Valgrymr's Homebrew.

Game Master Valegrim

Lost in the Winter wild with hordes of ghouls, gnolls and Giant Kin on a rampage joined by other agents of chaos. Band of Northmen freedom fighters seek to survive and save their clans.

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NOTE- It was SNOWING this morning,... IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA! REAL snow, not a flake or two! (I've seen snow before, I'm not from here originally, but the neighbors were freakin' out!) The kids had a morning snowball fight before we went off to school.

It's gone now, turned to rain as soon as the sun came up, but it was a fun morning!

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe; when I was coming back on my flight; the pilot said; we are arriving in orlando; it is 75 and sunny skies; oh; wait; we just left orlando; this is Albuquerque; it is 34; overcast and light snow falling hehe

The Exchange

Me - male; my characters - usually female Depends which day it is 20th Level Metalhead
Ragadolf wrote:

NOTE- It was SNOWING this morning,... IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA! REAL snow, not a flake or two! (I've seen snow before, I'm not from here originally, but the neighbors were freakin' out!) The kids had a morning snowball fight before we went off to school.

It's gone now, turned to rain as soon as the sun came up, but it was a fun morning!

I heard about that! The weather's been crazy lately. Lousiana, Missippi and Florida all bracing for snow and ice. We're expecting an ice storm early next week here in Missouri - we had a whole load of them last year, on top of massive flooding ... and earthquakes! We don't get earthquakes in Missouri (although, ironically, the two biggest earthquakes in US history happened in Missouri in the early 1800s - they made the San Francisco earthquake look like a tremor), but we had more than a dozen last spring. Earthquakes in Missouri, snow in Louisiana, it's starting to really make me believe in all the Global Warming talk.

Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18

Meanwhile it was 63 in New York. Crazy.

I don't know about He11 freezing over, but when you get SNOW in NEW ORLEANS, you know SUMTHIN' ain't right!

What's next?,... The Saints win the SUperbowl?!?! ;P

Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Ragadolf wrote:

I don't know about He11 freezing over, but when you get SNOW in NEW ORLEANS, you know SUMTHIN' ain't right!

What's next?,... The Saints win the SUperbowl?!?! ;P

Or the Jets. Something is definitely weird.

The Exchange

Me - male; my characters - usually female Depends which day it is 20th Level Metalhead

Forget the Saints or Jets ... my Chiefs are going all the way this year! I'm not sure where, since they don't seem to know what an endzone looks like, but they're going all the way somewhere!

On a serious note, though, the Jets and Saints are both definite possibilities. I honestly didn't think Favre had anything left, but he surprised me. It would be nice to see him get a ring before he retires for good! Unfortunately, he's gonna have to get past the Titans juggernaut to do it, and that's no easy task!

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Hey at least they aren't the Lions... Man do I feel bad for them.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Ouch; Balfic sure knows how to throw water on a efreeti for a crit; ouch; my lions; sigh.

darn; did this really long post yesterday of common info; sheesh; messageboard monster ate it; then it logged me out and back in as guest; finally got logged back in now; but no time at present; more goodies to come soon I hope; man; that was a good post too. Should have known better than to not copy and save before hitting the post button

The Exchange

Me - male; my characters - usually female Depends which day it is 20th Level Metalhead

I learned my lesson from having that happen to me way too many times. Now, if my post is going to be longer that a few sentences, or if I know I'm going to have to pause midway through to look something up, I always compose it in Notepad first, then cut and paste it to the reply window.

Nightwish wrote:
I always compose it in Notepad first, then cut and paste it to the reply window.

ditto to that, I've gotten burned before as well and since then have used this practice.

I do that when I'm writing my novel-length posts. But for normal to long posts, I just make sure to COPY everything before I hit send. That way if it 'poofs' you just have to hit paste!

Yep, haven't met anybody who hasn't gotten bit by the post-eating monster at least once! ;)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; some gaming mechanics considerations that you guys will need to work out.

