Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams

Game Master FabesMinis

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M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

The mighty a powerful Grafire drops to his knees and passes out... -2 hp.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Seeing death coming fast for his friends, Hadaria tries to shield the closest as best he can. "You're not out of this that easy, big guy!"

Can I have Hadarai interrupt the attack from Seer1 on Grafire.
My shield allows me:
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. You can use this power when an adjacent ally is hit by an attack. You are hit by the attack instead. The ally is unaffected by the attack. You then gain resistance to all damage equal to half the damage dealt by the attack (if any) until the start of your next turn.

So, the 14 damage Grafire took from the first Seer is on me instead, and I gain resist 7 vs all attacks till the SOMNT.

That should be enough to keep Graf in the fight. At 12hp, but still in the fight :)
And actually helps reduce the damage I'm getting hit with.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

"Right about now, I would suffer Otto's lack of humor to have his help in this fight..."

I'm close to unconscious again, along with a host of bad effects
HP: 6/76, Surges 2/12, prone, bloodied, ongoing 5, dazed...
But his sword is blessed and his shield is glowing, so we've got that going for us :) lol

Current State:

Longsword is Blessed (+1 to hit, +1d6 Radiant, and if the target is vuln. to radiant, crit on 18-20)

resist all=7 TSO my NT
Ongoing 5 necrotic (se)
Dazed (se) - again! man, I hate these dazed attacks!

HP: 6/78, Surges 2/12, AP 1/2
Enc. Used: Fey Step
Dailies Used: Hallowed Circle, Bless Weapon, Wrath of the Gods, Majestic Halo, Lay on Hands (2/2), Shield's Power.

Oh, and Volkanth isn't marked by me anymore -- He hasn't been for a few rounds -- it only lasted one round and with this dazing I haven't been able to remark him.

The seers smile and burble platitudes as Akahale teleports away in voices more suited to well-born public speakers, "Oh masterfully done, old boy." "Very clever, I wish we could do that. Oh yes, we can!"


Akahale 9 dazed (se),bloodied
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.)
Grafire 8 bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 - prone, bloodied, dazed (se)
FS Seer 9
1 Recharged Bend Space
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Second Wind. Regain 20. Now on 39/68 and no longer bloodied.
1d20 ⇒ 4 - save v daze

Akahale wipes blood off his snout and puffs up his neck frill menacingly.

The tiefling strides towards the prone form of brave Hadarai and declares, "Tell your gods that Volkanth sent you." as the longsword in his hand crackles with dark energy. He stabs at the paladin.

Longsword attack vs AC (inc CA and Bloodhunt):
1d20 + 21 ⇒ (17) + 21 = 381d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
If he reduces Hadarai to 0 hp or lower, Volkanth gains 5 temp hp.

The blade sinks into his body, and pain wracks him as he feels his life-force drawn out and flow into Volkanth. This looks like the end.

Hadarai - if you are indeed reduced to 0hp or less:
The world seems to freeze in time. A raven lands nearby and cocks its head at you. There is that curious intelligence in its eyes that marks its kind, but you know that this one has an especial meaning. It caws three times. And waits expectantly.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Thankfully, my DR 7 saves me.

"I'm not dead yet..."

HP: 3/76, Surges 2/12, prone, bloodied, ongoing 5, dazed...

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Daily Free action - Dwarvin Scale - grants 1 surge [Me]
Minor action - Inspired Word - Hadarai 1 surge + 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
Standard Action - Activate Light Shield of Protection - Hadarai and I are protected resist 10 to all damage.

"Come Hadarai, Bahamut is with us and we will defeat these foul creature staind with the blood of evil."

I may have asked before but could not find the answer... what is the affect and what type of action is it for a heal potion I have from the start of the campaign? We will be needing this I am sure.

Save vs Dazed 1d20 ⇒ 16

Resist 10 to all damage EOMNT
HP 31/69 Bloodied
Surges 4/8
AP 2/2
- Inspired word used 2/2
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale

Grafire - taking the potion out of your belt/pouch/backpack etc is a Minor action. Drinking a potion of healing is a Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.

