Salty GM's Serpent's Skull (Inactive)

Game Master Saltykid

Book 1: Smuggler's Shiv


Explore Formation
Combat Grid

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Liberty's Edge

Female Catfolk Monk - Zen Archer/1 HP 11/11
AC=14, T=14 , FF=12 | CMD=15, CMB=3 | F=3 , R=5 , W=5 | Init +2 | Perc= 8 + | (Unarmed +4/1d6+2/20/X2, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3)

Welcome to our group!

Added my token to the maps.

Female Elf Wizard 2 | HP 14/14 | Init +3 | AC: 13/13F/10T | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 | Perc. +5, SM +1 | Acid Dart 7/7
Level 0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze; 1st Level - Mage Armor, Color Spray, Summon Monster I, Grease; Arcane Bond Slot

Hey, would someone be able to give me the run down of how you guys do initiative? I know every pbp game handles it a little differently. Do you guys mostly try to post in initiative order or does everyone post and the GM pieces the order together? ...Or are you using the block method, where everyone can post as long as they are before the next enemy?


NG Male Elf Investigator2 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF13, CMD13; hp 10/15; Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 vs. enchantment & poisons); Perception:+7 (low-light, +1 vs traps); Inspiration: 5/5
Extracts: comp. languages, endure elements, touch of the sea

We had that block-style previously, and GM was just processing the posts in specific sequence. I tend to post, when I have chance, just to save others from waiting, since sometimes my access becomes sporadical.

Pretty much what Lormo says. I also put the enemies that are the same roll initiative together, just keep things moving.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG Male Elf Investigator2 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF13, CMD13; hp 10/15; Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 vs. enchantment & poisons); Perception:+7 (low-light, +1 vs traps); Inspiration: 5/5
Extracts: comp. languages, endure elements, touch of the sea

Announcement: I'm leaving tomorrow morning in Helsinki for about 70 hours of non-stop random gaming, chatting and having fun at Ropecon. Probably, my Internet access and time reserve will not be enough to follow the game. I'll be back home next Monday and in office next Tuesday and will hope back on a story line. Sorry for bringing delay in this game and feel free to bot my character.

No problem, have fun!

Liberty's Edge

Female Catfolk Monk - Zen Archer/1 HP 11/11
AC=14, T=14 , FF=12 | CMD=15, CMB=3 | F=3 , R=5 , W=5 | Init +2 | Perc= 8 + | (Unarmed +4/1d6+2/20/X2, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3)

Hit Points: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Set up for second level with 11 hit points and a new feat. Rapid shot.
I believe the craft skill called bow includes the making of arrows. Please let me know if I am mistaken.

It indeed does.

Female Elf Wizard 2 | HP 14/14 | Init +3 | AC: 13/13F/10T | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 | Perc. +5, SM +1 | Acid Dart 7/7
Level 0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze; 1st Level - Mage Armor, Color Spray, Summon Monster I, Grease; Arcane Bond Slot

Ok, should be done.

The only thing I need to know is how you want to handle hp? Do we have to roll or can we take average/half HD+1? I did that for now, but I will roll if I need to.

Either rolling or average is fine with me. Those who roll their hp already can do the average instead if they chose to do so. Next level up must pick one or the other though. No redos.

NG Male Elf Investigator2 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF13, CMD13; hp 10/15; Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 vs. enchantment & poisons); Perception:+7 (low-light, +1 vs traps); Inspiration: 5/5
Extracts: comp. languages, endure elements, touch of the sea

I'll go chaotic way and roll 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7 +1 Favoured Class Bonus= +8hp

Spells (1): Enlarge Person ( this was one spell with nice visual effect I saw, that is available for me, so let's say Lormo found out, how to distil that into extract)
As well, I'd like to copy my spells from scrolls: Ant Haul & True Strike
into my formulae book.

Skills (10):
+2 Craft(alchemy) Debt, but I haven't using my extracts yet,
+1 Diplomacy I have some success in it untrained,
+1 Knowledge (arcana),
+1 Knowledge (religion), Having wizard and cleric in party justify me having those
+1 Acrobatics,
+1 Climb,
+1 Escape Artist,
+1 Stealth, Physical skills, I haven't used much, but memory returns
+1 Perception Adventurer's must have

Special features:
* Poison Lore (cannot accidentally poison himself, can prepare antidote,
* Poison Resistance (+2 saving throws vs Poisons)

Female Human Cleric 1 |AC 15 |HP 14/14 |F+4; R+1;W+6| Channel (+) energ 4/4 | Perc+3 ||D+6, H+9, Surv+7(Find Food) +12

hp: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Kasia is now L2

Female Elf Wizard 2 | HP 14/14 | Init +3 | AC: 13/13F/10T | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 | Perc. +5, SM +1 | Acid Dart 7/7
Level 0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze; 1st Level - Mage Armor, Color Spray, Summon Monster I, Grease; Arcane Bond Slot

Just realized Kasia didn't roll for initiative yet. Apologies for jumping the gun.