I am going to need the parties marching order when setting out from the Oracle; the bard and big guy will not be going with you; they are looking for Achilles; so Caledon and the other riders will go with you north to the area in question.

what i need to know is how the party members will be arranged; usually in a in house game; everyone would just place their characters down on the table or we would write there characters intials on a piece of graph paper so we need to come up with and idea so we are all on the same page as for who is in what order behind or in front of whom and space between characters.

so; discuss with each other what order your going to use when heading out; you may want to come up with some other configuration so you can just say; we are in configuration x for traveling; configuration y; for camping; configuration z for fighting; stuff like that to have as youir general tactics; this can give you a bonus to your actions if someone has the tactics skill.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

also; you may wish to consider if your going to post a pc to be on gaurd during the night or during meal stops; and let me know how your going to do this as it will affect how any random or planned encounters happen.

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Unless you guys want to role play it. I will guard the middle of the party. I will also take the middle watch when it is darkest. Easier on the eyes, Lol. Unless we walk in pairs then I would walk beside Namaste, or Kemnebi. They will be the most vulnerable to attack/ambush. I think Thoren should be point, or rear guard. One of the Fighters should be close to him for support.

Let you guys decide who wants to share middle watch with me.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Balfic; your way to much for this party; you cant play the middle silly; better send in the Drow; hmm; sings Send in the Drow hehe

now where is that darn box; oh yeah; am standing on it; <picks up his box; shrinks it; puts it in his pocket>

Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18

If i have the chariot with me, I'd probably be second in order, after the scout. Good position to charge up front in support or hold the line as the party prepares. Besides it's how Astinos got his 2nd name.

Balfic-graa wrote:

Unless you guys want to role play it. I will guard the middle of the party. I will also take the middle watch when it is darkest. Easier on the eyes, Lol. Unless we walk in pairs then I would walk beside Namaste, or Kemnebi. They will be the most vulnerable to attack/ambush. I think Thoren should be point, or rear guard. One of the Fighters should be close to him for support.

Let you guys decide who wants to share middle watch with me.

I say lets do both, that is, chose a standard format or two (march and camp) then if it comes up in role play then positions would change for that occurence, then resume back to the standard format.

That said Zuberi would normally take a front position, unless he's asked to guard the rear, either works for me.

With Caran that makes a party of 7, plus the 15 guards, oh and Caledon

Sounds good. Long as the caster isn't leading the charge! ;P

Somewhere in the center is good. in front of/next to/behind Balfic is fine with me. Most of my stuff is ranged support anyway.

Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Ragadolf wrote:

Sounds good. Long as the caster isn't leading the charge! ;P

Somewhere in the center is good. in front of/next to/behind Balfic is fine with me. Most of my stuff is ranged support anyway.

You could occasionally ride shotgun too. Besides you have the best group positioning spell in Benign Transposition. You may want to look at Regroup as well.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

keep in mind that caledon and the 15 guards are just getting you to the dungeon proper but not entering.

Valegrim wrote:
keep in mind that caledon and the 15 guards are just getting you to the dungeon proper but not entering.

we are meeting with the prince first, no?

I got the impression that we were going to take the Oracle's immediate blessing and depart, as that gave us both a more powerful blessing and hopefully a head start on the bad guys, who think we're waiting for sunrise.

I don't think we can do that and meet the prince too?

Heh, yeah, a caster riding shotgun in the chariot wouldn't be a bad idea at times either. Probably not ALL the time, but I can see some definite tactical possibilities there! :)

And I love Benign Transposition,... a 1st lvl teleport that let's you trade places with ANY of your allies? I've used it to trade places with a summoned creature, to trade places with a familiar who can get into places that I can't,... it's chalk full of fun goodness! ;)

Oooo,... where can I find 'Regroup'? What book is it in?


Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Ragadolf wrote:

I got the impression that we were going to take the Oracle's immediate blessing and depart, as that gave us both a more powerful blessing and hopefully a head start on the bad guys, who think we're waiting for sunrise.

I don't think we can do that and meet the prince too?

Heh, yeah, a caster riding shotgun in the chariot wouldn't be a bad idea at times either. Probably not ALL the time, but I can see some definite tactical possibilities there! :)

And I love Benign Transposition,... a 1st lvl teleport that let's you trade places with ANY of your allies? I've used it to trade places with a summoned creature, to trade places with a familiar who can get into places that I can't,... it's chalk full of fun goodness! ;)

Oooo,... where can I find 'Regroup'? What book is it in?



It's totally a "Holy Crap guys get over here they're gonna kill me!!" spell.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

that was the plan; but you know plans; you will at least meet with one of his high ranking representatives so everyones tactics are on the same page.

Lorderl wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
keep in mind that caledon and the 15 guards are just getting you to the dungeon proper but not entering.
we are meeting with the prince first, no?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

The Oracle will bless you at Midnight; expecting that you will leave this mountaintop onward at that time with the strongest blessing given at the time of convergence of events.

Ragadolf wrote:

I got the impression that we were going to take the Oracle's immediate blessing and depart, as that gave us both a more powerful blessing and hopefully a head start on the bad guys, who think we're waiting for sunrise.

I don't think we can do that and meet the prince too?

Heh, yeah, a caster riding shotgun in the chariot wouldn't be a bad idea at times either. Probably not ALL the time, but I can see some definite tactical possibilities there! :)

And I love Benign Transposition,... a 1st lvl teleport that let's you trade places with ANY of your allies? I've used it to trade places with a summoned creature, to trade places with a familiar who can get into places that I can't,... it's chalk full of fun goodness! ;)

Oooo,... where can I find 'Regroup'? What book is it in?


Female Kalashtar (Eberon Campaign Setting p. 16) Psion 6 (7 when imp is within one mile)
Ragadolf wrote:
And I love Benign Transposition,... a 1st lvl teleport that let's you trade places with ANY of your allies? I've used it to trade places with a summoned creature, to trade places with a familiar who can get into places that I can't,... it's chalk full of fun goodness! ;)

I can do you one better than that! One of my Powers is "Dimension Swap." It does basically the same thing, but in addition to swapping myself with another ally, I can also swap two allies for each other (without me being one of the swapped persons). It'll come in handy in combat, because I can sit back out of melee range, and still keep an enemy on his toes by making various party members switch places each round, so that the enemy can't predict where the next attack is coming from. Combine that with your Benign Transposition, and we can double the pleasure!

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Namaste; check your email :); you may come out of the trance at any time now; oh; one more thing; when your familiar is in physical contact with you; you gain fast heal 1.

ok; from this vision/event; and all that happened; you take 8 hps of damage; but it doesnt hurt. You have a deeply intuitive thought that you should let it heal naturally as a gift to the Goddess that helped you.

it will take a while for your familair to get to you; I will let you know when he arrives; what form to you want him to take when he arrives; i assume bat.

Namaste wrote:

I can do you one better than that! One of my Powers is "Dimension Swap." It does basically the same thing, but in addition to swapping myself with another ally, I can also swap two allies for each other (without me being one of the swapped persons). It'll come in handy in combat, because I can sit back out of melee range, and still keep an enemy on his toes by making various party members switch places each round, so that the enemy can't predict where the next attack is coming from. Combine that with your Benign Transposition, and we can double the pleasure!

Ah, that sounds EXACTLY like Benign Transposition! (I don't HAVE to be one of the teleported, I just like doing it!)

We can double tag-team baddies who think they have beaten their current opponents! Great! ;)


The Exchange

Me - male; my characters - usually female Depends which day it is 20th Level Metalhead

And the countdown to Namaste's return to the mortal coil begins! It will happen approximately this evening, when I get home from work! Until then, let the drum roll begin, lol!

