Sleet Storms ACG-Playtest

Game Master Sleet Storm

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Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Okay, I can run more PCs for a bit.

Not able to post for the next half hour or so.I'll be back.

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

That's not too good for me. I'm going to work at 4 EST, which would give us about 10 minutes of playtime.

In any event, we can continue to game tomorrow morning. I have a decent handle on the non-me PCs now.

Looks like Jake knows how to reach cleric. Nice job.

OK , then see ya I guess.

Who has a caps lock and has had his University snowed in. THIS GUY!!!

Ok I'm available now.

AnCapBrony wrote:
Who has a caps lock and has had his University snowed in. THIS GUY!!!

Nice we don't have any snow here.Does that mean you will be playing your characters today?

Well actually im sick so no :T

Liberty's Edge

One of the issues I'm having is...we've had a MAJOR...ummm...sleet storm. It takes hours to get anywhere, and eats up my mornings. :(

Male Human Brawler 4 AC 24/FF 19/T 17. Init +2 Saves F+11/R+12/W+9 HP 84|84 Perception +14

Some possible brawler changes:

Not official, but the devs are seriously looking at it.

Sorry but I won't be able to play today , family stuff.They are realeasing a new version of the playtest with updated version of the classes next week.

Maybe I will run an adventure module then. I will shoot you a message.

Liberty's Edge

Try me, too. If I can, I'd love to.

id like to try an arcanist in a high level campaign

Male Human

On the interest check: in a way, it's easier, because my work supply is drying up. I'm off today entirely, and tomorrow, but I've got stuff to do. On Thursday and Friday I'm available in the morning and after 8 PM EST.

Would this just be until December 17th? One of the games for my gaming group just fell apart and I'm effectively the only DM for the group at the moment.

Oh, I forgot that the playtest ends. But I think its rather unlikely that we will get through a module in 7 days. Maybe a PFS scenario then? I think they are a bit shorter.

id like to play with a warpreist

Liberty's Edge

I'm sure that whatever we can get done would be appreciated.

I can continue with the Slayer, but I can't commit much time per day. If we can do a standard PBP...slower, I can commit. I'm very open to other classes, as well...but at 10th, the Slayer should be a bit more workable...favored target as a swift action and a few talents should make a difference.

Have any of you played Cultists Kiss?

Its a PFS scenario and looks fairly short.I don't know if we can get through it in time but we can try. If you want you can build characters and I will try to recruit a 4th member.The sooner we get started the better.

Liberty's Edge

I haven't.

So I opened a new thread for this when you are done with your characters you can post there.I think we have a 4th player as well.

Male Human

I've never played any PFS scenarios. Where is this other thread?

Oh , yes here is the link.

BTW if you want you can choose a faction and I will PM you a faction mission.

I havent either. Can you come up with a cayden cailean warpreist while i finish up my finals?

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