Tales from the Great Bazaar

Game Master Patrick Curtin

An attempt to build a canonical Planescape campaign from the ground up. Starting as young teens living in the streets of Sigil and ending....?

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Scarab Sages

Ratfolk Biologist 4 / IT critter 3

Also, I am over in Europe, so hooray for time zones?

female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

I'm only planning on a few levels of rogue before changing classes to sorcerer if that makes a difference for you.

Woran wrote:
Also, I am over in Europe, so hooray for time zones?

Haha I've been in France the past two weeks can't wait to get home though the jet lag is killer.


We are all over the globe in this game. Two Aussies, and me but I'm awake very weird times for my time zone. It works well with PbP No big rush to post

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Woran wrote:

I think Thiefling would give more oppurtunities for roleplay with the whole horn/tail thing, combined with the fact that thieflings are pretty much despised.

Meanwhile, trying to decide on a class before expanding on the background. I'm usually the type that waits to see what the party does, and then adds to it.

So far we have a Sorcerer(?), two Magi, Rogue, Oracle and a kind of custom melee build for the Jotun.
It means we have a lot of bases covered, except maybe another ranged option.
Is there a class the other players really want in the party?

I like the idea of the tiefling 'growing into' the horns and tail etc. too.

Assuming our fire gnome and cat girl both end up going sorcerer, it looks like we have arcane casting pretty well covered, though no full progression arcane caster. Melee should be well covered, I agree that (non-magical) ranged is a bit lacking. With such a large party, our oracle will be hard pressed to keep everyone healed up (assuming an oracle of the dark tapestry even cares much for healing), so another character who can heal might be good (though I notice we have an alternate with a cleric prepared...)


Also, rogue is always a good choice in Sigil. Even if just a level dip.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mothman wrote:
Woran wrote:

I think Thiefling would give more oppurtunities for roleplay with the whole horn/tail thing, combined with the fact that thieflings are pretty much despised.

Meanwhile, trying to decide on a class before expanding on the background. I'm usually the type that waits to see what the party does, and then adds to it.

So far we have a Sorcerer(?), two Magi, Rogue, Oracle and a kind of custom melee build for the Jotun.
It means we have a lot of bases covered, except maybe another ranged option.
Is there a class the other players really want in the party?

I like the idea of the tiefling 'growing into' the horns and tail etc. too.

I like the idea of the Tiefling growing up and the visual changes that entails too. I was going to make my character very young as well until I saw your background ideas and decided against it.

Mothman wrote:
Assuming our fire gnome and cat girl both end up going sorcerer, it looks like we have arcane casting pretty well covered, though no full progression arcane caster. Melee should be well covered, I agree that (non-magical) ranged is a bit lacking. With such a large party, our oracle will be hard pressed to keep everyone healed up (assuming an oracle of the dark tapestry even cares much for healing), so another character who can heal might be good (though I notice we have an alternate with a cleric prepared...)

I looked at party composition too before I decided to include a second Magus in the party (Magus is my favourite class, and I always have at least one concept in mind for them at all times). I thought that with a (probable) Sorcerer/Wizard and two Magi, we would have Arcane casting well covered, with both of the Magi helping to cover Melee with the Jotun as well. One Rogue was enough, but with Myriana not going full Rogue, possibly another Skill Monkey may be useful as well (Investigator would be a possible good fit, I very nearly went down that path myself).

I agree that another Healer may very well come in handy ,but I think that a Warpriest or Paladin (or even another Oracle) would work just as well as a full tilt Cleric. I am terrible at playing Healer types. I once killed a fellow PC in a Pen & Paper game because I kept failing Heal checks to stabalise, when I could have simply poured a healing potion down their throat and saved them instantly...

female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

Lol! I might look at a healer for a back up idea in case the worst happens. Even have one in mind that might work out nicely too.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I did take the option to get all cure spells for the oracle, but yes, that will only go so far, especially since he can't channel.

He's not evil. He's just insane.

Female Dusk Elf Magus (Mindblade) 2
Celestial Healer wrote:
He's not evil. He's just insane.

I think we're gonna get along just fine. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

My backup concept is urban ranger, which could help cover skills and melee and/or ranged. But as I may be going back to playing another ranger in another campaign soon (thanks CH!) I'd probably prefer to stick to magus. I imagine Flash's mindblade and my character will be different enough in personality and ability that each will be distinct.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mothman wrote:
I imagine Flash's mindblade and my character will be different enough in personality and ability that each will be distinct.