OK, cool. Great.... I forgot the berserker auras. There's a chance they'll smush their own boss... B4 makes melee attack randomly vs 1 - Hadarai; 2 - Volkanth:
1d2 ⇒ 2
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 171d10 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
B3 - same deal except with Graf this time.
1d2 ⇒ 2
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 261d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

The foulspawn swing with wild abandon as their leader stabs the paladin. One of the swings nicks Volkanth's arm.

"Aaarghh! You fool!" he cries.


Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt) prone, bloodied, dazed (se)

FS Seer 9
1 Recharged Bend Space
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied
4Akahale 9 dazed (se
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.)
Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale isn't dazed. He managed to save.

Um.. you rolled a 4. I'm afraid Akahale is still quite dazed.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

!!! I hate the dice roller with a passion. I could have sworn it was a 16 ...


"Oh, Hah. Hah. Very Clever. No. not really." Manny says deadpan as he steps back to the dubious safety of his fellows.

5' step to the right, now standing between Akahale and Grafire.

"You guys are REALLY starting to bug me! I've got about one nerve left. And YOUR STANDING ON IT!" The elderly mage cries.

Manny holds out his staff and orb, and two pale blue beams shoot from them, one towards each of the nearest enemies, leaving behind a pale sheen of frost on the ground below them,...

SO, move action, 5' step to the right, Cast Icy Rays (Wiz Enc 3) targeting #1 & 3 in front of me. (Unless the 5' step puts me allows the armored dude to hit me between Gra & Had, in which case I won't move!) I don't have the stats on my online PC sheet, I'll roll when I get home tonight,

Yes, a shift to the right would park you adjacent to Volkanth.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

"We'll see who meets their god first, you heathen!" Hadarai jumps up, seemingly no longer winded and slices at the leader.

(Dazed Action) Stand
(Action Point) Invigorating Smite vs Volkanth: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 14 + 1 = 27 vs Will, if it hits I'll spend my sword's daily flame power:
Damage: 2d8 + 8 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 8 + (1) + (6) = 20 Fire/Radiant damage AND if any of us are bloodied we gain 7hp PLUS Volkanth is on fire, taking 5 fire dam. per turn (se).

Current State:

Longsword is Blessed (+1 to hit, +1d6 Radiant, and if the target is vuln. to radiant, crit on 18-20)

resist all=10 TEO graf NT
Dazed -- dang I hate these daze attacks :/

HP: 40/78, Surges 1/12, AP 0/2
Enc. Used: Fey Step, Invigorating Smite
Dailies Used: Hallowed Circle, Bless Weapon, Wrath of the Gods, Majestic Halo, Lay on Hands (2/2), Shield's Power, Sword's Power.

If my sword attack hit, I'm no longer bloodied and everyone that was bloodied gets 7hp back.

vs Dazed: 1d20 ⇒ 1
vs Ongoing: 1d20 ⇒ 16


With righteous anger, the paladin rises and smites the tiefling, whose robes catch light, "AAGHHHH Damn you!" he cries.

Berserker 4 makes melee attack: 1 - Hadarai; 2- Volkanth
1d2 ⇒ 1
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 341d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
CRIT - 14 damage to Hadarai

The berserker retaliates.



FS Seer 9
1 Recharged Bend Space
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied
4Akahale 9 dazed (se), bloodied?
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.) ong 5 fire (se)
Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied?
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied? dazed (se)

[ooc]No change to the map, bar Hadarai is standing

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Not bloodied any more.

"Aha." Akahale looks extremely impressed as Hadarai goes to work, and cheers politely.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Bahamuts shield of light has negated 10hp of Hadarai damage.

Rats, yes, that's only 4 damage to Hadarai then.

ACK! Sorry, distracted last night. Will post THIS AFTERNOON! :) Just FYI, I'm taking a long weekend to go to Oklahoma and see family. So I'll probably be AFI (away from Interwebs) until Monday. The good news, when I come back, I'll probably have a new I-phone! :)

"Oh I say, good show!" MAnny golf claps politely.

