Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams

Game Master FabesMinis

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Manny frowns. He is obviously extremely perturbed that the villain dared to dodge his giant, icy hand.

"Yes yes. Blessings abound. Very nice. Good to know. Now will someone tell Mr buck-ugly to stand still so's I kin squish 'im?!?!" The mage grumbles, gesturing once more, the mobile ice sculpture following suit,...

Let's try it again! sustain minor, reattacking the same guy! Vs Ref, if hit cold dmg and grabbed. If try to escape, use my Ref or fort def.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 302d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 2) + 10 = 13

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8


HP 34/69 Bloodied = +1 to attack, +2 to Damage, +2 to AC in OA
Surges 4/8
AP 1/2
- Inspired word used 2/2
- Lions Roar
- Shake It Off
- Guarding Attack
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale
- Helm of Heros
- Stand tough
- Knock them down
- Villans Nightmare

A miss, I'm afraid, Grafire.

Manny grabs hold of the berserker nearest to him and squeezes... Grafire flanks with Hadarai but the berserker parries.

Attack from B2 vs Graf or Hadarai:
1d2 ⇒ 11d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 191d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Vs Graf, so B2 takes 8 damage.



Hadarai 23 bloodied
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, slowed (eoHnt)
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
2 bloodied, marked by Hadarai
3 cursed, grabbed
Akahale 9 Bloodied
Grafire 8 Bloodied

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Hadarai will press the attack on Berserker2.

(standard)Ardent Strike with combat advantage: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 14 + 1 + 2 = 25 vs AC,
If it hits: 1d8 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (6) + 8 = 17 Radiant Damage, and B2 is sanctioned(marked)
(move) I'll shift South, to stay adjacent to B2 and S2, but not flanked by berserkers anymore
(minor) Maintain slowing aura

My Mark (sanction or challenge): -2 to attack and takes 8hp damage if he doesn't include me in an attack.

Current State:

Slowing Aura1 (minor to sustain)
Longsword is Blessed (+1 to hit, +1d6 Radiant, and if the target is vuln. to radiant, crit on 18-20)

HP: 29/78, Surges 1/12, AP 0/2
Enc. Used: AP, Fey Step, Invigorating Smite, Valorous Smite.
Dailies Remaining: Holy Symbol's Power

B2 is killed.

Hadarai stabs the berserker and it collapses to the floor, dying.


FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, slowed (eoHnt)
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 cursed, grabbed

Akahale 9 Bloodied
Grafire 8 Bloodied
Hadarai 23 bloodied

Seer 1 attacks Manny with Warp Orb vs Ref
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 16 + 2 = 331d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Manny takes 10 damage and is dazed (se)

Seer 2 attacks Hadarai with Warp Orb vs Ref
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 16 + 2 = 261d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Hadarai takes 13 damage and is dazed (se)

The seers look a bit taken aback themselves and mutter, "No, no, won't do at all. Look to the orb, my friends, and see the truth."

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"Regrettably, your vision is as distorted as your outward form."

Akahale insults the Seers in his own special way.

"How droll. Kill them."

The berserkers leap at the chance.

B3 Escape attempt vs Manny's Fort:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Great. :(

B4 charges Manny:
1d20 + 14 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 2 + 1 = 371d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Ouch. CRIT. They also deal an extra 5 damage with a successful charge attack.19 damage to Manny

Manny - please let me know if you are at 0hp or below.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

"Excellent, now we've evened the odds. Great work, keep up the pressure!" Hopefully Manny can keep B3 busy. The rest of us, B4 or S2? S2 should be nearish bloodied, and if we can prevent that dazed attack the better!

Any chance I get an OA on Seer2 for shooting me while next to me?

He shifted, sorry, forgot to put that in.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Seers next. S2 would be a good choice.

If I take all that dmg, I am at -4. HOWEVER, I do not have access to my full info here at work, and he has a staff of Gathering, which can catch certain energy tossed at him. Do yo know if the orb he was hit with was one of those dmg types? if so, he can interrupt, catch it, and use it to power his next spell for more dmg.

If you don't have that info available, I'll look it up when I get home tonight. :)

(Wow. At neg AND stunned. This stinks.) ;P

The world seems to freeze in time as you feel your body give in. A raven lands nearby and cocks its head at you. There is that curious intelligence in its eyes that marks its kind, but you know that this one has an especial meaning. It caws three times. And waits expectantly.