I thought so too. :)

lol... Plus a little healthy competition in the Magus arena never hurt anybody. ;)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Mothman Expert 5

Wait, there's an arena? Nobody told me there was an arena, multiclassing as gladiator shortly ... ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

By the way all, I am in the position at the moment to post frequently (as you may have noticed) and spend a good amount of time on long detailed backgrounds etc., due to only working part time and from home at the moment while I've been recovering from surgery. As of next week I will be easing back into working from the office and it is likely my posting frequency will drop a bit at that point. If I suddenly get a bit quieter, that's why.

I have been all over the place with ideas. Was inclined towards alchemist for a bit, but think I might have settled on a Modron Chosen One Paladin of Primus (cranium rat familiar - same stats as normal rat - that at 7th level is revealed to be a monodrone familiar - if approved). But why would Primus have a paladin?? Is it another God posing as Primus? Or is Primus balancing out a LG paladin with something sinister & scheming out there as well?

Nice unplanned bonus is that a paladin could help with the healing as well.

However, I can easily come up with other ideas if it helps, for example with some ranged combat. Otherwise, I will work on statting up my paladin and see how it turns out.

Of course, now I'm wondering about ranged character ideas. Always wanted to try out a thrower - either fun times like a Captain America-style shield thrower or a character that makes prodigious use of Throw Anything. Hurm... a modron who is still trying to comprehend what is and isn't a weapon, so it carries around lots of random items that it throws - quite effectively - at enemies.

Blarg! Too many fun ideas! Just might need to stat up both ideas and see which has a more interesting background & personality occur to me.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Ken Marable wrote:

Of course, now I'm wondering about ranged character ideas. Always wanted to try out a thrower - either fun times like a Captain America-style shield thrower or a character that makes prodigious use of Throw Anything. Hurm... a modron who is still trying to comprehend what is and isn't a weapon, so it carries around lots of random items that it throws - quite effectively - at enemies.

Blarg! Too many fun ideas! Just might need to stat up both ideas and see which has a more interesting background & personality occur to me.

Ken, if you're interested in a Shield Thrower, I created a specific shield for this a few years ago on this Blog Mythopoeic Rambling. There are a bunch of Shield ideas for you as well, but the shield you're after is the Razor Shield (which was on March 3rd as you're scrolling down. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

A modron paladin sounds like a fun concept, but may really suffer mechanically with a -4 penalty to charisma.

Female "Fire" Gnome

I plan on going a combo of sorcerer and summoner mostly summoner though

been working a lot for a couple of days, will try and finish everything as soon as I can.

I actually am having trouble deciding where to go with friends and rivals. since Annabelle is new to Sigil she probably didn't have much time to make any close friendships

Scarab Sages

Ratfolk Biologist 4 / IT critter 3

Ranged paladin is still one if the more powerfull builds in pathfinder.

I was thinking about an investigator. But the idea isnt speaking to me. It fits with the background, but its not really coming to life for me.

I'll look into an inquisitor. Or maybe some weird multiclass.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Woran wrote:
Or maybe some weird multiclass.

Weird multi-class is my specialty. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Annabelle Ember wrote:

I plan on going a combo of sorcerer and summoner mostly summoner though

been working a lot for a couple of days, will try and finish everything as soon as I can.

I actually am having trouble deciding where to go with friends and rivals. since Annabelle is new to Sigil she probably didn't have much time to make any close friendships

That's right, I forgot you were going summoner.

Can I ask why you decided to go adept at first level? Seems like a fire blood line sorcerer or similar might be a good fit and give you a few more options?


So, now that we are getting closer to having the characters up and running, it's time to discuss what sort of adventures are preferred.

Now, the overall theme is growing up in Sigil. I am thinking a set of challenges met, then we will have 'Down time' where characters can upgrade or work on skills offstage (I have to do a little homework in the Ultimate Campaign book).

My question is: is there anything that anyone would like to see? Edward,
you are interested in gaining that clockwork you had mentioned, we could do a story arc on that. If anyone wants a specific pet, familiar, mount we can run through that as well. Entry into a faction, gaining a particular skill, even membership in a guild or club (Sigil has thousands of different ones). Post any thoughts.

Annabelle Ember wrote:

I plan on going a combo of sorcerer and summoner mostly summoner though

been working a lot for a couple of days, will try and finish everything as soon as I can.

