Tales from the Great Bazaar

Game Master Patrick Curtin

An attempt to build a canonical Planescape campaign from the ground up. Starting as young teens living in the streets of Sigil and ending....?

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Female "Fire" Gnome
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Annabelle Ember wrote:
wow a bit of posting going on... will have to see what is happening.
Hi Edward. I was just reviewing your post on the gameplay thread. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I do have to retain narrative control. While I do encourage participation, this game isn't a collaborative narration piece. Your opportunity to work on your eidolon will come in time. So no cart with gizmos off the bat.

work has been heck lately, work for the electric company and we currently have 66% of or generation off line during a heat wave. trying to get more generators on line.

Also I am sorry about that, but you made it just what I intended to happen.


There is a district in the lower Ward known as the Gear Run where gnomes and constructs tend to gather. We'll get Annabelle over that way soon :)

Thought I might plant this here in case you call me up.

Zadkiel Background:
Memories were hazy things, twisted, out of reach. He had sinned, that was something that was certain. And, he had been judged. The first thing he knew with clarity was the sensation of falling, air passing over his broken form and growing heat. He was unsure how long he fell, he had learned to measure time from the moment of impact. His body was as broken as the crumbling building the he dragged himself from. A church of some kind, long since abandoned. The whole city seemed abandoned, he heard no voices, could smell nothing but rot and dust. He slept in fits and starts as his body healed, the light was inconstant and muted. Wrapping himself in tattered cloth salvaged from a ruin and clinging to a staff fashioned from a flagpole he wandered endlessly and aimlessly. Streets seemed to go nowhere, great meandering paths that looped back on themselves. He grew stronger and began to heal but had not needed food or water since the impact. The sensation of being watched started on the third week of his wanderings, at first he thought that he was going mad from isolation, but the feeling persisted and grew stronger. Becoming sure, he began to double back, lay false trails, leap between buildings, and lay in wait for the thing hunting him. On the fifth week, he saw a shadow move as he lay in wait for his stalker. On the seventh, he made a net and set a trap. He caught his foe on the eighth week.

At first, he dared not approach it. He thought he knew what the thing was, thought he remembered. The knowledge remained just out of reach though. The creature looked almost pitiable in that net, struggling against the cold iron he had woven into it. He approached and tried to remember what words sounded like, the creature spoke first. It begged him for his help, mewled like some new-born thing, and called him “fallen one.” That was the first new spark of memory since the church. “Zadkiel,” that was his name, he smiled as he embraced the memory of his name. He spoke with the creature at length, questioned it, considered torturing it but found little point. Finally he released it. When the thing stood, without the net to constrain it, it revealed the fullness of it form. It was a she, by any standard attractive, the featherless and torn wings and the tail did not detract from that. Zadkiel searched his memories as she began to speak and one word drew to mind, “succubus.” She was reasoned enough, playing a victim, almost begging Zadkiel to help her escape. She called herself “Flamebreaker,” and did not try to use magic to influence Zadkiel who she called “Fallen One.”

Zadkiel was not disposed to helping her, but thought that she might be his only way of leaving this ruin and so agreed to help her escape. Over the next few weeks they talked at length and Zadkiel learned much of the world from Flamebreaker. According to her, they were in a maze. She had done something to anger this “Lady of Pain” and been cast here, how he had arrived was lost on her however. Zadkiel had his suspicions about his origins but refused to voice them with the demoness. Working together they scoured the ruined maze for a portal, an escape, but found nothing. It kept coming back to the church. They camped in its ruins for a week while Zadkiel studied the building, he felt different here, like someone visiting a home they could never return to. He dug and sifted and finally found a symbol of the god that had once drawn its worshipers here. Flamebreaker disliked the symbol, feared it. Zadkiel held it and it felt like the heirloom of a family member. Climbing to the top of the church with Flamebreaker, Zadkiel looked down on the hole in the roof his plummeting body had made. He took up Flamebreaker in his arms and, holding tight to the holy symbol spoke one word and leapt.


