyes of someone's grandmother again, Dirt Gently smiles at her.
Most apologies my good, Madam. But I won't be a minute. Save my place! That's a doll!
At that the Dirindi tips his hat (again) at the not so much entertained grandmother and he dashes back to his seating area....
Computers (Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Zemfira |

The young woman danced along the predetermined path following the bouncing star as it twirled and flashed in time with the beat of the music track her comm unit was piping through her earbuds. The devices were connected by slim flexible wires. Wired audio devices were far superior in rendering quality sound, every Audiophile worth their salt knew that. If they just so happened to fit within her rapidly diminishing budget, well… that was just a bonus.
Her blissful expression slipped for just a moment and she merely walked in time to the pulsing beat for a few steps, pondering how few credits were still knocking around in her account. She could see the look of disapproval on her father’s face now. But it wasn't as if she’d exhausted her funds irresponsibly. She’d made a significant investment in her future. Yes, that was just how she’d put it in her next communique home.
She was wearing that investment now. Her Freebooter I armor was a deep purple color the description had called aubergine and was styled after the motorcycle leathers of some archaic culture. Thick heavy boots, gloves, chaps and jacket with a collar that seemed meant to be worn folded down, but she much preferred popped up around her ears. This too, seemed to enhance the sound quality. Beneath the armor, she wore the white silk garments commonly favored by Kalistocrats.
She arrived at her designated entrance just as her track was winding down and she bobbed her head and swayed to the outro before tapping the device to complete the transmission.
"I'm Sparks Goforth. Pleased to meet you all. Isn't this exciting?"
She grins brightly at the Brenneri, revealing surprisingly sharp teeth. ”It is! Did you get a look at the ship? Gorgeous, isn’t she? I’m Zemfira, but most just call me Zem.” She tilts her head quizzically as she gazes at Sparks and her eyes crinkle at the corners as the slit-like pupils dilate and the irises kaleidoscope from a deep cobalt to a brighter cyan shade. ”I know you, don’t I? We had that course together, didn’t we?” She snaps a gloved hand as she finally recalls, ”Influencing Humanoids 101, wasn’t it?”

Zephyr Starrr |

The young woman danced along the predetermined path following the bouncing star as it twirled and flashed in time with the beat of the music track her comm unit was piping through her earbuds. The devices were connected by slim flexible wires. Wired audio devices were far superior in rendering quality sound, every Audiophile worth their salt knew that. If they just so happened to fit within her rapidly diminishing budget, well… that was just a bonus.
Her blissful expression slipped for just a moment and she merely walked in time to the pulsing beat for a few steps, pondering how few credits were still knocking around in her account. She could see the look of disapproval on her father’s face now. But it wasn't as if she’d exhausted her funds irresponsibly. She’d made a significant investment in her future. Yes, that was just how she’d put it in her next communique home.
She was wearing that investment now. Her Freebooter I armor was a deep purple color the description had called aubergine and was styled after the motorcycle leathers of some archaic culture. Thick heavy boots, gloves, chaps and jacket with a collar that seemed meant to be worn folded down, but she much preferred popped up around her ears. This too, seemed to enhance the sound quality. Beneath the armor, she wore the white silk garments commonly favored by Kalistocrats.
She arrived at her designated entrance just as her track was winding down and she bobbed her head and swayed to the outro before tapping the device to complete the transmission.
Sparks Goforth wrote:"I'm Sparks Goforth. Pleased to meet you all. Isn't this exciting?"She grins brightly at the Brenneri, revealing surprisingly sharp teeth. ”It is! Did you get a look at the ship? Gorgeous, isn’t she? I’m Zemfira, but most just call me Zem.” She tilts her head quizzically as she gazes at Sparks and her eyes crinkle at the corners as the slit-like pupils dilate and the irises kaleidoscope from a deep cobalt to a brighter cyan...

