
Archmoon's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts (153 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

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First of all I have to say that I was really anticipating the release of this class in some form since PF2E first came out. I think the class idea/concept combines really well with the core mechanics of the game.

Secondly, it seems the Commander combines elements from the Cavalier and the Marshal archetypes. Given that, my question is - Would make it sense to give the Commander something similar to the Cavalier’s Pledges?
It seems that members of this class would be military officials or knights (vaguely speaking) and they would have to pledge themselves to some order or organization they represent. If they use a banner, the banner has to represent some organization or ideal (and in that way you can also add specific edicts and anathemas to your character).

Another suggestion in the form of a question is - Would it make sense to add the option to choose between a banner and a tabard? You can already combine your banner with your weapon in the playtest, why not combine your “banner” with your armor (which in practice is a tabard)? Maybe there can be advantages and disadvantages of using one over the other?

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Page 138:
Shield Block
"You gain the Shield Block general feat (found on page 266)"
Should be "page 262".

Page 141:
Aggressive Block is listed as a Reaction. Probably should be a Free Action, just as it was before in CRB (4th printing).
The trigger is another reaction (Shield Block) and we can only use 1 reaction per turn.