Zadkiel Questions:
Five friends/allies/contacts
Flamebreaker – A succubus, who for some reason was mazed by the Lady. She helped introduce Zadkiel to the ways of Sigil and has formed a loose alliance with the divinely connected amnesiac. Zadkiel harbors feelings for her but keeps them well concealed and attributes them to the shared ordeal of the maze. She herself has distanced herself from her demonic kin and sought employment in Sigil.
Tobit Longstride – An aasimar ranger and Sensate who Zadkiel met early in his time in Sigil. The two took a liking to each other over a few mugs and Tobit agreed to help Zadkiel recover his memories.
Krora the midwife – A human resident of the Hive, she tended to Zadkiel's wounds after his escape from the maze. She is the only one aside from Flamebreaker who has seen his scars. She calls on Zadkiel occasionally for odd jobs.
Qin Fai – Human Godsman and craftsman who provides Zadkiel with money and jobs in exchange for any new memories he recovers.
Astoril the Scribe – Elven Dustman, lives near Krora and has been attempting to convince Zadkiel to join the faction.

Five enemies/rivals
Kartha – A gang leader who met Zadkiel not long after he escaped the maze, he accosted the “clueless” for money and Zadkiel nearly beat him to death. Kartha only survived because Zadkiel's anger was turned on the gang members who moved to help their downed boss.
Tethas Mir – Zadkiel's “rival” for Flamebreaker's love. The Taker known as Tethas clearly is unaware of Flamebreaker's true nature, knowing her as the half-elf barmaid Elsbeth. Tethas is trying to win out over Zadkiel, though Zadkiel is more concerned for Tethas's soul than anything.
Copper Man Wright – A merchant and loan shark who maintains that Zadkiel owes him money from a prior life. Zadkiel maintains otherwise.
Agatha – An astral deva who has been less than helpful to Zadkiel. She hasn't taken direct action yet, but worked through intermediaries.
Speaks-in-Truths – A devil who Zadkiel has also managed to somehow piss off. His action has been even more indirect than Agatha's, but perhaps more damaging.

Long-term character goals
Find out who he really is, why he fell, what his connection to Aoskar and Flamebreaker is.
Regain whatever power he had that was lost to him, only strength can keep him safe.
Convert Flamebreaker from evil, chaos is less problematic.

Desired Items
Mithral Breastplate
Merciful Longsword
Longbow of Endless Ammunition
Boots and Cloak of Elvenkind
Laurel of Command

His largest motivation is his lack of coherent memories, finding out who he was and who he is is Zadkiel's greatest concern.
Zadkiel is generally forgiving and willing to extend trust to others, though he keeps watch just in case.
There is a sense of wanderlust to the fallen one, he's constantly moving about, changing where he sleeps or even what ward he's frequenting.
Zadkiel has been known to be possessed of a righteous anger at times, as in the case of Kartha.
Zadkiel fears becoming lost, he clings to his attachments tightly while seeking new ones to confirm his existence. He's not wild about the philosophies of the Sign of One or the Takers.

Does the character have family? Are they close? Still alive?
Zadkiel isn't sure if he has family, he thinks he does but has no idea where. The Cage is as good a place as any to start looking, and he's been searching the records of the fall of Aoskar. Aoskar's name plays through his thoughts, he doesn't think he served him directly, but he feels a connection to the lost god.

Zadkiel Appearance:
Zadkiel stands 6'2” and weighs 200lbs. He doesn't look as heavy as he is, his muscles are wiry and he carries little fat on his body. With hair like burnished gold and pale flesh, he seems otherworldly. Eyes that sparkle like tourmaline and lack pupils are constantly alert and, with his strong jaw and high cheek bones, lend a patrician look to his features. Typically Zadkiel keeps his hair long, shoulder length, and pulled back in a loose ponytail. He keeps a tight goatee and pencil thin mustache, his facial hair darker, a light brown. He prefers black and silver clothing, white if silver can not be found, in utilitarian cuts. His inhuman features are not typically off-putting and most consider him attractive.