I actually am having trouble deciding where to go with friends and rivals. since Annabelle is new to Sigil she probably didn't have much time to make any close friendships

You can skip that if you don't feel like she'd have made any friends/enemies. I use this exercise as a springboard to incorporate ideas into the narrative. Several of the allies/enemies my other Planescape game set down have gone on to play major roles in the adventure.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

Well, the friends enemies section I sent you and added onto my alias, both have potential from my side of the story, so any of those would be great.

Myriana wrote:
Well, the friends enemies section I sent you and added onto my alias, both have potential from my side of the story, so any of those would be great.

Awesome! Also, if anyone hasn't put my questions and their answers on their character's profile, I would ask that you do. That way I have an easy reference. Posts tend to get lost as we move forward. You can spoiler it past the normal stats to keep them out of the way.

Scarab Sages

Ratfolk Biologist 4 / IT critter 3

Inquisitor is starting to look appealing. I'll stat it up, probably tomorrow, as I have a real life game tonight.

Once I've got a statblock, I'll finish up the character background.



There is a lot of interest (and alternates) for this game. If you have been chosen as a player, please at least have a character profile up and posted by Friday. It doesn't have to be completed, but there has to be a good faith effort. Anyone who fails to do so will be put on the alternate list and an alternate will be promoted to their spot. Alternates who are serious about playing should have a character ready to go. I give preference to preparedness:)

Also, with all the customization and odd characters I would ask you all to (nicely) evaluate each other's builds. I am not the greatest at rules evaluation (as I have mentioned) so I don't want any hard feelings if someone gets something past me. Any concerns, please post it politely. If you feel uncomfortable with that, you can always PM me.

Woran wrote:

Inquisitor is starting to look appealing. I'll stat it up, probably tomorrow, as I have a real life game tonight.

Once I've got a statblock, I'll finish up the character background.

Sounds good!

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

As with Myriana, I think a number of Alyses' allies and enemies have good potential for adventure hooks. She would really like to learn the truth about her past and also see the Great Wheel (although this could take a back seat as it seems like the campaigns' focus may be more in Sigil than out). News of magical items on a character's wishlist may also serve as inspiration for quests.

Given that we will have a large party and there are already a lot of different character personality types emerging, I would like to see some strong events early on that bring everyone together I guess before we begin focusing on individual interests and stories - much as I do like that aspect, I would also like to see us as a 'group' (which doesn't mean everyone needs to get along all the time ...)

I'm interested in the Factions; in my previous Planescape games, factions tended to either be the source of enemies or quest-givers; we never really got all that much into the characters as members of factions, or faction politics (except with the PCs as pawns). However, I am assuming that different characters might have interest in joining different factions, and I'm not sure how that would work.

I look forward to a game where we meet lots of weird and wonderful characters, interesting personalities, be they allies, enemies or people who could be either. If we do end up getting out of Sigil, the Outlands themselves have always struck me as a little boring (Although I'm sure Pat could do them justice), but I do like the various gate towns, and getting into the upper levels of some of the outer planes.

Female Human Magus / 1

Alyse's build is finished (I think), I welcome review in case there is anything I have missed or gotten wrong - I'm also open to suggestions if anyone thinks of any good options I might have missed - I'm fairly unfamiliar with stuff outside of the Core rules.

Pat, I'll add all the background stuff into the profile shortly, probably tomorrow.

Alyse Shade wrote:

Alyse's build is finished (I think), I welcome review in case there is anything I have missed or gotten wrong - I'm also open to suggestions if anyone thinks of any good options I might have missed - I'm fairly unfamiliar with stuff outside of the Core rules.

Pat, I'll add all the background stuff into the profile shortly, probably tomorrow.

Sounds good Mothy !

Female Asura-spawn Thiefling Inquisitor of Shelyn | HP 27/27 | AC 18, T 13 FF 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Wis +6 | Percept +8 | Darkvision | Init +4

Inquisitor of Shelyn seems appropriate
(made an alias)

female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

Mine's done as well I believe with the possible exception of purchasing an item or two.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I won't get a chance to do much more until Friday, but I have that day off, so I'll get it done then.

Sara Moyna wrote:

Inquisitor of Shelyn seems appropriate

(made an alias)

Looks good Woran

flash_cxxi wrote:
I won't get a chance to do much more until Friday, but I have that day off, so I'll get it done then.