Zephyr Starrr |

The young woman danced along the predetermined path following the bouncing star as it twirled and flashed in time with the beat of the music track her comm unit was piping through her earbuds. The devices were connected by slim flexible wires. Wired audio devices were far superior in rendering quality sound, every Audiophile worth their salt knew that. If they just so happened to fit within her rapidly diminishing budget, well… that was just a bonus.
Her blissful expression slipped for just a moment and she merely walked in time to the pulsing beat for a few steps, pondering how few credits were still knocking around in her account. She could see the look of disapproval on her father’s face now. But it wasn't as if she’d exhausted her funds irresponsibly. She’d made a significant investment in her future. Yes, that was just how she’d put it in her next communique home.
She was wearing that investment now. Her Freebooter I armor was a deep purple color the description had called aubergine and was styled after the motorcycle leathers of some archaic culture. Thick heavy boots, gloves, chaps and jacket with a collar that seemed meant to be worn folded down, but she much preferred popped up around her ears. This too, seemed to enhance the sound quality. Beneath the armor, she wore the white silk garments commonly favored by Kalistocrats.
She arrived at her designated entrance just as her track was winding down and she bobbed her head and swayed to the outro before tapping the device to complete the transmission.
Sparks Goforth wrote:"I'm Sparks Goforth. Pleased to meet you all. Isn't this exciting?"She grins brightly at the Brenneri, revealing surprisingly sharp teeth. ”It is! Did you get a look at the ship? Gorgeous, isn’t she? I’m Zemfira, but most just call me Zem.” She tilts her head quizzically as she gazes at Sparks and her eyes crinkle at the corners as the slit-like pupils dilate and the irises kaleidoscope from a deep cobalt to a brighter cyan...
"That has GOT to have been better than Elven Imperialism of Early Golarion! But they don't let you take IH101 if you're humanoid already: I petitioned that I found that a little alienist, but sadly, I was overruled."
The elf was beautiful. Not classically beautiful, as they actually had learned in IH101, but intersectionally beautiful; the beautiful that comes partly from classic good looks, partly from excpetional genetics, and partly from that subliminal eldritch thing that elves exuded. He wasn't going to be a print model (well, mainstream anyway), but he also might not be someone you wanted to surprise.
"Hi! I'm Zephyr. Zephyr Starrr. It's really a plasure to meet you."
While by all appearances a Kalistocrat, there were noticable departures in attire. The all white was most assuredly all white, but it also seemed to invite the eye and leave very little to the imagination. While the body suit seemed to be shifting slightly so that Zephy's exposed midriff would not be touched, it did not seem to move to cover his outstretched hand. It was a very formal, VERY humanoid way to offer respect to them in his process of introduction ...
"Oh! Yeah! I'm not actually a prophet, my grandparents bought me this. Wanna see a trick!?" The elf's eyes became wildly violet and he snapped with both hands. The outfit was now a deep steel gray, probably practiced given how it made his eyes look. Particles of darkness danced around his hand, and then his pack floated over to him.
"Technically, that was probably two tricks. I guess I should go check in. Hope to see you later!!"

Dirk Gently. |

Busily bypassing bystanders being bullish by building boundaries between bumps and body blows, the continually hat tipping, head bowing, three blue eyes twinkling, Dirk Gently nearly neatly maneuvers from the coveted front of the line to the extreme back of it, having actually found his ticket only three(barely) irate potential passengers down.
Merrily whistling a simple tune as he takes his obligatory steps forward, the Dirindi wonders if this particular flight had free nuts....
After only a seemingly brief time (if by brief as a solar flare reaching point of view ship), the still whistling Dirindi (which may have actually accidentally been the catalyst necessary for quicker boarding) smiles warmly at his second introduction to Bahz.
Bahz! How long has it been? How's the family? Little R2D2 still getting into mischief with those rebels? Fun times.
The uniquely dressed graduate shows the Atlas VI his barely crumbled ticket and proceeds into the space craft.
Easily roaming the entrance corridor, Dirk Gently takes special notice of She was wearing that investment now. Her Freebooter I armor was a deep purple color the description had called aubergine and was styled after the motorcycle leathers of some archaic culture. Thick heavy boots, gloves, chaps and jacket with a collar that seemed meant to be worn folded down, but she much preferred popped up around her ears. This too, seemed to enhance the sound quality. Beneath the armor, she wore the white silk garments commonly favored by Kalistocrats.
The Dirindi tips his hat.
His three blue eyes then find the Brenneri His only other possessions were an assault hammer, a Red Star flare axe, and an ember pisto .
The Dirindi waves.
Finding a seat to steady himself, Dirk Gently pats his perspiration from seeing The elf was beautiful. Not classically beautiful, as they actually had learned in IH101, but intersectionally beautiful; the beautiful that comes partly from classic good looks, partly from excpetional genetics, and partly from that subliminal eldritch thing that elves exuded .
The Dirindi is seen gurgling with mouthwash....
So, this should be quite interesting indeed!

Pertinax Islaran |

Double checking his ticket, Pertinax nods to himself and quietly waits his turn. He is surprised to be greeted by an atlas, but smiles anyway "Thank you Bahz, you are a scholar and a gentlebot. I think I can find the way." he says, tabbing over to the relevant app on his perscom. Dropping his things in the room designated, he glances around and nods approvingly at the dark tones and stellar motifs of the room Almost like riding on the outside. Without all the danger. he thinks. Heading to a nearby common area, he sees a group whose members he vaguely recognizes from the Academy, and heads over to them. "Excuse me, didn't we have Kasathan Ethics together?" he says to the Brenneri. "Sparks, wasn't it? I'm Pertinax."
For the party: the Elebrian approaching the group, like most of his race, appears almost human, though his pale skin and complete baldness would strain the edges of normal variation. His enlarged cranium sets him clearly apart from that baseline, though. He wears Lashuntan ringwear, of a midnight blue so deep it looks black in most lights, and a pendant of the spiraling-comet holy symbol of Pharasma.