I don't have a problem with it.

Liberty's Edge

Female Catfolk Monk - Zen Archer/1 HP 11/11
AC=14, T=14 , FF=12 | CMD=15, CMB=3 | F=3 , R=5 , W=5 | Init +2 | Perc= 8 + | (Unarmed +4/1d6+2/20/X2, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3)

I will be on vacation next week so any posting I do will be from my phone. Please bot me if needed.

Alright. Have fun!

Salty and all the players,

I apologize profusely, but I'm going to bow out of this game. My work schedule has increased tremendously this summer with no signs of slowing up anytime soon. I don't feel I can give much attention to this game, nor be committed to the time required to get through this entire adventure path. I'd rather someone that can post more regularly get the opportunity. So sorry.

Shame, Thanks for letting us know. Good luck out there.

Female Elf Wizard 2 | HP 14/14 | Init +3 | AC: 13/13F/10T | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 | Perc. +5, SM +1 | Acid Dart 7/7
Level 0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze; 1st Level - Mage Armor, Color Spray, Summon Monster I, Grease; Arcane Bond Slot

Hi everybody. Just a heads up, I am travelling out of the country later today until August 9th. I might check in if I have working wifi at one of the hotels, but I can't promise too much. Feel free to bot me or skip my actions to keep things moving.

NG Male Elf Investigator2 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF13, CMD13; hp 10/15; Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 vs. enchantment & poisons); Perception:+7 (low-light, +1 vs traps); Inspiration: 5/5
Extracts: comp. languages, endure elements, touch of the sea

Sorry to leave you in the middle of action, but due to some personal stuff, I will be out of Internet for next days. I'll be back on Monday. Feel free to bot me

No prob.

Female Human Cleric 1 |AC 15 |HP 14/14 |F+4; R+1;W+6| Channel (+) energ 4/4 | Perc+3 ||D+6, H+9, Surv+7(Find Food) +12

I have enjoyed playing with all of you.

However, there is simply no time.
I must depart the forum. Y'all have fun.

I am sorry to say, but I am ending the game early for a couple of reasons. The main reason is that the Serpent's Skull adventure path is, what I feel personally, not appropriate for PBP due to the length and my inexperience made it worst in terms of length. That all of you continue to put up with this humbles me. Another thing is that it is unfair for all of you to wait so long for so little.

Thank you all for playing my campaign and for being patient with me. I'll keep this thread open for a couple more days before closing.

NG Male Elf Investigator2 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF13, CMD13; hp 10/15; Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 vs. enchantment & poisons); Perception:+7 (low-light, +1 vs traps); Inspiration: 5/5
Extracts: comp. languages, endure elements, touch of the sea

Sorry to hear bad news.
This was one of my first PbP at Paizo boards, where I was accepted and I really liked how the group was doing. But, sometimes it is quite hard to manage a good AP via PbP, so I understand your feelings.
Thank you, everyone. Feel free to invite me for further games. If there is willing GM, who wants to pick up a thread and party, I'm still would like to continue.

May be it is worth to vote, before we press "Finish". Are there other players, who are willing to start GMing this AP or who are willing to continue playing if we recruit new GM?

Female Elf Wizard 2 | HP 14/14 | Init +3 | AC: 13/13F/10T | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 | Perc. +5, SM +1 | Acid Dart 7/7
Level 0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze; 1st Level - Mage Armor, Color Spray, Summon Monster I, Grease; Arcane Bond Slot

@Salty: No problem and good luck with everything in the future.

@Lormo: It might be a little tricky to recruit someone at this point, since I think there were only three players left with Kasia's departure. Personally, I haven't been with the game for very long and I still don't really have a good grasp on the characters and story, so I'm rather on the fence about continuing. However, if you and Mosi really want to keep going, I'll stick around and see what happens.

Liberty's Edge

Female Catfolk Monk - Zen Archer/1 HP 11/11
AC=14, T=14 , FF=12 | CMD=15, CMB=3 | F=3 , R=5 , W=5 | Init +2 | Perc= 8 + | (Unarmed +4/1d6+2/20/X2, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3)

I don't think I would make a good GM but I would love to see where this adventure path goes to.

Thank you all for understanding. Do you want guys want to use my recruitment thread for looking for a GM?

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