Dr. Hugo Grimm |

I'm hawking this campaign because being sick in bed is boring. I'm psyched about this pbp. Playing Grimm kind of like a mix of Hunter S. Thompson, Walter White and Jeff Goldblum from the Fly.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm hawking this campaign because being sick in bed is boring. I'm psyched about this pbp. Playing Grimm kind of like a mix of Hunter S. Thompson, Walter White and Jeff Goldblum from the Fly.
Sorry to hear you're sick.
I like Grimm! He's cool.
Dr. Hugo Grimm |

Koran, I have an enlarge person extract that would give you +4 strength, but it shaves 2 off of INT. I'm not sure how that would affect you. Could you imagine Combat Reflexes with Haste for the Hammer?

Michael Johnson 66 |

As you can see if u follow the recruitment board, I've decided to let two more players join, as I feel pretty confident that I can manage 9 PCs and an NPC (who might still be necessary as healer considering size of party) in this PBP format, things move slowly enough even for my almost-40-yr-old, pot-addled brain. Lol!

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

Hey DM, currently out of town at a family function, so my posting will be sporadic at best for a few days.
Also, are we tracking our own XP or are you telling us when to level up?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hey DM, currently out of town at a family function, so my posting will be sporadic at best for a few days.
Also, are we tracking our own XP or are you telling us when to level up?
I'm tracking it, you've earned about 1/3 the xp needed to level up to 2nd.

Michael Johnson 66 |

This encounter with the Lido Beach Horror should be super fun, but possibly super fatal for the marine team.
Looks like we will have a nice chase where the LBH swims after the pontoon, gradually gaining on it due to a superior swim speed, while the marine team tries to kill it by kiting it and rolling crits to hit it while its submerged (+8 cover bonus from water against ranged attacks made from above the surface)! Lol!

Derrik Stonesmith |

Hoorryy Sheeett Thats a bugger of a fight I hope Derrik Can help. Also I noticed earlier with the fight people had like.. Rifles and stuff at the beginning, Was it because you allowed their starting weapon to be a revolver, Shotgun or Rifle instead of the old weapons? And Also I was thinkin of taking the Blackpowder Inquisition.. though exotic Weapon Prof firearms seems useless... Unless it acts differently somewhat..

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hoorryy Sheeett Thats a bugger of a fight I hope Derrik Can help. Also I noticed earlier with the fight people had like.. Rifles and stuff at the beginning, Was it because you allowed their starting weapon to be a revolver, Shotgun or Rifle instead of the old weapons? And Also I was thinkin of taking the Blackpowder Inquisition.. though exotic Weapon Prof firearms seems useless... Unless it acts differently somewhat..
This is a "guns everywhere" setting, so firearms and ammo cost 10% of the listed price. Kinyama is a gunslinger so he starts with a free battered revolver, and Prue and Radsworth are both archetypes that start out with a free firearm I think.....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Derrik Stonesmith wrote:Hoorryy Sheeett Thats a bugger of a fight I hope Derrik Can help. Also I noticed earlier with the fight people had like.. Rifles and stuff at the beginning, Was it because you allowed their starting weapon to be a revolver, Shotgun or Rifle instead of the old weapons? And Also I was thinkin of taking the Blackpowder Inquisition.. though exotic Weapon Prof firearms seems useless... Unless it acts differently somewhat..This is a "guns everywhere" setting, so firearms and ammo cost 10% of the listed price. Kinyama is a gunslinger so he starts with a free battered revolver, and Prue and Radsworth are both archetypes that start out with a free firearm I think....
And as this is a modern setting, gunslingers and archetypes that begin play with a free firearm get a revolver, rifle, or shotgun rather than an ancient firearm.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Ahh Your Right, I was just wondering if Inquisitor got anything.. But it seems not.. In that Case I might just change The Inquisition or Perhaps actually use a Domain.. It wasnt super important to the character.. a few things become obsolete but thats the same for alot of things though... Hrm.. What to pick.

