[PFS] Nebby Waters (Inactive)

Game Master Nebten

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Dark Archive

Ormax detects no evil.

There are no secret doors anywhere in the chambers.

The Merciful Sting stays Luisila's hand from using her wand charges on her companions, saving them for a later date. ;)

Whatever evil spirit that may have been within this necropolis is no longer present.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

"Sir Ezrek and Lady Luisila, I sense no evil here."

He looks again at the girl lying in her statis.

"I am not sure if it is safe to move her in her condition, but leaving her here, she will surely end up dead...or worse, as an undead."

He pulls out his Pathfinder journal and starts to make notes of the chamber...

"With all that we have found, I say we document what we can of the tomb and crypts and return her and the other artifacts we have found. I am not sure if we missed anything else from our mission, but we do not want to risk losing what we have found."

"I am still concerned about Mr. Deris's safety down here and want to get him back upstairs. "

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 27, T 18, F 22 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

Luisila pauses for a brief prayer … Thank-you Sweet, Merciful Calistria … in all of your various guises!

She gives Haraldir a quick hug … “I think we made it, Haraldir!” … before continuing.

“Totally agree, Omrax. I think we get Junia, the boy’s corpse and all the loot up to surface, then maybe four of us stay there, while the other two go back to the Grand Lodge, and get Shan Pangu and the carriage back here. It might pay to send word to Lady Dacilane to meet us back at the Lodge. I’d hate for Dreng to bite the ring off Junia’s finger, before she gets the necessary care from healers more skilful than I am.”

“I think it would be best for Master Deris to return with us. It would be great if you could coax him up to the surface, Omrax. I would be prepared to put aside part of my share of the spoils to a reputable Temple to get him some help.”

“Then I need to organize some short-term care for Filios at the Temple of Calistria.”

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

"The girl alive? Incredible!" Owai breathes. He once again casts Detect Magic and sweeps over the items they have found, including the girl and the ring. "I am ready to depart this place as soon as we have catalogued all we need and gathered what artifacts we can save."

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Yep, I think that we can deem this at least a temporary success.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

So everyone believes we have accomplished our mission? How shall go about moving the girl? Do you think there is greater "force" still at work here? Have we explored all the passages?

Grand Lodge

Ranger 2; HP 20/20,- AC 18/T: 14/FF: 14 - Perception +7 - F: +4/ R: +7/ W: +2 - CMB: +3 - CMD: 17, Speed: 30, Init. +4

"If lass says that the girl is alive and...untainted in a way, this is enough for me. We came, documented what was needed to be done, defeated monsters and for me right now there is only one mission - get the girl to safety immediately." - ranger places his great bow across his back and approaches the sarcophagus. He takes the girl gently into his arms and turns to Omrax: "Will you please lead the way, Sir Omrax?"

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

"If we are all in agreement, I will lead us back. We have a couple other pickups to make along the way...and our friend Mr. Deris.. "

Omrax stowes his ledger and equips his shield and sword and when every is ready, heads back up the stairs the way we came.

Dark Archive

Ormax is able to identify the ring as one of sustenance.

Haraldir reaches into the sarcophagus to cradle the girl into his arms. The girl then slowly reaches up toward Haraldir's neck . . . and instinctively wraps her arms around it for support.

Deris informs the group that he will stay in the necropolis with his daughter. Deris thanks everybody for what they have done and for their concern, but he wishes to stay here for now. He is quite resolute in this manner, as if one would need a herd of gundarks to drag him away from his dear Cassiel.

Omrax cradles the young boy's corpse into his arms, but it is cold, heavy and limp. After a quick once over, the party searches the rest of the rooms and hallways without any event.

The party walks halfway across Absalom in the biting rain before being able to hail a carriage. Tired, wet and cold, the bumpy carriage ride feels like a dream as it heads toward the Grand Lodge. The party is able to make temporary accommodations in an open study within Skyreach. Messages are sent out to Venture Captian Dreng and Lady Dacilane immediatly.

Before either one of them appear, a small troop of men sporting the blue and gold Andoran eagles arrive. Leading them is man some of you may have met at this year's Snapdragon Festival, Captain Colson Maldris. He points at the boy Omrax is carrying and at the shield Owai has stowed. The Steel Falcons then retrieve the shield and take the boy off Ormax's hands. Then very briefly, Captain Maldris mutters to Omrax & Owai, "I am very grateful for your accomplishments in this manner. We hope you may keep further discretion. Good evening, sers."

Captain Maldris nods, turns the departs with the shield, boy and book. After they leave, Venture Captian Dreng and Lady Dacilane burst into the room at the same time. Simultaneously they ask:

"You found the ring? Let me see it!"
"You found my daughter? Let me see her!"

Dreng takes the ring from who ever presents it to him, gives an absent minded pat the the shoulder along with an "Atta boy." He then starts to stroke the ring as he wanders into the belly of Skyreach. From the shadows, one can hear a faint whisper of, "Precious."

After a tearful reunion, Lady Dacilane regains her composure. She is still wearing the dinner gown she had on earlier that evening, as if it was the most intimidate thing to wear.

