GM My Red Sun |
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Welcome players to the Reign of Winter campaign. Please dot and delete on this thread, and head over to the discussion thread to sort out any pre-game changes you want to make and finalize any character details. We will begin as soon as possible once everyone has arrived.

GM My Red Sun |

Heldren Locations
As all of the PCs have lived in Heldren for some amount of time, all of the following information would be available to you without needing to seek it out or roll any checks. Numbers match those on the map of the town.
A dirt path winds its way up a low hill west of town to the single door of this square stone tower. The tower is 30 feet high, with battlements on its roof and arrow slits along its walls. It is completely open on the inside, with no interior floors—just a wooden staircase running along the walls to the roof.
The tower serves as Heldren’s armory and a place of refuge for the villagers in case the village is ever attacked. In times of peace, the tower is usually unoccupied, but a selection of simple arms and armor—crossbows, bolts, spears, javelins, as well as a few suits of leather armor, padded armor, and light wooden shields—is stored inside for the militia.
Although he spends most of his time shoeing horses and repairing farm tools, Heldren’s blacksmith, Isker Euphram, is quite skilled in battle. A veteran of Taldor’s army, Isker served in Zimar and on the Qadiran border for years before retiring to Heldren. His chain shirt, pike, and short sword are still in good condition, oiled and wrapped in a chest kept in his house behind his shop, and Isker has taken it upon
himself to oversee the training of the village’s militia. He keeps a few weapons for sale in his shop, and could craft suits of armor if needed.
His daughter, Xanthippe, works as his apprentice. When not at her father’s forge, Xanthippe’s likely to be found at the Silver Stoat, holding court with her numerous suitors. Although widely considered the village beauty, Xanthippe is as proficient with her fists as with her hammer, and those few of Heldren’s young men who have tried to woo her too aggressively walked away with black eyes for their troubles.
Heldren’s general store carries everything a villager needs, as well as most gear an adventurer requires. Heldren sits on the road to Zimar, so plenty of trade passes through the village. The store’s proprietor,
Vivialla Steranus, takes advantage of this brisk trade to stock
her shelves. In general, Vivialla does not carry much in the way of armor or weapons, though she does currently have a few magic items in stock
Rather grand for a village of this size, Heldren’s town hall boasts a clock tower overlooking the town square. Its clockworks were imported from Qadira some time ago, and are kept in working order by Orillus Davigen, who can usually be found up in the tower tinkering with the machinery. The clock tower’s bells ring every hour from 6 am to 6 pm (the villagers prefer to keep things quiet at night), and can be used to sound the alarm if there’s a f ire or to muster the militia in case of attack.
The town council meets in the hall every week on Starday, though there’s usually little to discuss beyond minor disagreements between
neighbors. The hall is big enough to host almost the entire populace for monthly village assemblies and large social gatherings, such as the annual Longnight dance. On the wall outside the front door hangs a notice board, where flyers are posted with local news, job openings, and goods for sale.
A well-tended garden sits in front of this equally neat house, the home of Tessaraea Willowbark, Heldren’s resident apothecary. Tessaraea is a relatively new transplant to Heldren, having arrived in the village only 25 years ago after a failed adventuring career up north in the River Kingdoms.
She is a quiet and somber elf, and most of the villagers believe she suffered some great tragedy in her past, such as the loss of her one true love. Tessaraea sells a variety of herbs and alchemical substances as well as a limited selection of potions and a surprisingly large stockpile of alchemist’s fire
An artist with razors and scissors, the dwarf Argus Goldtooth offers shaves, haircuts, and dentistry, as well as “leechery and other surgical proceedings.” Argus is a fair healer, though he’s prone to prescribing leeches (which fill several jars on high shelves in his shop) for most maladies, from stomachaches to broken bones. Argus also offers gold teeth to replace extracted ones, and is his own best customer—his easy smile reveals more gold teeth in his mouth than original ones. It’s not uncommon to find Argus helping tend Tessaraea’s garden on Sundays or sharing a pint with her at the Silver Stoat in the evenings.
Heldren’s only tavern, the Silver Stoat, stands right on the town square across from the town hall. A fixture of village life, the tavern f ills up with patrons in the evening as they gather to share gossip, hear news, and reward themselves for a hard day’s work. Anything that’s worth knowing in Heldren gets talked about here, and if asked where he got a particularly juicy bit of gossip or information, a villager will likely say, “I heard it from the Stoat.”
Husband and wife Menander and Kale Garimos run the Silver Stoat as if it were their family kitchen—there’s always a seat at the table or a space by the hearth for a guest, or a warm bowl of Menander’s hearty stew for an empty belly. Menander works in the kitchen, cooking up his famous venison flank steak and numble pie. Kale tends bar, serving up the tavern’s signature brew, Three Devil Ale, which she brews in-house using imported Chelish hops.
Heldren doesn’t get many visitors, so there is no true inn in the village, but travelers are welcome to a spot on the floor of the Stoat next to the fireplace for a night, as long as they’re up early and on their way. Those who linger risk a rude awakening from Menander’s wet mop in their faces.
At the stable next door to the Silver Stoat, Sophia Imirras offers horses (and a single pony) for hire or sale, as well as stabling and grooming. Royal couriers on their way to or from Demgazi or Zimar often change horses here. None of Sophia’s horses are combat trained. Sophia also has two carts, a wagon, and a carriage for hire. A traveling noble gave her the carriage as a reward when she managed to calm the newly broken stallion he was riding before it could trample him. Both luxurious and ostentatious, the carriage sees most of its use at village weddings.
The most notable feature of Heldren’s town square is the large statue of a beautiful woman right in the center of the town. Usually just called “the Lady,” the statue has been here for as long as anyone can remember, and no one knows who it actually represents. Some believe the Lady was the founder of Heldren or some ancient, forgotten Taldan noblewoman or even a mysterious fey forest goddess.
Others have more sinister theories—an evil witch turned to stone for her wickedness or a magical statue through which the satrap of Qadira can spy on Taldor. On any given day, a few entrepreneurs selling goods or produce can be found on the square, and a market is held on the last
Fireday of every month.
The leader of Heldren’s village council, Ionnia Teppen, lives in this simple two-story house just off the town square. Ionnia’s family has had a place in Heldren’s politics for generations, and her membership on the town council was all but assured. She is by far the most influential member of the council, and most villagers consider her the de facto mayor of Heldren.
Although Elder Natharen Safander is a cleric of Erastil, he tends to all of the village’s f lock regardless of their faith. Though most of the villagers follow the teachings of Old Deadeye, the temple also contains shrines to Abadar, Gozreh, Pharasma, and even Sarenrae.
Natharen doesn’t much care for the Taldan government’s intolerant stance on the faith of the Dawnflower, and believes that in a village like Heldren the sun goddess is as important as the god of agriculture. Natharen’s wife, Zaarida, is a Qadiran transplant and faithful worshiper of Sarenrae, and assists him during services and with the temple’s upkeep. The temple also has some minor divine magic items for sale
Heldren’s foremost woodworker is Tengezil Frimbocket, a gnome with a wild shock of electric blue hair. He decorates his creations with delicate and elaborate trim he calls “gingerbread,” a style that
has proven quite popular among the well-to-do of Taldor’s southern cities. Tengezil claims to be from a town called Wispil.
Heldren’s sawmill stays busy day and night cutting timber harvested by the village’s woodcutters into planks for shipment to Zimar and other
cities, and stacks of lumber are always heaped outside. Partners Alexius Demetri and Lycio Vallant oversee the sawmill’s operation, which makes them two of Heldren’s wealthiest residents. Their large house on the north side of town is easily Heldren’s largest private home, nicknamed “Sawmill Manor” by the town.
The name of this butcher shop refers to the supposed nickname of its proprietor, Perkin Tarimm, who claims to be a retired Zimar corsair. In fact, Perkin was nothing more than a common river bandit who took up the safer trade of butchery when the real Zimar corsairs
almost caught him, and he has never butchered anything beyond the chickens and pigs that inhabit the yard behind his shop. Customers are welcome to enjoy one of the pickled sows’ ears in the large jar on the counter while they wait for Perkin to prepare their cuts of meat.
Every village has its resident wise woman, and Heldren is no exception. No one in the village is sure just how ancient Old Mother Theodora (as everyone calls her) is, but she’s been around as long as anyone in town can remember. Old Mother Theodora is Heldren’s most skilled midwife, and she helped deliver just about everyone currently living in the village. She’s also a soothsayer and hedge witch, and villagers come to her to have their fortunes told or buy love potions or herbal remedies. Among the jars of dried herbs and strangeingredients in her hut, Old Mother Theodora also has a few scrolls and wands that she might be willing to part with for the right price.

