COOKING UP TROUBLE - GM Firedove's Campaign

Game Master Lady Firedove

"You are what you eat ... unless you are what someone else eats."

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Calling all chefs!
The eccentric (but super-wealthy) Lord Schmultzfeather has decided to open an exquisite new restaurant on the top floor of his tower overlooking the scenic Reichendach Falls mountainside vista! He's tired of boring food, and he's looking to hire seven new chefs (each specializing in a different type of consumable), who will no doubt be paid extremely well. He is inviting applicants to arrange for interviews and then visit his Villa to prepare three different samples of their cooking for him and his wife to taste test. This may be the big break you've been looking for!

This game will focus primarily on character interaction and story, and will probably be fairly lighthearted. Combat might happen ... or it might not. We'll use the Pathfinder rules as a basis, but the game will be fairly rules-light, and if level-up occurs, it will occur at the speed of plot. I'm asking for a commitment of at least two short posts per week from each player who joins the game. The setting will be Golarion-ish, but with a few slightly more modern elements, and a bit of a zanier tone. (Although, if divinity matters for your character, feel free to assume Golarion deities.) I'm hoping for quirky (but not entirely disagreeable) characters who will mix together nicely to cook up a fun story!

If you're interested in this game, please create:
-a first-level PC-class Pathfinder character
-using a 20-point-buy
-Paizo material only, unless specifically GM approved
-No evil alignments
-Average starting gold (Hired characters will be given basic lodging, so your character doesn't need wilderness equipment, unless he/she is the outdoorsy type and wants to be extra prepared for anything.)
-Three traits and a drawback (Other Campaign traits are fine, if they make sense here.)
-Humans (and possibly half-humans) are more likely to be chosen. (Lord Schmultzfeather is known to be biased. However, amazing cooking might overcome that bias.)
-You get two extra free skill points that must be used on Profession (Chef) and on Craft (Insert one of the seven Consumable Specialties listed below here).
-You must use up your first-level feat on Skill Focus: Craft (Insert Consumable Specialty here). However, if you're human, you still get to choose your bonus human feat.
-Your character wants to be a chef and his or her other abilities, skills, and/or spells should mostly somehow connect to that (hunting food, flavoring food, creating food, roasting food, preserving food, finding ingredients, entertaining guests during dinner, getting a feel for their tastes, etc.)

The seven possible Consumable Specialties are as follows:
Craft (Soup)
Craft (Meat)
Craft (Vegetables)
Craft (Cheese)
Craft (Bread)
Craft (Drink)
Craft (Sweets)

So, if you choose, say, Craft (Cheese), then you put one of your free extra skill points into Craft (Cheese), your first level feat must be Skill Focus: Craft (Cheese), and you should come up with detailed descriptions of three different types of cheese or cheese-focused dishes that you will be preparing and bringing Lord Schmultzfeather to sample at your chef interview.

Know that, whichever specialty you choose, you will be competing against any other applicants with the same specialty for that position. Also, don't assume that you've automatically got the job if you seem to be the only applicant with a certain specialty. Some of the seven positions will likely be filled by NPCs.

Feel free to post here in Recruitment to ask clarification questions or to mention what type of character you're working on. When you have your character alias all ready to go, with crunch and some background in the profile, then please make a single in-character post here in Recruitment using that character alias, and addressing the points listed below. At the top of your post, please write in all capital letters: CHEF INTERVIEW.

On your appointed day, after you have spent time in Lord Schmultzfeather's sizable and well-appointed kitchen preparing, you are ushered out past two armed guards, and into a fine hall. An elegant elderly couple sit behind a table, holding silver utensils and facing you. A servant gestures for you to place the three dishes you've brought onto the table in front of the gentleman and lady. As you do so, another servant casts a spell (detect poison), squints at what you've brought, then nods in approval. The elderly gentleman speaks up in a raspy-yet-friendly voice, eagerly asking you the following questions, and nodding while listening to your answers.

"Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"

"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."

"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."