Cool. Um, I apologize in advance. But Besides being busy in RL, I seem to try to keep up with 6-7 PbP's at the same time too. (Notice I said I TRY to keep up) ;P
I'm pretty sure this isn't any ordinary daydream, even for Manny! :)
What would/does Manny know about ravens in relationship to the world we now inhabit, and the local deities/devils, etc in particular?

Meanwhile, I'll go with just being Manny! :D

"Urr? Hello?" Manny peers myopically at the obviously unusual raven.

"S'funny. I don't remember ordering the chicken." He muses wryly.

"Excuse me. I seem to have lost my way. You don't happen to know which way to the battle do you?" He asks the raven politely.

"My companions and I are in the midst of fighting some very bad people, If you can call them that, Who are in possession of relics which do not rightfully belong to them. While my companions are normally quite formidable, these creatures are quite nasty. And I'm afraid that my friends will be lost without me." He explains to the raven.

Manny leans back thoughtfully.
"Talking to a raven. People are going to think I'm crazy!" He says, straight-faced.

Ravens are the emblems and messengers of the Raven Queen, the Unaligned goddess of death. I don't blame you for not recalling that Sir Malagant was an exarch of the Raven Queen and you have pledged to recover his bones and sword. It was a year go in RL that we embarked on this adventure! >Here is the pertinent page< The raven remains impassive.



Ah, thank you! (HAs it been that long already?) ;P Ah, good times, and so many bad Manny jokes! :)

MAnny peers back at the raven, as if hoping to make it flinch first. AFter a bit, (several minutes actually) he gives a small sigh, and seems to deflate a little.

"Is it my time already? And here I thought I'd go out in style. Or at least surrounded by pretty girls. I could even deal with the girls trying to kill me, as long as I get to go out surrounded by pretty girls."

Manny looks back at the raven. WHen he speaks he sounds almost,... normal.

"I'm terribly sorry. We made a promise. I made a promise. And I assure you that I don't give such things lightly. But if I'm really talking to you, and not my imagination, then I'm probably not in a position to keep my word. Sorry. Do keep an eye on the others won't you? They really are lost without me."

"Especially Akahale. I sometimes think that he's not quite all there upstairs!" Manny stage whispers in a voice that could easily carry across the room. If they were in a room. And sounding like his 'normal' self.

The raven is unflappable. It caws once and time flows once more. you take no damage from that last attack and you also regain hp as if you'd spent a surge.

Manny seems as though he might fall, but remains conscious.


Akahale 9 Bloodied
Grafire 8 Bloodied

Manny bloodied?
Hadarai 23 bloodied
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, slowed (eoHnt)
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 cursed, grabbed


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Move to four squares south of Seer 2. Concealment gained.
Curse Seer 2.
Eldritch Blast (Ref) v Seer 2
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 - attack damage
1d8 ⇒ 4 - curse damage

Akahale scuttles across the room to try and help Hadarai bring down the nearest Seer.

Seer would be hit but uses Bend Space as an Interrupt.

Akahale's attack hits empty air as the Seer reappears next to him. "Dashed tricky, aren't you?" the corpulent humanoid burbles effetely.


Grafire 8 Bloodied
Manny bloodied?
Hadarai 23 bloodied

FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, slowed (eoHnt)
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 cursed, grabbed
Akahale 9 Bloodied


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"You are making a grievous error in materialising so close to me. This is a decisive invasion of my personal space and I do not approve. There will be reprecusions."

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"Hey seer nobody violates my bros personal space!! Away from my egg brother as your time for reprocusions start now..." Grafire moves to the square North of akahale and gently moves his bro out of the way.

Wolfpack tactics - S2 - Shift Akahale back 1 sqr East 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 13 + 1 = 22
Damage - 1d10 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 = 12

Thx Fabes! (Ok, now this is getting confusing, but if my math is correct,...

Current status; HP:37 & NOT bloodied

Manny blinks, obviously as surprised as our opponents that he is still standing. He takes a step to the side. Shift one square South

"Now then. Where were we?" He asks with an evil smirk. He raises his hand.

"Ah yes, Corporal Punishment!" He squeezes his hand, and the ice hand follows suit, squeezing it's occupant again.

Sustain minor, automatic cold dmg for the squeezee, :)

1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

"Excuze me." He says to the brute standing almost beside him now.

"But would you mind not breathing down my neck? Your really not my type. Grafire? Would you be so kind as to escort this wolf-in-creep's clothing from my personal space? Hm?"

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale's neck flanges rise and fall in gratitude.

Did I mention lately how much I love this group? Noble nutbars to the core, every last one of them.

Grafire misses. Manny Bloodies B3.

Grafire gets Akahale out of harm's way and distracts the seer, as Manny applies the pressure on a berserker.