GM My Red Sun |

Looks like everyone is here, so off we go! feel free to continue discussing setup stuff in the other thread
The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother
Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.
Rumors fly in the absence of any real information. Everyone in town is unsettled by the unnatural weather, and blame is pointed at any available foe. Perhaps the weather is the work of Qadiran agents. Maybe an angry god or goddess? Maybe a disgruntled fey playing tricks? Or a mad wizard's experiment gone wrong? Whatever the cause, the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what might emerge to threaten their
peaceful village
You awake this morning to a pounding on your door. A messenger greets you as you open the door, looking a bit nervous. He shakes it off and delivers his message, trying not to look at the tiger in the room.
I'm sorry for the early call sir, but I was sent with a message from
The town council via Ionnia Teppen. A mercenary has arrived in town with strange injuries, babbling about an assault on his caravan outside the border wood. Please, would you come and see if there is anything you can do to aid him?
What do you do?
You come to quickly as a wet mop smacks you in the face, dripping water down your neck. You are in the common room of the Silver Stoat, head pounding slightly from too much ale the previous night.
All right, off with you! I told you that you could sleep here but had to be out early! The owner, Kale Garimos says sharply but not without warmth.
As you gather your things, your memories slowly come back of the night before, when a local hunter named Dryden was spinning tall tales about seeing a massive white weasel in the border woods. No one believed him, but he was worked up and was willing to buy drinks for anyone who would listen to his tales. You obliged and heard all about his plans to go track down the beast and prove everyone wrong.
You ask the barmaid where Dryden ended up, and she tells you he left very early this morning looking very determined about something.
What do you do?
You are interrupted in your morning ritual by a loud voice calling your name from outside your window.
A second voice replies to the first
Father, stop. This isn't going to help anything! Easlis, I'm sorry to bother you so early. My father is convinced that you have something to do with a problem we're having at the farm. Can you please come out and talk to him?
If you look outside, you see Old Man Dansby (a local farmer and ex-adventurer) and his son.
What do you do?
Walking around town this morning, you feel the unease and fear around you. People have been out of sorts for days, but things seem to be getting worse. If only they knew how bad things were getting out there in the deeper woods.
As you walk, you see some new notices posted on the outside of the Town Hall. One of them catches your eye. The Village council is seeking to hire extra muscle to deal with recent bandit raids.
A middle-aged man you don't really recognize is also eying the notice board.
"Odd that they need more soldiers here. What happened to those rangers? Those lads calling themselves the High Sentinels or some such rot. They must not be doing much good if bandits are still prowling our woods…"
What do you do?
As you often do since you were a boy, you spend fireday morning at the monthly market in the center of Heldren, booths and blankets spread out around the large statue of a woman in the center of town. No one really knows who she was, but that's not so important to the folk living in this quiet town.
The gossip around the market is all about a foreign noblewoman who is supposed to be passing through this area.
Curious, and with a good reason to talk about something other than the unnatural cold in the air, you ask one merchant for details.
Two weeks ago, Lady Argentea Malassene traveled past here on her way from Oppara to Zimar to
meet her betrothed. But, my sister told me the two didn’t get along and Lady Argentea caused a scandal by
calling off the engagement! She must be returning home now. I wonder if she'll pass through here again?
What do you do?

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Greadra wonders about the tales she heard the man speak of. It wasn't very often one heard of such strange aninals, but when one tale came to fruit such creatures where often times not what they seem.
She shoulders her bags and heads out the tavern door, leaning down slightly as to not bump her head on the doorframe.
She examines the empty street and wonders what next... She could always camp outside town, the animals wouldn't mind. However she remembers that druid she met the other day, the one with the tiger. Perhaps he had heard something of this white weasel as well?
Greadra looks around, trying to remember where the other half-orc had said he stays...

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

Only a few days ago did Baradim retreat from the forests and make his way to the town properly. It was with a grumble that Baradim made his way past the staring farmhands and into a remote part of the town. With sticks and a few belongings, he had made himself a makeshift door out of thick bark and retreated inside. Mutterings could be heard coming from inside, words about dark signs and unsettled spirits. Even a few may have complained to the leaders of the town about his presence, assuaged by Ionnia's belief that he meant no ill to them.
It was with a start that the door was opened, making the messenger jump back as the scarred, orcish face of Baradim leaned out. The smell of incense emanated from there along with the slight smell of an orc that had not bathed in a day or so. Snowpaw yawned and stretched slowly in the back, lazily looking at the nervous man.
"Speak, young man. You woke me up for a reason?" Baradim growled out, still trying to shake off the warmth of sleep. Yet when the messenger described the reason for his call, Baradim would nod slightly before scratching at his chin. "Bad spirits have come at last. I tasted them in the air. I will come and see what we can do. Go away, I will be there soon." Baradim would close the door without giving the man a chance to speak further before looking at Snowpaw, his face splitting into a toothy, crooked grin.
"Time for the bad business, Snowpaw. Time to soothe the wounds of this little place." Snowpaw would simply yawn and lay his head back down, earning him a swift but gentle kick. The mighty beast growled threateningly, likely making the messenger outside tremble if he hadn't fled already. "Don't give me that. You're getting fat and lazy. We must work! Up! Up!"
A minute or so later, Baradim would walk out wearing his hides and robes. Clutching the clothes to him to try and keep the warmth in his bones from slipping away, he'd trudge through the snowfall towards Lady Teppen's with the messenger guiding him. He keeps an eye out for others who have been pleasant with him, waving at them as Snowpaw struts languidly beside him. He does not keep Ionnia waiting though, making haste to find out what he could do for them.
As he walked though, he caught sight of the massive half-orc woman slowly making her way out of the local tavern. Baradim's grin grew even wider then as he waved to her, moving with a hurry beside her. At 6'3, she towered over him but he seemed not to be bother by the mighty woman's stature.
"Ah! Wolf-chosen! It is good to see you, today has a dark light about it, can you see it?" He'd gesture to...well...everything with a serious look upon his face. There was a serious look upon his face and there had been few times that Baradim ever had such a look. His frown slowly fades though as he sniffs at her, laughing with a grin. "You smell like mop water. Ionnia Teppen has summoned me, seems there was a strange attack on a caravan by the border woods. You'd honor us if you came, I suspect dark dealings."