FINALLY, my Icy Rays spell, Vs Ref, IF hit; COld dmg AND immobilized until EOMNT. 2 rays, one each at the two targets in 'front' of me (Named in the above post)

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 251d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 111d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 261d10 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

"And THAT'S the way, Uh-Huh Uh-Huh we DO it! Uh-huh uh-huh!"

Manny does a little jig, mostly involving the thrusting of his bony hips. Possibly the most frightening thing you've seen yet,...

AND I'm outta here! see you on Monday!

B3 attacks Manny 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 211d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
5 damage to Manny
You hit both of them...

The old man freezes two of the berserkers in their tracks. Whether this is due to his magic or his dancing is a question best left unanswered.


FS Seer 9
1 Recharged Bend Space
2 Used Bend Space

FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied
3 immobilised (eoMnt)
4 immobilised (eoMnt)
Akahale 9 dazed (se)
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.) ong 5 fire (se)
Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied?
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied? dazed (se)

Mechanics of attacking you guys:
Seer 2 recharge?
1d6 ⇒ 2
Seer 2 attacks Hadarai with Twisted Staff. Aura 10 from Seer 1 allows +2 bonus.
1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 2 = 361d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Urk that would be a crit. Sorry. 19 damage... 9 damage with resist 10 all to Hadarai On a hit, Hadarai is pushed 1 square.Seer 1 uses Distortion Blast on Manny, Akahale, Hadarai, Grafire, B3 (vs Fort)
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 151d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 12 + 2 = 291d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 131d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 241d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 292d8 + 6 ⇒ (6, 8) + 6 = 20
Akahale takes 20 damage, Grafire takes 10 damage, B3 takes 10 damage (aberrant creatures take half damage) and are dazed.

The two portly foulspawn encourage one another with "Strike whilst the iron is hot, dear boy" and other such pleasantries. The heroes find their perceptions of reality warp. Akahale and Grafire feel as though their eyes and ears are bleeding...

How's everyone doing HP-wise?


FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied
3 immobilised (eoMnt), dazed (se)
4 immobilised (eoMnt)

Akahale 9 dazed (se)
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.) ong 5 fire (se)
Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied?, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied? dazed (se)
FS Seer 9
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

no damage for Graf as His shield of light once agains glows brightly and diffuses damage for Hadarai and himself.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Hadarai's hanging in there... bloodied (again), but hanging in there... thankfully Graf's shield has protected me from the worst of it.
HP: 28/78, Surges: 1/12

Perhaps we should concentrate firepower on Berserker1 and Volkanth (Berserker1 b/c he's bloodied, Volkanth b/c maybe if the leader goes down we'll get some sort of bonus...). Volk's not even bloodied, I'm not sure how close the others are to going down, but maybe we can decrease their numbers so it's not 4vs7... Does anyone have other thoughts?
I've got my last daily that I plan to throw next -- hopefully it will make a dent in a few of them... Anyone have any high explosives? Thermal Detonators? Maybe a mini-Death Star they could pull out? :)

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Sounds good...being that B1 is out of reach for now I will attempt to get Volk.

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale is bloodied and on 19hp.

Agreed, we need to thin the herd fast. Unfortunately Akahale is dazed, but if he lasts long enough without going unconscious he has a daily to smack onto Volkanth which may make life a little easier.

I already took the resist 10 into account, Grafire. The damage above factors that in.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

crap those guys are nasty.
HP - 21/69

The seers continue to advise their fellows with pearls such as, "Oh, the little dragonborn is flagging somewhat, I'd stab him if I were you.", "Be a good chap and kill the old man, would you?"

The berserkers relish pressing the melee.


B1 can't do anything. B2 attacks Grafire:
1d20 + 14 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 14 + 2 + 2 = 211d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Miss. B3 attacks Manny
1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 14 + 2 = 281d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Manny takes 7 damage. B4 shifts and attacks Akahale:
1d20 + 14 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 14 + 2 + 2 = 371d10 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Akahale takes 6 damage

B3 save:
1d20 ⇒ 4


Akahale 9 dazed (se)
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.) ong 5 fire (se)
Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied?, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied? dazed (se)
FS Seer 9
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied, immobilised (eoMnt)
3 immobilised (eoMnt), dazed (se)

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Akahale ignores the ramblings of the lunatic spawn and prepares to sell his life dearly. A web of darkness erupts from his rod and slides across the floor to engulf Volkanth.