Prue Silversmith |

Hmm, didn't notice the discussion thread had been connected to this.
Well, as fun as this campaign looks I'm going to have to leave. I can stay to wrap up the fight (and maybe heroically sacrifice myself to save everyone else), but I'm stepping back my involvement in PbPs, and as the newest this one has to fall by the wayside. Michael, if you want you can feel free to keep Prue around as an NPC, or whatever you think best.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hmm, didn't notice the discussion thread had been connected to this.
Well, as fun as this campaign looks I'm going to have to leave. I can stay to wrap up the fight (and maybe heroically sacrifice myself to save everyone else), but I'm stepping back my involvement in PbPs, and as the newest this one has to fall by the wayside. Michael, if you want you can feel free to keep Prue around as an NPC, or whatever you think best.
I'm sorry to hear you must leave, I like the way you were RPing Prue, but I understand, and will keep her around as an NPC for as long as she survives.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Thanks :) Has been pretty fun, but trying to not spend so much time online, and the pace of this one has been a bit difficult to keep up with :p
This is the first PbP I've ever participated in, so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I really like the format, lends itself really well to RPG. So, this pace so far is fast as PbPs go? I would certainly consider slowing it down a bit, if it meant we could convince you to keep playing, but I understand if you're spreading yourself too thin. I've been getting some girlfriend aggro myself lately for being glued to my iPhone running this PbP. :)

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

I like Prue too. Apologies, I have been posting so much because I was off work. If it goes too fast we might decide on a time to post daily that works for us. I can usually post between 20:00 to 24:00 CST, GMT-6, daily.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Ya, I'm really pleased with all the interesting PCs and the way they are being RPed.
The Lovecraft horror setting obviously attracts the right kind of player to create a nice narrative with high quality RP, resulting in a PbP thread that I personally think would be a lot more fun to read than most standard fantasy campaigns.

Michael Johnson 66 |

This is my favorite one that I am playing in thus far.
Thanks, man!
I'm digging Dr Grimm, he's a cool cat. I'm imagining him delivering his lines like Hunter S. and it's cracking me up! :)
Fun to see alchemists and gunslingers in action, as this is the first campaign I've DMed in which anyone's played either of those classes. Likewise with firearms.

Derrik Stonesmith |

I have to say if anything its been a good read even the NPC's are enjoyable and have personality... and the constant threat of death from cthulhian creatures, cannibals and whatnot makes it that much better. Keep up the good work.. I hope Derrik survives

Michael Johnson 66 |

I have to say if anything its been a good read even the NPC's are enjoyable and have personality... and the constant threat of death from cthulhian creatures, cannibals and whatnot makes it that much better. Keep up the good work.. I hope Derrik survives
Thanks, I appreciate it, man.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Well the allure of advanced Firearms is pretty strong. A lot of people have mixed views on firearms, they're banned in my home group for instance, so a chance to play them here was nice.
Yes, gunslingers and firearms have been taboo in my home group too, mainly because they have been anachronistic in the settings most of our games take place in (I run a lot of classic swords n sorcery in Greyhawk), and also because they seem a bit OP. Perfect for this PbP, though. Hopefully they will be OP enough to save the PCs from being hopelessly outmatched by some of the monsters they might run afoul of.....

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

Hey DM, how does the rifle that Grimm picked up work? Is it bolt-action, or clip? If yes, how many to a clip? Grimm would also be looking for materials to fashion a crude silencer.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hey DM, how does the rifle that Grimm picked up work? Is it bolt-action, or clip? If yes, how many to a clip? Grimm would also be looking for materials to fashion a crude silencer.
It's an old bolt-action hunting rifle, cap 1.
A silencer can be crafted, given the proper materials and a little time, with a Craft (weaponsmithing) or other appropriate Craft check, I'll check on the cost and DC and get back to you ASAP....
Michael Johnson 66 |

Should I roll as well.. because If I see the creature Pursuing them I will shoot as well... Though I would need Nat 20's
Yes, go ahead. You will be at increasing range penalties for most of the chase, so hope for 20s, and your penalties will be at -2, -2, -4, -4, -6, -6, -8, -8, -6, -6 (Cpt Kermit actually turns the pontoon so that it gets closer the last two rounds before it hits the beach).

Michael Johnson 66 |

Prue dished 20 (corrected after I realized its touch AC is actually 12+8 for cover=20), a damned good start.
Now Kinyama needs to light it up with the other .50 and Rad, Lakra, and Derrik with their ranged weapons, and you might defeat it before it can mangle anyone! :-D