All I ask is a good-faith beginning. Anyone who disappears during the beginning is telling me they're going to disappear once the game gets rolling. You have a character ready, just keep plugging at the stats. Likely you won't need any combat stuff for a long while in this game anyway.


Players and their characters :

Edward-Annabelle Ember
Mothman Alyse Shade
Celestial Healer-Tollard Grimm
Flash Calita Survension
Woran Sara Moyna
Ken Marable

Alternates and their alternate characters :
Albion the Eye
Theta Thief-Orla Pentastone

Female Dwarf Cleric 1st

So I completely forgot that channeling is based off of Cha and not Wis. Sigh. Ok might have to drop my Dex or change to another race. Having a 10 in Cha for a healing cleric is not gonna cut it.

That or my other option is to switch to the Entomancer. Doesn't have channel but does get ranged healing which I think is pretty good.

Any thoughts?

p.s. Major props to Curtin for reading and posting on his smartphone tried it today at work and I was going crazy! Nearly chucked my phone at a coworker lol.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Orla Pentastone wrote:

So I completely forgot that channeling is based off of Cha and not Wis. Sigh. Ok might have to drop my Dex or change to another race. Having a 10 in Cha for a healing cleric is not gonna cut it.

That or my other option is to switch to the Entomancer. Doesn't have channel but does get ranged healing which I think is pretty good.

Any thoughts?

p.s. Major props to Curtin for reading and posting on his smartphone tried it today at work and I was going crazy! Nearly chucked my phone at a coworker lol.

I would just shave a little off your other abilities to bump Cha up to 12 (you only need to find 2 points to make that happen). Or you could just leave it at 10. Honestly, having a good Charisma as a cleric is only good for two things: channel uses per day, and the save DC when you channel offensively. Since this doesn't strike me as a campaign where you will be doing the latter that often, it is mostly about uses per day. And if you can only use it 3 times per day, that is 3 more than we had.

Female Dwarf Cleric 1st
Celestial Healer wrote:
Orla Pentastone wrote:

So I completely forgot that channeling is based off of Cha and not Wis. Sigh. Ok might have to drop my Dex or change to another race. Having a 10 in Cha for a healing cleric is not gonna cut it.

That or my other option is to switch to the Entomancer. Doesn't have channel but does get ranged healing which I think is pretty good.

Any thoughts?

p.s. Major props to Curtin for reading and posting on his smartphone tried it today at work and I was going crazy! Nearly chucked my phone at a coworker lol.

I would just shave a little off your other abilities to bump Cha up to 12 (you only need to find 2 points to make that happen). Or you could just leave it at 10. Honestly, having a good Charisma as a cleric is only good for two things: channel uses per day, and the save DC when you channel offensively. Since this doesn't strike me as a campaign where you will be doing the latter that often, it is mostly about uses per day. And if you can only use it 3 times per day, that is 3 more than we had.

Well the thing is being a Dwarf I have a -2 to Cha so just to get it to 10 I have to raise it to 12. Bumping it to 14 would cost more than 2 points. Also I get that the save DC isn't that important for a healing cleric. My problem with the low Cha is that a lot of the Channel Feats are based off of Cha or other feats that require Cha such as selective channeling. Which requires a Cha of 13.

Could switch to a Changeling those things are built for clerics, but I don't like picking my race for better stats. Plus I haven't played a Dwarf ever and I really want to :P

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

You could drop Dex down to 14. Then you can bump Cha up to 13 and qualify for all your feats.

Female Dwarf Cleric 1st
Celestial Healer wrote:
You could drop Dex down to 14. Then you can bump Cha up to 13 and qualify for all your feats.

Yea looks like unless I wanna change the race this is gonna be the best solution drops my AC a little, but we all gotta make sacrifices.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Orla Pentastone wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
You could drop Dex down to 14. Then you can bump Cha up to 13 and qualify for all your feats.
Yea looks like unless I wanna change the race this is gonna be the best solution drops my AC a little, but we all gotta make sacrifices.

Nah, don't change you race just for that. I agree with CH, either leave it as is, or get it to 13. If you want your character to be a Dwarf, then make her a Dwarf. Don't sacrifice story and character for stats and numbers. When creating a character, I always look at story first, stats second. Doesn't mean I still don't try and optimise as much as I can, but I play a lot of slightly sub-par character concepts because of it and it doesn't bother me at all.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Heh, I started creating my character with a 15 point buy before Pat said to go with a 25 point buy - so an ability score of 13 or 14 is a bonus in my book! Dex 14 is pretty good for your average cleric.

