Akahale Gilbrid |

"Wellspring is a reasonable suggestion. It is as well that we stay together. There is no limit to the threat of abomination. Mr Samir, I hope you feel quite well?"
Akahale stows the amulet carefully.
"If Mr Valenara is correct, it is possible that we are yet under the influence of this demented cult. It would be unwise to provoke further incursions by wearing this item."
The dragonborn still feels extremely nervous. Normally in the aftermath of a battle he feels a little less paranoid, but on this occasion, the feeling has not abated.
Whatever we do, Hadarai needs an extended rest before we go anywhere. He's on 1hp and will collapse if we don't. That means setting watches and so on to ensure our delightful captives don't knife us in the night. Mind you, if they did, Akahale would have no hestiation in stabbing them up.

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"Dear egg brother please, at all costs, protect your self from that amulet. I feel that it may still yet get the better of you. Or is it me that it is having a strange effect on, as I would very much like to know why you get all of the good stuff... But i digress, it is not me that needs to keep an eye open for protection for I am a warrior with an almost impecable record. For which I must also remind myself of how greatful I am from our last adventure. You know what... I want you to have that amulet as an aid." Grafire continues to remenis with in between connections back to the amulet for something seems to nag at him...
"I do not feel that I am able to completly disregard the damned amulet. This place it has an affect upon my mind and only with the aid of my friends will i and all of us prevail. Might it still have a connection to its past master. Wrap it up tightly so it can see nothing."
Grafire continues "If we must rest we need to post 2 guards at a time as one may come under the spell from this vile lair. I will go first with Mr. Samir."
Grafires body language indicates he is uncomfortable with the enviroment.

Hadarai the Third |

"Graf is correct. I think either this place or that amulet is still trying to exert control over us." We know we have been hit before by mental/emotional attacks that nearly split us, those feelings are starting to creep back up.
"I say we knock out our two 'guests'. They may be the cause of the unease, or they could be conduits for the foul power... whatever. I bet if they're unconscious it may make us feel better -- even if it means carrying them, it's better than the alternative. I know I'll feel better knocking them out. We should also blindfold them. And cover their ears."
"As for resting, I'm good. We can continue on if necessary." This is clearly a bluff. But Hadarai wouldn't want to look like the weak link if the group needs to continue on. "But I gues if we do have to rest, I'll take watch with Akahale."

Akahale Gilbrid |

Akahale looks suspiciously at his friends. "We must be wary," he concludes unnecessarily.
"At all events, we should leave this place, with the prisoners. Some respite is necessary and the atmosphere is contaminated."
That would be Akahale-ese for "get out, set up camp, guard horrible prisoners and take a rest."

Fabes DM |

Otto coughs, "OK, let's see. Have a rest, great. How are we going to get chuckles and horny here up top? Haul them up? Cut them loose? No thanks."
"I concur," Shae adds, "We should perhaps use the cultists' own sleeping chambers. We know that it is safe, and has bedding (if somewhat insanitary. That way we can see if there is anymore of the tomb to explore as well."

Akahale Gilbrid |

"As to our captives, I propose to render them unconscious. I am unsure, Miss Shaerynn, if the adjective "safe" can ever be said to apply to the dwellings of an insane cult, however if you will feel more comfortable within them, I will of course defer to your preference."
OK. Insanitary chambers it is. Akahale will watch as he on full hp with 2 surges remaining.

Akahale Gilbrid |

Sister Naenia implied getting the relics back was urgent, so possibly not to the further exploration.
Akahale triumphantly returns with the bones wrapped in a pillowcase.
"This is not a decorous or honourable covering. I shall sacrifice my pyjamas to the cause. They are made of silk. Mr Valanara, perhaps you would like to carry them?"

Fabes DM |

Reading the book takes the whole extended rest (i.e. you don't gain the benefits). You can take a short rest, however. Parsing the chaotic babble and separating information from the mad ramblings is difficult (DC 22 Intelligence check - which you passed), but doing so grants Akahale a permanent +2 bonus to Knowledge checks relating to the Far Realm and aberrations.
The warlock finds the book fascinating, if grisly reading, and he now knows that he is even better armed than before to face monstrosities. He also realises that the paranoia that infected him and his comrades is a by-product of contact with foulspawn, and entirely outside his own feelings. However, his dreams will forever be haunted by visions of the things read about in the book.
Causing Akahale to be dazed after waking from sleep or recovering from the unconscious condition (save to end).
Also, Akahale can never be sure that the dreams were only that or that the things seen in the dreams did not look back...

