Ruins of Pathfinder: Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Robert Brookes

"I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

T.S. Eliot

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Welcome to the Reign of Winter adventure path, set in the dark future setting Ruins of Pathfinder. The Reign of Winter Play-by-Post will incorporate the majority of the elements and story of the new Pathfinder adventure path Reign of Winter, supplemented by new encounters, NPCs and treasure to fit within the narrative of the Ruins of Pathfinder setting. Furthermore, the Pathfinder module The Witchwar Legacy will serve as the epilogue chapter of this campaign.


So that all players are on the same page, I have included a guide as to what is expected to appear in the discussion thread, and what is expected to appear in the gameplay thread. These expectations include the content of the posts, frequency of posting, and what will occur in the event of player abandonment or absences.


The discussion thread should include any and all OOC chat and conversations between players and GM that does not involve a present situation in the gameplay thread. Plans for future character builds, feat suggestions, announcement of absences, plot speculation and the like all belong here.


The gameplay thread should include all in-character interactions, gameplay actions and questions regarding immediate situations. For example: if the party was in a desert ruin, all new ooc discussion in the gameplay thread should be pertinent to the exploration of the ruin or what has been happening in it, not previous locations/events. This is largely to keep the gameplay thread from being cluttered and making it easy for people to miss content or posts.


Posts in the gameplay thread should be formatted as follows when possible:


In-Character Content

ooc commentary
Specified Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Move Action: Move to E23
Swift Action: Smite evil
Standard Action: Attack zombie kitten in square C23
End Location: E23

Note that in the above, the dice rolls are clearly detailed with what you're rolling for. You can do this by typing [ dice=Description ] instead of just [ dice ]. Outlining your actions line by line makes it easy for me to see who is doing what, that way nothing gets missed or overlooked. In combat you should always be sure to include what square you are ending your turn in at the bottom of your post.

I do not require players to bold their dialogue or do any other kinds of formatting in their in-character posts unless they prefer to.


You'll be able to see from my posts that I do a lot of heavy description. Posts will err on the long-ish side and may require more than one read-through just to be sure you got all the pertinent details. This is one of the reasons why I have a 48-hour posting window, to accomodate people who may need to take time to read what's been written and consider their actions.

I will also be making some autonomous rolls for you as well. If presented with a creature/situation/etc that you could make aknowledge check for, I will make the roll automatically for you and supply you wish a spoiler-tagged block of text showing your roll and what your character would know after the check. If you have an exhaustable ability to improve rolls or otherwise modify these results, you may opt to use them even after I have automatically made the check for you. Doing these automatic rolls is designed to expedite play.

I will also automatically roll initiative for the entire party at the start of combat. The same rule applies that if you have something that allows you to re-roll or otherwise modify your initiative (that isn't always active) you can use it after I make the roll for you, regardless of whether or not you'd normally be allowed to use it after a roll is made.

There is a level of GM/Player transparency that I uphold as well. Any check an NPC or creature takes in secret will be contained behind a spoiler tag marked as "private rolls." I do this in the event that something outrageous happens, like a hidden sniper gets a critical hit that kills a player. I want there to be transparency to ensure everyone that those sorts of things aren't done arbitrarily and rolls aren't fudged.


I ask that if you play a prepared spellcaster, you list what spells you are preparing at the start of each day (and any spell slots you are leaving open) in the discussion thread. If we're doing a long stretch of overland travel and you plan on keeping the same spells, feel free to list a range of days you have the available spells for.

Player spell research is allowed and you will have the time/availability to do such things. On the same token, player magic item creation will also be available and there wil be sufficient downtime to allow for this (typically between adventure path 'chapters.'

We can discuss spell research/crafting as it comes up.

We are using the medium experience path, and PCs may level up their characters as soon as they gain enough experience to reach the next level. If you could make a post in the discussion thread with what class you are leveling in, your HP roll, and any elective feats taken, spells learned, etc it would be appreciated. Any other static scores (like BAB or Saves) increasing don't need to be listed.


Bad things happen to good people. In the event of character death without feasible possibility of resurrection, you will not be given an opportunity to create a new character. If the party drops below 4 PCs, I will re-open recruitment to pick up another character (at which time you're more than welcome to draft up a new character, but will still need to follow recruitment with other potential recruits). If this occurs there will likely be different recruitment requirements depending on where in the campaign we are.

If you go 48 hours (2 full days) without posting, I will take control of your character to keep the game moving along until you return. If you go 72 hours (3 days) without posting your character will be removed from play in some fashion, permanently.

