Derrik Stonesmith |

Nice.. experienced GMing there. Sounds quite effective on your side while allowing us to RP such on or side as well.. a mixture of the two. Now the question is.. is the fight over? They have retreated.. and I'm sure That We have no way to follow BUT we didnt really defeat them either.. and we don't know what happened to the women.. it feels like a major lo on our side.. at least to Derrik.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Nice.. experienced GMing there. Sounds quite effective on your side while allowing us to RP such on or side as well.. a mixture of the two. Now the question is.. is the fight over? They have retreated.. and I'm sure That We have no way to follow BUT we didnt really defeat them either.. and we don't know what happened to the women.. it feels like a major lo on our side.. at least to Derrik.
Ah, but wait!..... (See gameplay)

Derrik Stonesmith |

10035 xp by my count
Hrm Funnily enough I have like 3-4 teamwork feats that could work really well with this group but are on different ends of the spectrum...Swap Places and Shielded caster can really help... If my init and Perception wasn't so good, Lookout would be a pick. Stealth Synergy is grand when we need to be quiet and I roll low.. in armor. Attack Wise.. We have Outflank for that +2 and free AoO when Ally crits, Paired Opportunists for a +4 and extra attack.. Pack attack for positioning ((Too bad we have no rogue.. or someone with rogue levels)) as well as Precise Strike for a bit more damage. Luckily I can change it 3 times a day. Shake it off is overkill.. getting +1 to every save for every ally Im next to.

Radsworth |

Inquisitors are a good class, just different. A lot of the TW feats can be useful.
Usually in a party like ours I would take tandem trip or escape route. That helps the people who take a lot of damage get their ass to safety without getting butchered.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Ah Yes I looked at those two as well... great for if OTHER people take them.. Though for Derrik about 90% of the time he would want to provoke because.. generally they wont hit him.. and even if they do he can take it.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Well color me surprised and heart-warmed by Rad's talk.. It was very much correct overall Derrik is just.. that stupidly Heroic. Though he himself is NOT stupid and know's full well the consequences.
On a lighter note.. Derrik is a chick magnet.. I mean.. look at all these women he brings... and Kate just HAD to hug him too.. Watch out Grimm

Derrik Stonesmith |

Right.. I'm aware of people like Krar, Koran and Mephos.. But I was more saying the loot upgrade. Also.. Did you decide on what form of Aasimar to pick and what Alignment .. and whatnot..?

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm actually kind of log jammed mentally w the campaign right now because I made it so friggin big lol! Not sure where to start with all the elements I've got going.
For one, there's the Arthurian plotline, which is only a part of something even bigger that's happening now that the stars are right.... The souls of the ancient heroes of mankind are being reincarnated throughout the world.... Gilgamesh has come back as a streetwise, ambitious, black kid in Harlem that wanted to be a rapper before Cthulhu was awakened....
Beowulf is now an aggressive, athletic young woman in Brazil forming a resistance against serpentfolk cultists of the snake-god Yig, which came through portals atop the Temples of the Sun and Moon in Central America....
Then there is Coal Withers the gambler (ahem, rakshasa), self-made New Boss of Tombstone, wielder of Daisy, which Doc Holliday's restless ghost would rather see in the hands of a worthier individual....
And Lavinia Whateley (lich) and her son, Wilbur (flesh golem), and their mummies, seeking the Book of Thoth in the Giza Necropolis....
And Vampire Von Ulrik has Thor's Hammer and is using it to terrorize survivors and monsters alike along the coasts of the world's seas in his restored WWII German U-boat, The Kraken....
And the cult of Cthulhu has dispatched elite assassins to discover The Fierce Ones' secret base of operations, which with the help of The Slime-Shrouded Master and his two mind-controlled plants among the team should prove all too easy, and eliminate them....
Plus, there's the drama-I-can't-save-fo-yo-mama that Amber Lynn, Jewels, and now another 45 women in their mating prime that have just been rescued from certain rape, monster-gestation and birthing, followed by death by a young paladin with a high Charisma score would most certainly create....

Michael Johnson 66 |

personally I have a lot to do and I know mephos and koran do as well. I know them outside of paizo. sorry for the inconvenience but all three of us will be unable to post for almost a week starting thursday.
It's no problem, thank you for the heads-up. It would probably be nice to take a break since we've been posting fairly continuously for over a month now, anyway.
Are you work colleagues or schoolmates?

Derrik Stonesmith |

If only That were the case .. I would guess it will be much more.. awkward and surprising than that simple end.
Hrmm Should we wait until there is one warning.. that the Barracuda's infiltrate or post our regular happening until the GM tells us to make rolls?

Michael Johnson 66 |

If only That were the case .. I would guess it will be much more.. awkward and surprising than that simple end.
Hrmm Should we wait until there is one warning.. that the Barracuda's infiltrate or post our regular happening until the GM tells us to make rolls?
Go ahead and post til I ask for rolls... Am at work til 7:00 tonight, so won't be posting much til then, probably....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Well, here we have a few options for what to do next:
A. Aaron Crux was captured by Cthulhu cult assassins and must now be rescued, leading the party back to One Sarasota Tower--possibly prematurely from a strictly meta-game viewpoint (are you ready to fight the chimera doorguard, and then a few CR 8 - 12 monsters?)....
B. Aaron hid and comes back safely, allowing party to pursue SSM back at Lido Beach (certainly more in line with the party's level vs CR ratio)....
C. Aaron hid and comes back safely, allowing party to keep trying to break enchantment (Dirge can try 2/day) and relocate Pandora's Box et al to the Indian stronghold in the Grand Canyon, and from there start pursuing the Doc Holliday's Revolver plot-thread....
D. Aaron hid and comes back safely, but while party is still trying to figure out what to do, Merlin shows up, breaks the enchantments on Koran and Dwayne Lee, and proposes an adventure off in Scotland, in a certain Loch, where a certain cursed, immortal water orm has been forced to guard Excalibur for the past 16 centuries....
E. A super-cool idea one of you guys has come up with....

Michael Johnson 66 |

F. The Kraken shows up on the Atlantic coast and Vampire Von Ulrik decides to make port in Miami to hunt for awhile, bringing fleeing refugees west to inform our noble heroes about the naughty vampire submariner causing mischief with Thor's Hammer....
G. Another air trader, aqua-plane pilot Jock, informs the Pandora's Box crew of Lavinia Whateley's search in the Giza Necropolis for the Book of Thoth, and offers to fly The Fierce Ones out to Egypt for some Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-style action....
H. Some other oddball idea one of you guys has....

Michael Johnson 66 |

The obvious advantage of choices D or F is arming your fighters with artifacts at 5th level for the cost of risking life and limb against challenging adversaries (not at home to check my notes ATM, but I think around CR 9 or 10 for the advanced water orm, CR 8 or 9 for vampire, and his crew of dominated mercenaries are around CR 8 or 9, I believe).

Derrik Stonesmith |

In Order I would say D to get some Merlin action which when we find out.. will help us with B ( As people wont be Mind Controlled).. moving back to D to then Finish A.. To make C possible.. so we can achieve E.