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe duhda duhda duhda duhda duhda duhda duhda duhda

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Kinda has a Soap Opera feel to me at the moment.

Will Namaste come out of her Trance? Will Llvenoc stop playing sad songs? Will we discover that Astinos uses Hair Gel? Is Lorm really Kemnebi's Father?

Stayed Tuned next time as Valrymrs World Turns....

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Will Nameste tell her experience; does she dare? And why are all the guys around her trying to look down her robe?
Will the chosen of Athena hold this group together or will the racial and social emnities tear them apart?
Are the girls really girls and guys really guys; and why is a guy pretending to be a girl; and will he be discovered or ask for a sex change?
do oracles punch a time clock? and what is the difference between oracle and Oracle?
And which side is Caledon really on; if he is dead then is he on the side of the alive; and if he is alive; why does he know the dead so well; and if the dead live and the living die; how close is that line anyway and how often does your heart have to beat and your lungs need to pump to be considered alive anyhow?

like the Hair falling out of Balfics Head; so goes the Days of Our Lives.

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Reason I am loosing my hair is because I keep pulling it out. Between Cera, Lorm and Angelica Maria Theresa Padfoot Cooper?

At least I have my box.

Crazy stoopid busy,
Should be back by tomorrow night,


Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Life is crazy this time of year; for sure for sure.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Box you say; yours is more like a woman's handbag full of rhinestones and cheap cosmetic jewelry that has a distictive unpleasant oder; hehe; but yes; at least you have it hehe, but i think something in there needs new batteries...

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe I just checked my calendar and watch; almost time to sing the "kill the Drow" song. :)

Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18


Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

copied here for Balfic benefit:

<< gm ooc - I go on vacation Wed and fly to Wisconson, near Madison; so wont be back for a week and dont know if I will have any internet access as I am not taking a laptop; will be offline till the 30th approx.

Gm is trying to move things to a good cliff hanger for our holiday break :)

"the smell is in the air,
Smells like Drow a'bleeding
the smell is in the air,
sounds of Elf bones crunching,
the smell is in the air,
smoke from Fea trees burning,
the smell is in the air,
fear, sweat and rotting"

See, the GM is in a festive holiday mood :) >>

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

OOOOOH; Speak the name of Angeliqua Maria Theresa Padfoot Cooper and she might appear; is she in your box hehe, that is one crazy halfling of firey mite?

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

At least I know where my "Box" is. And I would also rather be stuck with Angelica, than Cera....

I penciled in my Drows death... 2PM sound good?

Vulcan, don't laugh to loud, you might be next. =)

Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18

Might be Drow on a stick if he's not careful.

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Drow-Kbobs Mmmmm.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe you know Angelika; she would ride that Vulcan dragon until he's plumb outta lightning; then put him up wet n look fer the next thrill; that little minx hehe....wonder if I can work her into the scenario somehow; sigh; prolly not though she does hate undead. Istn she on the other continent there somewhere near the valley of the ancients doing some freedom fighting; i forget.

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Angelica should be with the rest of the other group celebrating the Great Victory in the Sea against the forces of Dagon. So should be with the Greek Gods atm.

She was smitten with Sharun though if I recall right. That Surtur curses you thing really attracts the ladies. Exspecially since Sharuns girlfriend is in safer hands now. ;)

So PC's and NPC's in the are would be...

Sharun, Angelica, Brahma, Sweet Sadness, Cera, Fystor, Roan, Asparity,
Aeolus, Beltazar, Dvina, Pearl Maiden, Kojan, Ffred (you didn't say it right, Pearl Maiden with surviving bodyguard,and Princess Ariel.

