Awesome Arcanium: The Side Quest!

Game Master BloodWolven

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She seems a bit unsettled, "I am here to help you and that would seem most appropriate. I would appreciate the spell."

With the spell cast upon her she flies down and meet the rest of you at the 100 foot drop. You find stairs that lead down, and Ed waiting for the group.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril thanks the cleric for her assistance once he lands, giving Ed a friendly pat.
"I have one fireball spell memorized, but I doubt it would be smart to cast it in the cramped confines of a dungeon. I do have many first and second levels spells available, as well as The Mistress's Blade. I also have two identify spells prepared, should we need them."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He appreciates the statement of preparations, "Good to know, Ed if you would take point... unless Cyril would like to take point looking for traps!"

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

He and likely most of the group look to Cyril...

Following the stairs down and likely looking for traps...
taking a 10, 27 perception.

Cryil takes out his chalk and marks the step to step on and the next safe one several times.

Down into the first level of the dungeon you don't find any more traps until you could possibly adjust your path. Forward, Right, or Left...

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril carefully looks down each path. "Ed. Smell anything?"

The investigative wizard would not like to split the party. His first inclination is to go left.

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Ed sniffs the ground and the walls, sneezing to get the bone dust out of his nose, "Too musty, the dust covers any scents. Beyond undead, there is likely nothing in these halls. No fresh tracks either. I don't think anything has been in here in months, no telling if it was even longer than that."

Cyril steps forward with Ed beside him. You both see magic symbols blaze to life upon the central spot and seem to hit the rest of the complex with a blazing cyan flame. He missed the trap and a moment later they are gone.

Ed and Cyril find yourselves in a large metal cage. Looking down you soon find there is a pit of lava waiting for anything to drop from your cage or of the many others. They all hang from the ceiling with large metal chains.

On the far wall you see a platform. It is above most of the cages so there is no telling what is upon it. After a few minutes you hear grating as the platform descends. A large red humanoid creature seems to be clicking on magical crystals and is looking at you two.

A few more minutes of cages moving, finally your cage moves towards the red creature.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Arthur swears and seems to jump forward. Though Cyril will never know what else Arthur did.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Perception: 1d20 + 35 ⇒ (2) + 35 = 37
"Don't attack just yet", Cyril whispers to the Wonder Dog. "We'll let them think we're defenseless until it's too late."

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

The dog nods but also whispers, "There isn't room in here for me to get big."

The cage stops moving 10 feet from the platform and the red skinned humanoid speaks in Infernal.

"Ah new guests, how can I make your stay more... comfortable?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Knowledge (planes) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 19 + 1d6 ⇒ (17) + 19 + (3) = 39
Cyril leans down to Ed, explaining the outsider is speaking Infernal, but he doesn't understand it.

"I'm sorry, but I don't speak Infernal. Do you know Draconic?"
"..or Necril Can you speak Necril?"

You are sure it is an incubus and know all about them.

The figure just shakes its head. Fiddles with the crystals and your cage slowly begins to move away.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Do you speak the Common tongue?" The nobleman blurts out as a last ditch effort to forge a report.
Diplomacy + Inspiration: 1d20 + 35 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 35 + (5) = 58

You are sure it is an incubus and know all about them. With their tongues ability you are sure he understands you.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Ah! Yes! Can we please be set safely out of the cage onto non-hazzardous ground?"

The red skinned demon shakes his head, "Not unless you have payment?" I was checking out tongues ability and then forgot about it. He can speak and understand any language.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Will 5,000gp worth in gems suffice?" Cyril bargains.

The incubus looks up with interest in the option. He touches the crystals bringing you closer to the platform. He then states in a nearly lawyer manner, "I shall release you, you shall not harm me or any of the devices in this room, then you will give me the gems you offered, deal?"

Once the trade is finalized the cage door opens up allowing you to step onto the platform. You see there are cushions and a few tables set around. A musical lute is laying beside one of the cushions. Beyond the platform you see an open portal, a doorway that leads into darkness. You notice a portcullis that hangs open though could drop if the right actions is done.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril looks around his new surroundings, after giving the incubus his price.
Perception + Inspiration: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 17 + (5) = 28
Knowledge (arcana) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 21 + (5) = 34
knowledge (dungeoneering) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 17 + (5) = 35
knowledge (planes) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 19 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 19 + (6) = 43

"So? Is this your place?" The human asked the outsider.
Sense Motive + Inspiration: 1d20 + 23 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 23 + (1) = 36

The demon sneers his remark but seems to owe you no ill intent, "Nay. I am but the jailer. If you need my services please summon me." He tosses you a red coin with magical runes upon it. [B]"There is no master here anymore. He has left us for his newer projects. Though I am bound as so many others are as well. Show the coin to my sister and she will give you a discount. I have heard rumor from others that have passed through, about a great darkness. It may just be rumors.