Akahale Gilbrid |

Save v daze: 1d20=5
Save v daze: 1d20=1
Save v daze: 1d20=18
Akahale's annoyance (not unmingled with relief) that his unusual levels of paranoia were induced by the influence of far realm horrors is palpable when he awakens. It is noticeable though, that he is paler than usual and clearly has not rested well.
"This book is a source of most useful information on the nature of the abominations we have been pursuing. It is, however, a traumatic read. I do not recommend it. The mind of the author has been twisted by forces unlike any I have previously encountered."
He attempts to sound as normal as possible while preparing the morning coffee. Quite slowly. When he thinks nobody is looking, he glares furtively up at the innocent clouds.

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"Pray tell egg brother, the book has altered you some, yes? The environment has a some what darker feel to it. Are you sure you are ok?" Grafire then mumbles "as if I could really tell with all the doubting that is plagueing my mind, this place... We must remove our selves from this place the sooner the better." He then speaks up.

Akahale Gilbrid |

"You recall the dreams that lead us here, egg-brother? They have returned and may never fully leave me again. There is considerable peril in reading this volume."

Mandrake the Mad |

Lvl 10?!? Yay! Will update asap. Whenever that is! ;P
Manny stretches as he wakes, his old bones creaking and popping noisily. At least one crack is loud enough to cause both the mage and his companions to pause with concern,.... then Manny moves again, proving that nothing is (permanently) damaged. He seems in good spirits, his cantankerous self back in full grouch before Akahale even has the coffee brewing. The wizard peers myopically at the weary dragonborn.
"You don't look so good. At least, I don't think so. It's hard to tell with dragon-folk. But you've looked better. I think,..."

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"It would seem Akahale that you may be in trouble. I mean look at you... even the colour of your scales has left. Is the evil in this boook so bad that maybe we should consider buring it? After all knowledge is power and if the mage gets ahold of it why his head may just explode. We must, I feel, get to a temple and clear our minds of this trouble."
Save1d20 ⇒ 7
Grafire procedes to make a sling for the unconscious evil duo and haul them to the entrance from where the party entered into the cavern of the sleeper. "Don't think about it let us go immediatly. Doubt has plagued my mind long enough to know it is not right."
Strength check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
I still need to update graf

Fabes DM |

OK, short Skill Challenge - Lifting the captives out of the Tomb:
4 successes before 3 failures. Skills are Athletics, Dungeoneering, Intimidate, and any other skills/powers that you can convince me are useful.
I'll count Grafire's last roll as an Athletics check (which of course succeeds!)
Grafire rigs up a system of ropes and grapples that will assist in both your escape and in transporting the prisoners. Now you need to get both them and you out...
1 Success, 0 Failures

Akahale Gilbrid |

"You will cooperate in this process unless you wish to be reduced to small atoms," Akahale warns the captives. "Do not struggle and attempt to place your weight in a helpful manner."
Intimidate (of course). 1d20+19=29
Considering Grafire's earlier warnings, he nods.
"The book should indeed be destroyed, egg-brother. Once we are outside this hideous complex, I shall do so with pleasure. Unfortunately, this will not remove the information from my head, so should I show signs of strong delusion, I must trust you to act appropriately. Please conserve my notebooks should you need to obliterate me. Their value is incalcuable."

Hadarai the Third |

Sorry I was out of communications -- sudden computer crash, finally fixed up and good to go.
Catching up to the present:
Save upon waking: 1d20 ⇒ 12 (+5 if this is some sort of Charm effect)
Hadarai would gladly watch over the Bones. If able during the night, Hadarai would mark the "container" (the cloth sack) with the symbol of The Raven Queen and treat them with the care that the nameless god requires of her servants.
As for getting our two guests out of the dungeon, Hadarai will recount one of the methods the tielfings of Bael Turath used for elevating heavy packages up to the tops of thier towers.
History Check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
And if that doesn't fly with the DM, he'll just haul on the ropes with his new athletics ;)
Athletics Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
I still need to update my Level 10 character.
I'm stuck on my feat. I'm tempted to take a fighter or bard multiclass feat: the fighter one would give him a little more control on shifting enemies; the bard would give him one more daily heal, which the group could use. Either way, it would give him training in Athletics.