"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"

"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"

"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

Please also make a Profession (Chef) check, three Craft (Specialty) checks, and a Diplomacy (or Charisma) check to accompany your interview in this post. You may include other comments you would speak, skill checks you would make, spells you would cast, or actions you would take as part of your interview. Please refrain from having your character ask any questions at this time. (Yes, part of the interview process is to see how well you can follow these complex directions!)

All aliases should be completed and chef interviews should be posted by Monday, April 20 at 3pm EST USA, although I reserve the right to conclude recruitment sooner if plenty suitable character interviews are posted before then. Thank you!

Let's get cooking! :)

Interested in playing, and here's the concept I'm working on for it:

Male tien-song human lawful good bard (geisha) focusing on tea (drink) with a secondary "specialty" of calligraphy and cheeses (though the latter is more of a helper-idea).

In three words: professional, charming, careful.

A young man and frail, but meticulous and kind and consummately a professional in all he does. He is quiet, but intriguing... or at least tries to be. Unafraid of making a show, but modest (albeit, perhaps a tinge of false-modesty) about his own successes.

Current (working) name: Ash(leigh?) Kasuma Na-ti

Dot for interest, I'm thinking (sweets) at the moment, but just woke up, and will think on it.

Probably going to play as an overweight ranger who hunts his own game, often of a magical nature.

Dot : )

Perhaps soup ...

Oh, how I'd love to play Tik-Tik as a Sweets chef. He loves to cook.

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Well, one thing this recruitment has done, is motivate me to find my copy of "Hour of the Octopus" by Joel Rosenberg. Timing they say, is everything. I really wanted to quote the prologue about a new chef and timing for this group, but it appears to not be online.

Definitely thinking sweets, but nothing else seems settled yet.

This sounds amazing. Im definitely going to submit a meat specialist. I have so many ideas running through my brain but it will probably be a summoner who cooks things on his fiery eidolon.

Letta me make'a some changes and see what I can come up with.

Have an idea for a druid who makes cheese from the milk of the most bizarre possible animals.

Silverseabird wrote:
Have an idea for a druid who makes cheese from the milk of the most bizarre possible animals.


... Cheezecake, the Venerable...? Is... is that, you?!


I have this gillman sorcerer originally created for Skulls and Shackles Could he be a seafood specialist, even though it is not on the list above?

Hmmm, would Pastry count as Bread or Sweets?

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I am considering an Urgathoen cleric or rogue who is like Gorden Ramsey. He is neutral since he cares not for politics but for the pure experience of the kitchen


Ooh, this sounds like a lot of fun. I'm thinking a grizzly half-orc shaman who lets her food do the talking (or if actual words are required, her raven familiar). Vegetable specialization could be amusing.

Question: Can I swap out the raven's Skill Focus (Perception) with Skill Focus (Diplomacy)? I'd also like to see if, instead of getting a third trait for myself, I could give Clever Wordplay to the raven. The concept in my head kind of requires him to be better at talking than the half-orc is.

OMG Grillmaster here. MEAT speciality!

I'm glad to see there's interest in this. I'm seeing some neat concepts already. :)

Mr.Sandman, a pastry chef could be either bread or sweets, depending on whether you focus on things like croissants and baguettes or cakes and danishes.

Kelysch, you'll already be fighting against Lord Schmultzfeather's anti-non-human prejudices if you interview with a gillman. Trying to convince him to include a new specialty in his line-up would also be a stretch. However, if you want to give it a shot, go for it! A seafood specialist gillman sorcerer is a fun concept.

In general, Lord Schmultzfeather is a biased man who knows what he wants. His prejudices may be hard to overcome. However, he is also an eccentric and whimsical man, so he may certainly change his mind about anything, if it strikes his fancy!

EDIT: Arachnofiend, because I like the concept, yes. :)
Keep in mind, though, you will also be fighting Lord Schmultzfeather's anti-non-human prejudices.

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"Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

"Greetings to you, Lord Schmultzfeather, and to you My Lady," Kehlysch says with a respectful bow. "I am Kehlysch, and like you, I have an appreciation for fine cuisine and the atristry required to prepare it. My Lord's reputation as a connisseur is well-known, and I could hope for no greater honor than to practice my craft in his employ."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"

"As My Lord has no doubt observed, I am of the low Azlanti, more commonly known as a gillman. I have focused my culinary skills on traditional gillman fare: mollusks, crustaceans and the bounties of the sea."