With the contract in place he is much more at ease. He speaks truth about what he knows. He feels well paid and seems willing to give information to help make up the difference.

You are sure you are still in the dungeon.

Anything else you were looking for in your checks?

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Ed slowly follows you.


The dog offers, "How about a fang from a briar beast? You can have it if you can take it. Yes?"

The demon looks upon the border collie and shrugs. He gets down on a knee and asks, "You must give something for your freedom. The contract was for him."

The demon looks at the dog with interest... before accepting he looks at Cyril.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"And your 'sister' is on the other side of that portal?" Cyril continues.

"Oh I don't know where she is, but from what I have heard from other denizens in the dungeon, she has made herself a nest of lust. I am bound to this room for another 15 years or all of the cages are gone. Sure sounds like a deal pup."

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Then he transforms into his big version and bites the incubus.

bite: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
damage: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 (plus painful thorns)

Some of the thorny teeth of a thorn dog break off in a wound when they bite, leaving a painful wound. Those hit by a thorn dog’s bite gain the suffer a -2 pain penalty to attack rolls and skill checks until the thorns can be removed. Removing thorn dog teeth requires a DC10 Heal check and takes 30 seconds to perform.

Then he steps back with his 'tooth' stuck into his arm.

Bit and stuck he backs away but then nods in understanding. He states, "You are free to go!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

The wizard was slightly disheartened when Ed bit the incubus, wanting to get more information out of the outsider; possibly leading to the identity of The Master.

Cyril, without seeing any other choice, considers walking through the dark portal. The nobleman pets Ed several times to give himself some courage.

"Come on, Ed. Nothing else for us here." The Mistressian walks through the dark portal.

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Ed follows Cyril through the doorway.

You see that there is no magical portal but a dark hallway. It then begins to become a maze of tunnels.

Left, right, or forward?

You begin walking by doors. All sorts of doors.

The Verdant Gate: Crafted from ancient oak, this door is entwined with living vines and flowers that bloom in various colors. When touched, the flowers whisper secrets of nature, and opening the door may lead to a lush, enchanted forest teeming with mystical creatures.

The Celestial Portal: A shimmering door made of translucent crystal, reflecting the constellations above. When the stars align, the door glows faintly. Stepping through transports travelers to a realm of celestial beings and cosmic wonders.

The Echoing Threshold: This door is constructed of dark stone, etched with runes that pulse softly. As you approach, you hear faint echoes of conversations from the other side. Opening it reveals a library of lost knowledge, guarded by spectral librarians.

The Clockwork Door: Made of brass and copper gears, this intricate door whirs and ticks, responding to the flow of time. Only those who solve its temporal riddle can pass through to a realm where time flows differently, allowing glimpses into the past and future.

The Shadowy Archway: A doorway of swirling darkness, framed in obsidian. It seems to absorb light, and whispers of forgotten nightmares echo around it. Entering leads to a shadowy dimension filled with secrets and phantoms of the past.

The Frosted Entrance: A heavy door covered in intricate ice carvings, constantly glistening as if freshly frozen. Opening it reveals a winter wonderland, where time stands still and frost-covered creatures dwell, guarding the secrets of the cold.

The Flame-Kissed Portal: Made from charred wood and glowing embers, this door radiates warmth. When opened, it leads to a volcanic realm, where fire elementals dance and the landscape is alive with molten rivers and fiery creatures.

The Dreamweaver’s Door: A soft, flowing curtain of shimmering silk that changes color with each movement. Entering transports you to the realm of dreams, where reality bends and the impossible is within reach, but beware of dream spirits that lurk.

The Illusionary Barrier: A door that appears as a blank wall until inspected closely. It shimmers slightly and may change its appearance based on the viewer’s thoughts. Passing through requires a leap of faith into a realm of illusions and trickery.