Letitia Frost |

The morning air had a chill to it, which was more than welcome.
Summer had arrived, and with it the misery of the heat and humidity that she could barely stand. It was oppressive; it sapped her energy and all she could really do was sweat and glare at people that seemed unaffected by it. She fervently wished it would cool down. Fall and winter just couldn't come fast enough.
Lazlo would drop down from the rafters an hour before sunrise -- the coolest part of the day. Which is to say, there was no sun to heat the wind, but the moist, sticky air was still uncomfortable. But it was still the best time to commune with her familiar, the snowy owl who had found her in the middle of a deep cold snap several months ago. She would set up a circle of candles, chant and sway in the circle while Lazlo channeled the powers of winter into her. It was the only time she got to feel the cold during this oppressively hot time.
Except, for the past few days, her prayers had been answered. A cold bite in the wind had been present lately, even as the rumors of wintry conditions out in the Border Woods began to trickle into town. The stories intrigued her, but also gave her an undercurrent of dread. She had traveled far -- too far, she often admitted to herself -- to get away from the icy reach of Irrisen. She truly doubted her great aunt Queen Elvanna would make too much of an effort to pursue a talentless rejected distant relative. But ever since her white witch powers had finally awoken, she had cause to wonder.
And now, she could sense it in the air. Winter was near. Not upon her, but close. Very close. She felt its power, and couldn't decide if she was drawn to it or if she should flee even further south.
She was finishing her rituals with Lazlo when she heard shouting from outside. The owl silently flew back up to his favorite spot in the rafters.
She listened for a moment. My kind? she thought. She checked the ends of her hair, and confirmed that the pale near-white locks were dyed a dark brown to nearly black. She wondered if the roots were starting to show. When had she last dyed her hair? Last week, she thinks.
She rolls her eyes. If a little unseasonable cold was enough to get people shouting nasty things at her, she probably would have to move soon anyway. She had suppressed her nature for long enough. There was a chill in the air, and she felt strangely invigorated.
She maneuvers through the shop and steps outside. She glares at the old man and his son, but before she speaks, something the son said catches up to her. Easlis? Who's that?
She decides to confirm the old man's accusations before responding. "Just who are you talking to?" she says flatly, though her ice-blue eyes bore into the old man.

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Greadra bows to the druid, doing as she was taught and Acknowledging his seniority. She was always taught that even if she was older and stronger than a true druid, she was always in their service.
"Aye, Bartender thought it a good idea to wake me with his mop. I didn't complain, as I do my best to let the city folk do as they will." she says, comparing this tiny village to a real city as only one familiar with tribal life would.
"The only tales of darkness i have heard are the ones of strange animals in the woods, and that this place has had some strange weather of late, however I wouldn't know if either of these are true. she says at the mention of dark times , making sure to remain polite in the druids presance. "As for coming along, I would find great joy in helping a member of the faith!" nods at Baradim, her bone jewelry clinking as it jingled together.
"However, I haven't been in town long and I don't know if the lady you speak of would mind me being around... Probably best I follow but do not get too involved." as she voices her concerns she reaches down to snowpaw, holding her hand out for them to smell, always aware to let animals come to her and never do anything too rashly.

Samuel Soulkeeper |

Samuel had left the sentinels' rooms some days ago to look after his missing sister Ariadna. First it has passed his mind was the woman left for their partially-abandoned house in Heldren where they lived with their parents until their death.
But the house was so silent and empty as always.
Thus, the Taldan decided to walk to the town center to find more about his sister or the odd events going deeper in the woods.
Interrupting his reading of the news Samuel answers the man without looking at him " You think you can do things better than the Sentinels? Look, here you found your opportunity to demonstrate with these bandits while the rangers do their job in the woods" he has difficulty to conceal his angriness and frustration for not finding his sister.
Still this man has reason thinks Samuel to himself while touching the note with a bit of disbelief So many things are going wrong around, someone has to do something about it. And I fear it might lead me to some clue of what happened to Ariadna
Observing the Town Hall, Samuel resolves to enter and find out more, but first he looks around to see whom else is there.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

Baradim grumbled at the show of respect, shaking his head and waving it off. "None of that, none of that. I am no wiser than you. We are both sprouts piercing the soil, Wolf-chosen." His dismissal of her ways was a normal thing; he felt like a runt being tossed into the world and she refused to change how she acted towards him. It was a good balance, as all things should be.
Baradim had met the owner of the tavern and found him humorous, how the people flocked to his place when they could truly meet anywhere they wanted to. Yet he knew that all places had a center to meet and the tavern was this village's center. Yet he understood the notion; there were such strange people living in such strange manners. It wasn't a surprise they acted the way they did, so separated from their humble beginnings.
"Yes, they are strange and they stare like we're the odd ones. Such big eyes for such little sights." He'd murmur to himself, smiling at a farmer who made their way past quickly. It did bother him to see them so afraid and unprepared, he missed the warmness he encountered when he first arrived. With her agreement to accompany him, Baradim would start off once more towards where the messenger was guiding him. The man seemed even more worried now that the mountain of a woman and the tiger were following Baradim.
"Strange animals? I have heard such things as idle chat. They've come with the strange weather. I liked it better when we were what was strange, nothing else." He shakes his head more, muttering indecipherable words to himself. A northern wind was carrying dark times and it seemed unlikely that the spirits would put them both here for a coincidence. No, something greater was in effect now.
"Do not worry about her. They accept my strangeness, she sought me out. If I am welcomed, you will be too." He leaned in in a conspiratorial fashion, whispering low to her. "We strange types must stick together, yes?" Baradim said with a nudge, leading the way once more. Snowpaw would sniff the woman's hand before throwing his weight behind himself and rubbing up against her. The tiger, despite its ferocious nature, was oddly a lovable sort. More prone to curling around someone's feet than ripping out throats. Then again, she hadn't seen Baradim and Snowpaw fight quite yet either.

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Greadra pet the tiger, happily giving in to it's cute nature. She chuckles at Baradim's remarks, "I'm so used to others thinking me off I've seemed to forget to notice. After all, I towered above all the men of my tribe. Haha! Infact my mother even told me my father was a giant, haha!" she laughs boisterously.
"But in all due respect, I don't blame folks for stareing. Too many times I've seen something appear normal only to end up something far from it.... Like that owl I see around sometimes, the white one... I believe those things aren't supposed to be this far south" she says, crossing her arms. "It concerns me that winter animals are seen this far south. Even I the Mountains where I'm from the animals only bear wite fur when the snows are coming." she sighs, "but I may just be grasping at twigs, for all I know"
Greadra sighs. It had been a while, and she had yet to worry about a winter yet, having moved southward she hoped to avoid dealing with the snow on her travels, but it seemed like things weren't gonna go that way. "Anyways, Let's go see what this woman needs. Might I ask if she wanted you for any reason in particular? she asks curiously.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

"You are quite..." Baradim stops, looking at the massive woman beside him for a moment as if the words had been lost to him. He snapped back to reality, shrugging softly. "...grand. You are a mighty warrior, mightier to have been chosen by the Great Wolf." Baradim would then nod listening to her words, agreeing with her. Especially in regards to that strange, intelligent little owl that followed the apothecary's assistant. When he looked into its eyes, he did not see an animal inside of it. It had to be something more, something stranger. "Lazlo, I think she calls it. It is a strange beast..." She was right though, beasts with white fur were common to the mountains and snow-covered regions. There was no reason for them to be here, no reason for the snow to be here either. "Trust your instincts, Greadra. They will carry you far." There was an ominous tone in Baradim's voice as they drew closer to their destination (I assume the town hall?)
"She wants my assistance speaking with a guard that was part of a caravan. He bears strange injuries and I think they want me to see what kind of beast created it. He is a rambling mess but...there may be truth in his words." They would draw closer to their destination, Baradim's grim look disappearing as he looked upon the humble building. "I think we are here."