Profession, chef: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."

"If it please, My Lord, my first offering is an appetizer: a small cake made of reefclaw meat and cornmeal, mixed with my special combination of herbs and spices, and then fried in a light olive oil. I do hope it is to your liking."

craft, seafood: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

"The main course, My Lord, is a dire shark filet stuffed with fresh oysters and marinated in a lemon-lime sauce. If I may, My Lord, I procure all ingredients myself, fresh from the sea."

craft, seafood: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"Finally, My Lord, may I offer for dessert something unusual: a sorbet made from kelp and sea sponge, served in a tube worm shell. I hope that My Lord finds the uncommon texture pleasing to his palate."

craft, seafood: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

re-roll, Inspired trait: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."

"Thank you, My Lord for your kind praise. I would be an asset to My Lord as a person who understands the foods of the sea better than even the most seasoned ship's cook. My Lord would not even have to employ fisherman to procure my ingredients, as I am quite capable of acquiring them with ease."

"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"

"Inspired, committed, and inventive, My Lord."

"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"

"Dolphins, My Lord. They have an ironic sense of humor."

"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

"I thank My Lord and Lady for their time," Kehlysch says with a respectful bow.

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First and foremost, I feel SUPER guilty about actually using this submission. Dinte, is … Super focused on being the best chef ever. Perhaps, more than a little too much so. Yes, I’m willing to tone him down, as atm, he’ may be too focused… I also, am having issues with using the preview function on the Paizo Forums atm, so here goes trying to just straight up post


Extract of Heightened Awareness on receiving the invitation
Knowledge Local - Lord: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 + (6) + 2 = 21
Knowledge Local - Lady: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + (1) + 2 = 27
Prior to Interview Day
Intent is to ask 3 members of the Schmultzfeather household servants about the Lord and Lady's tastes, and perhaps a favorite meal they've had in the past prior to the big day. Dicery is above, from a player standpoint, the showpiece items are set though
Sense Motive (Hunch on Kitchen): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Diplomacy(Servant A): 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Diplomacy(Servant B): 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Diplomacy(Servant C): 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Sense Motive A: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Sense Motive B: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Sense Motive C: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Day of Interview on Premises

A slim, conservatively dressed man, with just a hint of pointed ears approaches their Lordships wheeling in a small cart with three covered dishes, and 2 cups of water.

"Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

He bows deeply to both.

Diplomacy-Presentation Inspiration 1/5: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 5 + (6) = 29
"Honored Lord and Lady, I am Dinte Dolce, "Sweet Tooth", chef of the 9th Generation late of Den Oroshtai. I would serve you as I see by the fine kitchen you have high expectations and demand perfection. "

"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"

"I specialize in Sweets, and am a master Chocolatier and Pâtissier."

"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."

Craft Sweets Chocolates - Inspiration 2/5 take 12, Crafter’s Fortune: 12 + 14 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ 12 + 14 + (6) + 5 = 37
Craft Sweets Mousse - Inspiration 3/5, take 12: 12 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ 12 + 14 + (2) = 28
Craft Sweets Cake - Inspiration 4/5 take 12 Crafter’s Fortune: 12 + 14 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ 12 + 14 + (3) + 5 = 34

"First, something light intended to be eaten as a decadent snack, a few Small Chocolates with just a hint of jalapeño, next a classic palette cleanser and finally, for special occasions and the end of an extended banquet, Chocolate Fudge cake, topped with fresh seasonal fruits. This can easily be built as a layered extravagance for seasonal fête's. While my three offerings are all chocolate related, they demonstrate a variety of techniques that I have mastered."

I don't know about you all, but ... Some of those look amazing!

"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."
Profession-Chef Inspiration 5/5: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 8 + (2) = 14

"My Lord and Lady, you clearly seek the best and most extravagantly inspired creations.

"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"

"Inspired, Meticulous, Prepared."

"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"

"Please forgive this one, Honored Lord and Lady, I do not remember the last time I laughed."