Players who need to have absences (vacations, busy work, lots of life stuff happening) just need to let me know as soon as they can. Give me an estimate of how long you'll be gone for, and we'll work things out! Life happens, and as long as you aren't just bailing without any word, I'll totally do my best to accomodate as long as you need.


If at any time you ever have questions for me, don't hesitate to ask (in a thread or in a PM), I'm usually always available!

At the onset of the campaign, your characters will recieve the following bonus equipment from the Eagle Knights to aid you in your mission:

  • 3 potions of endure elements
  • 2 potions of cure light wounds
  • 1 sunrod

Please do not post in this thread until after recruitment has closed and characters have been chosen and announced.

You may now post in this thread.

1) Out of curiosity, why are you choosing to wear the silken ceremonial armor instead of benefiting from your +2 int bonus to AC?
2) As a bladebound, do you have any preconceptions or plans for your black blade when it is discovered?

1) Don't forget to pick the rest of your gear, you look to have a lot of starting money left over.

1) I know you have the dwarven pantheon presently chosen, however I would like to offer you the option of Lissala if it intrigues you.

1) You have Desperate Focus, Reactionary, and Andoran's Last Best Hope listed at the top of your sheet, but Besmara's Blessing, Reactionary, and Andoran's Last Best Hope later on in the stat block. Which is correct?

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

Hello, everyone! Checking in. I'm glad to be chosen to play in this game.

Lucent, is that package for the group or for each character?

Each character.

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision

@Lucent and new team

I'm pleasantly surprised to be selected with all of the great characters submitted. I look forward to playing in this rich campaign.

Unfortunately, I've bad timing. As I PMed Lucent, I'm leaving tomorrow Saturday for a week vacation with the wife, kids, and their grandparents in Orlando. I'm preparing today and tomorrow, so my Internet access will be less than normal until I return Friday afternoon, March 8. I will certainly be online Saturday, March 9.

I look forward to catching up on role-playing our introductions. I defer to Lucent on how he wants to play my character's potential initial silence.


PS How do make a line in posts?

Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1

I'll get on finalizing his gear.

Awesome introduction post by the way, I read it while listening to "Conan the Barbarian, Film Score" Radio on Pandora Radio and it supplied me with some epic background music. I'd suggest the method to anyone!


Considering we're two Andoran representatives from military positions, there's opportunity for a bit of a shared background. Maybe the two have served together, or what have you. I could see it be an interesting dynamic. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Ordrud, after considering your vacation time with the family, I think what I'm going to do is wait to introduce your character. There will be a very excellent IC reason for this which will place you ahead of them in the party's destination. You'll miss out on a little bit of the story in the beginning, but it's the easiest way to excuse Ordrud initially.

They will meet up with you once you get back. We can discuss the details in PM in the time before you depart and do a little back-and-forth regarding it.

PS How do make a line in posts?

I just use the _ key (shift + -) a bunch of times.

@Cap'n and Rasso: I highly recommend you two work on something like that. It is very likely you both knew each other soemhow.

@Fenyx and Ar'Zarrcal: I also recommend you two work on how your characters know one-another. Ar'Zarrcal will also have a PM from me shortly.

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision
Lucent wrote:

Ordrud, after considering your vacation time with the family, I think what I'm going to do is wait to introduce your character. There will be a very excellent IC reason for this which will place you ahead of them in the party's destination. You'll miss out on a little bit of the story in the beginning, but it's the easiest way to excuse Ordrud initially.

They will meet up with you once you get back. We can discuss the details in PM in the time before you depart and do a little back-and-forth regarding it.

Cool. I almost posted in gameplay. Glad I caught this.


As I was plotting out who would be in the party, I wrote down a list of the applications in a notepad by nickname so I could remember who they were easily.

The final list that wasn't crossed out read:


I, uh, can't promise not to sometimes use these in the discussion thread.


Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1
Lucent wrote:

As I was plotting out who would be in the party, I wrote down a list of the applications in a notepad by nickname so I could remember who they were easily.

The final list that wasn't crossed out read:


I, uh, can't promise not to sometimes use these in the discussion thread.


I'm fine with it!

Also after some thought, I've decided I'll be pursuing the Golden Legionnaire class after all.

Although it requires heavy armor proficiency as a prerequisite, not of it's abilities actually require the character to wear heavy armor.

Instead I'll try to pick up some defensive feats like combat expertise, dodge and two-weapon defense to shore up his ac.

Also, I took Aquan as his bonus language, saying that Rasso and Cap go back far enough that he learned the language from his merfolk companion. The two could use it to communicate, safe from eavesdropping of those who didn't know the language.