Sparks Goforth |

She grins brightly at the Brenneri, revealing surprisingly sharp teeth. ”It is! Did you get a look at the ship? Gorgeous, isn’t she? I’m Zemfira, but most just call me Zem.” She tilts her head quizzically as she gazes at Sparks and her eyes crinkle at the corners as the slit-like pupils dilate and the irises kaleidoscope from a deep cobalt to a brighter cyan shade. ”I know you, don’t I? We had that course together, didn’t we?” She snaps a gloved hand as she finally recalls, ”Influencing Humanoids 101, wasn’t it?”
Sparks thinks back, then smiles. "Zem! Of course. You had red hair coils of blue back then, yes? Yeah, that was a snoozer. Most of what they said I learned from my father and mother growing up. My father's a great diplomat and my mother's a priestess of Seranrae, so they know how to make friends and influence sentients."
"Hi! I'm Zephyr. Zephyr Starrr. It's really a plasure to meet you."
"Oh! Yeah! I'm not actually a prophet, my grandparents bought me this. Wanna see a trick!?" The elf's eyes became wildly violet and he snapped with both hands. The outfit was now a deep steel gray, probably practiced given how it made his eyes look. Particles of darkness danced around his hand, and then his pack floated over to him.
"Technically, that was probably two tricks. I guess I should go check in. Hope to see you later!!"
Sparks greets Zephyr and applauds his trick(s), then waves as he hurries off.
The Dirindi tips his hat.
His three blue eyes then find the Brenneri His only other possessions were an assault hammer, a Red Star flare axe, and an ember pisto .
The Dirindi waves.
Sparks smiles and waves, then exchanges glances with those nearby. "Dirk's as eccentric as ever, seems."
Heading to a nearby common area, he sees a group whose members he vaguely recognizes from the Academy, and heads over to them. "Excuse me, didn't we have Kasathan Ethics together?" he says to the Brenneri. "Sparks, wasn't it? I'm Pertinax."
"Good memory, Pertinax. I remember you too. Good to have you with us." Sparks practices his lessons in putting strange races at ease while hiding his mild discomfort in the presence of someone who is technically deceased.
He reaches into a roomy pocket in the colorfully embroidered jacket that comes down to his knees and pulls out a strange little device. His mote of energy is a small sphere with faint glowing charges orbiting each other chaotically. He brings the mote to touch his device and it starts moving in a clear sphere, looking like a trio of stars of different sizes and colors moving around each other like a demonstration of the three-body problem of astrophysics. Sparks glances at the movement for just a moment, as if to confirm it is working and then brings his attention back to the conversations. He transfers the device from hand to hand and glances at it periodically.

Zemfira |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sparks thinks back, then smiles. "Zem! Of course. You had red hair coils of blue back then, yes? Yeah, that was a snoozer. Most of what they said I learned from my father and mother growing up. My father's a great diplomat and my mother's a priestess of Seranrae, so they know how to make friends and influence sentients."
Zemfira nodded eagerly, "My roommate was studying to be a stylist, she did like to experiment with her vict- em, volunteers..." she quickly corrected. She absently stroked a hand soothingly over her tender feathers as she tucked them gently behind one ear.
"That has GOT to have been better than Elven Imperialism of Early Golarion! But they don't let you take IH101 if you're humanoid already: I petitioned that I found that a little alienist, but sadly, I was overruled."
Zem blinked at the elf in surprise, "Really? I had no idea, but no, Sparks has the right of it. The professor had this monotonous cadence. It was like being lulled by Delta Waves.” She feigns nodding off and snapping awake with a glazed look in her eyes..
She smiled and looked the elf over with an appreciative expression as he introduced himself and extended his hand. Her eyes swirled into a shade of turquoise as she tentatively grasped his hand with her heavily gloved one to return the greeting. Her movement was slow and methodical, as if she had only ever seen this custom performed but never participated in it herself. She watched interestedly as the elf performed his tricks, but clapped her hands to her mouth in mild shock as he changed the color of the garments, her eyes flashing a shade of blue so bright they glowed like neon. He had said he wasn’t an adherent but it still struck her as vaguely sacrilegious. Then again, she wasn't sure where she stood in regard to the Prophecies anymore either.
"Technically, that was probably two tricks. I guess I should go check in. Hope to see you later!!"
”Oh, I should do that too. I can’t wait to see my quarters!” And with a quick salute in reply to the Dirindi’s tip o’ the hat, she hustled off to do just that.
Computers Untrained: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
Is it like knowledge skills in Pathfinder, where you can only access up to DC 10 untrained? Or is it completely unusable untrained?

The Lost Voice |

It is not long before the system gives the chime that some of you have heard that heralded the arrival of someone entering the ship. Just long enough to get your items set into your rooms and start to fiddle with some of the customization and access available to you, when you hear Bahz announce, "Captain Albach has arrived", and it is not too long before they arrive in the quarters, a well-dressed male Lashunta accompanying them.
The Captain, a tall Half-Orc that looks like a fair amount of time on the ground is spent exercising, though the augmentations that he has are very evident around the spine and back of their head, the coverall functional, if barely stylish in comparison to the other.
"Hello everyone! I'm Taeron, and I must admit, I am ex-ci-ted to be working with you!" His hands are clasped, as if to try to contain the energy by holding onto himself. "Attelan boasts a remarkable number of recognizable faces and feats, and all of you are certainly capable of doing the same! My job is is to help raise your image so that each step you take lets you shine brighter than you did before!" He takes a step forward, poise in his movements, and just the right amount of confidence that it seems natural, spreading his hands and giving a turn to demonstrate his presence, the initial impression aided by the cut and style of the fashion that he wears, a custom piece of work. Cheerful, vivacious, and exuding competence, even at rest you can tell that their manner has been practiced and nearly perfected.
The Captain is unimpressed by Taeron giving his introduction and gives everyone a nod in greeting, more direct than Taeron, there is an amused tone to his rumbling voice. "Don't pay much mind to me. I'll be keeping us on course with Bahz as my assistant, and we'll be taking the slow way. We'll be jumping to drift when we reach the edge of the regular lanes, but leave the navigation to us. Bahz probably already said it, but welcome to the 'Excelsior', it's a pleasure to have you aboard."

