Ruan Mirukova

Lelouch Vi Orlovsky's page

163 posts. Alias of CaptainCortez.


-[HP: 9/9]-

About Lelouch Vi Orlovsky

Name: Lelouch Vi Orlovsky
Alias/Alter Ego: Lelouch Lamperouge/Zero
Class: Cleric (of own ideals)
Level: 1
Race: Human
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Black
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common, Skald, Elven
Domains: Charm and Nobility
Channel Energy: 1d6; Uses - 6/6

Personal quote: "I am Lelouch. The one who creates worlds and the one who destroys them!"

This tall and well educated young man dresses as if to suggest being of Noble origin. He's friendly, likeable, charming and attractive. It's clear that he was born to lead.

AC: 15, Touch: 9, Flat-Footed: 16
HP: 9 (1d8+1 every level)

Speed: 20ft
Initiative: -1

Str: 8
Dex: 8
Con: 12
Wis: 18 (+2 Human)
Int: 12
Cha: 16

BAB: 0
CMB: -1
CMD: 9

Fort: 3
Ref: -1
Will: 6


Nothing yet.


Racial - Silver Tongued: Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Choice - Magical Lineage (Murderous Command): Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

Campaign - Noble Born (Orlovsky): Your family has a reputation for avoiding conflicts.
Benefit You gain a +1 trait bonus on your CMD. In addition, choose Acrobatics, Diplomacy, or Stealth—you gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill. Your family motto is “High Above.”


1. Spell Focus: Enchantments
b. Selective Channeling


* Means Class Skill

Diplomacy*: 10 (+2 racial, +1 trait, +3 class, +3 cha, +1 rank)
Knowledge (History)*: 5 (+3 class, +1 int, +1 rank)
Knowledge (Nobility)*: 5 (+3 class, +1 int, +1 rank)
Sense Motive*: 8 (+1 rank, +3 class, +4 wis)


Bluff: 5 (+2 racial, +3 cha)
Perception: 4 (+4 Wis)



Create Water

Level 1 - 2 spells:

Command (DC: 17)
Murderous Command (DC: 17)

Domain: Charm Person (DC: 17)

Gear, Wealth and Carrying Capacity

Gear: Chainshirt (100gp, +4 AC, 25lb’s), Backpack (2gp, 2lb’s), Zero Costume (10gp, 7lb’s), 7 days rations (3gp, 5sp, 7lb's).

Gold: 22gp, 9sp

Carrying Capacity:

Light Load: 26lb's
Medium Load: 53lb's
Heavy Load: 80lb's

Lift overhead: 80lb's
Lift off ground: 160lb's
Drag/Push: 400lb's

Carrying: 41lb’s



Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your cleric level are unaffected. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Inspiring Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Alternate Racial Trait - Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Purpose for adventuring:
Lelouch's Father, Charles, was a man who cared for little aside from his position of ruler.

He saw his children as extensions of himself and had no problem using them as tools to further establish beneficial relations to his position as leader.

Charles had a very different view of the world, and one that was alien to the Orlovsky name. He believed that the world was falling apart and the only way to save it was to purge the lands of the weak, killing innocent men, women and children, so that humanity could once again continue to evolve as a much stronger race, where only the strong were free to live and rule.

Lelouch's Mother, Marianne, was killed during an attack on House Orlovsky, and for allowing this to happen, Lelouch hates his father. Unbeknownst to Lelouch however, his mother is still very much alive, and the memories of her within his head are in fact false. Lelouch believes her to be a beautiful, sweet, kind hearted woman, with a rebellious spirit and a deep protective instinct towards her children. The real truth however, is that she's a selfish, heartless former member of Orlovsky's Knights of the Round order, which Charles created. She helped to overthrow the previous ruler of House Orlovsky, to install Charles as the 98th ruler. She also only superficially loves her children and much like Charles, will not hesitate to kill them if they get in her way.

Regardless, Charles disowned Lelouch and his Sister Nunnally, giving them away to a noble family by the name of Kururugi. This was as a peace trade to prevent an unnecessary war from breaking out, due to the fact the lesser powered Noble family had discovered Charles' true intentions.