Venomous Webs (Fort) v Volkanth - provoking an OA from Berserker 4
On hit target grants CA to allies (se).
Miss - half damage.
Effect - if target moves willingly before end Akahale's next turn takes 2 poison.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
3d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) + 7 = 21 acid damage to Volkanth

Save v Daze 1d20 ⇒ 8

B4 attacks Akahale:
1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 14 + 2 = 331d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
10 damage to Akahale.
Volkanth is hit.

Akahale's clothing gets torn by a berserker sword as he engulfs Volkanth in a cloud of acidic darkness. The tiefling snarls and glares at Akahale.


Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.) ong 5 fire (se), if Volkanth moves willingly he takes 2 poison damage, grants CA(se)
Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied?, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied? dazed (se)
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied, immobilised (eoMnt)
3 immobilised (eoMnt), dazed (se)
Akahale 9 dazed (se)

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Currently on 3hp and used second wind...

Volkanth resist fire 10 unfortunately... he shifts (2 poison)attacks Akahale with Blood Blades (vs Will with CA and Bloodhunt):
1d20 + 15 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 15 + 2 + 1 = 202d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 = 17
And misses... :-O

Volkanth growls as he steps back and blades of blood coalesce around Akahale. The warlock tenaciously wards them off, much to the annoyance of the tiefling.

Save vs ong fire; save vs CA granting
1d20 ⇒ 151d20 ⇒ 17


Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied, dazed (se)

FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied, immobilised (eoMnt)
3 immobilised (eoMnt), dazed (se)
Akahale 9 dazed (se), bloodied
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC.)


male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

"An imprudent move."

Even through his pain, Akahale contrives to remain smug.

Fate's Frayed Thread
Encounter Arcane
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: You place your Warlock’s Curse on the target. Also, until the end of your next turn, the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls against you and grants combat advantage to you.

Volkers is cursed, takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and grants CA to Akahale to end Akahale's next turn.


Grafire 8 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied, dazed (se)
Hadarai 23 DR10 (eoGnt), bloodied, dazed (se)
FS Seer 9 (aura 10 - grants allies +2 to 1 roll)
1 Recharged Bend Space, used Distortion Blast
2 Used Bend Space
FS Berserker 9 (aura 1; when a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, the berserker makes a melee basic attack against a random creature within its reach.)
1 Cursed, Bloodied, immobilised (eoMnt)
3 immobilised (eoMnt), dazed (se)
Akahale 9 dazed (se), bloodied
Volkanth 9 (aura 2 - allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC; enemies taking ongoing necrotic damage take a –2 penalty to AC), -2 to attack rolls vs Akahale and granting CA to Akahale (eoAnt), cursed

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

"May Bahamut grant us the strength to put down these demons..." Grafire declares.
Gotta make this one count.
Minor action - Daily Stand Tough - All with in 5 gain 13hp

Free action - Activate helm of Hero's allies with in 10,+2 vs. fear and When you grant a ally with a basic melee attack they can use a standard action. The ally gets a +2 power bonus to any damage rolls made during that standard action.

Use - AP

Standard action - Knock them down -Every Ally with in 10 can move 3 sqr and make a melee basic attack on a target of their choice as a free action. These attacks do no damage but knock the target prone on hit. - Miss = half damage and target knocked prone

Grafire shifts 1sqr west and looks Volkanth in the eyes "Son its time to kneel before us and ask for forgiveness."

Viper strike - 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 If Volkanth moves before EOMNT Akahale is granted a OA.
miss=half damage and target is still knocked prone
Damage - 1d10 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 12 +2 power damage from helm and +2 power damage from bloodied.

Volkanth is knocked prone and 6 damage.

Everyone is up now +13 HP and move 3 standard attack +2 power damage and knock them down.

Save vs Daved - 1d20 ⇒ 16
whew no longer dazed


HP 34/69 Bloodied
Surges 4/8
AP 1/2
- Inspired word used 2/2
- Lions Roar
Dailies used
- Dwarvin Scale
- Helm of Heros
- Stand tough
- Knock them down

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Thanks Grafire :)
Holding for map before taking Akahale's move.