Hjalmir rip and drinking mead.
Berynji rip imprisoned by Hel
Barish mia
Beldon returned to his people.
Lady Copper mia
John with the Fey Armies.
Fey Countess with Axinous and associates.
Ala'Din went back to warn Persian Prince.
Lord Thiarfir, and Princess Twilight are leading the Fey Armies.
Balfic-graa is retaking the Dwarven Mountain with the Dwarf Army.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Hmm what about Frystor and the rest;
Emperor is down at the Well,

think Lorm is at the well or went back to Tarantis
Cera is everywhere
Ca-el and Kobar, Mr. Fingers, and Barney the wizard are all fighting demons.

Beatrice; Ariel, and Acorn are here
Lorms' wife; RIP forgot her name for a moment; her son is with Kormatha right; now Kormath is where; I forget; I think just north of the Chinese area near or watching the Orb of Darkness.

that Dragon worshiping Cavelier; hmm; he is on this continent right; oooh; no, Lorm is on this continent near the Prince going with that other killer chick going to hang out and have fun at Balfic's mom's place right?

whew; been a while; need to wrack brains on where everybody is in case proverbial stuff hits the fan; ooh; that one elf is still in the Golemax- Gary's old character. And Eric's pally is soon to return from the civil war on the plane of air. Baelinor is at the well; JaK and Cera are on the other prime material world with Akiko.

hmm; who am I forgetting.

Male Half-Orc 9th lvl Cleric, 4th lvl Ninja, 1st lvl Black Flame Zealot

Okay Val as per your request. The PC/NPC locations.

Sir Valdimir and Princess Allura in the Plane of Air
Akieko is "with" Balfic
Balfic is in the Mountain with the Dwarf Army killing Frogs.
Fystor is with the Greek Gods having a party.
Cera is with the Greek Gods having a party.
Baylinor is sitting on his Ice Pyramid looking for his box.
Kojan, and Princess Ariel are with the Greek Gods having a party.
Annabel is in the Deep South.
Ellig is in the Deep South.
Great Snake Killer is eating snake eggs in the Deep South.
Ferron is in the Deep South.
Bo is in the Deep South
Axinous is in the Deep South.
Barbarian Elf Chick is in the Deep South.
Caleb is at Axinous's Fathers Plantation.
Az, (little kid) is in the Deep South.
Sunny is in the Deep South.
Jewel is bored and in the Deep South.
Lorm and Wickeli are at Balfics Mothers city.
Sticks, Bones, Koob, Nickoli are at the Well of Life.
Sebastion is at the Well of Life.
Ishka is leading the Were army against the Snakes at the escarpment.
Ugmar is leading his Orc army against the Snakes in the South.
Gold Dragons are at the Well of Life.
Fey Countess is a "Guest" in the Deep South.
Allera, Acorn, and Beatrice are at the Oracle.
Kormatha was in the Dark Forest.
Angela is with the Greek Gods having a party.
Servanis is hiding with several of the Gollomax's.
The Paramander I hope is very far away.
Tenore is with the army of Donblast.
Mr Fingers is with Sir Sheldon in the North.
Princess Twilight is leading the Fey army against the Frogs.
Sharun is having a party with the Greek Gods.
Scarlett is in the Deep South.
Lorms kid is with Kormatha.
Arlene is Dead.
Hjalmir is dead drinking mead with Heimdall.
Berynji is dead trapped in Hel's domain.
Harold is hiding in Baylinors Shield.
John is with the Fey army.
Ala'Din ran back to Persia to warm them of the Dwarves falling.
Aelous is partying with the Greek Gods.
Lady Copper is somewhere.
Barish is MIA.
Roan is partying with the Greek Gods.
Asparity is with Roan.
Beldon went back to the Fey Courts.
Lord Thiarfir is with Uller at the Well of Life.
Ffred Jack (You said it wrong) is with the party having a party with the Greek Gods.
Broken Fang is on his mountain hoping Hjalmir will allow him into his pack.
Beltazar is wondering where he lost Lady Copper, and partying with the Greek Gods.
Brahma is partying with the Greek Gods.
The Pearl Maiden and her Bodyguard are partying with the Greek Gods.
Sweet Sadness is with Brahma.
Marlo is on the Greek Continent.
11 of the Ladies are with Balfic.
The Banshee ran off in the Deep South.
The Gorilla Army is with Axinous.
Kael, Kobar, Dom Tristram are all fighting by the Gate.
Abraham is hiding from Balfics wrath.
Master Bob and his pet Helgi are somewhere.
Feather is with the Elf army.
Drow Witch (name still needed) is wandering close to this area.
Anton, Quintos, Freda, and Arch Mage Transperius are all at Dzur Mountain.
Prince Caspien.....
Cylus went to warn the Persians of the Dwarves falling.
Llydrial is recovering in Sebastians care after being possessed by Lolth.
Grom aka Sweetmeat is in the Valley of the Agents.
Lori is in the Holy Cities.
Ashten Kalani is with the Wood Elves.
Abrelie is in Quintos "care".
Sophia is in Greece.
Blarney Joe is in greece.
Shadow is taking care of Balfic's "special Missions".
Havva is around.
Vinnie is with Uncle Marvin in the Mongol area.
Graymolkin can be where ever he wants.
Rassmusson is on the Southern Continent.
Chadranther is on the Southern Continent.
Baron Orlando is in the Holy Cities.
Old Monk in the Holy Cities.
Old Elf and Dwarf are around....
Fystors Uncle is in the no mans land.
Sir John Talbot in the Holy Cities.
Sir Robert Bescone in the Holy Cities.
Westral is in the Celtic lands.
Anastasia is in the Southern Hold.
King Buford is in the Southern Hold.
Sheska is in Sebastians army.
The High Mage is in Tarantis.
The Four Horsemen are where they desire to be.
Lord Roybal is on his throne.
Lyrian is in prison for crimes against the world.
Brynhild has the Pick in Sebastians care.
Lord Antioch is on the Boney Isle.