Sparks Goforth |

Sparks steps forward a little, addressing Taeron, "I hope I speak for everyone here in thanking you for this opportunity, Mr. ... er. ... Doctor? Taeron. I'm not sure of your title. Anyway, thank you. Speaking now just for myself, I'm not clear on what is expected of us on this venture? What will we be doing at Absalom Station?"

Dirk Gently. |

After a rough time getting his suitcase to fit into the provided closet space, the grinning Dirindi arrives back at the communal area as the Captain and the Liaison arrive.
Smiling at each in turn, the Dirindi tips his hat in greeting, politely pronouncing his name.
Well met! Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective, at your service. What a fine vessel of conveyance that you have here. The amenities are absolutely delightful. The plush bunny slippers were a nice touch. The closet could be a wi bit bigger.
Dirk shakes hands with his fellow graduates, tipping his hat and shaking an appendage at the same time.
My brothers and I had to constantly perform multiple functions at the same time, growing up in a canning factory.
The three blue eyes shine in amusement.

Zemfira |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Zemfira twiddled her fingers at the Lashunta in greeting but her eyes rapidly darkened to a steely blue and her sharp teeth flashed in an expression that was more grimace than grin. "Yes, we... ah, thank you." She said, awkwardly echoing the Brenneri's statement as she pressed her gloved hands together as if in supplication and bowed to the two new arrivals.
Zem quickly seized on the opportunity to speak with the Captain, resuming her much more typical enthusiasm. Her eyes brightened to a shade of periwinkle as she began to speak of the ship. "Oh the Excelsior is such a beauty! It must give you great pride to be her Captain. I do so love my rooms. The flight sim pod with the integrated 4D immersive soundscape is almost as good as the real thing." She gushed excitedly before clasping her hands behind her back and twisting back and forth while she worked up her courage to ask a boon of the exceptionally fit half-orc.
"That said, I would still really like to see the real thing. Do you perhaps offer tours of the Excelsior? I would be grateful for any exposure but I would so dearly love to see the Helm as well as... well, everything, really! Even the tiny obscure corners and gritty, greasy maintenance shafts." Her eyelashes fluttered demurely and she cast her eyes down as if she had just said something positively salacious.
Zemfira met the Captain's eye again, "I'm sure you're far too busy for such a task, but I'd regret missing the opportunity to learn more about the Excelsior and her proud Captain and crew." She finished her request and sank sharp teeth into her bottom lip as she anticipated his answer.
Diplomacy(Untrained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

The Lost Voice |

The Lashunta smiles, shaking his head as he adjusts the cuffs on his suit, running a hand down the weave of his forearm, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles. "Oh, no need to be so formal, Sparks. Please, call me Taeron. I am here to give you a crash course on fashion and etiquette, as well as spinning up an itinerary and interviews for some of the time of this trip." His smile became a knowing grin, part challenge, and part rueful. "As all of us have certainly graduated with full marks, interest and tradition are already pulling eyes our way. Skybreak, Ringworks, and Snowgarden have expressed very tentative interest if I am not mistaken. The fabricator bay will be spinning up once our good Captain is underway, and the Amusement chamber will be configured to some necessities, as well as some old favorites— there is supposed to be some leisure on this trip, after all." The wink that followed was a knowing one.
"However, we should get settled. I'll have my VI ping each of your rooms tomorrow with any necessary information, but please relax for now— you've earned it!" Giving a wide smile, he gave a slight graceful bow, and headed further in, out of the well-appointed common room to one of the nearby suites.
With the introductions done, the Captain was turning to leave when the colorful motion of Zemfira approaching drew his attention, one gray-green hand running over his almost shaved head as the motion ended, tapping on the edge of his augmentation at the side of his neck as he looked down at her. While the earnest nature of her request and the demeanor that accompanied it seemed genuine, there was a slight raise of their eyebrow and a look of consideration as they blinked a couple of times. When her look did not change in the slightest, they shrugged and gave a nod of their head in the direction of the helm. "C'mon then. I've got to get us up, and if you're Certed, y'cleared to handle what you can. Bahz, get— um, our guest access t'her rating level." His rumble of a voice had a touch of doubt to it, but he likely figured that her certifications would tell.
As he turned to get to work, his augmentation could be seen starting at the base of his neck and running down into his collar, the back of his neck sheathed in metal and polymer. A notice popped up on Zemfira's comm, notifying her that Bahz had cleared her according to her license and certifications, which allowed her access to the co-pilot's chair if needed.
It seemed that information also updated for the Captain as he grunted and turned to give her an approving look as they moved up the central line of the hallway towards the helm. "Alright then. Rezal Albach, good t'meet you."
All of you do recognize the names of the corporations Taeron listed. It seems possible that they may be looking to establish some kind of working relationship.