"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

"Honored Lord and Lady, pleasure to serve."

And with a deep bow, he steps back 5 steps, turns and walks out.

Crunch is not 100% done into the profile but is more complete then I expected, and I think I ended up being FAR more serious than I intended, but I think I'm going to run with having him come from the culture referenced, and they have ... a very paranoid outlook when it comes to our beloved ruling class... He won't be a complete stick in the mud when it comes to equals!

Edit - Apologies, it appears my cake is unavailable atm, I may have to find an alternative, which is sad, as it looked scrumptious this afternoon. Alas, now I'm off to /sleep.

The Exchange

Had to look at this. Although I am unsure whether I will apply, I just wanted to post with this character. He is a chef that everyone seems to thing is a swashbuckler. It really annoys him when he has to stab something because of how long it takes him to clean off his favorite rapier afterwards.

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Kehlysch and Dinte, interviews nicely done, gentlemen! Way to set the bar high! :)

Of course, it means that they must be the first to die. ;)

Liberty's Edge

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I...I don't know how I feel about this recruitment. I find it strikingly original, and I AM a culinary student, but I certainly don't feel like any kind of chef...It's

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Drinking a Crafter's Fortune for 2 of the dishes so +5 to Craft them

A neatly dressed young man enters the dining room with his cart of meals, he smiles to the Lord and Lady and sets the table for them.

Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

Greetings to you, my Lord and Lady. I an Phillip Gastone, humble chef of fine meats and other delights. I present myself to you in order to achieve greater skill in the art of cooking and delight those who frequent your fine establishment
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"
Meats. I craft dishes that incorporate the many fine meats of this land.
Profession-Chef: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."
My First dish for you is a fine meat pastry. The venison has been finely chopped and sauteed with onions and spices before being wrapped in a flaky crust. There is also a tomato dipping sauce to accompany it.
Craft-Meat,Crafter's Fortune: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

After such rich and spicy meat, I next offer a refreshing course of a baked, lemon-garlic tilapia. A sprinkling of parsley and pepper heightens the flavor and is accompanied by a garden vegetable pasta salad to help satisfy the appetite.
Craft-Meat,Crafter's Fortune: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

[b]For the final dish, I present to you these Steak and Kidney Puddings. Fine steak and lamb kidney have been wrapped in pastry and finished with a touch of the gravy. Please enjoy.
Craft-Meat: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."
My Lord, Your establishment is indeed elite and the standards demanded encourages me to keep expanding my skills to match what is required. I will greet each order with enthusiasm.

"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"
Meticulous, Diligent, Passionate

"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"
Seeing the customers smile in delight after taking the first bite of a well-crafted meal.
"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

Phillipe miles and gives a polite bow before leaving the room.

Can we try to kill each other off before-hand in order to reduce the competition?

LOL, no. Let's keep this light. :)

Could make for a nice 10 Little Indians mystery.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm intrigued by this idea. It looks like Breads are still available...thinking a plump elven baker to really mess with stereotypes and try to overcome Lord Schmulzfeather's prejudices...I'll start working on a character after I get back from work!

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On your appointed day, after you have spent time in Lord Schmultzfeather's sizable and well-appointed kitchen preparing, you are ushered out past two armed guards, and into a fine hall. An elegant elderly couple sit behind a table, holding silver utensils and facing you. A servant gestures for you to place the three dishes you've brought onto the table in front of the gentleman and lady. As you do so, another servant casts a spell (detect poison), squints at what you've brought, then nods in approval. The elderly gentleman speaks up in a raspy-yet-friendly voice, eagerly asking you the following questions, and nodding while listening to your answers.


"Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

"Lord Schmultzfeather." bows the young man, elegantly, speaking softly, upon hearing the question, "I have been named Ashley Kusuma Na-ti. Raised in a Geisha House, I have been trained in the arts of arts, companionship, understanding, and entertainment including culinary delight." His voice a feathery touch, his smile kind and slight, and his arrangement of self careful and specific. So youthful it almost hurts.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14*


"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"

When asked, the young man is ready with an immediate response. "My specialties are varied. My highest specialty is 'tea', my lord, though I was taught the arts of all beverages just as well, and trained in rudimentary arts of cheesecraft and calligraphy." the young man recites, carefully. "I have honed my art by use of my magic in order to make every part of an experience superior. It is my desire and hope that I can do so in a manner both pleasing and pleasant." he smiles and bows slightly.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12**


"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."

