Ruins of Pathfinder: Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Robert Brookes

"I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

T.S. Eliot

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Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Yes, and the one that I got involved with first nearly a year ago is only to the reef. The GM seemed to just stop putting in effort. It's very frustrating. I enjoy the other one a hell of a lot. I don't even care that it dosen't follow the storyline. Each of the characters have a rich story to them and they all post. It reminds me alot of this game.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Yeah, that is usually what makes an awesome game. I'm in a Kingmaker game that is, sadly, not too interesting due partially due to the lack of any real roleplaying, and the fact that its really hard to keep up at whats going on. Its not clear at all.

I hope my own campaign will be much like this campaign in terms of storyline. We definitely have the players for it, and I'm planning on mimicking Lucent's DMing style for organization and whatnot, as I find its of really high quality.

Still, this will be my first PbP campaign as DM.. but due to my relative perfectionism, I hope it'll be good :P

Though if you want to play a S&S game that follows the storyline with a rich story like this.. join mine! Hint hint!

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

How are we dividing the loot. I'd like to take an additional set of winter clothes and I need one pair of those snow shoes.

Ordrud. Remember Ar'Zarrcal offered healing, but everyone else got worried and shooed you away. Feel free to ask for healing from the dwarf, but he likely won't offer.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Didn't Rasso heal him? Or was it not enough?

Also.. I think for loot.. theres not much of any real value, so state what you want and I'm sure you are able to take it. We can't carry all of this, and most of it is relatively worthless. Should be enough Cold Weather Outfits and Snowshoes for everyone who doesn't already have them. There are three unused Sunrods, which someone could grab, the muskets are claimed (Although I would like some of the ammunition).

As for money, there is:

46 gp
38 Sp

Split evenly the best I can, thats:

7 gp per person
6 sp per person
4 gp, 2 sp left over (I vote the captain gets it)

Now, if we want to be uber fair and count out all of the loot's wealth, I can do that. I'm.. surprisingly fond of this kind of bookwork and can be the group's loot-counter if you all wish. I just think theres too much to carry thats not of any real wealth beyond someone needing an individual item (Such as snowshoes)

I'd be fine with only getting 2 powder horns, 20 doses of gunpowder, 20 bullets, and the 7gp, 6 sp. That would total 68gp, 6sp for me.

Styvanus taking a musket, 2 powder horns, 20 doses of gunpowder, 20 bullets, and his share of the loot (not yet including the 4gp, 2sp) would total 437gp, 6sp.

If Ordrud also takes a musket, his would also be 437gp, 6sp.

I believe a few people mentioned wanting cold weather outfits (which are NOT furs, they didn't have furs) and snowshoes, but those are really cheap and aren't really something to worry about. Even the sunrods are only worth 2gp each.

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision
Ar'Zarrcal wrote:
Ordrud. Remember Ar'Zarrcal offered healing, but everyone else got worried and shooed you away. Feel free to ask for healing from the dwarf, but he likely won't offer.

He's down 4 hp. I was hoping for a good night sleep for +2 HP.

I'm also playing him as an over-analyzing teenager. No worries.

As for loot, Ordrud already reviewed it for anything of value. He won't take a musket, not knowing how to work. He would have to given and trained to use a musket.

It's best for there to be a loot-counter and better as a volunteer. Have at it.

Working on a post, sorry for the lateness, this has been a busy (but really fun) weekend. I had to work on some Paizo-related stuff with my editor too, but now that's out of the way and I can focus here again :)

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3
Ordrud wrote:
Ar'Zarrcal wrote:
Ordrud. Remember Ar'Zarrcal offered healing, but everyone else got worried and shooed you away. Feel free to ask for healing from the dwarf, but he likely won't offer.

He's down 4 hp. I was hoping for a good night sleep for +2 HP.

I'm also playing him as an over-analyzing teenager. No worries.

As for loot, Ordrud already reviewed it for anything of value. He won't take a musket, not knowing how to work. He would have to given and trained to use a musket.

It's best for there to be a loot-counter and better as a volunteer. Have at it.

Once Lucent gets his post done, I'll see about throwing in something about giving your guy a musket.. since I'm the expert on firearms in the group.