Samuel Soulkeeper |

Observing the half-orcs approaching to the Town Hall and recognizing Baradim from his past investigation Samuel makes a greeting gesture and approaches him "I am grateful to see you are finding your spot in Heldren " the Taldan attempts to friendly pad Snowpaw while looking at Greadra "It seems Heldren has found new stranger things to worry about that you are no longer in their gossips. And they still have only heard rumors of what is going on deep in the forests..."
" What are you up to? Also read about the bandits and decided to enroll?" Samuel points with his head at the Town Hall.

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Greadra nods to Samuel and crosses her arms. She had yet to meet everyone important in this town. "I have not heard of the bandits, but it is good to know that they are around." she says. "I would not have liked to be Suprised when they try to attack me, or when I find their camp while hunting." she says, as if she was bound to do it.
"But I do not believe we have officially met, I am Greadra, I came into town half a tenday ago." she says, holding out a hand, her own hand much larger than his.

Alec Fuornkiln |

Leaning against a small make-shift that had been stood up, Alec watched those gathered around the statue. This place only made him sad. He remembered having his own blanket, sitting with his father as they shared made up stories about whom the woman could have been. He slipped off the top of the flask he was holding and took a swig, not really caring who may have been watching him. He was in his own world.
The talk of a noblewoman drew him back to reality. He shook his head for a second as if shaking the dust off and asked the man in the stall he was leaning against. As the man told the story, Alec half listened and half daydreamed about the possibility of his mother in a similar situation. He nudged himself off of the wall and stood up, holding on for a split second until his balance came back. He slipped the flask in to a pouch before muttering "guess I'll take a look."
He wasn't concerned with whether the peddler had heard him or not. He turned and started to walk towards the Town Hall. Perhaps others had heard more details about the woman and the biggest gathering spot was hopefully going to be his best chance to overhear more conversations.

GM My Red Sun |

***At Leticia's House***
The younger Dansby puts a hand on his father, trying to calm him. {b]"I'm terribly sorry, my father doesn't know what he's talking about. We just lost half of our crop this morning due to frost, and he's lashing out at whoever he can find to blame."[/b]
Old Man Dansby pulls away from his son. "be quiet boy, I'll do my own talking"
He turns back to Letitia
"I know who you are. You might have everyone else in this town fooled, but not me! I saw you!"
He holds up a small shaving mirror.
"I saw you in an image that appeared in this mirror, sitting in a circle of candles, talking to that white owl, uttering forbidden words. I wasn't always a farmer, I know of the lands in the north. You're one of those damn witches! You've brought winter to my town, and I'll not stand for it!"
The younger man pulls him away and says something quietly to him. The older man storms off, fuming.
"I am so sorry, please forgive him. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Seeing images in a mirror? He just had a strange dream and thought the worst of you. I will do my best to keep him from harassing you again.
Almost to himself he mutters someone better figure out what's going on with this weather. We're tearing ourselves apart…
I am sorry about the typo with "Easlis". that's what i get for using similar hooks for both tables to get things started. Easlis is one of the PCs on table 2
***At Town Hall***
The two half-orcs and Samuel are making introductions in front of the town hall when the messenger politely interrupts.
"I'm sorry to rush you, but Madam Teppen is waiting for us."
He opens the door to the town hall and beckons for Baradim to follow him. He does not stop either of the others from following, but he doesn't seem to be paying them any attention either.
Upon entering, you are greeting by Ionnia Teppen. Even those of you who haven't been around long have likely seen her before, as she is the most influential member of the village council and is often seen around town checking in on any number of minor issues.
"Thank you for coming. I know this is an unusual call to make, but we thought perhaps your broader experience might be able to help us.
She brings you into a back room, where a human male is laying in a cot, bandages on much of his body. His nose and fingers are black.
The man is suffering from severe frostbite on his extremities.
Frostbite occurs when a person’s bodily fluids begin to freeze from the effects of cold temperatures. The condition typically occurs in high-altitude locations or when temperatures fall below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Frostbite can be superficial to severe, depending on the immediate and long-term effects displayed.
Body extremities commonly affected by frostbite include the feet, nose, hands and ears. The skin turns pale yellow or white after frostbite and takes on a waxy or hard appearance. Once warmed the tissue turns black and becomes hard, typically requiring amputation or removal.
"He told us his name is Yulin, and that he was a guard for Lady Argantea's caravan. He is the only one that made it out. We have not seen this particular disease affecting his hands and face. But what really made me send for you is that he claims to have been attacked by strange creatures that we have never seen in these parts"
***In the town square***
While hanging out around the market stalls, Alec likely sees the two half-orcs walk by heading towards the town hall (as it is right on the edge of the town center).
He also sees Old Man Dansby walking around cursing loudly and occasionally bursting out something about a witch and magic and owls.
As he approaches the Town Hall he sees the others invited inside. if he moves to follow, the courier will hold the door open for him.

Letitia Frost |

Letitia straightens and folds her arms in front of her in a rigid pose as the old farmer throws out accusations that would be true if she had enough power to actually do it. Of course, if she had that kind of power, these farmers wouldn't dare shout at her.
She'd seen her mother flay peasants alive for offenses that paled in comparison to this abuse. She had been taught that any affront should be dealt with swiftly and brutally, to keep the lessers in their place. She was one of the Jadwiga, and she was to be feared.
Yet all that had been melted away, when she revealed herself to be weak. A slow learner. An embarrassment. And now she had to endure a verbal tirade from an old peasant, and she could do nothing.
She remains as silent and still as an ice sculpture until the peasants were finished with their rant.
"I am so sorry, please forgive him. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Seeing images in a mirror? He just had a strange dream and thought the worst of you. I will do my best to keep him from harassing you again."
"See that you do," she says icily.
She watches them leave, standing still and poised until they were truly gone. She turns back to the shop and sees Lazlo perched upon the sill, watching her. "What?!" she says to him, throwing up her hands.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

Baradim's eyes would light up at the sight of the young man, a toothy grin spreading across his face as he gave a small nod. "The spirits have not summoned me elsewhere. Something dark is here though, something we must deal with." The tiger eagerly welcomes the pat upon his head, thrusting forwards into the gunslinger's calloused palm. Greadra and Samuel meet one another but before Baradim can talk more, the messenger speaks up. "I am helping the lady. Perhaps soon, I will help hunt the bandits. It has been some time since we could let the mask fall, right Snowpaw?" Baradim would scratch behind the tiger's ear before quickly moving forward with the messenger and into the town hall properly. The building smelled strange but warm, Baradim's eyes looking over the corners slowly before settling upon Ionnia Teppen. Once more that smile spread across his face, his head nodding.
"I am a simple beast, Teppen. I will share what I know to help." He would follow them back into the back room where the man was laid out across a cot. A black coloring has touched his face and fingers, immediately drawing the druid in. He does not pay attention to any others for a moment before he leans down and really smell the poor fellow.
Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Standing back up straight, he'd frown and shake his head. "Not a disease. Frostbite. He got too cold, far too cold." He'd point to the man's fingers and nose, a sad look coming across the half-orc's face. "He is a handsome man, shame. We must cut the black out. If we don't, he will get sick and die." There was no humor in his words as he looked among those gathered there, sitting up away from the young man. "Check his toes too. It starts further away from the body, then travels inwards." There had been a strange winter, certainly, but he did not believe that the temperatures had dropped so badly that the man would suffer from frostbite. Had he taken no precautions from the cold or was it a sign of something more nefarious?
"Teppen, tell me of these strange creatures. I worry that what the spirits have told me is true and something dark has come to your town."

