Old Guy GM |
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Gavriil hops on his horse to continue their exploration, wondering why they even have to check the next area since it's already been mapped for them...
Because I have nifty things in store for you...
The river makes a sharp bend here, widening into a deep pool dotted with lily pads and fringed with waving reeds. Several freshly felled trees lie beside their stumps on the shore of the pool, their crowns dangling in the water among fading tendrils of mist. The first time you passed through here and explored, this pool appeared to be no more than another mist-filled glade. Now however, much more is happening.
Six men with axes stand facing the pool, about 30' from the edge. Another man stands behind them, pacing furiously and mumbling to himself. Between them and the water stand two other men, also with axes. These two are right on the edge of the water, blocking the larger group. 20' from the edge of the pool floats a beautiful woman - or woman-like figure. Only her head is exposed above the water.
The pacing man notices you as soon as you enter the glade. "Hail travelers! We need some assistance here! This...creature...attacked my men as we were trying work here! It's hard enough making a living without all of the damnable fairies in these woods!
"All lies." The woman replies calmly to the accusations. "I politely asked them to leave. But this...beast ...of a man threatened to hang me from a tree to 'drip dry' as he put it. I was forced to charm these two gentlemen into helping me. These trees had grown here for 200 years. They deserved a better fate than being some grubby peasant's slop table."

Vosil Comarenza |

Thread bifurcation... engaged.
Round The Campfire
Vosil has stayed away from the mapping exchanges; in his view, maps are to be pored over at leisure on a table, indoors; ideally with a goblet of something engaging, and possibly a smidgen or two of Galtan cheese... He shivers, and draws closer to the fire.
Nodding at Talia as she approaches, he clears his throat in that manner he has which means that a suggestion is about to be offered: "A thought, Lady - might we offer this Narthropple fellow the sponsorship and protection of Farhaven? To support and supply him in this wilderness, in exchange for the information contained in his maps?"
He sneezes and wraps himself deeper into his cloak.
Nifty Things In Store
Sensing that the situation is perhaps better resolved by diplomacy, Vosil stays back out of the way. He calmly identifies the water-dwelling lady as a Nixie, and passes the information on.
Using my previous Knowledge roll
OGGM: presumably these are the 'valuable trees' that Narthropple identified?

Gavriil |

Gavriil lets out a long whistle as he hears both sides of the argument. He looks from the lumberjack to the Nixie, who was identified thanks to Vosil, as they both speak, paying close attention to them and tries to see the situation they rode into from both sides. Finally, he rides his horse in between the two groups and calls out to the nixie, "Hail, fair lady of the woods! We mean you, nor your trees, no harm! I guess you could say we're a third party who have no sway one way or another! I'm Gavriil Niktosky of Fairhaven and my friends here are the other ruling council of Concord, including the Viscountess Talia Khavortorov, herself! We'd love to be able to help both you and these gentlemen. But, before we can do that, could you please release the two gentlemen you've charmed? It will be a show of good faith towards the others and I promise you no harm will come to you so long as I'm here."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

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"My companion speaks truly," Edric adds, dismounting from his horse. "As long as you release the two men who are protecting you, then you will have our protection for as long as it takes to resolve this. You have my word."
Suiting action to words he wades out until he is ankle deep in the water. (Oh dear...)

Old Guy GM |
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Wait, Gavriil has a family name???
Waiting on Talia's response to conclude the Narthropple question.
'water...fair lady of the water...' the nixie says sadly. "And I have a name." She rises up from the pool, her beautiful form standing on the surface. She spreads her arms wide. "My name is Melianse."
"I don't care if your name is the Red Queen," the man grumbles, "I want my men and my trees!" He stalks around his men to face Gav and Edric. "The name's Corax, my lords."
"Your trees??"
"Yes! My trees!"
"Why you slimy..." but Corax is cut off by Melianse.
"Dearest Gavriil." She begins, flitting her eyes and gesturing suggestively. "Could you help a poor fey, attacked violently in her home, helpless against these men?" She flits her eyes again at Gavriil. "I will do as you ask, love, as long as these men leave...and replace my trees."
"Replace your WHAT?" Corax exclaims, but Melianse cuts him off again.
"I can even help, " she breathes in a sultry voice, "I know a dryad nearby, a true 'Lady of the Wood', and she will have what we need to fix my grove. Although..." she says with a giggle, "she will want a favor, I am sure..."