Female Human Magus / 1

Background, allies, enemies etc. posted into character sheet (spoiler at bottom of page).

M Jotun (Stone) Jotun Paragon 1 -- HP 20 : AC 16 CMD 16 TAC 12 FAC 14 : slam 1d20+4; 1d6+4 : grapple 1d20+9 : F+5 R+2 W+0 : INIT+4 Perc+4 CMB+5

Re: ranged damage.

At 4th level I will gain Rock Throwing, which will do 2d8 + 1.5 Str damage with a range of 40 feet. +10 feet of range per level afterward.

At 10th level I will gain Fling. I will be able to grapple a Medium-sized or smaller character and throw them, which will deal 2d6 + Str to them and the creature they hit. Also at 10th level my throwing rocks will increase to 4d6 + 1.5 Str damage.

...but the first three levels will be a little slim. We'll just have to close the distance!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If we are still on Sigil you'll have to keep an eye out for rubble chunks ;)

Male Halfling Oracle (Dark Tapestry) 1

I am still adding to background and the requested questions. Allies are up, and enemies are forthcoming. Here is the background, still subject to editing:

Tollard grew up in The Hive, that foul cesspool of Sigil where the unwanted accumulate with the trash. Like so many who grow up in the slum, he was orphaned at a young age and grew up on the streets. His older sister Pireen was the only family he knew. She grew hard, falling in with a gang of petty drug pushers (or at least pushers of what pass for drugs in The Hive, often cut with sawdust or worse and sold for a few coppers on the street corner). Young Tollard comforted himself with books. There were two volumes that were his mother's: one was a collection of sentimental poetry, and the other was a romantic tale about a gallant knight. He read these volumes repeatedly, along with any other material he could acquire.

To get by, he joined up with a group of thieving urchins led by the cruel Madam Gershna, a tiefling who could be at turns merciful and sadistic. Tollard teamed up with another halfling lad by the name of Herrin. Together, they made money for Gershna as catburglars: Herrin was a talented lockpick, while Tollard was adept at moving about unseen.

Then came an ill-fated burglary that changed Tollard's life forever. While most of their jobs were in more affluent parts of Sigil, Tollard and Herrin were sent to an unassuming residence in the Hive. They were looking for gems, but Tollard was quickly distracted by a compact but intriguing library of ancient tomes. Unable to resist himself, he began looking through them and found himself drawn to a mysterious black tome covered in eldritch symbols. He opened it, and a force from beyond the veil reached out and gave him a glimpse of what lies beyond the infinite seas. Tollard was instantly stricken almost blind, and his mind was forever twisted by what he had allowed inside. The mysterious powers from beyond granted him divine powers. The unknown owner of the library heard the commotion and chased them off, although Tollard knows nothing of him other than his voice.

Cast out of the urchins, Tollard fell to begging on the streets of the Market District. One day, a passing marid by the name of Qurdar saw the young beggar reading a volume of poetry that a diner had left on a cafe table, and was intrigued by this literate street rat. He employed Tollard as an assistant to care for his library of poetry and literature. Tollard has taken to this position as an improvement over begging, but still struggles to keep the madness at bay. He occupies a bed at St. Cuthbert's Lodging for the Lost.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Jotun (Stone) Jotun Paragon 1 -- HP 20 : AC 16 CMD 16 TAC 12 FAC 14 : slam 1d20+4; 1d6+4 : grapple 1d20+9 : F+5 R+2 W+0 : INIT+4 Perc+4 CMB+5
Patrick Curtin wrote:
If we are still on Sigil you'll have to keep an eye out for rubble chunks ;)

Sigil rubble chunks are the best rubble chunks, because they're all pointy and rusty. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Tollard Grimm wrote:

I am still adding to background and the requested questions. Allies are up, and enemies are forthcoming. Here is the background, still subject to editing:

** spoiler omitted **...

I like the background CH.

Celestial Healer:
As suggested by Pat up thread I’ve started doing a review of character sheets of those that appear finished. Tollard certainly has an impressive Stealth modifier for first level! All legit though. I may well be missing something, but you seem to have one too many skill ranks for first level. Nine on your character sheet, but I think it should be 8 (4 for oracle, 1 for intelligence, 1 for favoured class and 2 background skills). If I’ve misunderstood something, my apologies.

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