His studded leather armor is black and of better quality than appearance would suggest, he keeps it mostly concealed beneath a tunic and cloak. The longsword, dagger, and shield all look borrowed and of lower planar craftsmanship. The crossbow is more mundane, likely from a prime. When one sees Zadkiel without his clothing the tapestry of fine white scars across his body is almost pitiable; however, the worst scars are two angry red things that run from the top of his shoulders to his mid back, almost certainly from severed wings.

Zadkiel Stats:
Male Aasimar Inquisitor of Rulership (Sanctified Slayer) 1
N medium outsider (native)

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16 (+1 on Charisma checks with Outsiders)
Base Attack +0, CMB +2, CMD 14
AC 15 (17 w/shield), Touch 12, Flat-footed 13 (15 w/ shield)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5
HP 17 (1d8 + 1) (Double Max at 1st)
Speed: 30ft
Init: +6

Attacks: Longsword (+2, 1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Dagger (+2, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft)

Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Longsword)(Inq Prof), Improved Initiative

Traits: Armor Expert (-1 to armor check penalty for worn armor), Natural Born Leader (+1 to Leadership Score; Cohorts, followers, and summons have +1 morale bonus to will saves vs mind affecting effects)

Skills: Acrobatics (1 rank + 1 Dex), Diplomacy +9 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Cha + 2 racial), Intimidate +8 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Cha + 1 stern gaze), Knowledge (Planes) +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 Int), Knowledge (Religion) +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 Int), Perception +5 (+ 3 Wis + 2 racial), Sense Motive +8 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Wis + 1 stern gaze), Stealth +7 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Wis), Survival +7 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Wis)
Background: Knowledge (History), Linguistics +2 (1 rank + 1 Int)
+1 on Charisma Checks with Outsiders

Languages: Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Infernal

Spells: Inquisitor (0th at will, 1st 2)
Known: Inquisitor (0th 4, 1st 2)
0th – Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1st – Bless, Divine Favor

Special Attacks: Studied Target +1

Special Qualities: Acid Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, Darkvision 60ft, Electricity Resistance 5

Combat Gear: Studded Leather Armor, Longsword, Dagger, Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts Heavy Wooden Shield

Other Gear: Explorer's Outfit, Iron Holy Symbol (longsword wrapped in chains), Dungeoneering Kit, Pathfinder's Kit, Journal, Pen, Ink, 9 gp, 9sp

Special Abilities: Daylight (1/day, CL 1), Domain (Nobility(Aristocracy): Noble Visage +1), Monster Lore, Skilled (+2 to Diplomacy, Perception), Stern Gaze +1


Excellent! You should make an alias up, and have it ready.


Players and their characters :

Edward-Annabelle Ember SC
Mothman Alyse Shade LG/SC
Theta Thief-Orla Pentastone SC
Drogoney-Myriana SC
Celestial Healer-Tollard Grimm SC
Flash Calita Survension LG
Tanner-Tsun SC
Woran Sara Moyna SC
Ken Marable Congruence SC

Alternates and their alternate characters :
Albion the Eye
rknop Reedalvan

Male Aasimar Inquisitor(Sanctified Slayer) 1

Profile made




Players and their characters :

Edward-Annabelle Ember SC
Mothman Alyse Shade LG/SC
Theta Thief-Orla Pentastone SC
Drogoney-Myriana SC
Celestial Healer-Tollard Grimm SC
Flash Calita Survension LG
Tanner-Tsun SC
Woran Sara Moyna SC
Ken Marable Congruence SC

Alternates and their alternate characters :
Albion the Eye
Almafagor Zadkiel
rknop Reedalvan

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Now I want steakberries.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Celestial Healer wrote:
Now I want steakberries.

This is about as close as I can find.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I am thinking actual steaks that grow on trees.

Like this

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Human Psychomancer

Can you imagine a forest fire? Yummmm.


