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Opening recruitment, but it's invite-only at this stage. If you have people you especially enjoy playing with, feel free to invite them, as I'd much rather GM for friends and friends of friends than total strangers.
Shifty's Hellknight is level 9, which means we'll aim to play the higher subtier (8-9). Plan which character you're willing to bring accordingly.
We'll also endeavor to have a steady pace in the game, so make sure you can post once a day when applying. Thanks!
Looking forward to GMing this one!

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Holman, seeing several of his past...acquaintances? Comrades-in-arms? Dare he say, friends? Anyway, seeing them beginning to gather, he decides to hang around nearby to see what's afoot.
I'm certainly trying to keep up with a post a day, but if it comes down to it and there's enough interest, feel free to take someone else. :-)

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So we have:
Hellion - Hellknight
Penelope - Paladin
Marra - Bard
Holman - Rogue
Grimaldus - Fighter
Sounds like we're ready to start! I'll post the Maps and Handouts slides where I'll ask everyone to kindly fill in the chart, post their icon and Init modifier.
If you have a Day Job, you may roll it here and now.
Also please join the Gameplay thread too if you haven't already.
Looking forward to GMing this one for you!

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Just for your information for those who have adventured with Marra before,
Marra can no longer inspire courage in others due to the following ruling on Dawnflower Dervish {link} While it bring them in line with the other Dervish and archaeologists similar abilities, despite the different wording and also, the Dawnflowers having an additional limitation of following Sarenrae. Oddly enough if they stop following her then they suddenly remember how to inspire others like a normal bard.
Still it solves the sometimes difficult choice of being selfish with inspire courage or sharing it with others.
Still she can cast good hope when needed.

DM Kludde |

The board is eating my gameplay posts for some reason. Penelope will move forward and strike (+11, 1d8+4)

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Ok, guess everything is working again. Post are showing up, but with a long delay. Strange...
Thanks for posting for me, Shifty.

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I have a boon from AetherCon 2016 that lets me build a Brutal Reputation, and one condition to accumulate it is to "Confirm a critical hit against an opponent whose CR is greater than your character level." I don't suppose the orc chieftain has a CR that high?

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The orc chieftain has a CR of exactly 9,so it would qualify I think.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Our adventure comes to an end. Congratulations on its completion, you performed outstandingly well! The choice you made oriented the last encounter of the scenario, which would have been a completely different one if you had chosen to head to the Temple of the Sky, obviously.
You didn't miss much during the scenario - just one item you weren't able to find because you couldn't defuse (or didn't want to be harmed by) the explosive runes in the investigation phase. Although I've crossed out the item from the Chronicle Sheets, I haven't deduced gold from them.
Here are the chronicle sheets. Please download them, check them and print them.
The game has just been reported, and I am proud to announce that this game is my 100th game for credit! I really enjoyed GMing this one for you. Looking forward to the next one!

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Not really, I haven't tried very hard. I've GMed two online, one in face-to-face. I didn't get a chance to GM either of the specials you've proposed, mainly because the GM offer was already very sizable, but I would have loved to. TBH a fifth star isn't a priority for me, though I'll get there eventually I imagine.

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Grim has decided to accept the invitation to join the Order of the Gate. After several weeks of indoctrination and training, he found that he already possessed the discipline and dogma required to become a Hellknight!

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Outstanding decision! I somehow always thought of Grimaldus as a Hellknight for some reason.
-Posted with Wayfinder