Talia Khavortorov |
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Talia beams at Vosil, snapping her fingers for emphasis as she talks. "That is a brilliant idea. Let's ask, shall we?"
Turning, she makes her way back to the explorer. "Master Narlthropple, may I enquire about your services? Perhaps, when you're done with your current expedition, you could assist the Viscounty of Fairhaven with our own surveying needs? What would your services cost?"
Nifty Things In Store
Talia was about to address both the nixie and the woodsmen when her Chief Diplomat, and her former Chief Diplomat, jump into the argument, throwing out promises of safety before negotiations had even begun. Their people had been assaulted, even enslaved, if you believed some of the ethical arguments against enchantments. That needed to be addressed. Additionally, Fairhaven could use that wood.
Spurring her horse forwards, the Viscountess rolls her eyes as the nixie flashes her smile at Gavriil. So obvious.
"Please, put the batting eyes and innuendo away, sister. It doesn't do our sex any good. There's some problems we need to address. You enslaved some of our peoples against their wills." Talia shoots the two diplomats a pointed look. "Since my councilors have offered you protection if you release the men from your control, you'll have it. But that is the first condition to peaceable negotiation."
Turning the horse, Talia looks down on the woodsmen, frowning. "And you lot! Don't you know better than to fight with strange women who dwell in ponds? If we hadn't happened upon you, you'd likely be dead by now."

Naralesh |

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Naralesh quickly reviews what he's learned about nixies. It's likely she can't charm many more of those woodsmen without resting to rejuvenate her power, he thinks. Perhaps one more. Inspecting the trees nearby, he notes their value.
Are there any felled trees nearby? How many trees have the woodsmen already cut down?

Gavriil |
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Yup! Picked it out during the New Years at Oleg and Svetlana. It's old Issian for "Son of No one", which Gavriil thought was hilarious in his own head.
Gavriil bites his lower lip as the nixie emerges from the water to show her full form. She was quite beautiful, just as described out of the fairy tales he loved as a child. He gives a quick sideways glance to Talia, closes his eyes and thinks, No, no, no! Not the time or the place. Maybe later...
Then again, she did need help and women always loved a good hero...
"No!" he says out loud without meaning it. He quickly collects himself and says with a charming smile, "Darling, you can drop the act. I know I'm alluring, but I've read enough fey tales in my time to know that falling for each other will end badly for at least one of us... Probably me. I'm already willing to help you, but you have to give me a little more to go on. Tell me exactly what happened and why the trees are yours. Oh, and please let the gentlemen with the axes go again. They aren't helping your case."
He looks to Corax and says with a winning smile, "And don't worry, you'll get your turn to speak your piece. After she gives her side you can present your case."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Damn, Ninja'd by the boss...
He raises a finger and opens his mouth to say something to Talia as she rides in among them, then thinks better of it and shuts his mouth promptly. Apparently doing his job is not allowed anymore.

Vosil Comarenza |
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Knowledge nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
It says something about the life Vosil has lived thus far that - deep within the darkling wood, faced with enraged woodsmen and a sultry fey - his interest is primarily piqued by learning Gavriil's last name.
Sidling over to the abruptly sidelined diplomat, he murmurs under his breath: "These trees are valuable - but there are more near where we fought the Tatzworms, which aren't guarded by fey. If you want to calm the situation down - and impress the girl of your choice - that might be worth mentioning..."
He looks keenly at the Scoundrel, aware that things have not been the same between them since the fracas at the Old Beldame's; this is his way of trying to repair things.

Gavriil |

Gavriil looks at Vosil out of the corner of his eye as the spymaster approaches him. He listens as his Varasian companion whispers to him about the grove to the north. There is a moment as he eyes Vosil skeptically, trying to figure out the spymaster's angle and how he was helping himself. Finally, satisfied that there was no ulterior motive, or at least none that he could think of, he gives a slight nod and a ghost of a smirk to Vosil. He still wasn't happy with the man, but acknowledged his olive branch this time.
But he remains quiet for the time being, waiting for both parties to give their cases and for Talia to speak again. He didn't want to try and thrust a solution into the ring before they even knew the entire problem.