Idk, thought it was a kind of cool idea.

I recommend looking at the combat style feats, specifically Crane style. Since you'll always have a free hand, it's a great start.

M Disciple of Brimley 20

I just lost my best friend this morning to a car accident. While I'm not withdrawing, I will not likely be as active in the coming week as I would otherwise be. I expect I'll be looking for things to occupy myself soon though, so I hope you'll consider keeping me onboard.

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision

I'm so sorry. You have my sincere sympathies. Maybe Lucent can put us together to insert when you're ready.

Holy hell, Kage!

Consider yourself onboard until I hear from you otherwise. You have my sympathies, I went through the same thing years ago when I was a senior in High School. If you ever need anyone to talk to, my inbox is always open.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

I need to finalize the last bit of details with my gear tonight as well. Though it probably won't be much given that this character's armor soaked up a lot of that. I may well regret spending a feat to take heavy armor profiency, but it seemed fitting for the character and saved me the trouble of combing the large list of feats.

Thank you for picking me and I hope my character will add to the overall story and gaming experience.

Fenyx did you have any ideas?

EDIT: Nevermind Fenyx/Kage -- I only just now saw your post and realize you probably have a lot more on your mind right now.

You have my sincere sympathies. We can always weave in hooks after the fact.

Male Huuuman. I think Expert 2

I go offline for the night, play some Dawn of War, work on another character for a RL group, go to bed, get up, go for a walk, and come back to find all of this!

I love getting online and finding stuff to read :3

I'm going to assume that my 'nickname' amongst those is Piradical, as it sounds 'piraty'? I'm curious to how I got that nickname though, tbh :P

Going to add the bonus starting gear to my inventory on my char sheet in the mean time.

Thanks again for picking me Lucent! :D

Edit: One thing I'd like to clarify - Alchemical Splash Weapons. Do you interpret using them as "Pull them out with a Move action, throw them with a Standard", at least the ones that do not need preparing? (Like flasks of acid and alchemist's fire) Its not 100% clear on how it works, as in the combat section, it states its a full round action to 'prepare a splash weapon', although I'm used to that meaning preparing a flask of oil as a weapon or something along that lines.

Just want to make the issue clear before we start, as I've seen people interpret it different ways. My own group of players and I use the 'move action to pull out, standard to throw' rule, as long as the flask is on a bandolier (Which is why I bought two).

Btw, either way, all three flasks of alchemist fire, both potions of cure light wounds, and all three potions of endure elements are on my bandoliers.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1

alrighty, have gear done, but i may end up losing some since I've got a heavy load currently.

maybe I'll pick up a pack-dog.


Or a bucktoothed Pack-mule named Bucky : P

Male Huuuman. I think Expert 2
Styvanus Rozier wrote:

alrighty, have gear done, but i may end up losing some since I've got a heavy load currently.

maybe I'll pick up a pack-dog.


Or a bucktoothed Pack-mule named Bucky : P

Get me a Heavyload Belt (I think its called) or Muleback Cords and I'll be the pack mule. My medium load with those should be around 700 lbs, light load 350ish.

I wonder if they stack.. he he he

Male Huuuman. I think Expert 2

So guys, I just got an awesome idea I've been working on with a friend - Marcellano Kain, from levels 3 to 7, will be going Musket Master Gunslinger, so he can improve his musket's capabilities. After level 7, he'll be going entirely back to Fighter.

Even looking at my lowish dex, since muskets hit to touch, I should still be quite accurate, if not as accurate as a pure gunslinger. And, with my high strength and con, I can still enter melee without worry!

Whatcha guys think?

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

Wootsauce for getting picked, thanks! I have to go to work, so no time to read over this now. But I will post something more substantial in a couple-few hours.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

1. Originally I picked the silken ceremonial armor because it stacked with the +2 intelligence bonus from Kensai. If its alright with you though I have decided to give up Kensai and switch that archetype to Hexcrafter. I'll be keeping the bladebound, but I think that storywise, if I touch upon the Azlant / Aboleth connection with Teladon it will make for a stronger character.

2. I could develop some but I left that upto you. A sentient blade from the time of Azalant who was forged in service to a dead god has a lot of flavor attached with it. I'm sure we could work up something interesting.

3. I have two traits selected, but I have left the campaign feat blank as I mentioned in recruitment. Do you have any thoughts on the matter?

4. Character crunch has been updated. I'm actually taking a slight step back in my power level by dropping Kensai, but I'm alright with that.