Lol. An old conceit of mine. Assuming a race of elves that were 'biomancers' (focusing on nature magic) that were vegetarian. What type of plant life would they cultivate? A climbing vine with clusters of grape-sized berries high in protein with a meat-like texture perhaps? Thus the concept of steak berries was born in an idle moment of world building

Female "Fire" Gnome

Hi all, will be out of it for a couple of days.... terrible cold and need rest


Thanks for the heads up!

Female Asura-spawn Thiefling Inquisitor of Shelyn | HP 27/27 | AC 18, T 13 FF 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Wis +6 | Percept +8 | Darkvision | Init +4

I am already very attached to Congruence


Modrons are very adorable in a clunky clockwork way. One of my favorite monsters, right up there with the Flumph

Female Dwarf Cleric 1st

I'll be honest I have no idea what a Modron is. In fact until just know I've been pronouncing it as Mordrin in my head XP.



This even has a quick reference to Ken's Dragon article under the 3e paragraph.

Sara Moyna wrote:
I am already very attached to Congruence

Yay! This is one of my first PbP games, and it's been great so far. Congruence just wants to fit in, and that seemed like a nice angle to go for. It's wonderful that she is looking out for him. I'm glad we got paired. :)

Orla Pentastone wrote:
I'll be honest I have no idea what a Modron is. In fact until just know I've been pronouncing it as Mordrin in my head XP.

If you are curious, this is relatively what Congruence looks like.

Female Asura-spawn Thiefling Inquisitor of Shelyn | HP 27/27 | AC 18, T 13 FF 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Wis +6 | Percept +8 | Darkvision | Init +4

Gungruence is just a square shaped labrador in my head ;)


Players and their characters :

Edward-Annabelle Ember SC
Mothman Alyse Shade LG/SC
Theta Thief-Orla Pentastone SC
Drogoney-Myriana SC
Celestial Healer-Tollard Grimm SC
Flash Calita Survension LG
Tanner-Tsun SC
Woran Sara Moyna SC
Ken Marable Congruence SC

Alternates and their alternate characters :
Albion the Eye
Almafagor Zadkiel
rknop Reedalvan

Almafagor and rknop. The game seems to be going relatively smoothly, so I am going to offer you two the chance to join in if you want. Let me know

I would be happy to join in.

Almagafor wrote:
I would be happy to join in.

Cool. I'll think up an intro for you today :)

M Tiefling Rogue (Unchained) 1 - HP 17/17 - AC 15 (+2 Armor +3 Dex) - Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0 - CMD 13 - Resist Cold/5, Fire/5

rknop here -- Excellent, thank you for the offer! I will go and make sure that Reedlalvan is outfitted.

(By the way, I pronounce it "reed-AL-van", if folk want to hear it in their head the way I do. In a PbP, it doesn't matter much... we're all reading the same thing!)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Reedalvan wrote:
(By the way, I pronounce it "reed-AL-van", if folk want to hear it in their head the way I do. In a PbP, it doesn't matter much... we're all reading the same thing!)

That's the way I was pronouncing it for myself. :)

Reedalvan wrote:

rknop here -- Excellent, thank you for the offer! I will go and make sure that Reedlalvan is outfitted.

(By the way, I pronounce it "reed-AL-van", if folk want to hear it in their head the way I do. In a PbP, it doesn't matter much... we're all reading the same thing!)

I'll figure out something for you as an intro. I'm going to assume Lightning Guild for you, being a rogue and all

Almagafor wrote:
I would be happy to join in.

Is there a starting place you would prefer? I would assume St Cuthbert's would appeal to Zadkiel

Male Aasimar Inquisitor(Sanctified Slayer) 1
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Almagafor wrote:
I would be happy to join in.
Is there a starting place you would prefer? I would assume St Cuthbert's would appeal to Zadkiel

He would probably be ok with either, wandering between them as he needed. If Cuthbert's works best then that's where he's at today.

Liberty's Edge

M Human Astrophysicist 10 / Linux Nerd 4 / Violinist 2 / Dramaturge 1

Yes, Lightning Guild is good.


Ok. Got intros posted. Drogoney/Myriana, if you want to head back to breakfast I think Ed/Annabelle is going to be delayed. We can just have her parked until Ed recovers

female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

Righto then, sounds good to me.