Nodding politely and calmly, he responds, "Of course, my lord, and gladly. Here, I have three, hopefully unique flavors for you to consider."

Dice Rolls and general set-up:
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 to introduce the ideas
Take 12, Profession (Chef) 12+7 = 19: Augmented using Propitiation
Craft (Beverage): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Tea
Craft (Beverage): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 Alcohol
Craft (Beverage): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 Fruit drink
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 to close my arguments
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 to know how I'm doing
I use ghost sound to create soft, pleasant voices and sounds of the shamisen (a stringed instrument), dancing lights to arrange mood lighting, and prestidigitation to clean and present things in the nicest coloration and flavor. I can use Tap Inner Beauty to grant me a +2 bonus to my charisma-based checks (namely Diplomacy), used cautiously. If my Sense Motive informs me that I am doing well enough without, I'd use that spell on an unseen servant instead, to make the dining experience nicer and more (literally and figuratively) "magical", though I'd explain as much to the lord and lady first; this is not included, because I don't know when or if the Tap Inner Beauty would seem necessary to my character.

He gestures to a very fine set-up. "First, I have my specialty, the tea. I have prepared it in two different styles, pending the lord and lady's interest. The first is the traditional and full tea ceremony - a long, spiritual encounter with tea, that uplifts the soul, calms the spirit, and assists in the purification of the mind. The second is more rudimentary, perhaps, but swifter, and more simply acquired. All require some preparation, but I leave it up to my lord and lady to choose which they'd prefer." If they choose the ceremony, I take 10 minutes to Inspire them by it. Otherwise, I just go with the tea, though using Prestidigitation and Spark to make it both impressive as a display, and intriguing as a production. The tea is a mixture of herbal and green.

After they finish, he bows and continues. "Second, I have a sampling of the skills instilled at the house, of distilling, as it were. My selection is based on some fine imported ginger, sugar, water, lemon, and ginger-beer plant, with cayenne peppers and raisins for flavoring, all utilized in a fermentation process to craft a strong, hot, but sweet flavor that may well be overwhelming to the senses and is extremely potent (though I can brew less potent versions in the future, if so desired). I advise caution and, should the lord or lady choose, it can be blended with rum or ale to produce a kind of drink known as a 'shandy', should the lord desire." he nods, displaying the substances and cups, and serving "ginger beer".

After they have as much as they like (or can stand), he nods and turns to his third item. "For my final, while most would bring a desert after a meal, I, too, have something similar. I gathered clean water into a bowl and suspended it above the distillation process used to create the beverage the two of you just sampled before, by placing the water in the 'fixed air' there. This has a side effect of creating a bubbling or 'sparkling' sensation within the water. By taking the ingredients of the very two drinks you sampled prior, and carefully arranging them, without the fermentation process, and adding a hint of honey, raspberry, and imported pineapple, I have created a kind of ale previously unknown. An almost entirely unique substance. I lowered the harshness of this compared to the other, to bring a more mild, sweetened concoction along with the rather unusual sensation of bubbles moving through the very drink you are consuming. I pray to the spirits that it meets with your expectations." he bows, and offers them some of his unique creation tentatively title "ginger ale tea".


"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."

"While I do not wish to disenfranchise any who are either skilled, needy, or both, I wish to present myself in a positive light - I am, in fact, highly proficient and competent at the tasks given me, and am, as described by those who've known me the longest, a 'consummate professional'. My way with people and ability to help them enjoy themselves is well known, and I have my magical abilities to augment my own diplomatic prowess, as needed, or to augment the dining experience, as you can see for yourself. While beverages are my specialty, I have no problem assisting others, and am willing to aid as well as act independently." he nods, humbly.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 to be humble, but persuasive


"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"

Lacking any hesitation, he states in his soft, melodic voice, "Meticulous, quiet, and professional." as if it were memorized. "Although, in an interview situation such as this, as talking is desired, I have a tendency to wax long in speech, making 'quiet' somewhat questionable, it must be admitted." he mentions, mouth quirked in mild amusement, though his voice remains soft and low. "Others, however, have preferred 'charming', 'kind', and 'cautious' to my personal list." he adds, smoothly.