Sparks Goforth |

Sparks keeps his expression neutral as he thinks to himself, Well, he's certainly mastered the non-answer answer.
He shrugs and strolls to his room to unpack and check out the options for submersing himself in water, his favorite pass time. Then he intends to check out the options for games, both computer and non.

Dirk Gently. |

Dirk Gently appears a bit nonplussed at the Liaison's mentioning of I am here to give you a crash course on fashion and etiquette . The entirety of his fashion and etiquette being if first rate material after all, the Dirindi, of course, assumes Tearron references others....
He wears a heavy old light brown suit, red checked shirt with a green striped tie, long leather coat, red hat and thick metal-rimmed spectacles. Very fashionable, of course.
At the mentioning of recruitment, the grinning Dirindi is already spoken for in that regard.
After graduation I was recruited by Sanjaval Spaceflight Systems to be a liaison to the Starfinder Society. Very hush hush.
When Zemfira expresses interest in the Captain, cockpit, and cruising constraints the Specialist seems intrigued.
Never did get to taking any Piloting courses. Too busy with my Engineering and Computers dual degrees. Mine if I watch? I may learn a thing or two. Probably good to know what button not to push.

Zemfira |

When her look did not change in the slightest, they shrugged and gave a nod of their head in the direction of the helm. "C'mon then. I've got to get us up, and if you're Certed, y'cleared to handle what you can. Bahz, get— um, our guest access t'her rating level." His rumble of a voice had a touch of doubt to it, but he likely figured that her certifications would tell.
As he turned to get to work, his augmentation could be seen starting at the base of his neck and running down into his collar, the back of his neck sheathed in metal and polymer. A notice popped up on Zemfira's comm, notifying her that Bahz had cleared her according to her license and certifications, which allowed her access to the co-pilot's chair if needed.
Zem bounced on her toes like a child invited to a birthday party and her grin nearly stretched the boundaries of her face. She quickly fell into step a beat behind the Captain, out of respect, and turned when the Dirindi addressed them.
When Zemfira expresses interest in the Captain, cockpit, and cruising constraints the Specialist seems intrigued.
Never did get to taking any Piloting courses. Too busy with my Engineering and Computers dual degrees. Mine if I watch? I may learn a thing or two. Probably good to know what button not to push.
Zem blinked in surprise, her eyes shifting back to turquoise shades again, her tone appropriately impressed. "Dual degrees? Gracious, you must have kept busy. But surely you qualify for clearance too then." She stated, hopefully, to the Captain as they swept off down the hall.
"Thank you for indulging us, Captain Albach. It is most kind of you." She gazed on everything with an eagerness that bordered on hunger and when they arrived at the Helm, her awe was clearly evident. She took the co-pilots chair gleefully and followed direction with a dutiful sort of reverence through the launch. She relished the sensation of movement as the Excelsior's propulsion engaged and they truly got underway.
When she was dismissed from her post, Zemfira bowed again in thanks. "It was my very great honor to take part."

Pertinax Islaran |

After introductions, Pertinax wanders back to his room, where he spends several hours catching up on the news, browsing some messageboards and reading up on the latest rumors about new developments among the Hellknight orders, and reading today's portion of The Bones Land in a Spiral. Eventually, when his stomach starts growling, he heads out to get something to eat.

Sparks Goforth |

When everyone is out in a common area, Sparks asks if anyone fancies of game of Two Truths and a Lie. [Players take turns stating three things about him/her/them self, two of which are true and one is not. Then the other players try to identify the lie.]

The Lost Voice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dirk does find that his accomplishments allow for access to the Science Officer and Engineering consoles. The system orientation would take twice as long as Zemfira to familiarize due to the dual positions. Fortunately, those could be completed at your leisure, if wished. However, until completion, the system would disallow access to their roles. The flurry of activity that began with their departure calmed not long after, once the path was set and locked into the system. The rest was more checklists, verifications, secondary checks and then some relaxation.

Dirk Gently. |

Dirk Gently absolutely blushes at the offer of system orientation if both Science Officer and Engineering consoles! The entirety of his time spent aboard may well have been lost in spaaaace....
At the offer of Two Truths and a Lie, the entirely properly attired Dirindi is seen....missing actually. If anyone has a spare moment, Dirk was also noticably not in attendance at supper either. Oh, what a mystery this is!

Zemfira |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When everyone is out in a common area, Sparks asks if anyone fancies of game of Two Truths and a Lie. [Players take turns stating three things about him/her/them self, two of which are true and one is not. Then the other players try to identify the lie.]
Zemfira dismisses her audio with a tap to her earbuds when she notices Sparks trying to attract the group's attention. Her eyes brighten again to cyan as she contemplates his proposal.
"Sounds fun, why not? I..." she pauses and then grins, holding up one finger before continuing. "Before this very moment, I have not ever played this game." She raised another digit as she spoke again, "I was just listening to Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'." And finally she extends another, culminating in a trio of phalanges as she tosses her head, flinging her multicolored tresses over her shoulder. "And this is my hair's natural coloring."
Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 For her one lie. XD

Pertinax Islaran |

Pertinax raises an eyebrow when Sparks proposes his game, but is happy to let Zemfira go first.
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
"Uhh...Sun Tzu? I don't know what that is. Did you make it up?" Does Sun Tzu exist in this universe? I don't know, and neither does he! (Though if he does, I'm betting he's like, the demigod of military planning or something.)