But I'm not sure I want an emotion-prone teenager to have a fragile and unstable firearm ;P

I'm giving you the rest of the night to make final preparations. It looks like you'll be heading out to reach the lodge, so I'll be going under those assumptions. Monday morning (eastern time) I'll have post go up bringing you further into the woods. I will presume that you will take the logging trail that takes you directly to the lodge unless you guys say otherwise. The snow on this trail is more trampled down by travel than elsewhere, so you'll make better time that way. But if you want to divert at any point just let me know.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Ah crap I just realized I split the gold wrong. I forgot we have 8 people, not 6. Heres the revised loot:

5 gp
4 sp

With 6gp, 6sp left over (Again, I vote the captain gets it)

Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1
Marcellano Kain wrote:

Styvanus'll be taking the other 20 doses and bullets, I'm assuming.

Fine with Styv.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Does a master work musket have a lesser chance of misfire?

Unusually, no. In earlier editions of the firearm rules it did.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Lucent, how far based on the map are we from the Lodge? Also when would you like us to roll our fort saves vs exhaustion?

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3
Ar'Zarrcal wrote:
Does a master work musket have a lesser chance of misfire?

Aye, as Lucent said, it doesn't. There are a few things that do lower it, though:

Certain weapons have only a misfire on a roll of 1, rather than a roll of 1-2. Muskets are sadly 1-2.

Gun Training lessens it.

There is a magical property you can apply to guns that lessens it, and can actually put it to below 1.

And finally, there is a 2nd level Sorcerer/Wizard/Witch spell that lessens it, and can remove it as well, however, it only works for the ammunition currently loaded in the firearm. One shot. Why that is a 2nd level spell is beyond me.


Lots of this increase it though! Being Broken, Alchemical Charges, non-proficiency, and a 2nd level Sorcerer/Wizard/Witch spell. Again, that spell only works for one shot in a firearm. So stupid..

I believe non-proficient users increase the risk of misfire by 4, or 20%. I would have to double check.

Muskets are finicky weapons indeed!

Teladon Azuth wrote:
Lucent, how far based on the map are we from the Lodge? Also when would you like us to roll our fort saves vs exhaustion?

Current Progress Map

It will be a few more hours of travel time before I have everyone make those saves, it will be closer to morning than night.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Pity. I was trying to think of something useful to put my runes on. Thus far the runes saddly seem a little underpowered considering the loss of channeling for them.

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision
lucent wrote:
Pressing on into the trail the presence of pine trees snapped in half like twigs is a testament to the raw power of winter. Weighed down so by the snow in their needled branches, these mighty pines broke under the strain. Some lay partly across the logging trail, sinking into knee deep snow in places, dusted with half a foot of fresh snow on their uppermost side.

Lucent, unless something is weakening the pine trees like magic or disease, they generally don't collapse under the weight of snow. That's why they're angled the way they are. Snow builds up and eventually rolls off under the weight. Pockets of no-snow can be created under big pine trees as snow falls off the branches and doesn't roll under the bottom branches. That's another reason why only pine trees survive up north and at high altitudes. Pine trees get shorter the higher altitude you go until you hit the tree line.

You generally get collapsing trees during ice storms when ice builds up on tree tops that cannot support their weight.

I live in Montreal and have experienced a bunch of snow and ice storms. FWIW.


Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Big whirly-snow tornado up ahead though, don't forget. Likely, we're seeing the effects of a supernatural winter vs a normal winter. These trees might not be as healthy as they should, either, due to what was probably a relatively sudden onset of such cold temperatures when this all started. We don't know how it started, though, so there may be more going on than what we know.

For the science of the felled trees in Darkmoon Wood: Ice and snow has contributed to their collapse, most of them fell during the early coming of winter when cold and heat oscillated to create periods of ice storms followed by wet, heavy snow coupled with driving winds when the temperatures shifted so rapidly which is a surefire recipe for tree downing. I based it on an experience I had back in 09 when an ice storm followed by a blizzard whipped in on the tail end of winter and collapsed quite a few trees in my neighborhood. ;)

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision

Fair enough. It's just strange.

Exactly what I was hoping for, given the circumstances ;)

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Hey Lucent, quick question - are you allowing Called Shots if we want to use them? If not, no biggy at all, I just want to clarify for future reference.