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Greadra frowns at the news of frostbite. she remains silent though and crosses her arms. she had seen the effects of this on some of her older tribe-mates, and some of the orcs that came and went. they had missing fingers, noses, and sometimes even their ears. The bite of winter they called it. However she had never seen it like this, always after the part was removed.
"I don't imagine the man's injuries to be recent... doesn't winter's bite take longer to work than that? If this man suffers from it should it not have been hours of exposure?" she looks to Baradim, her knowledge was limited to what other's have told her, but she was sure that it wasn't quite cold enough to cause such injuries, at least not yet.
She stands behind Baradim and looks back at the others who came in, mild concern on her face.
she leans in and speaks in druidic to Baradim. "An gceapann tú go raibh sé draíochta?"

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

"Truth, you speak many truths Wolf-chosen. He would have to be out in the cold for many hours, exposed and left to freeze. If he was able to get here with these and injuries, the ambush must not have too far away" Baradim looks back down at the poor man, gently resting his hand upon his head. "Or he is tougher than I give him credit for."
Greadra moves up close behind Baradim, leaning down and whispering into his ear in the old tongue. It was one of the things that had so surprised Baradim when he first met Greadra, it had been so long since he heard anyone speak that ancient language. Turning his head towards her, his lips were pressed firmly together and he'd give a small nod. "Is dòcha gu bheil e. Chì sinn na tha i ag ràdh." He whispers back softly, turning back towards Miss Teppen as he awaits her description of these creatures that assaulted the man.

Alec Fuornkiln |

Alec quickly glanced at the Town Hall, then to Old Man Dansby, then to Alec, and back to Mr. Dansby. He cursed under his breath and hustled after the old man as he called out "Mr. Dansby sir, wait up please!"
Once he had caught up to the man, which didn't take long, he asked "I'm sorry to bother you sir, but you seem upset about something. Is everything okay?"

Samuel Soulkeeper |

Samuel observes Greadra's eyes while she holds her hand offer. He observes a bit too long, perhaps realizing of something savage within her. Finally he grins sincerely and shakes hands " Samuel Soulkeeper, Sentinel of the Border Woods"
Just before entering into the Hall he spots Alec. Knowledgeable of his friend skills and his need to focus on some task he makes a sign to invite him to approach and enter the Town Hall.
Samuel observes the frost worried but lets Baradim conduct the investigation. When Lady Argantea's name is called though, he gets altered " What!? Is the Lady in trouble? This must be the works of some Qadiran agent!" he then approaches the laying man and asks him intensely " Where's Lady Argantea now Yulin? What happened to her? Where and by whom were you attacked?" impatient he turns to Teppen "Who did found him and where? I fear this might be not normal bandits but actually Taldan enemies. We should do something about it before it's too late for the Lady"

Letitia Frost |

Letitia storms into the apothecary, fuming. Not seeing Tessaraea around, she grabs up a broom and begins attacking the small amount of dust that's accumulated on the floor since the day before. She barely gets halfway through the front entry before she realizes what she's doing. A menial chore. Servant's work.
Her fingers twist tightly around the broom handle and she suddenly recalls the feeling of snapping bone and cartilage of the snowy hare that she had tried to pass off as her familiar. She had strangled it without hesitation, upon the order of her queen. Right before she pronounced her death sentence.
Letitia releases the broom and watches it fall to the ground. She looks at her hands, feeling the developing callouses on them. She compares them to the twisted, gnarled things of the old farmer this morning and shudders at the thought of her hands becoming similar.
She balls her hands into fists and shakes her head vehemently. What was she doing? There was frost in the middle of this summer! While the whole concept of seasons and this accursed heat was foreign to her, there was no mistaking the fact that every local was deeply disturbed by the unseasonable cold.
And she was a winter witch.
It was time to stop being a servant, and to begin to learn what this portent meant.
She leaves the broom where it lay, gathers her few belongings she had managed to accumulate, and steps out of the apothecary. She turns to head toward the town square, where the local peasants would gather to talk and gossip about this strange turn of events.

GM My Red Sun |

***Town Hall***
"Hey!" You all hear a voice from the cot. "You all don't have to talk about me like I'm not here! I'll answer your questions. Maybe you'll believe me more than this councilwoman did"
He eyes her sideways.
"I was one of the guards hired to escort the Argantea caravan. We were on our way back to the capital and skirting the Border Wood. I thought these woods were patrolled by a ranger organization, so assumed we would be safe.
Next thing I know, there are bandits attacking, along with some necromancer. We could have handled that, but then the real threat came."
He leans in closer, as if he's afraid of being overheard by someone
"The winter-touched are here. Little folk, with the power of winter. Ice shoved clear through their hearts to make them loyal."
Fairy Tales Councilwoman Teppen cuts in. "There are no such thing as fairies, or little folk, or fair folk, or whatever else you might call them up north my dear Ulfen.
He just looks at you as if to say You see? She doesn't believe a word I said to her
***Town square***
Old man Dansby stops when Alec questions him.
"This winter doesn't bode well Alec. It's not natural. It's not just my crops you know, but all of our livelihoods if this winter doesn't break.
You've always been a good lad Alec. Don't get yourself caught up with these damn spellcasters. They brought this on us.
He leans in close
"And keep an eye on that shy girl Letitia. She's a witch I tell ya. Even if no one believes me, I know it in my heart. She brought this on us"

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Greadra laughs when the woman says faries don't exist, "By all that is Natural! This lady here believes The Fey are a myth!" she nearly Brea down into a laughing fit when she wipes the tears from her eyes. "Next thing you'll say is that Wizards are Insane. Seriously, if one wishes to bring a member of the green faith into their circle, then say everything that person stands for is fake, one needs to seriously think before speaking." she snorts, crossing her arms "I'll tell you now, the fey-folk are real, they are dangerous, and they don't take too kindly to folks like you, who say they don't exist. You know, every time a person like you says a farie don't exist, one looses it's wings? she snorts. That last part of course was just a tale, and she had no way of knowing it herself, making her whole argument hypocritical.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

Baradim nearly jumps when the man begins to speak, his eyes widening as he quirks his head lightly. "Oh! oh, you talk! I thought you asleep, wounded man Yulin. Please, tell us what happened." Despite the strange nature of Baradim, he listens to the man's tales with utmost concentration. The talk of a necromancer brings a scowl to his face but not so much as the winter-touched. The Fair Folk showing themselves in violent ways, spreading the chill of winter. It would explain the aberrant weather so very well. The mayor's derisive comments brought a glare from Baradom, who scoffed at her softly.
"You are wise but not wise enough. You live in sheltered homes but you have not been out there. You have not seen the world as we have. The fey...are real. Some are kind, some are wicked, all are strange." Baradim would cast a glare at Greadra, his upper lip lifted slightly as he shook his head. "They are used to the protection of their great spirits. They have disconnected from the world we have known. Do not patronize them, this is a chance to teach them."
He joined Samuel by the wounded man, leaning down and taking the Ulfen man's hand in his own. A compassionate smile grew upon the half-orc's face as he nodded softly, speaking gently to the aggravated man. "I believe you. We will find these little folk and try to stop the winter they bring. You rest, you will need the strength in the days to come."
Baradim would stand up straight, turning towards the others and giving a nod. The gentle tone of his voice was replaced with one of command, as he spoke to all that had gathered. "I believe that these fey may be responsible for the strange winter upon us. We shall gather together and hunt down the truth of what has happened. You can deny their existence, Councilwoman Teppen, but you cannot deny something strange is happening here."
Baradim would turn to Samuel, nodding at the man and clasping him by the shoulder. "You told me the day we met that you protect others here, Samuel Strangesmell. Find me your best fellows, we must right what is wrong here."