Zephyr Starrr |

Pertinax raises an eyebrow when Sparks proposes his game, but is happy to let Zemfira go first.
[dice=Sense Motive]1d20-1
"Uhh...Sun Tzu? I don't know what that is. Did you make it up?" Does Sun Tzu exist in this universe? I don't know, and neither does he! (Though if he does, I'm betting he's like, the demigod of military planning or something.)
"WOW - you really skipped all of Ancient History!? That's awesome! The Dragon Empires weren't exactly the center of the world as far as pre-Gap Golarion is concerned, but things did happen there. One of the greatest generals to ever grace Tian Xia was Sun Tzu, still famous for taking an army over the Wall of Heaven and through the White Wood of Malarkhan. His later writings on the metaphilosophy of war as it relates to business and relationships is pretty sophisticated reading. Nice choice Zemfira!"
"Do we start by telling lies or do we mix up the truth and the lies ... ?"

Zemfira |

Ha! That's what I get for trying to make a quick post after a long day of driving. I was attempting to think of some title that could arguably still be relevant in the future, without remembering that this is this the "future" of Golarion. XD
Ah well, surely Sun Tzu is worthy of transcending the boundaries of the multiverse!
Zem laughs brightly at the exchange, nodding to Pertinax. "He still caught my lie, though. I didn't make it up, but I also wasn't listening to it just now. I finished it weeks ago for my final thesis in Defensive Tactics."
She turned to Zephyr, beaming at the elf. "I'm glad I wasn't the only one to study the ancient masters. It's incredible how their wisdom still rings true, even across the millennia and planes of existence." She said, regarding him appreciatively, her irises dappled with turquoise and teal.
"Do we start by telling lies or do we mix up the truth and the lies ... ?"
"However you wish, I expect. Is that the way, Sparks?" She replied, turning to the Brenneri for confirmation.
Later, after some time relaxing in the common room with the others, she took advantage of the opportunity to review the materials Taeron had made available for them. Her social skills were not really up to the standard of her companions, so she wanted to be as prepared for their itinerary as she could.

Dirk Gently. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dirk is seen enjoying The flurry of activity that began with their departure calmed not long after, once the path was set and locked into the system. The rest was more checklists, verifications, secondary checks and then some relaxation.
The gentleman Dirindi is also seen multitasking playing Galaga....

Sparks Goforth |

This could go on for a while if we takes turns, so I'll suggest we each pose our three statements and respond to what has been posted, assuming the actually sequence was taking turns. Seems a good way to learn a bit about each other if we are not in a hurry to get to the meat of the adventure. Or we could continue this in the discussion thread so as not to unduly delay the adventure. GM's call.
Sparks encourages whoever wants to go next to make their statements. Eventually, he takes his turn with the following statements.
"One: My father was born in the drift, which accounts for his latent telepathic abilities not normally found in our species and which I did not inherit when I was born in the Burning Archipelago on Golarian's sun. Two: I was the top player of Solarian Chess in the Academy's board game club my sophomore year. Three: My best friend growing up was an Anassanoi named Gravilyn."

Zephyr Starrr |

This could go on for a while if we takes turns, so I'll suggest we each pose our three statements and respond to what has been posted, assuming the actually sequence was taking turns. Seems a good way to learn a bit about each other if we are not in a hurry to get to the meat of the adventure. Or we could continue this in the discussion thread so as not to unduly delay the adventure. GM's call.
Sparks encourages whoever wants to go next to make their statements. Eventually, he takes his turn with the following statements.
"One: My father was born in the drift, which accounts for his latent telepathic abilities not normally found in our species and which I did not inherit when I was born in the Burning Archipelago on Golarian's sun. Two: I was the top player of Solarian Chess in the Academy's board game club my sophomore year. Three: My best friend growing up was an Anassanoi named Gravilyn."
"1 - Telepathic Elves, like myself, grow up around the Lashunta on Castrovel. It tends to make people throw up a little in their mouth. 2 - I love magic. 3 - My parents were killed by terrorists attacking Sovyrian from the Abyss."
The young elf smiles a touch
"That was fun."

Zemfira |

Sparks encourages whoever wants to go next to make their statements. Eventually, he takes his turn with the following statements.
"One: My father was born in the drift, which accounts for his latent telepathic abilities not normally found in our species and which I did not inherit when I was born in the Burning Archipelago on Golarian's sun. Two: I was the top player of Solarian Chess in the Academy's board game club my sophomore year. Three: My best friend growing up was an Anassanoi named Gravilyn."
Zemfira taps a gloved finger against her pursed lips, considering. A smirk creeps up one side of her face as she makes her decision. "I'm going to guess that your father was not born in the drift because I am told that is rare. Though it would be an interesting coincidence if he was! My father says that I was born in the drift. At least, that was the story he was given when he adopted me." She said, smiling shyly, her eyes deepening to a darker blue like a vast ocean.
Zem nodded along interestedly as Zephyr took his turn, but gave a sharp intake of breath at his last statement. She blinked rapidly, her eyes a kaleidoscope of alternating lighter and darker shades, before settling into a misty grey-blue. She said nothing, only waited with a slightly saddened expression.

