Hobgoblin Commander

Dagru's page

124 posts. Alias of Avarus.

Full Name

Dagru Matrakha


Hobgoblin Alchemist (Grenadier) 1/ Monk (Zen Archer) 1| HP: 15/15 | AC: 16 (FF: 13, Touch: 13) | CMD: 13, CMB +0 | Fort: +4, Ref: +7, Will: +1| Init: +3 | Per: +4


Omen 1/1; Bombs 4/4; Perfect Strike 1/1; Extracts: 1st—True Strike, shock shield



About Dagru

Male hobgoblin alchemist (grenadier) 1 / monk (zen archer) 1
LN Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
Initiative +3
Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 15 (2d8)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.

Melee Dagger +0 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Unarmed strike +0 (1d6/x2)

Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8/×3) (flurry +2/+2)

Special Attacks Bomb 4/day +4 (1d6+3 fire/x2, DC 13) Alchemist (Grenadier)

Extracts: 5
1st—disguise self, shock shield[UC], Ant Haul, True Strike, Detect Secret Doors

Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—True Strike, shock shield[UC]
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 8, Chr 13
BAB +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats: Armor Prof. (light), Improved Unarmed Strike, Martial Weapon Prof. (longbow), Monk Weapon Prof., Perfect Strike, Precise Strike, Simple Weapon Prof., Throw Anything, Warmonger
Skills: 15 (4/lvl, +3/lvl (Int), +1 Favored (Alchemist))

Acrobatics +6, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Dex, -1 Armor)
Bluff +5, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 1 Chr) add +4 convince war
Craft (alchemy) +7 (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Int) add +1 create alchemy
Diplomacy +5 (1 Rank, 3 Class, 1 Chr) add +4 convince war
Disable Device +4 (1 rank, 3 Class, 3 Dex, -2 Tools, -1 Armor)
Intimidate +10, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 1 Chr, 1 trait(omen), 4 racial
Knowledge (arcana) +7, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Int)
Knowledge (history) +7, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Int)
Knowledge (nature) +7, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +7, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Int)
Linguistics +7, (1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Int) + 1 decipher unfamiliar lang
Perception +4; (2 Rank, 3 Class, -1 Wis)
Stealth +6 ((1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Dex, -1 Armor)
Survival +3 (1 rank, 3 Class, -1 Wis)
Special Abilities

Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.

Bomb 1d6+3 (4/day, DC 13)(Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+3 fire damage.

Brigand +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive when dealing with brigands, theives, bandits, etc.

Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).

Flurry of Blows (two-Weapon Fighting) Full Attack action allows 2 attacks with bow at -1/-1 to abilities. Applies Strength bonus only when using composite bow with Strength ability.

Hedonistic If you do not gain a reward in a day, you are fatigued for 4h the next day (Fort DC 20 negates)

Improved Unarmed Strike 1d6 damage with hands. Do not provoke attacks when unarmed. No offhand.

Mutagen (DC 13) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 10 minutes.

Omen (1/day) As a swift action, Demoralize an opponent.

Perfect Strike (1/day) Provides two dice rolls on selected attack. (allowed to choose one of the selected dice) If crit capable the second dice is used as confirmation dice.

Precise Strike Adept at firing into melee (no -4 penalty)

Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons

Warmonger You gain Bluff and Diplomacy as class skills. In addition, you receive a +4 competence bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks when using either skill to convince another character to go to war against or attack another creature or group.

Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Hallit, Orc
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), hedonistic, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 10 minutes)

Traits (inc Racial)/Drawbacks:

Self Taught Scholar

+1 trait bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher unfamiliar languages, and Linguistics is always a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks made to decipher the writing on a scroll.


You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.


You begin with an extra 100 gp in ill-gotten gains. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with brigands, thieves, bandits, and their ilk.


Whenever you spend a day without gaining reward or treasure (at least 10 or more gold pieces) or spending an hour on entertainment or pleasure, attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of that day. If you fail, you begin the next day fatigued. This fatigue lasts 4 hours, or until you receive a reward or sufficient entertainment or pleasure.

Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: Hobgoblins are fast and hearty.

Darkvision: Hobgoblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Fearsome: Some hobgoblins scorn caution and subtlety for swagger and bluster. Hobgoblins with this racial trait gain a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. This racial trait replaces sneaky.

Languages: All hobgoblins begin play speaking Common and Goblin. Hobgoblins with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Infernal, Giant, Orc.


Items: alchemist fire (3), artisan's outfit, flint and steel, oil (1), 10 arrows

Combat Gear:

Studded Leather
Bombchucker (MC) (+10' to alchemy throws)
Hip Flask (water filled)
Belt Pouch

Wealth: (0 pp, 36 gp, 3 sp, 1 cp)(180 credit Oleg's)

Carrying Capacity:
Light (38 lbs or less); Medium (39-77 lbs.); Heavy (78-115 lbs.)
Current Load: 37
Age: 20, Height: 5'6", Weight: 200 lbs

Cart Train:
2 mules equipped with pack saddle, saddle bags, & (1) five gallon (gal.)kegs of ale.
Mule 1 : "O'Tee" HP 13 AC 11 Mule 2 : "Lim" HP 13 AC 11
Carrying Capacity - Drag up to 775
Light (up to 75 lbs); Medium (76-150 lbs); heavy, (151-225 lbs)
Current Load: O'Tee: 63 lbs Lim: 63 lbs
In the 2 wheeled cart:
alchemy crafting kit, sack, ink (black), inkpen, 50' rope, (3) five gallon (gal.)kegs of ale, 5 gal. keg of oil, 2 hooded lanterns, 20 sq yds canvas, & brewer's kit
Carrying Capacity: 300 lbs
Current Load: 245.5 lbs