@crusty: move to ready , standard to throw is fine for me. That's how I've always done it.

1) hexcrafter sounds flavorful and cool. I'm okay with that.

2) I've got a couple of ideas. I'll run them by you in a pm later.

3) I'm open to suggestions.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

Besmara's Blessing is the correct trait. I fixed the sheet.

I'd be happy to tie in backgrounds with Styvan. His background is much less detailed than Rasso's but he's of higher rank (four ranks higher to be precise). Is he in the navy or in the army? How did he become a captain? What company does he command?

I'm guessing if we met, it would have been through an introduction by Garret Bryce, Rasso's Captain. Since Bryce and Styvan are the same rank, perhaps they could be friends? Rasso has spent most of his time since 4714 at sea. He's also based out of Augustana, not Almas (though the Chain Breaker makes frequent stops in Almas).

How about when Rasso got promoted to Petty Officer SC, Styvan was attending the award ceremony and banquet afterwards. That's when Bryce introduced them, and they hit it off. In the year since then, they've spent a few companionable nights drinking in one of the 'officer's bars' in Almas when Rasso had shore leave. Though they've only spent time together on a handful of occasions, their acquaintance is already burgeoning into a friendship.

Edit:Are we allowed to post in gameplay?

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Yeah we should be able to Rasso. I'd be posting a post right now if I wasn't currently at D&D already lol. Horse-archer Ulfen Ranger, so far got 4 kills in 4 arrows in 2 rounds. :3

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

I changed the dates in my backstory to match up with the opening post in gameplay. I had been assuming we were starting in 4716, so I just moved everything back a year.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

@Lucent: I modified this campaign trait from Rise of the Runelords, let me know what you think.

Eldritch Inheritor:

The relics of the fallen civilizations and secrets of obscure magics have always been safeguarded by the Mordant Spire. You’ve studied magic intensely with a focus on witchcraft and hope to increase your knowledge by adding Irrisen winter magic to your peoples carefully guarded secrets. You have been selected by the Elders to assist Andoran following the Winter Accord. It is expected that any hidden lore you uncover will be returned to the Spire for safe keeping.

Benefit You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks, and Knowledge (arcana) is a class skill for you. If you cast arcane spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus.

@Talavuc: Hey Bound Shade! It's good to be in another campaign with you! When I first saw your application I thought that you were going for an Arctic Elf approach.

@Rasso: Hey Jelani! I see you all over the boards. Its nice to finally get into a group with you.

It's great to be able to join you all here. I look forward to the start of the campaign and getting to know you all a little more. It looks like we are off to a great start.

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

@Kagehiro: My god... I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what that's like. I'm glad that people here have been supportive. I've got no authority here, but yeah, take the time you need.

@Teladon: Agreed! I'm glad to be on the other side of the screen with you. Nadja is a fantastic character. I'm always looking forward to her posts. Really? I don't think I had ever considered it. What made you think I was going for arctic elf approach? It would've made a good one, too. I did consider making a dwarf from the Crown.

Also, I just have to say that I love that the group has two agents of Karzoug and two Andoran officers. I'm sure they'll get along positively wonderfully.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

As others have stated, condolences Kagehiro. That's really sh*t.

Teladon, as I stated in the recruitment thread I really like the character and am looking forward to playing with him. He'll probably think Rasso's a crude imbecile, but still :P

Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1
Rasso wrote:

I'd be happy to tie in backgrounds with Styvan. His background is much less detailed than Rasso's but he's of higher rank (four ranks higher to be precise). Is he in the navy or in the army? How did he become a captain? What company does he command?

sorry about that, I'll be expanding his background as we go most likely. But I will try to establish these fundamental things.

Rozier has been a captain for about a year. He was promoted in 4714 after a return from service abroad to his native Almas. At the time he was an Officer Cadet in the Andoran Army. However, on numerous occasions he showed exceptional bravery, doing much to quell food riots around the city. The higher-ups took notice and promoted Styvanus to Captain, putting him in charge of a upstart group of 80 young soldiers, Tasked in protecting his native area of lower-east Almas.

So Styvanus would be a Captain(Armed Forces) and equivalent only to one rank above you

Rasso wrote:

I'm guessing if we met, it would have been through an introduction by Garret Bryce, Rasso's Captain. Since Bryce and Styvan are the same rank, perhaps they could be friends? Rasso has spent most of his time since 4714 at sea. He's also based out of Augustana, not Almas (though the Chain Breaker makes frequent stops in Almas).

