MaxSlasher26 |

MaxSlasher26 wrote:Is the gallery of monsters that it mentions the illustrations from all the Dungeon magazines?Yes. It's missing only a handful from the last couple issues of the magazine. There are dozens of them in there.
Aww, but missing the newest ones? Does that mean it won't have the kilmoulis?

Krypter |

I'm eagerly looking forward to this compilation as I've had a fractured picture of the story since I jumped into the middle of it with Dungeon #118. Downer's art is great and added a huge amount of character and charm to Dungeon over the years. Kyle has brought the Underdark to life in a much more interesting and convincing way than any 5 dry supplements from WotC. Three cheers for Downer!

BenS |

Aaaah. Just read through my copy, and even though I have all the original issues of Dungeon, it's much better for me to have them compiled like this. I've already pre-ordered Vol. 2, which I sincerely hope doesn't get delayed like the 1st volume :(
Any chance the fans can clamor for Kyle to continue the adventures of Downer? Maybe do a web comic, and then collect a bunch of the new storyline panels into a Vol. X, like w/ the Goblins or OOTS stuff? All published by Paizo Comics of course :)

Tobrian |
Great compilation (except for one slightly misprinted panel). Reading it all together instead of in parts in DUNGEON magazine reminded me again how fast the story moves. Having a map of Oubliette is nice for setting a D&D game there, in a not-so-typical Underdark city. I adore the colored sketches of Downer as a kid and adolescent.
I ordered Wandering Monster together with DUNGEON #150, because I couldn't bear to wait until Volume 2 for the finale. Bittersweet. I sincerely hope Mr. Hunter can be persuaded to continue Downer's adventures in some form, because... no more Downer? No! I especially would like to see prequels.
I know Mr. Hunter is concerned about Wizards of the Coast copyright on various D&D races and Planescape cosmology. But there is such a rich background story hinted at, it would be a shame to waste it, and it would give readers a chance to see more interaction between Downer and his evil younger brother, because their bickering in the first Volume is absolutely hilarious.
Looking forward to the second Volume, even though I already know how it ends.

BenS |

I sincerely hope Mr. Hunter can be persuaded to continue Downer's adventures in some form, because... no more Downer? No! I especially would like to see prequels.
I know Mr. Hunter is concerned about Wizards of the Coast copyright on various D&D races and Planescape cosmology. But there is such a rich background story hinted at, it would be a shame to waste it, and it would give readers a chance to see more interaction between Downer and his evil younger brother, because their bickering in the first Volume is absolutely hilarious.
I'm w/ you, brother, I wants me more Downer! A prequel would be fantastic. You shook me awake w/ your note about the copyright issue, though. Is that what's preventing something like this? I have no idea if Kyle is interested in doing more Downer, but if I found out he was...and was being blocked by WOTC...I.would.be.very.angry.at.them.

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Wizards has been very cool about letting us publish Downer despite its deep ties to the history and IP of D&D. If you look on the credits page, we directly acknowledge their approval and support.
So, thanks WotC!
Kyle owns Downer himself, and can do with it what he pleases. In order to continue the story in exactly the same way he'd need to get WotC's permission, but it wouldn't be too difficult to tell a bunch of earthbound stories that don't tie into things like Sigil without risking Imperial Entanglements.

BenS |

Wizards has been very cool about letting us publish Downer despite its deep ties to the history and IP of D&D. If you look on the credits page, we directly acknowledge their approval and support.
So, thanks WotC!
Kyle owns Downer himself, and can do with it what he pleases. In order to continue the story in exactly the same way he'd need to get WotC's permission, but it wouldn't be too difficult to tell a bunch of earthbound stories that don't tie into things like Sigil without risking Imperial Entanglements.
Thanks for that, Erik. I mentioned a prequel since that'd be less likely to have to deal w/ Sigil, and as we know, the story did start in medias res. There were teasers of things that happened before that I'd love to see done up in a regular story.

Tobrian |
I hate to say it, but there's a misprinted panel in the print edition, and it turns up even in the downloadable sample pages above. It's the center-left panel at the start of episode #17 (originally appeared in DUNGEON magazine #116), where Downer is lying on the ground unconscious.
Something must've gone wrong with the different layers prior to printing. The speech bubbles are still in the correct place, but the picture itself was flipped around left to right and up/down, so now the speech bubble with the comment by Loops in the upper left hand corner is covering Downer's head, while Downer's smaller speech bubble which used to be near his head is now near his knees. Bizarrely, the little arrow pointing from the speech bubble towards Downer has flipped, too, and it now pointing right instead of left, so that it is at least pointing towards Downer, not away from him. A printer mishap by someone who didn't know the original, perhaps?
Other than this, my print edition is flawless. Nice colours, sharp print. I hope that, should sales figures allow for a second printing, the error will be corrected then.
--Christina S.,

BenS |

Any chance there could be a pdf put up for sale w/ a print option via Lulu? That way Paizo wouldn't have to pay out a lot for a printing of something they fear won't sell enough copies to recoup their initial investment.
Or is the Lulu option not an agreeable one for Paizo's business plans (I of course have no idea what Lulu charges to use their services)?
Asking out of sheer desperation at this point, though it's probably a lost cause.

Tobrian |
That sucks. I'd love to see even a PDF collection, just to have them all in one place...
Dito. I bought Volume One, and still had a shred of hope we'd eventually get to see Volume Two, maybe even with some nice extras and with a reprint of Downer's character sheet and life story that had appeared in DUNGEON magazine. That should be included at the very least.
But if I can't get a print edition of the comic, I'd gladly take a PDF collection, at least then I can reread the comic without having to dig for the various pages scattered through my collection of both printed issues and PDF-versions of DUNGEON magazine issues. *sigh*

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Okay guys, all we have to do is gather in Seattle and hash out a plan to kidnap Kyle, then all the Downer we want will be ours! Ours I say!
Edit: Okay, upon reflection (and on the advice of my attorney) I think one of us needs to strike it rich, then we can commission all the Downer we want. (...and introduce a grig busker.)

Dimitri Mazieres |

I finally got around and bought the Wandering Monster compilation, so I could read the story from the beginning (I already had all the Dungeon issues that featured the "Fool's Errand" story arc), and read through it all (WM & FE) this afternoon. However, while it cleared a lot of things, I'm quite a bit confused with the series' conclusion. I realize that it might be in part due to the cancellation of Dungeon, which may have prompted Kyle Hunter to end things quicker, but I still don't get a few things:
- The panel showing the resolution of Zugzwang's situation shows Taggit along the boat's captain as one of those who contracted lycanthropy in order to cleanse the guild. Wasn't Taggit dead?
- Izank is shown as part of the exiles from Oubliette. I had the impression that he had been dealt with by Pike when she caught him peeking.
Have any of these points been explained by Kyle Hunter, or anyone else related to the comic strip, previously?

Olbere |

Okaaay...this is an old gripe & I don't expect to get any satisfaction on the topic, but can we PLEASE get volume 2 of Downer? Seriously, print it or provide it as a PDF but get it out there! Look at the sales figures for volume 1 - you are guaranteed those numbers as a MINIMUM for volume 2, plus the sales you'll garner from people no longer put off by the prospect of only having 1/2 a story (which is exactly as frustrating as it sounds).

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |

Okaaay...this is an old gripe & I don't expect to get any satisfaction on the topic, but can we PLEASE get volume 2 of Downer? Seriously, print it or provide it as a PDF but get it out there! Look at the sales figures for volume 1 - you are guaranteed those numbers as a MINIMUM for volume 2, plus the sales you'll garner from people no longer put off by the prospect of only having 1/2 a story (which is exactly as frustrating as it sounds).
At this time, there are no plans to release additional volumes of Downer (alas).