Vianella Orlovsky |

Did I miss something? People seem to be posting their next actions, but the bad guys haven't gone yet (and they're higher in the initiative order than us).

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Grautak chucked in another action and i thought he may have had inside info to keep it rolling so i posted my next action..

Grautak |

I chucked it in because I thought we had surprise and I was gone most of the day for TotalCon so I posted it as my next action. You can plug it in where appropriate.

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same for me.. as I wasn't sure when I could post...

DM Thron |

IF you preload an action like that in preparation for a possible missed opportunity to post, that is fine. However, it does come with the chance that things could happen between one round to the next that would have changed what you do. However, I will still go with what you have posted as your action for the round if it is pre-posted. And, if it is mechanically impossible at that point, or something happened that negates your action, I will not wait for you to adjust it. I will post your action as a DMPC'ed action adjusted as best I can to the already posted moves.

DM Thron |

On the Yandasana note, I am going to be updating the game here shortly. If they do not post before I get to it, I will DMPC their actions. If I do not hear ANYTHING from them in 24 hours, they will be removed from the game. 10 days with no warning or update this early into the campaign is something I am not comfortable dealing with, especially when the last post from the individual stated they were going to post "tomorrow" (which is now 9 days past...).

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All good, i'll be careful with what I post then..

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So what now do we grab another player?

Vianella Orlovsky |

It's probably good you had added Gird to the mix. I had a hunch that Yandasana may disappear, or at the very least be a little erratic in posting. Let's hope we don't lose too many more (preferably none!).
EDIT: To reiterate (or state for the first time, I don't recall), I have limited online availability over the weekends. There may be occasions (such as this past weekend) where I am unable to post at all during them.

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Hmm I don't really like the idea of the group being punished by being a man down because of a choice the dm made. Death in play.. like possibly mine if I bleed to death is part of play.. but a player that was chosen by the Dm.. the player then flaking isn't part of play or even a damn guys life got in the way thing.

Vianella Orlovsky |

The DM mentioned this aspect of things right from the beginning, and there were no real objections then. You may have missed it since you joined a little later. Here are the salient points:
1) Player death/Player disappearance: If a player either leaves the game, goes a long time with no posted reasoning, or a character dies, I am not going to replace them. This may seem a tad harsh, but it is what it is. This is going to be a very grim, very real feeling setting. Granted, once the magics of resurrection become available, player death will not be a serious issue. Also, if the party wishes to pool funds to have such magic performed, that is another option. However, having been in and seen several PbP games in the past fall due to player inactivity, I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of this up front.
What will I do if the party gets too small? Well, that particular party would fail, from an RP perspective. They would have 2 options at that point:
A) Seek asylum with the neighboring group/kingdom (depending on whatever phase they are at).
B) Return as a whole to Restov, and then begin searching for replacements. Which, in turn, WOULD result in my opening up a recruitment thread again and finding replacements. However, this would STILL result in some sort of negative impact on the players cities/kingdom, due to a lack of faith in their rulers.
So we're not completely lost since we can merge with the other group, or go back to Restov for recruits.
Note, APs are generally intended for 4-5 people, and being at 5 tends to make things a bit easier since the DM won't need to scale up encounters.

Dagru |

So where do we stand?
I would hope we would have Dm Thron run the character through this encounter, even if possibly stating that they ran from the scene immediately frightened by combat and then have them disappear.
At that point we run with 5 until another shows or forever.
We got this... now bleed Gird. haha we will save you.

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Maybe....save me that is you could trip and blow me up or something.

Rockne Coonak |

sorry for the last day or so - I opened chrome/roll20 for my weekly RL game and my laptop got attacked BADLY.....my Kaspersky has been working overtime but the amount of adware I just received is mind-numbing!
as for flaky characters....i've joined more than my share of campaigns as the 'replacement guy' and I see how much work it is for a gm to integrate/plot twist/etc to make it fit. Obviously there are situations that are easier than others ("you find a jail cell with a new PC locked in it") but I can also appreciate a GM not wanting their game to feel like a revolving door, especially when the desired tone is more gritty and dark. "Youre healer is dead, but you see a man on horseback approaching from the west, his shield is a field of white with a red cross emblazoned upon it" is not the tone that was advertised for this game.
As for losing someone already? all will be well, and all manner of things will be well......

Grautak |

F!!+'em. Let's continue on.