Dregan Hirscherz |
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Dregan watches the argument unfold for a moment memorized by the beautiful fey before the thought of his beautiful Mary breaks him out of his stupor. Turning away his goes through a pack and comes out with rag. Covering his eyes would make him useless to his friends but he could block his ears and then it could give him any orders. And he was sure his Nan had said water Fey charmed you with their songs. He carefully ripped off tow strips of rag and stuffed them in his ears then strung his bow and watched his friends for strange behaviors showing that they had been charmed. He tried to ignore Gavriil as it would be odd behavior for him not to act like he was charmed by a mostly naked woman but the others should be more resistant to such things.
knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 for info on Nixies (not sure that this is the right knowledge)

Gavriil |

He tried to ignore Gavriil as it would be odd behavior for him not to act like he was charmed by a mostly naked woman but the others should be more resistant to such things.
The downside of swashbucklers: weak will save

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Dregan Hirscherz wrote:He tried to ignore Gavriil as it would be odd behavior for him not to act like he was charmed by a mostly naked woman but the others should be more resistant to such things.The downside of swashbucklers: weak will save
Not normally a downside for Paladins but Edric is standing in water so I'm making no promises!
Also meant to put Edric aiding Gav on the diplomacy in my last post - he automatically makes a DC10 check

Old Guy GM |
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There are five trees cut down by the lumberjacks.
Melianse looks truly puzzled at Talia's and Gavriil's comments. She just stares blankly for a moment, then she smiles.
"Oh. Oh. OH! Haha! Oh you mortals are soo quaint!" She laughs. "Our sex? Really? My dear, if you do not use your gifts to control the men in your life, you are ugly, or a fool. But do not put me in your 'sex'. We fey are far beyond any of your mortals definitions of gender roles."
"As for you," she turns to Gavriil, "I found you attractive, but now...you bore me. You want these men released? Very well. Send these men away and their comrades will go with them. If they return, things will not go so well."

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia shrugged, determined to remain as calm as possible, though anyone that knew the Viscountess could see her pale cheeks blushing red, her telltale signal of annoyance. "Very well. I'll concede the point. You're far beyond us. Beyond me at least. I, for one, would never have chosen such a lovely pond to spend my entire waking life within."
"Regardless, my point still stands. Bored of us? Enthralled with our Grand Diplomat? It doesn't matter. We seem to be at an impass. Gentlemen?"
Talia turned to her advisers, knowing herself well enough to realize she was on the cusp of saying something she'd likely regret...
bluff to appear as unkerfuffled as possible: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Gavriil |
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Gavriil clears his throat before speaking up, "Well, neither has conceded their side of the story to us, but I think I have a solution to our problem. If I remember right, there's a copse of these trees up near where we slew the tatzylwyrms. Corax and his men could go there. Since the beasts are dead they shouldn't have any problem chopping those trees down. And, if she's not too bored with us, I guess we could look into bringing Melianse some replacement trees from her dryad friend to repair the damage already done to her home. It seems the best course of action to me, so long as everyone agrees to it."

Vosil Comarenza |

Vosil has little in the way of advice to offer, now that Gavriil has imparted his counsel; all that is left is the gathering of information. This fey has spoken of others - are all the fey in this region allied, a network of potentially dangerous foes? If so, keeping this one onside is worth the loss of a resource. If not... drip-drying becomes an option.
He coughs, and bows low to Melianse, sweeping his hat from his head. "Your pardon, O great Lady of the Waters. As you say, we are unfamiliar with you fey. Our dealings so far with your people are limited - we have met only Tyg Titter Tut and Perlivash, somewhat further North from here. Are you acquainted with them?"
Sense Motive, to gauge her reaction: 1d20 ⇒ 8
OK, if someone else with actual POINTS in Sense Motive wants to try this, we might get somewhere...

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan watches careful. Talia turning her back on the fey seems odd probably even foolish but not the actions of a charmed person and beside being female she might even be immune to its charm. Vosil's deep bow and doff of the hat seemed much more in line with Gavriil's behavior. Dregan readies an arrow while waiting for Vosil to draw a weapon or attack someone. