Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams

Game Master FabesMinis

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Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Hadarai sees the staff coming and calmly prepares to meet Corellon.

On his turn,
Death Save: 1d20 ⇒ 19


Manny bloodied
Grafire 8 Bloodied, Second Wind used

FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied, marked
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
4 cursed, bloodied
Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 2, Second Wind used, unconscious
Hadarai 23 bloodied, Second Wind used, unconscious (death save required)

Sorry, should have been 7 damage from the Seer as he was weakened thanks to DSA

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Fabes DM:
Duly noted on character sheet. Thank you!

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

free action dropping the crossbow to the ground?
Move around Manny to the north of Beserker
minor draw Axe

Lead the Attack on Beserker - 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 13 + 1 = 28
free action activate Terror = -2 to all defenses on the Beserker
Damage -3d10 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8, 2, 9) + 5 + 2 = 26

I hope that freakin kills him


HP 26/69 Bloodied = +1 to attack, +2 to Damage, +2 to AC in OA
Surges 1/8
AP 1/2
Health potion - used
Second wind - used
- Inspired word used 2/2
- Lions Roar
- Shake It Off
- Guarding Attack
- Warlord Strike
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale
- Helm of Heros
- Stand tough
- Knock them down
- Villans Nightmare
- Shield of light
- Lead the Attack

Just in case it doesn't,...

"Hey, who,... wha?!? Wait jes a frikkin minute! What IS this, 'ring a around the rosie'?!? Do I LOOK like a freakin flowerbush to you punk? Is that it? You think I am a gardenia set here to amuze you? Hey! You! I'm Tawlkin heah!" Manny shouts at the beserker as it (literally) runs circles around him. He motions frantically, and the ice hand moves past the aged wizard to swipe at the dangerous aberration once more.

"Third time's the charm!" Manny growls as he swings,...

Ice hand to the rescue! again! ;P

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 262d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 8) + 10 = 20

Grafire - yep that kills it.

Grafire throws his crossbow to the ground and nearly bisects the berserker with his axe.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

DSA 3.

Does that mean I can change the move action to move the hand to the leader instead of the beserker? :)

You would have to move the hand twice to get to the seer. You can use that attack roll and damage roll for the next time you try to grab him. :)

Seer recharge?
1d6 ⇒ 1
Nope. Oh dear. Seer attacks Grafire with Warp Orb (vs Ref):
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 331d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
12 damage to Grafire and he is dazed (se)

"No, no, no, don't get that near me!" the seer whurbles.

I will go out on a limb that Manny wishes to move the hand and attack with it? He thus hits. Seer grabbed.


Hadarai 23 bloodied, Second Wind used, unconscious (death save required)
Grafire 8 Bloodied, Second Wind used, dazed (se)

FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Used Bend Space, used Distortion Blast, cursed, bloodied, marked
Akahale 9 Bloodied, DSA 3, Second Wind used, unconscious
Manny bloodied


M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Hadarai's death save is posted previouosly = 19

Grafire strolls over to the seer. Tries to puff up his chest but apparently there are several broken ribs and he muffles a wheez.

Arrhm... Seems things have taken a chilling turn for you...
You, foul spawn of evil, for thoust will inform us about everything you know about the uh er wear abouts of Sir Malagant's body.

Grafire looks over his shoulder to Manny for approval of his request and finds him self questioning why he did that gesture, but glares back at the seer held in the icy grip.

Save vs Dazed 1d20 ⇒ 1


HP 14/69 Bloodied = +1 to attack, +2 to Damage, +2 to AC in OA
Surges 1/8
AP 1/2
Health potion - used
Second wind - used
- Inspired word used 2/2
- Lions Roar
- Shake It Off
- Guarding Attack
- Warlord Strike
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale
- Helm of Heros
- Stand tough
- Knock them down
- Villans Nightmare
- Shield of light
- Lead the Attack

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

I think the 19 was from last turn... so,
Save vs Death: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Roll an Intimidate check please Grafire.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Intimidate 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29

The seer squeals and eventually blubbers, "He kept them with him! Volkanth, in his bedchamber!"

You didn't search every pile of bedding. Your warlock was rather finickity about cleanliness. :D


You have an unconscious Volkanth and a conscious Seer to deal with. IF you are taking a short rest, then Hadarai and Akahale can spend surges to heal. If not, then Hadarai must be stabilised by Grafire.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Using 4 surges to get back to full if we are short resting.

If my calculations are correct, we are now level 10?

Akahale surfaces slowly to see the blood filled chamber and the blubbering seer. He ties Volkanth's hands together as a precautionary measure and takes a moment to assess the situation.

Is the blood rain still falling?

If no-one pulls the lever before the short rest... then yeah, still falling. Horrid vestigial twin on mummified corpse still lapping it up, um num num to be reborn...

Oh yes, and you're Level 10, but you won't get access to any of the benefits until after an Extended Rest (which is several hours away).

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale pulls the lever before attempting to fully restore himself.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Hadarai is out of surges... he has none to spend.
A stabilize check would be most appreciated :)

It may also be time to find a place to hole up for the evening.

Akahale groggily crawls to the altar and shuts down the blood rain. The vile head whimpers as it tries to seek for sustenance but is limited by the immobility of its parent body.

The seer moans, "Forgive me, master!"

Hadarai, as you are on 0 Surges (I think), you heal to 1hp.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"You and your master have many questions to answer. Egg-brother, if you would be so good as to confine his arms?"

Feeling more himself, Akahale carefully extracts his trusty notebook.

"I am pleased to see that your activities have not imperilled my research. We will begin at the beginning. What do you hope to accomplish with this abominable charade?"

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Grafire hog ties the seer and Volkanth. "Answer him." Grafire barks at the seer and snaps his jaws together.
Intimidate 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

"Shall remove the vile head from the monstrocity on the alter?" Grafire asks Akahale

Volkanth mutters, "Have you learnt nothing in your mission here, dark-seeker?" in a sneering manner to Akahale.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Intimidate: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

Akahale's eyes darken and whirl as he remembers the bloodsoaked seer, the mysterious book and the face in the hill which drew him here in the first place.

"Obliterate the abomination on the altar, egg-brother."

He spins towards Volkanth, claws clicking dangerously on the floor.

"On the contrary. I have learned a great deal. However, it is not what I know that interests me. It is your purpose in establishing this vile cult. The significance of the stars is clearly great. Your references to your grandmother are obscure. Clarify, if you please, before I grow impatient and unleash such doom upon you that death will seem like a welcome and blessed relief from your agony among the stars you claim to know so well."

Akahale turns another page in his notebook, pushes his spectacles further up his snout and readies his pen.

Volkanth glares at the dragonborn, and grudgingly smiles, "A pity you choose to be a slave to the light, rather than serve the great powers beyond. What a force we would be! My grandmother was the last servant of the Sleeper. Once he was slain by the accursed Malagant, she took his body back here and remained faithful. I have failed her. Kill me."

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"Bahamut's claws lie lightly on his faithful. I cannot say the same of your master, whoever he may be. Nor do I condone suicide as an acceptable solution to your doctrinal issues. Who is the Sleeper and what is his purpose?"

"Ha! Are you really so dense? A pity. The Sleeper lies there. His purpose is to conquer and rule."

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Grafire moves to the abomination on the alter and grimises at the site
"From such disparity comes an effort to conquer via the means of anguish, pain and suffering may Bahamut guide you to peacefull rest."

Dispatch of the vile head 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Grafire easily lops the head off, which rolls on the floor horribly. Volkanth and the seer both cry out in anguish, and wail.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"His awakening is deferred," says Akahale, not unsympathetically. Somehow he senses that now is not the time to offer the worship of Bahamut as a substitute.

"Egg-brother, Mage Mandrake, Mr Valanara - what can be done with these tragically deluded cultists? My personal code makes the taking of life out of battle impossible, yet they cannot remain here. Nor can we," he adds, aware that Hadarai is still suffering from grievous wounds and needs better medical attention than will be found in a cultist's hideout.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"Yet is not our goal here to recover the lost body of Sir Malagant or are we looking for the fastest way out? I am sure we can get that out of them before restraining them up in the privious hall of horror below the stairs. That aught to fix 'em real good. Nay we may want to haul them out. Nothing says we can't use them as shields right?"

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"Our objective is naturally to restore Sir Malagant's bones. It appears they are being kept in insanitary conditions in the Volkanth's bedroll. This hardly respectful behaviour, but we must make proper allowance for the delusions imposed by abomination. I believe a horn was also mentioned. We should search."

Akahale prowls the room.

Sorry so slow posting, Kids are back in school and University starts Monday. I have to actually do work now! ;P

Manny watches the head fly from the altar and roll with keen interest. When it stops, he politely raises both hands and claps softly but rapidly. Golf Clap! :)

At the mention of searching, Manny blows a raspberry.

"Where's a stupid familiar when you really need one, huh?" He mutters, reluctantly joining in the search,...

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Hadarai catches his breath after his momentary loss of consciousness. He'd stay kneeling and offer a few prayers to Corellon for rewarding our bravery and seeing us through a difficult battle. And a quick thanks to the Raven Queen for seeing that his fate was not to be at an end this day.