No, I won't be using that. The closest equivalent is a gunslinger deed that allows you to cripple limbs that you get at 7th level or so.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Gotcha, just wanted to check. And I know of that Deed.. Targeting. Its an awesome deed, and what made me think of Called Shots. I'll be making it my Signature Deed at Level 13, when I can meet it's prereqs.

Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1

sorry for the silence guys, mondays and tuesdays are rough work days for me, I'll get a post up tonight after i get off(8 eastern time)

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Gonna see if I can get an internal monologue written up shortly. Seems as if the past few days have been busy for everyone, not just you Styv. Not much activity indeed! Damn Mondays.. XD

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Sorry guys! I'm a little indisposed right now, I'll be posting tomorrow!

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

Marcellano, that inner monologue gave me quite the laugh. Especially the part where you start on what's frozen. Priceless.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Lol that was the plan! :P

Haven't heard from Fenyx in a little while, hopefully everything's going okay for him. I'm going to be posting something to advance us along in a few hours, most likely, so if anyone has anything else they'd like to chime in with while traveling please feel free to. If I see a good conversation crop up I'll delay to give time for the characters to interact :)

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Hmmm Fenyx posted about 8 hours ago on my campaign thread, and has been semi-active working on his Tiefling Oracle. I'll bug him about it over there. The last thing I want is people to start focusing on my campaign over this one, as this campaign is friggin' awesome and I want to continue it!

Dark Archive

Lucent just read your backstory and wow. So every Ap so far went pear shaped. No wonder itsa ruins game . I look forward to reading your take on the reign of winter and these fine players take as well

Woo, spectators :)

Glad you enjoy the premise and hopefully you enjoy watching the story unfold. I have some fantastic players!

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Have you gotten up the campaign recap Lucent? Is that why we're getting spectators? :P

Not yet, actually. I had a lot going on the last few days. I'm also writing some original stuff as an interlude that comes after the end of part I and occurs elsewhere in the world, related to the campaign's events.

I was planning on getting that up tonight, amusingly enough, so we may have some more through-traffic once that happens.

Sin Mage (Gluttony) 3
HP 22/22; AC 11, Flat Footed 10, Touch 11; CMD 11; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; Perception +4; Initiative +1

I've been busy-busy the past few days, sneaking posts where I can at work. I'll try to get something up afore I go in today.

There we go. I actually remember reading Marcellano's "make some zombies!" remark at work now, but I got sidetracked before I responded. Oops :P.

Dark Archive

No my gm I was following another game he joined late and the gm there touted him so much I had to come check it out....

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision


You needed a 25 Perception check to spot the dragons. Ordrud rolled an 18 and missed it by 1.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

You didn't miss it.. you're able to go in the surprise round, according to Lucent.

24. Ordrud didn't miss it. Check the bottom of the initiative list again, him and Naasvit are the only ones who saw them ;)

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Also Lucent, if those are perception checks I'm seeing, how do I have a +3? I only have a +1.

What's crazy is that I actually lowered the Perception DCs for these from the books since I added one more to up the XP/CR in line with the party. As written in the book it's a Perception DC 26.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Hrm... well its possible I suppose. High wisdom characters like a cleric with the perception skill via trait could spot it. An elf arcane caster with a familiar and perception could, but by and large that’s a hard DC. Then again they are ambush predator so it makes sense.

Reign of Winter Journal

Slowly catching us up. I did some pretty major editing in the introduction to make people's intros smoother. I also moved posts around to make them flow better when read, or omitted translations for some conversations in other languages where it felt appropriate/dramatic.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Woo! Gonna read through it to check it out.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

There seem to be a few itallic errors early on in the story Lucent.. just thought you'd know.. although I think its too late to update it now. :(

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Great job Lucent, it was a really enjoyable read. It amazes me how far we have gotten in such a short time.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

I agree. Excellent read. Made me cringe reminding myself how many times I got bit with those zombies. XD I can't wait to see some reactions of our campaign so far!

Also I did a word count with open office. Over 18,000 words. Friggin' impressive as all hell!

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Haha yea that was right... well someone just had to go and show off by doing push-ups on the deck of a ship, bare chested in the middle of winter. =p

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

Dragons, uh oh...better go read gameplay.

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