
Mosi Night Arrow's page

164 posts. Alias of CrystalStorm.

Full Name

Mosi Night Arrow




Monk - Zen Archer/1 HP 11/11

AC=14, T=14 , FF=12 | CMD=15, CMB=3 | F=3 , R=5 , W=5 | Init +2 | Perc= 8 + | (Unarmed +4/1d6+2/20/X2, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3)








Common, Catfolk, Elven

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 15
Charisma 10

About Mosi Night Arrow

Serpents Skull


Precise Shot
Point Blank shot (monk feat)

Rapid Shot(Monk feat)=You can make an additional ranged attack. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot.Benefit: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.

Monk - Flurry of blows (with bow) two attacks at -0
Monk - Unarmed strike = get Improved unarmed strike
Monk - Perfect Strike (once per day, after declaring attack, roll twice for attack and take best roll
Monk - Evasion = At 2nd level or higher, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Catfolk - Low-light vision
Cat's Luck - Once per day, after declaring but before rolling, roll reflex roll twice and take highest.

(Number of skills Class=4 + IQ=1 + Preferred Class=1 total 6)
Acrobatics = 7 (Ability 4 + Class 3 + Rank 2)
Craft (bow) = 5 (Ability 1 + Class 3 + Rank 1)
Climb = 6 (Ability 2 + Class 3 + Rank 1)
Intimidate = 5 (Ability 0 + Class 3 + Rank 2)
Perception = 9 (Ability 2 + Class 3 + Catfolk 2 + Rank 2)
Stealth = 9 (Ability 2 + Class 3 + Catfolk 2 + Rank 2)
Survival = 6 (Ability 2 + Class 3 + Catfolk 2 +Rank 2)

Languages: Common, Goblin, Sylvan


Stowaway: +1 to Stealth & Survival (to find food)
Bullied: Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack of opportunity attack rolls made with unarmed strikes.


Short bow
44 Arrows
Water skin
Rations 4
Cure light wounds potion 1d8+1


Gold 0.9
Experience Points = 0


Mosi was taken from her family at a very young age and she remembers little of them. She was the play toy of a young spoiled child named Katrina. Katrina was trained by some of the best archers in the area and it amused her to teach Mosi how to use the bow as well. The idea of a slave learning to use a sword was simply unacceptable but exercise could cause no harm (think karate kid). Mosi did enjoy learning to use the bow but when Katrina miss-behaved Mosi would suffer for it. After a time Katrina began to enjoy watching Mosi`s punishments a little too much so Mosi was sold.
As she was being lead to the slave market a commotion occurred between a merchant and a thief, taking advantage of the distraction and the fact she discovered a gleefully smiling child had unlocked her chains, Mosi ran.
Mosi did not take the time to discover why she was free, she was too afraid to stop for anything. (Unknown to her the slaver had cheated several people and they found a way to exact revenge. They care not one bit what happened to the slaves they freed) Mosi did not stop running until after she reached the docks. A ship would take her far from here and someplace safe. She crept about the ship and hid in the hold, hoping no one would find her there.
It didnt take long until the dirt and grime of the hold bother her so she began to clean small things. One night she noticed the cook had gone to bed without cleaning up, and left almost a whole meal sitting on the table. After cleaning the kitchen Mosi decided she had earned the meal and enjoyed it. After a few days of this the captain came down the hold and shouted "I will not have my crew sleeping in the hold! Get up here and take your bed. With that said the Captain left. Mosi quietly walked out of the hold and began to earn her keep.