Letitia Frost |

Letitia strides through the town square. She catches a glimpse out of the corner of her eye of the old Dansby fellow whispering to one of the local boys. Alec, she thinks his name was. She continues walking, determined to keep the old farmer beneath her notice.
Seeing and hearing a fair amount of commotion coming from the Town Hall building, she veers toward it and melds into the crowd of people drawn to the excitement.
Lazlo glides silently after her, and takes roost on the eaves of the building.

Samuel Soulkeeper |

Samuel is surprised by Yulin's words. The man observes uncomfortable Greadra's wild answer to the town's Taldan authority, but says nothing. He knows the tales too. But the forest and this stranger herald something rare and far too dangerous to neglect.
" Let's do not take rushed conclusions. We need to investigate what is really happening and whom is behind." Samuel nods to Baradim in accordance to him " Please Mrs. Ionnia, as a representative of the High Sentinels let me take some people with me and check where Yulin was attacked. Perhaps Geadra and Baradim would like to join me, they seem to know what do we face better than us"
And turning to Yulin "How did you do to escape the attack? Any detail you can remember about what happened can result vital for us. "

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Greadra brushes off the looks from the druid and Huffs. Yes I also believe you mentioned something about a necromancer? It's fairly disturbing if such a case is true. The dead should stay dead, their bodies only to be renewed into the earth.

GM My Red Sun |

***Town Hall***
Ionnia visibly bristles at the outburst from the female half-orc.
"Say what you like, but in all my years I have never seen a fey creature, and everytime some young man or woman gets a fancy story in their heads they start seeing fey in every coincidence. Every story is eventually proven to be nothing more than a trick."
She is somewhat soothed by Baradim's more diplomatic approach.
"I see that this is a sensitive topic for both of you. My apologies. I will withhold further comments about the fey. Whatever is causing this winter should be investigated, whether it is caused by fey, wizards, or some other phenomenon.
In response to Samuel, Yulin sits up partially in bed, more fully awake now.
"I escaped because I was the only one in the caravan who knows how to fight wintery enemies. The southerners fell quickly. The bandits were clearly after Lady Argantea, either pre-meditated or just because she was clearly the richest one there. They grabbed her, killed several men who tried to stop them, then retreated back into the Border Wood.
I was injured fighting several fairies, but they didn't finish me off before they pulled back and left. My sword is made of good iron, which scares even the hardiest fey. They were all too happy when their leaders pulled back"
Greadra comments about necromancy and Yulin's face darkens
"Aye, I saw him with me own eyes. A black-robed bastard who was chanting some foreign tongue. Then two of my companions got back to their feet and cut down poor Saul. He seemed to be in charge, though there was also a man-sized blue creature with wings who was giving commands as well."

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Greadra thinks about that
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11(knowledge about Fey in particular)
She turns to Bradim and whispers in the old tongue.
"Chan eil fhios 'am gu bheil Fey coltach ris an sin, Ach tha dragh orm mu dheidhinn a' bhana-bhuidseach marbh"
Sorry it says "dead witch" because Galec has no translation for necromancer, and Google translate isnt the best ;P
She stands back up and looks to the man. "You say you had a cold iron weapon?" she asks, "Your smart, Fey Are hurt by the metal. It's also pretty uncommon... Esspecialy down here where you folks don't have as many around."

Alec Fuornkiln |

Alec stood somewhat dumbfounded as the old man spoke. A witch? he wondered to himself. He tried to contain his shock at hearing the words Mr. Dansby was spewing. He and his dad had known the Dansby's, hard working people, no fuss, what you saw was what you got. So to hear him go out about the unnatural, well it just didn't seem believable.
He noticed the half-orcs heading into the Town Hall but didn't think much of it. Most people went in and out of the Town Hall eventually, but when he spotted Samuel waving him over, he made a mental note to head over. It wasn't until he saw her walking towards the Town Hall that he nodded in agreement with old man Dansby and started to excuse himself.
"Yes sir. Thank you sir. I'll try sir. I should be going sir. I will sir, I will."
Alec spun on his heels and started to hurry after the others. After a few steps he paused. He resumed following them but this time in less of a rush. He didn't want to draw unwanted attention.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

Baradim remains humble as Councilwoman Teppen apologizes, bowing his head softly before he spoke once to her. "I accept your apologies, a wise man knows that he knows nothing at all. I am sure there is much you could teach me, if the spirits had not called us already to action." Yulin speaks up once more and explains what exactly happened in the caravan; bandits, a necromancer, and faeries of the wintry variety. His hand slid back and grazed along the falchion there, soothed by its touch. Demons, devils, and fey had a tendency to step outside their bounds at time. His blade would assure them to stay in their proper place.
Baradim would listen carefully to the man's descriptions, his mind sinking back to ponder upon what dark things may have risen around them.
I would like to make a Kn: Nature check to see if I can identify the creatures he describes in detail.
Kn: Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Knowing whatever he knows now, Baradim looks towards Samuel and whispers to him. "Unnatural things plague your village, Strangesmell. I will assist you as best I can. I am certain Greadra will do so as well, right Wolf-chosen?" It was at that moment that she began to speak to him again in that strong tongue, his brow narrowing slightly.
"Chan eil fios agam air Greadra. Bidh mi a 'smaoineachadh air, thoir dhomh ùine." Baradim said softly, not quite sure what to think. He had ideas of the dangers around them and they were not good, not good at all.

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Greadra nods, Yes, you have my word as a defender of the Green. Any who wish to disrupt the fine balance of nature are my enemies. This cold blowing in is a sign of that inbalance. If these northern Fey know the cause, then it is my duity to the green to find it and return belance... she bows to the cousel woman. Now, I Will go retreve my supplies, and visit the local butcher for rations on the road...
Greadra moves to leave, petting snowpaw as she went.
Greadra steps out of town hall and nearly bumps into Alec.
Oh, my bad, I didn't intend to get in your way. she tells the much shorter man. She looked down at him... And chuckled silently to herself. She found it humorous at times how much taller she was than everyone else... Especially men.

Samuel Soulkeeper |

"So they took Lady Argantea you say? That seems something planned. They probably want to destabilize Taldor or call for a ransom" Samuel turns to Ionnia "We must act quickly so we may take them by surprise. If what the stranger says is true we will then need support to face this menace. Can the Town afford some supplies and weapons?"
" Thanks Baradim. The thing you are willing to step in and risk your life for our community tells good about your character " the Sentinel pads the half-orc in the shoulder "If the tales are true about the fey and if there is a necromancer involved we will need special weapons. We should visit the Apothecary. Either Tessaraea or her new apprentice Letitia might provide us with proper alchemicals to fight back and not find ourselves slaughtered like the caravan guards" Of course there was more in Samuel intentions, who wanted to check out if the new girl in town had seen his sister.