M Jotun (Stone) Jotun Paragon 1 -- HP 20 : AC 16 CMD 16 TAC 12 FAC 14 : slam 1d20+4; 1d6+4 : grapple 1d20+9 : F+5 R+2 W+0 : INIT+4 Perc+4 CMB+5

For clarification, does the lodge have a history with the Indeps? He called it an Indep building, and I want to make sure that player knowledge and character knowledge match up.

Tsun wrote:
For clarification, does the lodge have a history with the Indeps? He called it an Indep building, and I want to make sure that player knowledge and character knowledge match up.

It technically lies within territory the Indeps claim as their home turf.

M Jotun (Stone) Jotun Paragon 1 -- HP 20 : AC 16 CMD 16 TAC 12 FAC 14 : slam 1d20+4; 1d6+4 : grapple 1d20+9 : F+5 R+2 W+0 : INIT+4 Perc+4 CMB+5

As steward, would I believe that the lodge is in need of major repairs? Something that I could not handle on my own?

Tsun wrote:
As steward, would I believe that the lodge is in need of major repairs? Something that I could not handle on my own?

There are many things that would be easier to do if there were more people involved. The roof leaks, there is foundation cracks, etc. Tsun could do it all, but he would be at it 24-7.


Just a heads up folks: there are a lot of timelines in this game at the moment. Sometimes I read something and don't have the opportunity to reply, and then it gets forgotten and/or buried in the posts stream.

If you have been waiting a while for me to write something and you see others getting adjutated first who posted after you, feel free to mention it here. I might have vegged on it

M Tiefling Rogue (Unchained) 1 - HP 17/17 - AC 15 (+2 Armor +3 Dex) - Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0 - CMD 13 - Resist Cold/5, Fire/5

GM : this post. I'm about to have Reedalvan jump in and be rude and volunteer for the assignment, giving away that he was evesdropping. Are you cool with me doing that, or do you have other plans that that would disrupt?


No, go ahead. I left that as an opening for you you could interrupt, or approach Frenjik after the lady moves away, or even track her when she leaves if you wanted. Whatever you feel like your character would like to do. I'm keeping plans amorphous at this stage

Female Asura-spawn Thiefling Inquisitor of Shelyn | HP 27/27 | AC 18, T 13 FF 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Wis +6 | Percept +8 | Darkvision | Init +4

Temperatures have soared in the netherlands, and I think i died. So I am all out of creative text.

Sara Moyna wrote:
Temperatures have soared in the netherlands, and I think i died. So I am all out of creative text.

That is quite all right. I am currently recovering from driving a non-air-conditioned school bus for three hours through 35 deg. C weather (That's about 95 F iirc)

Luckily I have air conditioning at home

Female Asura-spawn Thiefling Inquisitor of Shelyn | HP 27/27 | AC 18, T 13 FF 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Wis +6 | Percept +8 | Darkvision | Init +4

What is this Fahrenheit you speak of?

Sara Moyna wrote:
What is this Fahrenheit you speak of?

Our obstinate temperature scale.

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M Jotun (Stone) Jotun Paragon 1 -- HP 20 : AC 16 CMD 16 TAC 12 FAC 14 : slam 1d20+4; 1d6+4 : grapple 1d20+9 : F+5 R+2 W+0 : INIT+4 Perc+4 CMB+5
Sara Moyna wrote:
What is this Fahrenheit you speak of?

The 'F' stands for Freedom Units.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

I heard that June was the warmest June on record (presumably in the northern hemisphere). Here in the southern, we are in the middle of winter. A few days ago it was a top of 14 deg. C, which is fairly typical for winter here. Today it is up to 24 C, unseasonably warm.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Yeah, it's a nice day today. Last week was bloody cold though.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Mothman Expert 5

It was. But you kind of expect that in winter ;-)

Not a fan of the cold + rain combination though.

Scarab Sages

Ratfolk Biologist 4 / IT critter 3

I like the cold.

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