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 to make it less obvious that he's given them six words
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14***


"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"

At this question, the man's eyebrows rise, and he smiles, giving a soft chuckle. "Hm." he says, charmingly, carefully, "A most... amusing, and interesting question." Continuing to smile, softly, he adds, "I suppose things that are a mildly pleasant surprise, such as this query, grant laughter. As for what makes me laugh the most? I am not certain, though I'd likely say a humorous and funny time with a trusted friend. Spending time and in-jokes with them - those bits of humor that are not shared beyond just the two of you, or a few more, and make no sense without the emotional connection or context - are ideal for such a thing."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11****


"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

Upon the dismissal, he bows, and, taking his things, leaves quietly.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 Last check to see how he did.


Things I forgot while writing, realized upon Previewing, and didn't want to mess up all my current dice rolls.

- I have Aimiable Blunder as a trait; any Diplomacy checks failed by 5 or more are effectively re-rolled to see if I succeed.
* Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
** Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
*** Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
**** Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
- Ignore these if I did not fail them.

Additionally, I use my Appraise to adequately understand the value desired and the elegance of the situation, my Knowledge (nobility) to know details about the Schmultzfeathers as well as the important behavioral etiquette, and Profession (magic) to ensure my magical performances are up to par.

Appraise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Perform (magic): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

EDIT: Some corrections made on my character sheet.

Daynen wrote:
I...I don't know how I feel about this recruitment. I find it strikingly original, and I AM a culinary student, but I certainly don't feel like any kind of chef...It's

DOO EET. (Unless you don't want to. But it sounds amazing! :D)

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The height of my RL cooking mastery is Pancakes, and maybe a few other specific dishes. (like 3 other things, and that's it, but those I can make, I make well.) So an actual culinary expert would certainly add a different flair to the RL Dabbler's that are applyin'.

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No actual real-life cooking skill is necessary to play in this game, as long as you can role-play a character who knows more about cooking than you do. :)


The characters who have interviewed so far are:

Kehlysch - Seafood Specialist - Male Gillman Sorcerer (Aberrant)
Dinte Dolce, "Sweet Tooth" - Dessert Specialist - Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
Phillip Gastone - Meat Specialist - Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
Ashley Kusuma Na-ti - Drink Specialist - Male Human Bard (Geisha)


That leaves soup, vegetables, cheese, and bread as available specialties, although interest has been expressed in each of these. Of course, anyone else could also challenge the above applicants for the meat, drink, dessert, (and possibly seafood), positions. :)

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Apologies all, but I literally - I mean, like, literally, literally, not figuratively, obviously - have no other choice. This is, obviously to all, a legal requirement, and the above statements are clearly in no way hyperbole or silly.

Dinte Dolce, "Sweet Tooth" wrote:
Edit - Apologies, it appears my cake is unavailable atm,


"The cake is a lie."


The legal requirements are now met. You may continue on with your business, no longer bound and unable to act until someone does it. Thank you. ;P

Gastone slipped on his tall hat and midnight black coat. Somewhere, someone had made a terrible joke.

His finger traced over his blades. Such a thing...must not be allowed to continue to exist.

WELP! Nothing to worry about forever. I can relax! Even for a second...

Alrighty, I've gotten my sheet written up and I'll start work on my Chef Interview immediately! Looking to whip up some awesome breads!

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So, who all is still working on characters and interviews? :)

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Tessara had spent the night prior to her interview nervously bustling around preparing. Unlike most of the other entrants, her work required her to start preparing her delicious comestibles at night. Dough needed to rise, and she needed to psych herself up to make a good impression on Lord Shmultzfeather. She prepares a pair of her special extracts and uses them to ensure that when her breads are ready, they'll be absolutely perfect.

Tessara uses her two prepared Crafter's Fortune extracts to provide a +5 bonus to two of her breads, and uses her Inner Beauty trait to grant the last one a +4 bonus.

