
Bombadil's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter, 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Dedicated Voter. 200 posts (6,367 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 33 aliases.

About Bombadil

I argued against it the whole time, couldn't believe my buddy was wasting his lawn mowing money on that tabletop game. He had enough to get a good football, a leather one, not one of those plastic or nerf junkers. I criticized him all the way through the line at the toystore, the whole drive home, and even over lunch. Still, when you're 12 years old and your friend just bought a new game, you give it a try. At 4am his mom made us put away the dice and go to bed, for the second time that evening, having been caught once already gaming by flashlight. My first PC would have to delay his adventures for a few hours, where he then competed with scrambled eggs for space and attention at the breakfast table.

That fine spring of 1984 was the beginning of a hobby that has continued for nearly 30 years through a plethora of editions and systems. I was lucky enough to stumble into the PbP boards at Paizo several years back and lucky enough to meet some great people and story tellers through the games.