Having lived in the Kururugi household for seven years, Lelouch became best friends with Genbu Kururugi's son, Suzaku, who is the same age as Lelouch. Living within the Kururugi household however, Lelouch had also discovered the monstrous truths of his father, and left the Kururugi's with his 14 year old sister Nunnally, at the age of 17, set on killing Charles, along with the siblings of his who share the same views as the man he once called his father.

Of note, out of these siblings, Euphemia is the only Half-Sister Lelouch admires, and is one of the few kind hearted children of Charles to honestly uphold the true Orlovsky ideals.

As Lelouch left the Kururugi home, it wasn't long until he came across the Rostland Swordlord's who were seeking aid to build a Kingdom within the Stolen Lands at the time.

Seeing potential in Lelouch's abilities, they asked that he'd aid them, and in return they'd take good care of his sister Nunnally, promising to protect her and keep her away from danger, so long as he worked with them towards their cause.

This was beneficial to both parties, and as such, both the Swordlord's and Lelouch agreed to the terms.

Now at the age of 18, unknown to most Nobles, Lelouch has joined their cause under a different Alias, to lead those with him to victory, determined to establish and eventually lead his own Kingdom as ruler, where he intends to destroy his father's ill conceived dreams and achieve world peace by any means necessary!

Known relatives:

Father: Charles Vi Orlovsky
Age: 63
Disowned Lelouch and Nunnally, tampers with memories through his Geas power and believes in a world where only the strong can live and is happy to kill anyone to achieve this.

Mother: Marianne Vi Orlovsky
Age: 46
Lelouch believes her to be deceased and has only fond memories, portraying the woman as a kind hearted and sweet, rebellious person. These memories are lies and really, she's cold hearted, selfish and a former member of Charles' Knights of the Round order. She helped Charles reach power, and wouldn't hesitate to kill her children if they got in her way.

Sister: Nunnally Vi Orlovsky
Age: 23
Lelouch's sister. Nunnally is a kind hearted girl who cares deeply about others and only wants the best for those she cares for. She too had her memories tampered with, going blind and losing the ability to walk upon witnessing her mothers "death".

Step Mother: Gabriella La Orlovsky
Age: Unknown
Little is known about Gabriella, other than the fact she's Clovis' mother.

Half-Brother: Clovis La Orlovsky
Age: 33
Son of Gabriella La Orlovsky, Clovis is a timid snob and narcissistic ladies man, who's all too happy to put on a fake attitude to please those around him. Although unaware of his Siblings Lelouch and Nunnally, losing their positions through a peace trade as political hostages, he's a major supporter of Charles' views.

Half-Brother: Odysseus Eu Orlovsky
Age: Unknown to Lelouch, but late 30's on appearance
Plebeian and lacking any real malevolence, ambition or decisiveness, Odysseus is the Mediocre Prince and Schneizel's older brother. He shares his fathers youthful looks and often seeks the aid of Schneizel.

Half-Brother: Schneizel El Orlovsky
Age: 36
Charismatic and manipulative, cunning and ruthless, Schneizel is the only person Lelouch cannot beat in a game of Chess, and is the highest follower of Charles' dreams and ambitions.

Half-Sister: Guinevere Su Orlovsky
Age: Thought to be of similar age to Odysseus
Guinevere is referred to as Orlovsky's Marie Antoinette, due to the fact that she likes to spend her wealth on extravagant monuments and buildings. One of her most notable attributes is a rose tattoo above her left breast. She appears to be a proud woman who looks down on Non-Orlovsky's with disdain.

Half-Sister: Carine Ne Orlovsky
Age: 23
Carine is the same age as her half-sister, Nunnally, though her personality is the exact opposite. Unlike Nunnally, she derives pleasure from war and violence and dislikes Nunnally for her pacifistic stance.

Half-Sister: Cornelia Li Orlovsky
Age: 36
A supporter of Charles' ambitions, Cornelia displays an extremely cold-blooded exterior, dismissing anyone she feels is opposing the Orlovsky name. She constantly refuses to accept change, though none the less, she deeply cares for the lives of her soldiers, and loves her younger sister Euphemia, who proves time after time to be her weak spot.

Half-Sister: Euphemia Li Orlovsky
Age: 25
Although sweet, kind hearted and caring like Nunnally, Euphie hates combat and is the only daughter of Charles to uphold the true peace of the Orlovsky name. She is also the only sister next to Nunnally who Lelouch truly admires and loves.


Different middle names represent a different mother.