Hadarai 23 bloodied
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, slowed (eoHnt), cursed
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed, grabbed
Akahale 9 Bloodied
Grafire 8 Bloodied


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)


Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Hadarai doesn't want to leave Manny stranded with two berserkers on him...

"I've got you Mandrake. Welcome back to the land of the living!"
(standard) Beckon Foe on Seer2, 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 vs Will,
If it hits: 2d10 + 7 ⇒ (10, 8) + 7 = 25 damage, And Seer2 is pulled 2 squares, I'd like to keep him adjacent to Graf on his NW corner.
(move) Shift 1 square NW, putting me adjacent to B4.
(minor) Challenge/mark Berserker4
---I'm letting my slowing aura fade.

My Mark (sanction or challenge): -2 to attack and takes 8hp damage if he doesn't include me in an attack.

Current State:

Longsword is Blessed (+1 to hit, +1d6 Radiant, and if the target is vuln. to radiant, crit on 18-20)

HP: 16/78, Surges 1/12, AP 0/2
Enc. Used: AP, Fey Step, Invigorating Smite, Valorous Smite, Beckon Foe.
Dailies Remaining: Holy Symbol's Power

Ooooh, a hit.

Hadarai uses his divine power to further put pressure on the seer. "Ah, well, perhaps I was a little hasty..." it mutters, as it feels compelled against its will to move to the paladin.


FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed, grabbed
4 marked

Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 3
Grafire 8 Bloodied
Hadarai 23 bloodied

Recharge Seer 2:
1d6 ⇒ 3
Nope. Seer 2 shifts and attacks Hadarai with Warp Orb:
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 16 + 2 = 291d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
12 damage to Hadarai and he is dazed.
Seer 1 attacks Manny with Warp Orb:
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 16 + 2 = 271d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
14 damage to Manny and he is dazed

B3 tries to escape (vs Fort
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Success. B3 attacks Manny:
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 16 + 2 = 331d10 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
9 damage to Manny

B4 attacks Hadarai:
1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 2 = 361d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
CRIT: 12 damage to Hadarai

Unless someone has something, Hadarai is unconscious.

The foulspawn seem redoubled in their efforts to kill the heroes, determined to destroy these intruders.


Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 3
Grafire 8 Bloodied

Manny bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se), unconscious and dying
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed
4 marked


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

DSA 4 with S2 being bloodied.

Akahale sees Hadarai fall with great concern and turns his attention to the berserkers threatening his elven comrade, and sending a warning shot towards S2 as well.

Activate dark majesty armour to curse B4.
Move two squares south west and one square west and gain concealment.
Cursegrind (Fort) v B3, B4 and S2.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26 v B3
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 v B4
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 v S2
Looks like that hits B3 and B4 comfortably, and maybe S2 as well.
2d8 + 7 ⇒ (2, 5) + 7 = 14 v B3 and S2 if that hits him
Same -2 to B4
Curse damage goes to B3 1d8 ⇒ 2
16 to B3
14 to S2 on hit
12 to B4

That indeed hits all of them.

Dark power shoots out from the warlock and strikes the three nearest foes. "Beat the last retreat of life," the seer struck by Akahale wheezes, "Kill him."


Grafire 8 Bloodied
Manny bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se), unconscious and dying

FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed
4 marked
Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 4


M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"Great Bahamut..."
Grafire scampers over to hadarai traveling east should put me to the south of Hadarai Pulls out his health potion and administers it to Hadarai. "Your time is not yet as we have much still to do."
So a move and 2 minors, does that revive him?


HP 34/69 Bloodied = +1 to attack, +2 to Damage, +2 to AC in OA
Surges 4/8
AP 1/2
Health potion - used
- Inspired word used 2/2
- Lions Roar
- Shake It Off
- Guarding Attack
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale
- Helm of Heros
- Stand tough
- Knock them down
- Villans Nightmare

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

I haven't used my second wind yet, I think it's a DC10 to trigger someone's second wind for them... that might be better than a healing potion (I'd get 20hp rather than 10hp from the potion). And I thin kit would take you the same number of actions -- actually, you might still have your minor left.

"ow. OW! Ooo, red. Wait, isn't that supposed to be INside of me?!?"

Manny shakes his head groggily.

"Wait jes' a cottin'-pickin' minute pilgrim! Whar' d' yeh think yer goin? We ain't done yet!" The mage declares, or at least, tries to proclaim with more than the usual slurring. He blinks.