"These foulspawn may not be from Lolth, but The Lord of Magic no doubt smiles on our victory this day..."

Raising up and cleaning his blade, Hadarai sets about searching the room. Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16.
He's also interested in seeing if the altar can be sanctified or just destroyed (Religion Roll? Expend a use of Channel Divinity? )

With his mighty 1 hp and zero surges, Hadarai does his best to look ready for the next battle; ever ready to try and defend his friends.

The heroes notice, as it spins on the floor, that the Horn is attached to vestigial twin's head, and could be snapped off again.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"look at that horn, snap that thing off there." Grafire picks up the bloody mess and snuggles it right up in his arm pit and wrenches on the horn...
Strength check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Grafire easily snaps off the Fiend's Horn.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"We will bring these unfortunates with us. I propose that we gag them. Otherwise they will attempt to fill our minds with abomination. Otto will no doubt find them of interest."

Akahale prepares to leave the chamber in search of insanitary bedrolls containing bones.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Grafire rapidly gags the fiends apon being reminded of the imagery. "which way?"

Leaning on his staff, the elderly wizard points after Akahale.

"Follow the leader!" He shrugs.

Which way now, intrepid ones? Checking back on Shae and Otto?


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)


The group head back across the blade bridges, the captives looking hopeful but crestfallen at the sight of a smashed tomb door. Arriving back in the seer's chamber, Shae and Otto are still present, Otto noticeably recovered.

"We moved the bodies," he explains, "Didn't fancy being surrounded by them whilst putting my feet up."

He takes off the amulet, "Akahale, you better take this; more your field."

"So, are these the ones behind this?" Shae asks.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale extracts his notebook and cleans his glasses.

"Indeed. As we had suspected, the origin of the unpleasing dreams suffered by myself and Mr Samir lies within the bowels of this edifice. It appears that this tiefling is the last remnant of a cult dedicated to the restoration of the Sleeper. Doubtless a Far Realm remnant."

He pauses and nods politely to Volkanth.

"If I am making errors in my analysis, I would appreciate your corrections. Inaccurate observation is the bane of the researcher. For this purpose, your gag will be removed at the end of my discourse."

Akahale elaborates at length and finally closes his notebook.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"In conclusion, we have thwarted the immediate threat, but there remains a certain urgency in the need to restore both bones and hron to Sister Naenia."

Otto blinks.

"Yeah, okayyyy... Well, as long as you've given whatever was putting out those dreams a good pasting."

Oh yes, Akahale - the amulet: Dreamstone Amulet
Level 12+
This amulet consists of a piece of onyxlike stone shot
through with dimly glowing veins set in gold and hanging
on a gold chain. The stone is carved to look like an eye, and
its gold setting is like the lids of that eye. The glowing veins
make the inky eye appear bloodshot with light. As you look
at it, the golden lids blink, and the eye turns to focus on
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: While asleep, you don’t take the –5 penalty to
Perception checks.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Use this power to remove
the blinded condition and gain blindsight until the
end of your next turn.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"Hmm it winked at you. It must like you... Do you think it possible, Akahale, to return these foul spawn Volkanath and his seer to the authorities?"

Manny sing-songs in the background, mostly under his voice, something about 'Akahale and amulet sittin' in a tree,...!'

He snorts at Grafire's suggestion.

"Sure. I suppose we could. The question is, is it worth the trouble?" He grumbles, giving the prisoners the 'Elderly Eye'. (Which is similar to, but far less potent than, and not to be confused with, the 'Evil Eye'.)

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale carefully takes the amulet and stares beadily at it.

"If your mind has remained intact despite contact with this item, I will trust that I too have sufficent strength to withstand any adverse reaction. I also thank you."

Then he turns his attention to the captives.

"Drachenholme is far from here and our need to return the horn and bones is paramount. May I request that Mr Samir and Miss Shaerynn take custody of this misguided persons? They should be brought to trial under correct conditions and I am certain that you can both be relied upon to do that."

"Hold on there, dragonborn, we're not acting as nursemaids so you can go off and do sweet-" Otto replies, but is interrupted by Shae.

"I think", she adds, "What Otto means is that we should stick together as a group. Considering how well we work together, that makes a lot of sense. We can all take them to Wellspring, north of here."

What does this eladrin want with these captives? Why is Otto so annoyed? Perhaps they are all in league!"

Your egg brother is very keen to get rid of these captives, and likes that amulet a lot. Perhaps he is planning to steal the power of the cult for himself...

The dragonborn was keen to receive that amulet. WIth the book as well, who knows what evil he could wreak?

Ah yes, Manny - please roll a d20.

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