GM My Red Sun |

***Town Hall***
Greadra thinks back on the fey she has encountered or studied in the past but nothing matches this description of a flying blue creature.
Even with his more extensive knowledge on the subject, Baradim is not able to identify the creature. He concludes that whatever the creature is, it is not of the Fey, and possibly not natural at all.
Ionnia Teppen looks relieved when you agree to look into the kidnapping and then go further and offer to try to bring back balance to the weather. She addresses Samuel when he asks about supplies.
"Thank you so much for agreeing to help our village. We are not a wealthy town, but we will do what we can to see that you are outfitted properly and given a reward if you return with good news.
Unfortunately, I don't think that we have much in the way of weapons that would be of interest to you. We have a small number of weapons in case of trouble, but have not used them in years. They should be well enough maintained, but they are nothing like" She casts a glance at the obviously well-made weapon on Baradim's back "The weapons you already hold.
"Still, if there are any supplies you require please let me know. We will of course be able to provide rations, ammunition, and a cart with a donkey."
Yulin breaks back into the conversation at this point.
"Please, take my sword as well! I fear I will not be of much use right now, and may never be able to wield a sword the same as I used to. My weapon will be of better use for now in your hands. It is made of fine cold iron from the Lands of The Linnorm Kings, and will do well against fey"
Councilwoman Teppen retrieves a cold iron longsword from a pile of Yulin's things near his cot and hands it to the first PC who seems interested in using it.
Letitia, you hadn't posted yet, but since your last post was to move into the people milling around outside the town hall and observe I decided to go ahead and move things forward. If there was a more direct action you wanted to take add it to your next post and I'll work it in.

Letitia Frost |

That's completely fine. Glad you didn't wait for me. I had a hard time thinking of a post more involved than, "Letitia stands in the crowd trying to look inconspicuous." However, let me know if I'm able to overhear any of the others' conversations.

Samuel Soulkeeper |

Holg nods to Ionnia "That will suffice Ionnia. A message to Zimar might take days to summon help but that might be too late for Lady Argantea. We shall act now, let's gather whatever is possible within an hour and meet back at the Town Square. We probably would benefit from as much hands to help as possible "
When Yulin offers his sword Samuel first looks at Baradim, but seeing his already impressive falchion the Taldan steps in and picks the sword with a mixture of reverence and disbelief "Linnorms you say..." still he does not want to make feel bad a dying man "It is a wonderful weapon. I will make sure it makes it back to you or your descendants after our task is over. I am hopeful Natharen Safander can tend to the frostbite before it's too late "
With a nod to the elders and Yulin, Samuel waits for Baradim to ask any remaining question and then walks out together with the half-orc.
Town Square
Back at the square, Samuel notices Greadra has stopped to talk with Alec, and he spots Letitia just a few steps behind.
Samuel smiles widely at the half-elf "Alec! Aren't we lucky today?! We have here Heldren's most notorious tracker." and he pads the man's shoulder and then gets more serious "We are looking to investigate an attack at the limits of the Border Wood and track back the attackers as we have been told from a survivor that they kidnapped Lady Argantea into the woods. We need your tracking skills and your falcata. Would you join us?"
The gunslinger arches up an eyebrow and noticing Letitia at the earshot he adds "We have been told about a possible necromancer and winter-touched little folk might be involved. I know, just tales, but Geadra here and Baradim give those tales credit "

Letitia Frost |

Letitia's eyes widen in surprise for having been singled out, but Ariadna's brother didn't seem to be throwing an accusation at her. She hadn't been able to glean any information about what was going on until he stepped out and tried to recruit Alec into an investigation into an attack and kidnapping. It sounded mundane, until Samuel looks at her and tells her about a necromancer and winter fey.
A sudden bout of paranoia strikes her as she wonders why Samuel felt the need to tell her that, but then Letitia realizes that his sister must have told him a little about the tales she told Ariadna. The girl was a few years younger than Letitia, and she had reminded her of her own sisters so much that she was enticed into telling some stories of her home -- couched in fiction, of course.
Her face grows concerned while she thinks on the implications of winter fey being here in the middle of summer. They may be the cause of the strange cold and frosts that have the peasants so concerned, but they may only be a symptom.
She needed to know more. Her powers as a winter witch had just awakened a few months ago, and now cold and fey were here in the middle of summer? If there were get, she might be able to convince them to talk. They'd certainly know more than these superstitious folk. Even Samuel didn't seem to believe that they're here.
Only one way to find out, she thinks. "Tales, sure," she agrees tentatively. "But there's something going on, right? Can I come?"

Alec Fuornkiln |

Alec was stopped dead in his tracks at the sheer size of the woman. He had never encountered a person so big, much less a woman. His head slowly moved to look up as she spoke but he could not find the words. He simply nodded as he stepped aside.
At hearing his name called, Alec turned to look for the source. "Samuel. Good to see you. It's been too long."
He listened as the man recounted what they had learned. "I would be glad to get back into the woods. If I can help, I am at your service."
Once Samuel mentioned the cold, Alec chimed in. "Old man Dansby mentioned that the cold and frost has ruined his crops. It does seem unnatural for this time of year."
As Letitia spoke, Alec glanced in her direction, smiled, and nodded.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Baradim neatly just bows his head as Ionnia thanks them for being willing to do what they can. The rewards and supplies are a kind gesture but not what are truly needed. Within the circles he was trained in, it would be his duty to try and right what has happening here. The Lady hopefully was alive but to learn of the source of this strange coldness, that is what truly concerned him.
"Those supplies will be more than enough. Thank you, Councilwoman Teppen. We will hunt these wicked creatures down." The man from the Land of the Linnorm Kings would speak up and Baradim would nearly feel nostalgic. Both of them came from such distant parts of the world to be in a strane place with strange going-ons. Baradim's hand would rest on the wounded man's hand, his smile soft as he spoke. "Vila bra, vän. Vi ska ta hand om detta."
Without any further delay, Baradim would join Greadra and Samuel outside the town hall and back into the center of town. Snowpaw would slowly rise from where he was resting outside, snow falling off of his hide as he approached the three of them.
Greadra walked into the small, half-elven man that Baradim had met the during his travel there and Samuel seemed to have known about him as well. The spirits were certainly at work here and a wide smile would spread across his face.
"I have met Sad-Heart, yes I have. He has hosted and fed both Snowpaw and me when we come and visit! A good man, wouldn't you say Snowpaw?" The tiger would immediately approach Alec and bump his head into the man's hip, purring loudly as he did so, before wandering back to Baradim's side. When Samuel called out for another, his eyes turned to look upon the mysterious woman that he had seen from time to time at the apothecary. "The spirits move indeed!" Baradim thought to himself, seeing her be recruited.
"They say tales but we know better. We have seen the Fey dance and sing in the woods, full of merriment and wonder." His voice would then drop lower, more of a menacing tone as he spoke. "We have also seen the terrors they can bring when they push things out of balance." It was as if he could remember then and he'd quickly look over at Greadra, speaking again in his strange tongue.
"Chan eil mi a 'smaoineachadh gur e sìthiche a bh' anns a 'chreutair ghorm. Feumaidh e a bhith na rud eile." He said quickly, some of the words likely bleeding into one another for those who had never heard Druidic being spoken before. The thought that there was something unknown and flying did not make Baradim that pleased at all.
"We would be glad to have you, Wi-" He was about to say something, another nickname of sorts, before he looked around at all the gathered townspeople. They were afraid and angry, two dangerous bedmates when coupled with helplessness. They would certainly strike at anyone strange and unknown given the chance. "Tish. Thank you, another body would be most welcome. Now, let us collect our cart and supplies, yes?" Baradim would push his way through any crowd there, though he doubted many would be in the way of the tiger and tall half-orc. He didn't tower as much as Greadra did but he was tall enough on his own. When he got close to Letitia, a toothy smirk spread upon that scarred and bestial face of his as he leaned in and whispered. "Jag ser fram emot att se vad du både kan göra ur byborens syn." With that little comment said, Baradim continued to make his way to where the cart and mule would hopefully be waiting for them.

