Post Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW
Game Master
Michael Johnson 66
The PCs are survivors in a version of modern Earth ravaged by Cthulhu and his minions.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
That's the thing about weapons and Items.. especially with the classes; No matter what Derrik and most the other martial will be simply that.. Martials. Our weapons have no random abilities besides what a normal weapon has and thus just do damage. The Hat would enhance abilities that Rad had and give him more options being that much stronger.. on top of being intelligent and having other powers. Now Im not saying one way or the other on the issue, just stating facts.Comparing something that gives you +5 to hit and damage to something that can make you fly and decimate things with your spells are two different leagues.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Cool, thanks for the feedback, Rad and Levinson....
So now I'm thinking a marble elephant figurine of wondrous power named Mahatma, that summons an albino elephant with the advanced template, Int 20, Ego 26, Lawful Good, with Knowledge (arcana, history, nature, planes, religion) +15, and can cast haste 3/day, fly 3/day, and greater magic fang 3/day, for Levinson....
A gift from the elephant-headed, many-armed greater god Ganesh....
Does that tickle Levinson's fancy?
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
And for Radsworth:
Chesterfield, top hat of mental superiority +6, Lawful Good; dedicated to defending the human race; Intelligence 20; Ego 30; acts as any kind of greater metamagic rod 3/day; acts as any bag of tricks 3/day; Knowledge (arcana, history, local, nature, religion) +15;
allows the wearer to ignore the penalties of one prohibited school of arcane magic, chosen when spells are memorized each day.
Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
It will take all of my willpower not to start singing "A Whole New World" everytime I ride a flying magic elephant, but otherwise I'm a fan.
male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
Just wanted to let every know I am enjoying playing with you. MJ great story developing here.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Thanks, Yingzen. I'm having a blast playing with you guys, too!
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Roll to confirm Critical for the Ghul
Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
We over-looted fireballs. I took one, then Koran took one, then Rad took two.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
lol it IS a necklace.. the easy solution would be to split up the beads but watch out if you get hit with fire damage.
Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
I dunno... That involves sharing... It seems like the opposite of blowing up everything with fire... :)
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Also, the beads only work if your wearing the necklace. When I looted two, I missed both post mentions of looting fireball necklaces.
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Simple solution for the moment would be to let Koran and Rad have them, since they are lobbing beads?
I'm not really viewing this thing as any determinable wealth. It's a tool of consumable damage to throw at bunched enemies. Rads mostly holding all that stuff to either use in this conflict or sell for shares with the group later.
But a wand full of charges or a necklace full of beads is silly when there are things to kill!
Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8
After this battle Koran is fine giving up his necklace to levinson. it probably makes more sense for her to have it anyways.
Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
I'll recon my post and just not take one.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
By my estimation, Yingzen must be close to dropping....
Don't forget bleed damage, those who have been clawed by the ghuls....
Daisy should be able to save you on her next turn, Yingzen.... I believe her channel healing stops bleeding as well....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Also, last XP award was 2,850 each....
The ten ghuls net the party another 16,000, or 2,000 XP each, so a total of 4,850 XP each since exploration of the parking garage and The ST began....
What's the total XP tally for each PC now? Getting close to level 8 yet?
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
29079 XP and we need 34000 which would be about 5k more or 40k partywise.. so MAAAAYBE at the end of the tower.
male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
so you are doing clw potions as the caster is brewing the potion a caster level 1 instead of his actual level.
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
No, but a CLW potion by a 7th level caster would be 1d8+5.
3d8 is cure serious wounds.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
If they were worked up at that caster level which costs more money, normally they are at minimum caster level for wealth and whatnot reasons. The formula is Spell level x Caster level x 50 and once you place it at CL7 it would cost 350 gold or 250 if you just stop at max. you might as well had sprung for the Cure Moderate Wounds Potion for 300. Also Roll to confirm Critical hit Yingzen. Cure Serious at min Caster level would be 750 gold
male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
The prismatic special ability of Doom Rainbow is my own home-brew invention, the only deviation from RAW that I will allow in this campaign....
On a confirmed critical hit, the target is subject to the effects of prismatic spray as cast by a 20th-level sorcerer, save DC 20.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
I find it funny that Dawnbringer is making its own legend.. and it is simply a +1 Battleaxe for now.. Sif has good eyes. Hrm this shall get interesting, truthfully I plan on.. once Dawnbringer becomes epic enough have some ability to like.. Fuse them together into a new weapon for a limited amount of time... With a name fitting such, Like Sigurd or Savior orsimple something like.. Hope.
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Is it an Inquisitor thing that lets you apply "current enemy" bane to whatever we are fighting? If so, I've greatly underestimated the class.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Yeah.. Its called.. Bane... And most people greatly underestimate my class choices until they see... Rad was right to be afraid , it wasnt the weapons that made Derrik scary at all..
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Heads up, FOs! CR 10 monster--a gug--in your grills! Lol!
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Well, never mind, LOL.... That was over quick! :)
Male Aasimar (muse-touched) Bard (Lotus Geisha) 8
The fierce ones would be a great group of villains.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Hmmm.... Maybe I'll have to place a mirror of opposition in here somewhere lol....
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
And thats how the party died.. Anti-paladin Derrik
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
I have one combo of spells that might stop him, but it relies on failing a reflex save.
Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
And I have Cannon Fodder as a SLA 8 times per day. I mean, Summon Monster IV. That'll hold him off.
male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
remind me yingzen needs mobility
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
It wouldn't have helped Yingzen this round (as he goes before Kailin in initiative), but remember +1 haste bonus on attacks for next round, all.... (Not to mention double speed up to +30 ft, +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves, and extra attack at highest bonus when making a full attack....)
male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
true also need to start using his trances
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Its not that Merlin is lazy or afraid to adventure with The FOs--he's purposely letting you guys do everything so you'll be seasoned when its time to start fighting the GOOs....
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Indeed, Also I noticed that much has gone on in my absence but it seems the goup took the appropriate measures.. We assaulted and returned once before, that ended badly and wasting resources early is a careless mistake... we are going to destroy them and we are going to be a wrecking train of pain. Derrik is no fool.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Wow.... Now we see Radsworth's concern regarding the necklaces of fireballs brutally justified! Having seen what one exploding necklace just did to the priestess and Moray squad, I really hope everyone wearing one of them makes their save vs the priestess' fireball! Lol!
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Whew! Good thing neither Koran nor Radsworth failed their saves against the priestess' fireball.... Now, how about Levinson.... Did we retroactively have her not pick up one of the necklaces of fireballs?
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
I think she did so what happens depends on her.
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
We only had 2, a few pages back she said she would just not take one.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Right. You are safe from further detonations.... At least for now.....
Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
Sorry guys, I was in the middle of moving and just now got the Internet working at my new place. But I'm back!
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Cool! Welcome back! How do you like your new place?
Where is everyone? It has been more than 24 hours since the last post.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Oh I was waiting on Yingzen because it actually made a difference to what I did.. plus I had got called in for work. Also its technically the weekend.
male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
If Yingzen makes a successful sneak attack on either hell hound, it will likely drop, as each took full damage from the desk fall trap and both are at less than half full hp now....
Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8
Soo, I am having a dilemma as to my actions on my turn. What I would like to do is Throw my hammer then jump from the window and hopefully make my acrobatics check. My problem is that then Mjolnir would end up twenty feet above me. Any ideas?