Born with such a well known name, Lelouch has had the privilege of noble upbringing under the control of House Orlovsky.

Much like his family name suggests, he dislikes conflict, but where as other Orlovsky's try to avoid it, Lelouch understands that conflict is necessary to reach goals, and if pushed, he'll stand his ground and fight for what he believes in. He may not like conflict, but he likes being stepped on by others even less.

Lelouch is a formidable opponent. He's highly intelligent, possessing a genius-level intellect and is capable of devising and executing strategies with incredible speed and precision. On top of this, Lelouch is quick to deduce facts from simple clues and his Chess playing skills are unmatched.

Lelouch is also very charismatic and persuasive; As his alter ego, Zero, he's able to win the support of people through well-delivered speeches, combined with his ability to make miracles in almost any situation through his superior tactical planning, as a symbol of hope for the people, claiming himself to be an Ally of Justice, whilst keeping his true identity as an Orlovsky hidden.

Physically, Lelouch is underwhelming. He possesses the physical prowess of a teenager who engages in little to no strenuous physical activity. As such, Lelouch lacks the ability to run very fast or for any substantial period of time and even the most simple of tasks, requiring manual labour, exhaust him before he manages to accomplish anything significant.

Harboring the qualities of a natural born leader, Lelouch uses charm, good looks and cleverly devised tactics as his tools of persuasion, making the hard decisions others cannot, without hesitation, in order to do what is necessary to success achieve his goals.

Reasoning for known languages:

Lelouch knows Taldan (common), as it's the one Universal language most people understand, where as Skald is his families primary language, and although mostly forgotten by others and unspoken of, is a language he's most fluent in.

In addition to this, Lelouch has a grasp of the Sylvan language, having read much many odd, wild and unlikely tales while confined to the family library during his childhood studies.

Notes: Divine Focus - Lelouch's eyes
with his eyes as his source of power, Lelouch can easily target anyone he looks at with his charm, but if blinded, he loses his powers altogether.

Kingmaker Preferred Crunch:
AC: 14, Touch: 9, Flat-Footed: 16
HP: 9 (1d8+1 every level)

Speed: 20ft
Initiative: -2

Str: 7
Dex: 7
Con: 12
Wis: 20 (+2 Human)
Int: 12
Cha: 15

BAB: 0
CMB: -2
CMD: 7

Fort: 3
Ref: -2
Will: 7


Nothing yet.


Racial - Silver Tongued: Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Choice - Magical Lineage (Command): Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level. If possible I'd like this to be my main spell, unlocked to either my full casting level, getting more powerful as it increases, or to something like three quarters of my caster level. You could lovk off all domains but Charm and Nobility if you wanted, to represent his true power and focus. Depends what you'd allow/be interested in doing if the character concept interests you. :)

Campaign - Noble Born (Orlovsky): Your family has a reputation for avoiding conflicts.
Benefit You gain a +1 trait bonus on your CMD. In addition, choose Acrobatics, Diplomacy, or Stealth—you gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill. Your family motto is “High Above.”


1. Spell Focus: Enchantments
b. Selective Channeling


* Means Class Skill

Diplomacy*: 9 (+2 racial, +1 trait, +3 class, +2 cha, +1 rank)
Knowledge (History)*: 5 (+3 class, +1 int, +1 rank)
Knowledge (Nobility)*: 5 (+3 class, +1 int, +1 rank)
Sense Motive*: 9 (+1 rank, +3 class, +5 wis)


Bluff: 4 (+2 racial, +2 cha)
Perception: 5 (+5 Wis)



Create Water

Level 1 - 2 spells:

Command (DC: 17)
Murderous Command (DC: 17)

Domain: Charm Person (DC: 17)

Gear, Wealth and Carrying Capacity

Gear: Chainshirt (100gp, +4 AC, 25lb’s), Backpack (2gp, 2lb’s), Zero Costume (10gp, 7lb’s), 7 days rations (3gp, 5sp, 7lb's).

Gold: 22gp, 9sp

Carrying Capacity:

Light Load: 23lb's
Medium Load: 46lb's
Heavy Load: 70lb's

Lift overhead: 70lb's
Lift off ground: 140lb's
Drag/Push: 340lb's

Carrying: 41lb’s



Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your cleric level are unaffected. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Inspiring Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Alternate Racial Trait - Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.