"Will the three of you please stand still?!? Ah what the heck, It's usually the one in the middle,..." He mutters, making another grabbing motion. The icy construct obediently attempts to recapture it's former prisoner.

Let's try this again! :) Ice hand grabbing same guy. Vs Ref.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 292d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 1) + 10 = 16

Ok, I'm dazed, how many actions do I get? IF I still have a move, I want to shift a square to get out from between these guys! Do I try to save vs dazed now?

save vs daze: 1d20 ⇒ 8

"Whoo! Hey, I haven't seen THAT color in a long time!" The addled mage says, staring at the light refracted from his ice hand construct.

Grafire - a Heal check (DC 10) would be more beneficial to Hadarai, and would be a Standard action. So, you'd have a minor left for something.

Manny - only 1 action whilst you're dazed. But you hit the Berserker.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Heal check it is then.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
you gotta be kidding. If that doesn't work I will use the potion. We need Hadarai back.

Hadarai's Second Wind activated.


Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se), prone
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed
4 marked
Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 4
Grafire 8 Bloodied
Manny bloodied, dazed (se)


Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Groggily, "'we have much still to do', got it. Corellon bless us."
Being prone and dazed, I think I can only stand up... But I'm alive for another turn and that's a good thing :)

My Mark (sanction or challenge): -2 to attack and takes 8hp damage if he doesn't include me in an attack.

Current State:


Longsword is Blessed (+1 to hit, +1d6 Radiant, and if the target is vuln. to radiant, crit on 18-20)

HP: 20/78, Surges 0/12, AP 0/2
Enc. Used: AP, Second Wind, Fey Step, Invigorating Smite, Valorous Smite, Beckon Foe.
Dailies Remaining: Holy Symbol's Power

Save vs Dazed: 1d20 ⇒ 1

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Fabes, since Hadarai is saved could I use my last minor to give him the health potion?

Taking it put of your backpack/belt/wherever is a minor, so you can give it to him on your next turn.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"Feeling better Hadarai? It is good to have you back. Now let us free these bastard souls to the underworld. Next, I will give unto you a potion I had aquired previously to help you recover your strength."

Seer 2 recharge? Nope.
1d6 ⇒ 3

Seer 1 attacks Grafire with Warp Orb vs Ref:
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 16 + 2 = 271d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
11 damage to Grafire

Seer 1 attacks Grafire with Warp Orb vs Ref:
1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 16 + 2 = 281d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
14 damage to Grafire

"No, no, no" one of the seers tuts, "Most unsporting, no outside assistance or artificial stimulants."

Grafire feels his senses curdle as magic force affects his body and mind.


FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed
4 marked

Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 4
Grafire 8 Bloodied
Manny bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se)
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied

B3 attempts to escape
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Ouch, he's still grabbed.
B4 attacks Hadarai:
1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 2 = 361d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
CRIT - 14 damage to Hadarai

Its eyes show anger even as it grins horribly, and the berserker slashes at the revived paladin.

Grafire - you can give Hadarai the potion as a minor, but he has to spend a minor action on his own turn to drink it.



Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 4
Grafire 8 Bloodied

Manny bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se)
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed
4 marked

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Berserker 4 is cursed as well.

Akahale blasts at Berserker 3 and moves closer to his friends, form blurring once more.

Eldritch Blast (Ref) v B3
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Crud. Most unlikely to hit.

Move two squares north-east and one square north. Gain concealment.

A miss indeed.


Grafire 8 Bloodied
Manny bloodied, dazed (se)

Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se)
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
3 bloodied, cursed
4 marked
Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 4

Manny reels slightly, obviously still dazed. (Even more so than usual.)
He squeezes his ice-sculpture hand once again around the smart-mouthed creature of evil.

"Squeeze him Jafar! Squeeze him like a grape!" The mage encourages himself in an unusual, raspy voice.

Minor-maintain, auto-dmg to ice hand target; 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

minor - give Hadarai the potion
Standard - Second wind +2 defense [right?]- Still bloodied


HP 28/69 Bloodied = +1 to attack, +2 to Damage, +2 to AC in OA
Surges 3/8
AP 1/2
Health potion - used
Second wind - used
- Inspired word used 2/2
- Lions Roar
- Shake It Off
- Guarding Attack
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale
- Helm of Heros
- Stand tough
- Knock them down
- Villans Nightmare
- Shield of light

Another berserker expires in the frosty grip of Manny's spell.

B3 dead. Cursed enemy dropped.


Hadarai 23 bloodied, dazed (se), Second Wind used
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
4 marked
Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 5...
Manny bloodied, dazed (se)
Grafire 8 Bloodied Second WInd used


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