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I'm here just unconscious afaik

DM Thron |

So...what's the plan team?
Also, nobody has addressed the bandit really since he said the following:
"My name's Trent. If you plan on killin' us, ya might wanna put Walter on out of his misery. Poor sap can hardly even breath!" says the other, which elicits a panicked look from his fellow captive. "And I'll talk, but only if you give me some assurances that I'll live after doing so. I ain't got no loyalty to the rest of this crew, I'm just tryin' to get by out here."

Dagru |

Sorry I thought we were ignoring him and packing for Olegs. Then moving back to the tree.

Vianella Orlovsky |

Oh! I hadn't realized there were others injured! For some reason I had thought we had come through this relatively unscathed (aside from Gird). Apparently not.
Don't forget to update your stat-line so that those of us who may have some minor means of healing (I have one more CLW and I believe Gird has one), will know who needs it at a glance, rather than having to wade through the combat logs.

Rockne Coonak |

Is Rockne wounded? I think yes but I can't remember, we've both looked over all to find wounds and Rockne in his status bar is at full health?
If Rockne is wounded could Vianella heal him please
yeah, sorry bout that, ive never been that good at maintaining my HP in my status bar. since it changes EVERY post back til the dawn of time I've always found it more reliable to add a "status" to the bottom of combat posts.
I can go either way of course, depending on what the Boss Man wants!

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Grautak healed to max.. booyah...

Grautak |

Sweet! Thank you sir!

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Next time I'll post long stuff with spoiler tags sorry.

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Make sure you check the bounties in the campaign tab all some good reward and flavour.

Grautak |

Sorry for the brief and few postings this past week. We had three employees resign and so I have been picking up the slack as well as performing the interviewing process at work. Has made for some very long days.
We have hired one replacement but until I hire a new receptionist, my workload is doubled. After this week I should be back to normal, although I of course, will still post everyday.
On a different note, is it safe to assume Whisper has also been healed? If not Grautak would ask for healing for him.

Dagru |

Sorry for the brief and few postings this past week. We had three employees resign and so I have been picking up the slack as well as performing the interviewing process at work. Has made for some very long days.
We have hired one replacement but until I hire a new receptionist, my workload is doubled. After this week I should be back to normal, although I of course, will still post everyday.
On a different note, is it safe to assume Whisper has also been healed? If not Grautak would ask for healing for him.
I hate when that happens, people leaving in groups. bah Hope it gets better soon.

DM Thron |

You guys are officially to the "Hexploration" portion of the game! I suggest you do the following:
Agree on someone to act as scout/mapmaker. This person will decide on which hexes you guys travel to, and in what order. They should post a series of hexes to go through, so that I can gloss over hexes that have nothing to interact with, and keep the game moving quickly.
For Example:
Scout Character: "We will explore in counter-clockwise rings around Oleg's, starting with the hex with the Trading Post, then move to the NW Hex and begin the circle. At the end of each ring, we will return to Oleg's to resupply."
I would then go one by one and describe each hex you encountered, as well as keep track of the time passed, until you encountered something. Once you have handled that "encounter," I would verify that you wish to resume your current plan, and begin clearing hexes again.
Obviously, that is just an example, and is not even necessarily a good plan. You guys come up with who is going to handle the scouting and we can begin.

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Hmm... I'm probably on a bad time in the world to be the map dude, personally i'd say Grautak. But I can give it a go if no one else.

Rockne Coonak |

If we wanted to go after the wedding ring or the next bandit camp, is that hexplore mode too? I'm leaning toward banging out a few more direct "quests" if that's different than the more open ended exploration.

Dagru |

We had the lead into the rabbit hole as well with the tree, right?

Vianella Orlovsky |

We know about the Old Sycamore SW of the bandit camp (where Svetlana's ring may be), home of mites. We could go there directly (more or less) or just tailor our early explorations of the hex in that vicinity.
We just learned a bit about where the main SL camp may be but I'd rather not go there directly.
What's the rabbit hole?

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The sycamore is the rabbit hole i assume.

Dagru |

We know about the Old Sycamore SW of the bandit camp (where Svetlana's ring may be), home of mites. We could go there directly (more or less) or just tailor our early explorations of the hex in that vicinity.
We just learned a bit about where the main SL camp may be but I'd rather not go there directly.
What's the rabbit hole?
Sycamore tree

Grautak |

I say we explore in an orderly fashion, methodically. Ultimately our charter requires us to accurately map the area. I figure as we do this, the quest targets will fall in our laps.