Lt riding Horse (Bandit Horse)
HP 15 AC 11
Gear: 60 arrows, Composite Longbow (+2), Oil (2), Riding Saddle, Saddlebag, Bit and Bridle, Trail Rations (3)
Carrying Capacity -
Light (up to 228 lbs); Medium (229-459 lbs); heavy, (460-690 lbs)
Current Load: 74 lbs


Dagru is a stout goblinoid standing 5 and half feet in height with long burly arms dangling at his side. His skin is a gray green dulled by lack of direct exposure to sunlight unlike his dark mossy green head and arms. His face and head lack any hair and he keeps his exposed mossy green skin shining with oils. This coupled with his fiery red eyes which gleam from his broad face and stocky body create an unnatural presence of doom even when at ease.

He often wears a dark leather bandolier riddled with vials across his clothes and darkened studded leather armor. He chooses colors (brown, grey, & tan) that blend well with the urban & wood mix environment where he regularly travels.


Dagru is a known for his imposing appearance yet calm nature. He maintains undying loyalty to friends but is not the easiest to become acquainted at first meeting. He is usually sharp tongued and often mean to those he first meets. If and when someone breaks through this barrier Dagru becomes attached. Although generally well liked and well respected once known even then his presence seems clouded by some unnatural force.

[Loyal] – Dagru’s upbringing although cruel and merciless left him with an unbreakable loyalty for those he calls friend.

[Diligent] – His intelligence and knowledge of problem solving make him an asset to any team. Dagru is a hardworking team member who focuses heavily on completion of a task before pleasure; however, he is one known to work hard and play hard.

[Hedonistic] – Anyone who has ever spent a week with Dagru knows that they are in for a party whereever he goes. He is quick to extend a day’s hours if only to gather a few drinks and mingle with the women. Although he is not the best looking of creatures he finds a way to please all around him with his exquisite understanding of pleasure, conversation, spirits, and storytelling.


Dagru was born an oversized hobgoblin to a militant order of a traditional goblinoid tribe in the Southern reaches of Numeria. As a boy he and his brother, Grautak, grew up within a lawful society based heavily on order and honor where status was only gained on the battlefield.

Like the goblinoid youth before he and his brother they were carried away from his family at the ripe young age of three to learn the common functions of drill and combat. There they would spend the next ten years of their life in a boot camp militaristic existence. Dagru was not the strongest, nor wisest of the group but his speed and intellect kept him exceeding his batch. During his training unlike his brother he was often beaten even sometimes to the point of death. This experience only strengthened his resolve to overcome all odds. Additionally the experience sharpened his mind to understand that strength alone would not win every battle nor would direct contact with an enemy. Sometimes finding and honing in on a weakness or drawing an enemy to a more vulnerable position would be the way to beat the superior warrior. A skill he would need later in life.

After training he and his brother were sent to the frontlines of the raiding parties of his tribe fighting heavily throughout Southeast Numeria into the River Kingdoms and Brevoy. It is on those lands he got first hand exposure to war and the consequences it brought. While involved in a continuous raiding campaign on the Western River Kingdoms woodlands near Castle Urion his tribe was weakened a little more each day with numerious losses. The tribe along with Dagru and his brother were corned in the woods and forced to defend to the last man. Seeing an opportunity to escape Dagru, Grautak, and a few others escaped into the wilderness rather than die in the midst of an unwinnable battle.

At a mere sixteen Dagru met up with a group of bandits in the Western River Kingdom forests that he would eventually befriend. At first he was disgusted with the actions and methodologies utilized by this mixture (orcs, ½ orcs, goblins, humans, ½ elf, etc) of brigands but he and his brother moved to leadership roles within the group, the Numerian Hammer. In those positions they found ways to alter their group's means of obtaining loot and infamy more to there liking. Dagru devised a plan to focus the Hammer's efforts on highway robbery utilizing mechanical devices, traps, and feats of misdirection.
Again this focus would not be on the commoners of the area but instead, the rich and famous. The Numerian Hammers plan was highly successful and in a year or more was making the group quite rich and infamous. It also brought about desire for greater riches for the group.

To become more prosperous the group would move out of the River Kingdoms and focus on targets of royalty as they were already engaged or distracted by their struggles among one another for the power of Brevoy. He and his band of men would infiltrate these royal families learning their darkest secrets through back door meetings with unscrupulous members loyal to royalty. There they would strike deals involving ransom plans, assassination, theft, and destruction to improve their status.

Dagru and Grautak although of monstrous breed rose quickly through the ranks of the Numerian Hammer in just a few years but the fun would not last forever. Just weeks ago the groups plan had been uncovered by some of these royal Brevoy families causing the group to disband among the heavy fighting from mercenaries, and bounty hunters hired by Brevoy. However, he and his brother escaped again from certain death by befriending a lower royal member of the House Garess who owed him a favor. The friend brought forth a hand written invitation for the two from the House in the land push to the River Kingdoms. A new adventure and chapter would now be open for the boys.