Pertinax Islaran |

"I...why would that make people throw up? I'm guessing that's the one." Pertinax says to Zephyr.
"Well, your first and third go together, right? Anassanoi live in the sun. I think. So I'll say you weren't top chess player."
"Hmm. Three facts. Well, three things, since lies aren't facts. This is tough." Pertinax says, tapping his chin as he thinks. "My favorite music is Eoxian Death Metal. I am not technically alive. I hope to become a Hellknight."

Dirk Gently. |

Unobtrusively unaware of any party games being played, the three Blue eyed Dirindi saunters back into the Common area to witness words wandering with mirth.
Well hello fellow recently graduated graduates! What's happening!
Dirk eases on over to mix himself a bit of a cocktail while the others pronounced their Truths and Lie. The Dirindi creases his triple set of blue eyes in merriment.
Oh! A fun bit of pin the nose ring on the kangaroo. Played that one once back in freshman year. Had to buy it a drink first.
Dirk then looks up at the others, sipping his drink (with a fancy umbrella).
That also reminds me of the time my twin brother dressed up like a kangaroo. Unfortunately, it was that same evening....
The Solar Sage then winks all three of his blue eyes at them.
By the way, the toilet in the East Bay seems to be flooded. It was already flooded when I left.
Dirk sips his drink with a grin.

Zephyr Starrr |

Unobtrusively unaware of any party games being played, the three Blue eyed Dirindi saunters back into the Common area to witness words wandering with mirth.
Well hello fellow recently graduated graduates! What's happening!Dirk eases on over to mix himself a bit of a cocktail while the others pronounced their Truths and Lie. The Dirindi creases his triple set of blue eyes in merriment.
Oh! A fun bit of pin the nose ring on the kangaroo. Played that one once back in freshman year. Had to buy it a drink first.Dirk then looks up at the others, sipping his drink (with a fancy umbrella).
That also reminds me of the time my twin brother dressed up like a kangaroo. Unfortunately, it was that same evening....The Solar Sage then winks all three of his blue eyes at them.
By the way, the toilet in the East Bay seems to be flooded. It was already flooded when I left.Dirk sips his drink with a grin.
"I need to just own that I am really torn with this one; while I do not believe that anyone was able to plug up a toilet on a ship like this ... I am also having trouble believing that your brother got a nosering at a party when you were a freshman, mostly based on freshmen simply not being that good at parties. Wow! Tough for sure. So I'm going to have to go with you were really a junior when it all happened!"

Sparks Goforth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sparks guesses that Pertinax lied about his favorite music, that Zephyr put a lie in the statement about his parents, although apologizes if that was true, not wanting to make light of such a tragedy. For Zem he thought her hair might not actually have a natural color given how her features seem to change with her mood. For Dirk's statements, he admits it's just a guess but the statement about the toilet, given how well the ship seems to be appointed.
For himself, he confesses to being a terrible Solarian chess player, not having an analytic mind.
"That was fun. Let's chat and get to know each other more. It appears we have time."
Anyone can read Sparks' background spoiler on his profile for some of the things he would share about himself and his life up to this point.

Zephyr Starrr |

Maybe I also need to own that I presented 2 truths, 1 falsehood, and 1 inaccurate characterization AND that I apologize, vocally, if I made anyone unconfortable."
They could see that his ears twitched a little as he laughed.
"Maybe let's work backwards? Telepathic Elves do not, explicitly, make anyone throw up even a little, explicitly. BUT. Telepathic contact can be quite disconcerting at first, regardless of what age you experience it or even if you think you are acculturated already. Happy to help anyone with first contact if you would like to experience it, but we also have some morays on Castrovel that I would probably want to talk about first."
"The actual lie was embedded, but again I want to apologize. I was young when the attack on Sovyrian took place, but not all that young. The attack came from The First World, not the Abyss. A Fey Warlord had been spurned by a cousin of my mother's. He didn't take it well. Suffice it to say that my father's family entered 'the first world', and destroyed those responsible. Yes. I said Destroyed, and yes, we capitalize Destroyed in my family when it means the proper noun representing the complete destruction of a fey such that it will NOT return to the First World for reincarnation. That fey ceases to exist. Many fey ceased to exist. The Warlord's example has been shared with those who have become confused and attacked elves. It is said we all learn at a different pace ..."
Sheepish smile
"That being shared, it is also how I came to meet you all, if you take my meaning. It was deemed in my best interest to experience the universe away from Sovyrian for a time, so I was sent to my grandparents. They are responsible for many wonderful parts of my life, including that I am here with you and finding the nature of our supernatural abilities as solarians. I am glad of that."

Dirk Gently. |

Dirk seems to sigh in relief at the guesses put forth by his classmates.
Oh, darn it. You got me good. That toilet thing was definitely reeking of falsehoods.