How about when Rasso got promoted to Petty Officer SC, Styvan was attending the award ceremony and banquet afterwards. That's when Bryce introduced them, and they hit it off. In the year since then, they've spent a few companionable nights drinking in one of the 'officer's bars' in Almas when Rasso had shore leave. Though they've only spent time together on a handful of occasions, their acquaintance is already burgeoning into a friendship.

Could still work, especially if that award ceremony and banquet was in Almas. If not, maybe you attended one for Styvanus in Almas.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

It was in Almas. I'm the sea equivalent of a sergeant, so it's still four ranks above me.

You guys are already impressing me!

@Teladon: That trait definitely looks acceptable. Approved!

@Rasso: Whoops! The date in the opening is a typo. It's supposed to say 4716. I somehow missed it in my quick editing sweep. It is 4716.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

Well, I'll change my background back then :P

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision


Most captains do not command a company (their appropriate command). There are more captains than appropriate commands. Most captains hold staff positions to higher level commands. Since Styvanus Rozier was just promoted, it is highly likely that he has a staff position. Staff positions include deputy, intelligence, operations, logistics, etc.

On the other hand, during wartime (which this campaign may effectively be), the ratio of captains to appropriate command reduces due to casualties. And the probability a captain gets a command increases.


PS This all assumes that Golarion has had someone like Clauswitz and the Prussian military to invent the concept of the general staff that occurred in the real time around 1800.

If Golarion does not operate with general staffs, then the real life equivalent suggest purchased commissions or promoted from the ranks, which happened very rarely. I happen to be in the middle of the Richard Sharpe series. Then, the vast number of captains would originate from the wealthy populace.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Naturally I would assume that Golarion hasn't yet had a Clauswitz and that the militaries tend to function under a more feudal or ancient systems.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

Well, we have commonplace guns. In the end it's up to Lucent. All she's (he's?) said so far is to use American or British military rankings. Which would indicate they do have a modern approach. It's just not that detailed in Golarion canon.

That's why I wanted to avoid being a commissioned officer. Seemed a bit unrealistic for a level 2 character, who was an immigrant and of common birth. Also, they're too important for my taste.

Not that I know that much about military stuffs. Just what I've read, which is not terribly extensive.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Is Azlanti and Thassilonian the same language? I believe they are, but I want to double check before I respond to the otherworldy elf of the Mordent Spire.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Taken from the Inner Sea World Guide:

Ancient Languages
The following languages are not commonly known in the Inner Sea region, save by scholars and historians.

Ancient Osiriani: This precursor to modern Osiriani shares many similarities and differs mainly in its hieroglyphics and lexicon. Speakers of this tongue can speak modern Osiriani, but with an archaic accent.
Azlanti: One of the most widely spoken languages of its time, Azlanti became the basis for dozens of languages all over Avistan and Garund.
Cyclops: Once the ancient language of the giants, this tongue was created before the rise of humanity by the cyclopes of Ghol-gan.
Jistka: Jistka remains in use throughout Avistan, though almost exclusively by scholars and royalty.
Tekritanin: This choppy language is a meld of various regional dialects once spoken in the Tekritanin League.
Thassilonian: One of the ancestor tongues of modern Varisian, Thassilonian is mostly remembered for its now unused alphabet, consisting of three sets of runes.

Sorry Ar'Zarrcal! While Thassilon did rise from the outcasts of Azlant, the language itself was a conglomeration of ancient Shoanti, Varisian and Azlanti.

Edit: Btw, I really butchered that post. My grammar was all over the place. Hopefully you all get an idea of what I was going for.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Well, I may not speak any of those fancy pancy languages most of the group speaks, but at least I got Polyglot! So I can speak to the.. nonexistant mwangi tribes we're sure to not meet up with...


I like to compare Thassilonian and Azlanti to Italian and Latin. They share a lot of the same number of tenses. Native Italian speakers can also discern Latin on some occasions since their word-bases are similar. It's a case of "Wait did he just say-- oh I think I get that."

Not really helpful, since it can lead to miscommunications, but they definitely feel like related languages from the same root.

A day earlier than planned, but I wanted to get us a head start on the week.

Let the games begin!

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3
Lucent wrote:

A day earlier than planned, but I wanted to get us a head start on the week.

Let the games begin!

No complaints here :D

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

Wish I had a voice reference. Hmmm... I must look one up.

Never in the history of ever has the words "voice reference" and "spongebob" ever come up in anything I've ever run.

Rasso, that both broke my brain and made my morning.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

I just don't want anyone to be confused as to what Rasso sounds like :P

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