There are more. Will post them as I think of them.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe good job; I can think of a whole lot more also; after all; I have two binders of them; thanks for the confirmation that where I think they are is the same place you think they are; nice to have a sounding stone so the storyline makes sense.

hehe; this will help me put a little history to these current pc's so they dont feel like they have lived in a void.

but basically; history wise; if your from Persia; Greece; Rome; China; Japan; the Valley of the Ancients; the Mongol region; your homelands are wrecked and have been in civil war for about 12 years. If your Germanic; well; you have had the last year and a half in realtive peace; but 12 years of hell on earth before that. Hmm; I think the Drow downfall and civil war started about three years ago and that probably coincides about when the Snakemen appeared in force on the southern continent. Surface elves have been gone for 5 years as all of them went to the elphlands to hold general assembly and only came out when the snake men were discovered and pretty much killed almost everyone on their way south but they bypassed the holy cities and Egypt who waved as they went by.

So; if your from Egypt; you know lots of tales of the Persian civil war; and lots of stories about the sudden dissappearance of all elves about 5 years ago; which means all trade to the south abrubtly stopped as the wood elf lands are directly south and east of Eygpt.

If your greek or roman; it has been one war and warlord after another and generally war; famine; riots; and undead everywhere; no place is safe and generally only about 1/10th of the population is still here. That means 9 out of 10 people you knew growing up; entire towns and villages are gone; either dead; undead; or perhaps a refugee in another land. There is a large greco roman outpost on the persian continent; but they fought in the Persian civil war; which ended about 4 months ago; but i dont think news of that has reached the homeland and your people yet.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

One place in the Roman area is pretty much involate; that is the Roman area of the Gesretti and the Dragons they worship. I know I spelled it wrong, but hey; is on the fly. Nobody goes there; well almost nobody; they impose strict immigration and gaurd their borders; it is said they eat refugees; even the undead and local vamps; liches, and the like dont go there. The dragons are said to be ruthless; especially the reds who are most seen. Even the trees hate life and the grass tries to cut you and suck the life from your viens; hence; nobody goes there, not even most bad guys.

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