On your appointed day, after you have spent time in Lord Schmultzfeather's sizable and well-appointed kitchen preparing, you are ushered out past two armed guards, and into a fine hall. An elegant elderly couple sit behind a table, holding silver utensils and facing you. A servant gestures for you to place the three dishes you've brought onto the table in front of the gentleman and lady. As you do so, another servant casts a spell (detect poison), squints at what you've brought, then nods in approval. The elderly gentleman speaks up in a raspy-yet-friendly voice, eagerly asking you the following questions, and nodding while listening to your answers.

"Alright, Tessara, relax. You've prepared for this your whole life. You can do this," Tessara mutters under her breath as she's escorted to the hall.

Tessara uses Inspiration to augment her Diplomacy check

If an elf was an unusual sight in Lord Schmulzfeather's court, an elf as large as Tessara was doubly or even triply so. The crisp white linen of her baker's coat appears to be stretched to its limit as she curtsies to Lord and Lady Schmultzfeather, then folds her hands over her expansive belly. She blushes a bit. Part of her was terrified at being seen like this, but part of her was proud. Given the average metabolism of her people, an elf had to WORK to get as fat as she was. She'd tasted breads from all over the world, over centuries of travel, and it showed.

"Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

"A very fine morning to you as well, Milord and Milady. I am Tessara, of the forest known as the Great Green, though I have not been there for many a year. I seek to bake the best bread in the world for the best people in the world.

Inspiration: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"

Tessara smiles, slight creases forming in her round, moonlike face.

"As I said my lord, I specialize in the crafting and baking of bread. I have traveled the world for over a century, learning the breadmaking techniques and styles of its many different peoples. Bread is something that unites us all.

Profession (chef): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."

Her face lights up. This was the fun part. She didn't even need to worry about how awkward she was, the chance to talk about her breads was all she needed.

"Excellent! I've been up all night ensuring these are the best they can be! The first selection comes from my native Great Green, a light, airy yeasted bread we call "barain." It is sweeter than most breads but not as rich as a cake, and accented with dried fruits that add both flavor and texture."

Craft (bread): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

"The next selection is favored by the miner folk of the frozen north. Called a "miner's flatbread" it is a pancake made with sourdough, usually rolled up with butter and powdered sugar or served flat with honey or other even berries.

Craft (bread): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34

And last, but certainly not least, is a dwarven recipe nicknamed "battle-bread," a favorite of soldiers both on the march and at home. A solid crust with a dense, flavorful crumb accented by the finest dwarven beers, it fills you up, but makes you feel like you could stand against an army all by yourself. It's best enjoyed in small rolls, as it's practically a meal in and of itself, and a big meal at that. When I was first learning about them I made the mistake of eating three in a row, and myself in front of the garrison that I'd been travelling with when my corset...sort of...exploded."

Craft (bread): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29

"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."

"Bread is my life, Milord. I defied the wishes of my parents that I take up something like archery or harp-playing, to pursue my dream of bringing people together through the warmth of good bread. I sought to learn everything I could about every kind of bread out there, and I now wish to bring that knowledge to you and to the people your restaurant will serve."

She pats her enormous gut and weakly chuckles.

"And I can personally attest to the deliciousness of each and every bread I've encountered."

"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"

"Dedicated, Knowledgeable and Warm."

"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"

Tessara blinks in surprise. She wasn't expecting something like this.

"What makes me laugh the most? Um...I...I...heehee...that's an EXCELLENT question, Milord!"

She begins to sweat a bit as she struggles to come up with a quick answer.

"I...I think what makes me laugh the most is the joyous feeling of being surrounded by wonderful people who care about each other and are sharing a wonderful meal. Yes! That's it!"

She gulps nervously.

"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

Tessara curtsies to the Lord and Lady Schmultzfeather once again, a lot less confident this time, and then hurriedly waddles out of the room.