Letitia Frost |

Letitia nods when she sees Baradim in the group, along with the huge woman that had to have been part giant. It wasn't surprising that they were joining the expedition. They were likely the best fighters of the village. Her mouth twists when he spoke of the fey, since she wasn't sure if he was being truthful. If he'd really seen the horrors they could unleash, he would probably be dead or in no shape to be a help to anybody.
When he accepts her request to come along, his secret comment to her causes her eyebrow to arch sharply. "Det vore bäst du sänkte dina förväntningar, vildmannen," she replies quietly.
"It would be best you lowered your expectations, wildman."

GM My Red Sun |

I do not believe there are any open questions you guys had for the Town Hall group. Feel free to continue interacting and forming your plans. I have added a map that shows the town of Heldren and the border wood. Point "A" marks where the attack happened on the caravan. It sounds like everyone is ready to head that direction, but I don't want to rush you.

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Greadra nods ti Baradim's remarks, otherwise remaining silent as the others talked and mingled.
At the mention Alec was an excellent tacker she does speak up. I good tracker? Honestly I have yet to meet my match. I would be honored to see what you can do! she says, smileing
Apon hearing the other language, she considers it, but doesn't make note. What the druid wws saying to her was their own, and she had no stake in it.

Samuel Soulkeeper |

Samuel seems surprised by Letitia's question "Yes. Sure " he looks at the others around "I mean, we might get hurt, and you know about herbs and healing concoctions. It would be of help" the man looks at the woman's delicate hands "It might be dangerous though. Some of us might die. Do you know how to use a weapon Letitia?"
Samuel breaths relieved when Alec accepts to join too "A part from the High Sentinels there are just few people able to use a sword with proper knowledge of the Border Forest and enough gutts to find what is going on. Yes I need you in this friend"
The gunslinger then nods to Baradim " There would be time enough for tracking competition I fear. As Baradim suggest let's just pick up supplies and rejoin here with the Town cart" he then looks at Snowpaw "He seems strong and intimidating, will your tiger join us Baradim?"

Letitia Frost |

Samuel seems surprised by Letitia's question "Yes. Sure " he looks at the others around "I mean, we might get hurt, and you know about herbs and healing concoctions. It would be of help" the man looks at the woman's delicate hands "It might be dangerous though. Some of us might die. Do you know how to use a weapon Letitia?"
She is wearing a pack, and she brings it around to her front. She unlashes a sturdy light crossbow from its side. "I know how to use this. Hopefully I won't have to get very close. And yes, I can create some healing concoctions," she says coolly.

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Greadra cracks her knuckles and laughs, "If Baradim Doesn't have Snowpaw join us, I'd be concerned their relationship is falling apart." she snorts.
She slides the hilt of her weapon from behind her cloak, the scimitar hung around her back. And don't for a second think I won't have some fun testing my strength against these foul beasts. Hell, I'd oove to see thw face if thw necromancer as i bear down on him!

Letitia Frost |

Letitia stows her crossbow when the oversized woman begins talking about the battles to come. She steps back to stay clear of the braggadocio, which she had been taught was boorish and crude. Better to remain quiet and appear confident -- a mystery.
She stands straight and poised, squaring her shoulders and making sure her pack hung comfortably. "Did you learn where we would find this necromancer?" she asks once the boasting has finished.

Baradim Walks-The-Earth |

Baradim chuckles at Letitia's words, making no sign of being offended nor of stopping at all. His smile remains as it always seems to be; wide and toothy with his tusks on display.
When asked whether Snowpaw will be joining them, Baradim laughs with Greadra and gives another nod. "Indeed. Nevermind his sweet exterior, Snowpaw and I are both predators, through and through. Today...we hunt!"
Moving with the assembled party past the crowd of concerned commoners, he'd look over his shoulder and shake his head. "The necromancer is working with the fairies and the bandits, it seems. There was also some strange creature; blue and able to fly. Your crossbow will be needed as well as Strangesmell's...thing." Baradim remembered how absolutely proud of the weapon Samuel was but he could not make heads or tails of what it was. He was curious to see it in action for certain.
They were arrive at the general store, a courier having ran ahead as they gathered their belongings for the trip ahead. The cart was loaded with rations, ammunition, and the mule was harnessed for the trip ahead. Baradim would whisper another word in that strange Druidic tongue and it would be evident that Snowpaw was now being far more serious. The slack in his step straightened up and those eyes lost their almost jovial glint to them. They were razor-sharp, fierce, and it was an immediate reminder of the kind of predator they were travelling with.
"We are ready. Let us hunt." They were a strange group for certain; he knew he could rely upon Greadra's claws and ferocity. Samuel was confident with his weapon, whatever it was, and Alec seemed forlorn but focused as well. Letitia was the strange one out but ever since he met Lazlo, he had looked at her differently. She had secrets, secrets she did not want anyone to find out. Maybe this trip would be enlightening.
He would walk with the cart, Snowpaw steadily beside his companion. As they took step after step, Baradim's eyes searched the area as Snowpaw softly growled, his feline eyes searching for anything moving in the wintry woods.
I am good to go!

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On the way Greadra would Travel up front, Keeping in stride with the others. On their way she kept qut for the most part, however she happily made banter with whomever wished it. Joining in marching song or even just recouting tales of the past.
One such tale was of her father. "My mother always joked he was a Giant. Sure he was a big Orc, but I'm bigger. If I'm being honest though I'm sure she ment it in another way, HAHA!" she said, Not even being subtle about the dirty joke. "In all seriousness My father was a Warrior. My mother and him actually met one winter, A Witch had cursed our crop and forced us to seek help with an orc warband. In return for our services, the orcs let my tribe take a portion of the loot... Of course pillaging was the job, and much of my people didn't think twice about it. In my opinion it it the circle of all things. The strong hunt the weak, then thw strong die, return to the earth, and become the weak." she says, Speaking of the Circle of Life, a common belief in the Green Faith.
As she recounts her tale to any willing ti listen, she keeps an eye out on the road
Just shooting out some exposition, I'm ready as well... First encounter here we come...

Letitia Frost |

Letitia clears her throat as soon as it becomes apparent that everyone was leaving immediately. "Are you leaving now? Then I presume you are fully prepared to fight the winter folk, should they actually be there? Do you have fire? Cold iron?"
Her hand waves in the direction of the apothecary. "Madame Willowbark should have some flasks of alchemists fire for sale -- she'd been teaching me how to make it. If these fey are winter-touched as you have heard, then they'll like fire even less than the touch of cold iron."
I reworked my purchases to include a couple alchemists fire and cold iron weapon blanch. Hope that's all right.