"Thank you, thank you very much for returning my daughter to me. I don't know how you did it, but thank you. We will make sure she get the best of care. I will make sure that the Pathfinder Society has exclusive rights to further excavation of the Tri-Tower Yards."

The middle-aged Lady Dacilane then pulls Filios aside but is not subtle in what she is about to say.

"Sir Filios, we departed under such horrible circumstances. There are few things that are beyond repayment, and this is one of them. If there is anything I can do to make amends, let me know. Anything," she says seductively while fingering the bejeweled skull broach between her sagging breasts.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

To Lady Dacilane...

"We promised we would bring back word of her, and this is beyond what we ever expected to find. You have a very special young lady there. Take good care of her and enjoy the opportunities you have been blessed with another chance to have. "

As they leave and have turned over the findings and collected their thanks, Omrax turns to his companions and says.

"I love happy endings, and I am both proud and honored too have had such stalwart companions on this mission.. "

He look as if he is about to give each of you a hug, but even with his minimal ability, he is able to sense the abject horror as he approaches...and stops with an embarrassed grin.

"Now if you will excuse me, I believe I need to find a bath. "

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

In somewhat of a daze, Ezrek follows the group back to the Lodge. He stands apart during the reunion, though he smirks and coughs at Lady Dalacine's obvious advance on Filios.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 27, T 18, F 22 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

Luisila nudges Filios as Lady Dacilane walks out of the room.

“We need to get you sorted out. We can’t have you spreading anything nasty ...”

What a slapper that Lady D is! Cougars that behave like that shouldn’t be let out amongst decent folk!

“THEN I wouldn’t mind catching up for a drink with you boys! The Saucy Wench was it, Haraldir? Make mine a Dark 'N' Stormy. No ... maybe a Black Iobarian ... or a Grasshopper! Actually you can make it all three!”

“Omrax, if you don’t drink alcohol, you can still have sarsaparilla!”

“We could invite Shan Pangu ... and Sir Jake Hargrove ... and Kolvin Swineflesh! He was in that play A Few Not Bad Something-or-others ... you know!”

Dark ‘N’ Stormy – Dark Rum + Ginger Beer over ice with a slice of lime
Black Russian – Vodka + coffee liqueur
Grasshopper – crème de menthe , crème de cacao, cream

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios approaches Lady daciline quietly as she is departing.

Now that you mention it, my lady, that brooch you wear facinates me. Perhaps you could part with it as a reward for us returning your daughter?

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Owai is somber when the boy's body is returned to the Captain. He does offer a small smile at Maldris' words. "I am glad we were able to achieve this result, sir. I owe my freedom and my purpose to Andoran." he says quietly.

The Dervish is all smiles when Lady Dacilane is reunited with her daughter. His happiness is great enough, it seems, that he is barely able to contain himself, as his halo begins to glow softly. "I am extremely pleased with this unexpected result, my Lady." he says. "This mission went from great horror to miraculous rescue. Such are the depths and heights of a Pathfinder's career!"

After, at Luisila's words, he grins. "I am eager to take you up on your offer of a drink. Or several!" he laughs.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Perhaps by the time we work on another mission together, we will be able to retire to a tavern owned by yours truly. I'm thinking of calling it the Frothing Alembic Ezrek says to the group in general.

Dark Archive

Lady Dacilane's smirk turns into a pout at Filios's alternative for a reward. She removes the brooch, and hands it to the elf with a kiss and a whisper.

And So Ends Black Waters.

Freeze Frame, 80's style

Ezrek is viewed taking a drinking from one of his flasks, looking a like a kid who just got caught with candy.

Owai gives flexes while giving double finger guns. Pew-pew

Luisila and Haradlir are caught mid-air-jumping-high-5 with heads turned and giant smiles.

Filios eyes go wide anime style at Lady Dacilane's kiss.

Finally, Omrax suddenly turns to face the 4th wall with yellow-wolf eyes with Vincent Price laughing in the background.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

I like it!

Dark Archive


Filios finds himself in the Temple of Calistria. Luisila, dressed in the most provocative nurse's uniform one could imagine. Luisila presses down on Filios's chest with the high heel of her white leather boot when ever the rogue tries to get up. It is quite obvious that she and her hive will make sure he is cleared of Ghoul Fever.

OK, here's the bottom line kids. Luisila can take 10 Heal check and succeed. This gives Filio a +4 to his Fort Saving Throw. He'll need to make 2 of them in a row. Remove Sickness does not help in this situation becuse it moves the Sickness condition, not Disease. I'll make a number of Saving throws here. Keep in mind it does Con damage, so that will affect his Fort save. I will roll until Filios has cleared the disease or he gets to 1/2 Con. At that time, he can decide to continue rolling or look toward other interventions.

Day 1
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Con dmg, then Dex dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 21d3 ⇒ 2

Day 2
Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Day 3
Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Filios fights off the Ghoul Fever by the third day. By the end of the week he is at full strength.

The End

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Well, once again you have outdone yourself Neb. I hope you decide to run another sometime in the future. Thanks again.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

Nice wrap up.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Perfect...thanks Neb

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