The Whimsical Gate: A brightly painted door adorned with playful images and whimsical designs. It giggles when approached and opens into a land of eternal childhood, where toys come to life and adventure awaits around every corner.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

The noble wizard explored the doorways with wonder and bewilderment.
"Ed. We are hopelessly lost", Cyril exclaimed.
Knowledge (planes) + Inspiration, because: 1d20 + 19 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 19 + (5) = 31
Cautiously, the wizard opened all the portal and looks inside, then shut them.
"I could easily spend another 100 years exploring all these portals", the investigator wizard explained. "I think having you along if we were to take The Verdant Gate would be a great advantage. But my mind yearns to explore The Echoing Threshold. The Celestial Portal seems like the safest option, but still no indication any of these portals will take us back to the others, or Arcanium."
Cyril sits down next to Ed, giving him pets as he thinks about what to do next.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Looking deep into the intelligent dog's eyes, Cyril makes a decision.
"Ed, let's go through The Verdant Gate. It is my hope that your canine perception might help find us a way back to the others."

The wizard wishes Ed luck as they both walk through the green blooming doorway.

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

After entering the hallway he turns back into a dog.

He nods in agreement that they were lost.

He wags his tail in appreciation to the pets.

He barks excitedly before saying, "That sounds good, but I haven't smelled any of them yet."

Through the Verdant Gate you find yourself in a lush, enchanted forest teeming with mystical creatures. You see a unicorn to the left. Fairies flitter about you with other lights. Ahead you see a tall white stag. To the right you see beautiful faces peeking from behind the trees.

Will Save DC 30:
You notice all of this is an illusion. The trees are but pillars of stone and the creatures are either paintings or sculptures. The lights are real.... they notice you see them and only them... 2nd Will save... fear effect DC 14.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Will DC 30: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

"Greetings, Fair Folk of the Forest! I and my canine companion are seeking to return to our world. It's called Arcanium. Might you help?"
Diplomacy + Inspiration: 1d20 + 35 + 1d6 ⇒ (17) + 35 + (6) = 58

Voices come from above, "You are in Arcanium within a dungeon with many wondrous rooms. We know little of the other rooms. The master endowed us with this knowledge. We are bored, will you play a game with us? Stay forever please!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Sense Motive + Inspiration: 1d20 + 23 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 23 + (4) = 31
"Since you have been helpful, I shall play a game with you as a gift, but we will not be staying."

You believe they speak the truth. They would like you to stay.

The voices cry out in dismay as others respond, "What game shall we play? Tic Tack Toe, Two lies and a Truth, Never Have I, Boy Cat Girl or something else? You play three games with us and you will get the privilegeof meeting Queen!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Sounds intriguing", Cyril smiled.
Not sure what to recommend for games. I'm sure you'll think of something fun.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Hmm. Tic Tak Toe, Two Lies and a Truth, and Never Have I sound fine."

Down the path you see a set of mushrooms on the wall. They seem to be planted there in rows. three rows. The lights produce some electricity and the middle mushroom is blown open.

AC 18, 50 feet away.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril walks to the squared mushrooms. With a flick of his wrist, the wizard produces The Mistress Blade. The noble slashes at the upper left corner mushroom.
The Mistress Blade: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Dmg.: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

The voices cry out, "Penalty. Penalty! Penalty!" Then they shoot two of the mushrooms, top center and bottom left. They squeal with glee. Cackling with delight.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"ED! RUN FOR THE DOOR!" The nobleman bellows as he slashes at the remaining row of mushrooms on the right, hoping to slice all three in one stroke.
The Mistress Blade: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20

They cry out in fury, Ed runs for it and waves of negative emotions wash over you as the illusion drops. You see the flying lights change to look like skulls. 8 Will saves... fear effect DC 14.

You also hear a rumbling coming from the far side of the tunnel.

The lights rush you...
shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (7, 3) = 10 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (7, 2) = 9 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (5, 7) = 12 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 electricity)

shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11 electricity)


shock: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31touch
damage : 2d8 ⇒ (1, 8) = 9 electricity)

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

The dog shoots back to the entrance with all haste.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Will DC 14: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Will DC 14: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Will DC 14: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Will DC 14: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Will DC 14: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Panicked, and slightly singed, Cyril makes a mad dash for the door.

Round 1

With a speed of 40 you quickly out pace the creatures. rounds in fear: 1d4 ⇒ 3

3d20 ⇒ (20, 8, 14) = 42

Round 2

They double move to out pace you. Your fear makes you run the other way. Ed runs with you.

Round 3

They wait for you to return to greet you with shocking responses.

1,051 to 1,100 of 1,171 << first < prev | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | next > last >>
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