I'm afraid you've done too many things, Grafire. Minor and Free are fine, as is spending an AP to do a Standard, but you cannot also Shift as that's a Move action. You can't also make a Viper's Strike attack as that's also a Standard action. You still need to make a damage roll for Knock Them Down.

You can either make the Knock Them Down attack against the Berserker, or lose the Minor action and instead shift to Volkanth.

I think I see the confusion - only allies can move 3 and make the attack; if Grafire could do it as well it would say "you and your allies". Either way, everyone else can move 3 and make a basic melee attack (you still take OAs if leaving threatened zones without shifting). Please note, as pointed out above, you do no damage but knock the target prone.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

Ok can we then apply my entire attack against B2 then I wont need to move. I also was a bit unsure of the damage I must have copied the information wrong. The helm grants a change from basic to standard attack thus the Vipers strike.

Ouchies! Current HP = 24 & bloodied! ;P

Manny stops dancing. He glares at his newest wounds. and back at his attacker.

"You. Ruined. My. Best Robe." He growls through his red-matted beard. His tattered robe shimmers slightly, and the mage becomes translucent. He slowly holds out one of his bony, wrinkled hands.


And a large, icy replica of the withered wizard's hand appears next to the creature trying to perforate him.

"You look tired. Let me give YOU a 'HAND'" The manic mage cackles, sounding strangely distant,...

Minor-activate Ghostphase Robe, become insubstantial UEOMNT. Standard-cast Bigby's Icy Grasp (Vs Ref, Hit-cold Dmg AND hand grabs target, attempt to escape use either my Fort or Ref defense. Sustain minor-grabbed subject takes automatic additional cold dmg, or move hand to another target and attack)

Hand att & dmg: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 242d8 + 10 ⇒ (8, 6) + 10 = 24

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Using Graf's Knock them Down action with his helm:
Want to make sure I get this right before I post the action.
Normally with his power we'd get a move3 and then a basic melee attack that does no damage but knocks the target prone on a hit.
With his helm power included we get a move3 and then a STANDARD ACTION of our choice. Would it stil knock the target prone on a hit? Does it do damage?

OK.. here we go...
Stand Tough - you all gain 13 hp.
Helm of Heroes -(Property +5 vs. fear saves within 10 sqs of Grafire), and when you grant a ally with a basic melee attack they can use a standard action. The ally gets a +2 power bonus to any damage rolls made during that standard action.
AP - Knock Them Down vs Berserker - the damage for this attack is 3d10+5.
3d10 + 5 ⇒ (3, 9, 6) + 5 = 23
It misses, so B2 takes half damage and is knocked prone. Everyone except Grafire can move up to 3 squares and take a standard action (which does no damage but knocks the target prone in addition to any other effects of that action). You do not count as your own ally, Grafire, hence you don't get to make an attack.

Akahale, Manny, Hadarai - you can move up to 3 (I suggest that you consider shifting), and take a standard action (subject to qualifiers above)


Once you've done those, I must remember to make a random melee attack with B2 (hello Volkanth!)

male Dragonborn Warlock 10 (Dark pact)

Shifting one square north east.
Trying to knock Berserker 4 on his arse.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35 - Eldritch Blast v Ref if that's permissible.
If not, same dice roll but only at +9 if it has to be a melee attack and has to be made before the shift.

Nostrils flaring, eyes whirling and generally feeling put upon, Akahale shifts clear...

And has rolled a crit, now of all times. Does he get crit damage from his rod or not? Or failing the rod, the dagger which on a hit can deliver 5 ongoing as a free action.

A hit and B4 knocked prone. No damage at all, I'm afraid.

Akahale takes advantage of the confusion and knocks a foulspawn to the floor with a well aimed blast of eldritch power.

M Dragonborn Warlord / LVL 8

thank the gods that is a daily... Thanks for the clarification.

Male Eladrin Paladin 10

Using Graf's power, I'll shift SE towards Volkanth and try to knock him down using Ardent Strike (which also marks the target on a hit): 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 vs AC.

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