Chef Interviews So Far:

Kehlysch - Seafood Specialist - Male Gillman Sorcerer (Aberrant)
Dinte Dolce, "Sweet Tooth" - Dessert Specialist - Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
Phillip Gastone - Meat Specialist - Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
Ashley Kusuma Na-ti - Drink Specialist - Male Human Bard (Geisha)
Tessara of the Great Green - Bread Specialist - Female Elf Investigator


That leaves soup, vegetables, and cheese as available specialties, although interest has been expressed in each of these. Of course, anyone else could also challenge the above applicants for the meat, bread, drink, dessert, (and possibly seafood), positions. :)

@Tessara - I think I liked your first alias picture better. It seemed to fit the warm, kind character with the plump moonlike face as you described. Why the change?

I thought this one might emphasize her shyness. I can change it back. *shrug*

I could see that.
I do like your first one (and now current one again) better, but it's up to you.
She's your character. :)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I have been interested in this -- unfortunately, my Internet has unexpectedly gone on the fritz (I'm writing this on my phone) and I can't get a character uploaded yet.

If I get access and recruitment is open, I will post a character. If it ends and I haven't been able to post, I understand you will move on without me (and might anyway as you may not like my idea anyway).

GM Firedove wrote:
So, who all is still working on characters and interviews? :)

I had expressed an interest in the soup, but time seems to disappear at a worrying pace right now so I have to withdraw.

But I do look forward to seeing how this turns out : )

Thinkng up a PC, but trying to find a non-wizard/sorcerer/alchemist/etc type feel. Trying to make a cleric or fighter but it ring a roadblock.

I was thinking a fighter, who focuses on soups. He is used to cooking for large squads of soldiers kind of vibe.

Lots of fine chilies and stews, served with hearty bread.

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interview response:

My name is Vincent Del Sol, sir. I want to become a chef at your restaurant, to become something. Ever since the war had ended, and my age has increased, my physical skills have diminished. Luckily, I had picked up cooking as a pastime, which I have gotten better at as I had focused on it.

I prefer to focus on stews and soups. Even though I have been out of the military for two decades, I still cook for a large gathering; which will be perfect for your new eatery.

For your tasting today, I offer three stews. The first is a hearty vegetable stew, filled with fresh root vegetables from my humble garden. Leeks, carrots, potatoes, and some local pepper seasonings.

The second soup, is a personal favorite, chicken and corn chowder. Nothing fancy, I admit. However, fancy does not equate better.

The final disk is a cold gazpacho. Fresh pressed tomatoes, some salt, pepper, and a few fresh basil leaves to add a bit of zing. I hope you both enjoy them.

Why should you chose me, over another? I work hard, and strive to better myself. I ensure if there are workers under me, they perform their tasks as per my instruction.

Stubborn, demanding, vigilant

What makes me laugh the most are children. My memories of my children keep me young and going. Thank you for your time; sir, ma'am.

prof: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
craft 1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
craft 2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
craft 3: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
dip: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Chef Interviews So Far:

Kehlysch - Seafood Specialist - Male Gillman Sorcerer (Aberrant)
Dinte Dolce, "Sweet Tooth" - Dessert Specialist - Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
Phillip Gastone - Meat Specialist - Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
Ashley Kusuma Na-ti - Drink Specialist - Male Human Bard (Geisha)
Tessara of the Great Green - Bread Specialist - Female Elf Investigator
Vincent Del Sol - Soup Specialist - Male Human Fighter


*Those who have already interviewed: Please finish any remaining crunch in your profile and make sure you have some backstory in there as well. Please also check to make sure your character fits all the requirements in the OP for this thread, and has used average starting gold by class to purchase any desired equipment.*


That leaves vegetables and cheese as available specialties, although interest has been expressed in both of these. Of course, anyone else could also challenge the above applicants for the soup, meat, bread, drink, dessert, (and possibly seafood), positions. :)


I have a fun idea for a slicing and dicing health-conscious vegan monk as a possible NPC if no one else submits a Vegetable Specialist interview. :)

That would just leave the Cheese position empty...

Grand Lodge

I would be up for spotting something. can you extend this out by a day for me to post?

Sure, Krumthi! What's your concept? :)

Grand Lodge

It is going to be a Cheese Chef, human rogue who learned at the culinarian School at Absalom. I will have it posted a little later tonight

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