Zemfira |

Zemfira seconded Spark's guess regarding Pertinax and his Eoxian Death Metal. She listened intently as everyone spoke but she seemed especially focused on Zephyr's explanation. Her saddened expression turned slightly confused as she worked out that while he was saying there was an untruth in his statement about his parents, it was not that they had been killed. That part had, in fact, been true. The serious nature of the revelation had her stymied especially as part of a game. ”I… am sorry for your loss.” She said quietly, as if by rote.
She had her talents but she was not known for her swift intellect. Her lips retreated into her mouth as she mulled the question over. Why?
She fidgeted with her gloves, gazing down at the seams to avoid the eyes of those in the room as she pondered. He had apologized for her discomfort, so she should try again to be comfortable, should she not? No one else seemed as bothered as she, or even bothered at all. But the question stalked through her mind like a caged tiger, demanding her attention. Then finally a thought occurred to her.
”Um, Zephyr?” Zem began hesitantly, ”Is it better? To get that information out in the open early? Like maybe it keeps people from bothering you with questions like ‘What does your father do for a living?’ if they, um, already know that he isn’t anymore? Living, I mean.” She finished awkwardly and tried very hard to look like that wasn’t at all the sort of question she always asked people she didn’t know very well.
Having purged her verbal incontinence, she relaxed again, a little. She waited for Pertinax to confirm or deny his musical tastes and as long as he didn’t profess his second statement to be a lie, she intended to follow up. ”What does it mean to be “not technically alive”? Is there tech involved, like the Captain’s enhancements?” She smiled more confidently at these questions, feeling sure she had the right of it.
Sorry guys, gotta play up that 8 Intelligence somehow. Just speak slowly and use small words. XD

Zephyr Starrr |

Zemfira seconded Spark's guess regarding Pertinax and his Eoxian Death Metal. She listened intently as everyone spoke but she seemed especially focused on Zephyr's explanation. Her saddened expression turned slightly confused as she worked out that while he was saying there was an untruth in his statement about his parents, it was not that they had been killed. That part had, in fact, been true. The serious nature of the revelation had her stymied especially as part of a game. ”I… am sorry for your loss.” She said quietly, as if by rote.
She had her talents but she was not known for her swift intellect. Her lips retreated into her mouth as she mulled the question over. Why?
She fidgeted with her gloves, gazing down at the seams to avoid the eyes of those in the room as she pondered. He had apologized for her discomfort, so she should try again to be comfortable, should she not? No one else seemed as bothered as she, or even bothered at all. But the question stalked through her mind like a caged tiger, demanding her attention. Then finally a thought occurred to her.”Um, Zephyr?” Zem began hesitantly, ”Is it better? To get that information out in the open early? Like maybe it keeps people from bothering you with questions like ‘What does your father do for a living?’ if they, um, already know that he isn’t anymore? Living, I mean.” She finished awkwardly and tried very hard to look like that wasn’t at all the sort of question she always asked people she didn’t know very well.
Having purged her verbal incontinence, she relaxed again, a little. She waited for Pertinax to confirm or deny his musical tastes and as long as he didn’t profess his second statement to be a lie, she intended to follow up. ”What does it mean to be “not technically alive”? Is there tech involved, like the Captain’s enhancements?” She smiled more confidently at these questions, feeling sure she had the right of it.
Sorry guys, gotta play up...
"Insightful, wow, yes, exactly. Thank you, I appreciate it. I do not want anyone to feel badly, it happened a long time ago, and there are bad things that happen every day. Wars happen. But yes, when it's already out there, it sets the stage socially. People don't have to ask questions they think are safe yet aren't, and it gives context to my passion for the Pact Worlds and returning to Castrovel one day."
"Really ... thank you."

Sparks Goforth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"I too am sorry for your loss. From what I understand of Elven culture, the long lifespans of the race makes an unnatural death of both parents particularly tragic and traumatic. Of course, any loss of a loved one hurts until they can be properly grieved for."

Zemfira |

"Insightful, wow, yes, exactly. Thank you, I appreciate it. I do not want anyone to feel badly, it happened a long time ago, and there are bad things that happen every day. Wars happen. But yes, when it's already out there, it sets the stage socially. People don't have to ask questions they think are safe yet aren't, and it gives context to my passion for the Pact Worlds and returning to Castrovel one day."
"Really ... thank you."
Zemfira brightened immediately, feeling much relieved and resuming her more exuberant nature. Her eyes resumed a rich cobalt shade as she relaxed back into the socialization again.

Pertinax Islaran |

"No, actually I love Eoxian Death Metal. It's the one major cultural thing from back home that always stuck with me, for whatever reason. No, I'm afraid I was playing on a common Eoxian trope: while after the cataclysm many years ago many Eoxians embraced undeath, and the planet is still largely run by the Bone Sages, as they're called, there are still many living Elebrians, such as myself. I'm as alive as any of you. Frankly, I detest the undead. It does terrible things to society when those with power never grow old and retire."

Dirk Gently. |

Dirks Three Blue eyes turn in appreciation of Pertinax' playful purposeful turn of phrase...
Well Played, ol' chap! Well played!

Dirk Gently. |

Whistling a shantytown song of a vessel lazily drifting out to sea, Dirk Gently is seen exiting his chambers wearing a Piloting outfit. Tipping his cool pilot's cap at those gawking at the Dirindi as he saunters by them and towards the cockpit....
Spending his time learning to fly....
If anyone bothers to enter the now occupied cockpit to watch the goings and ons, they would immediately be greeted by Dirk's sultry Dirindi voice bellowing ...on the whistling wind...
The actual Pilot is nowhere to be seen....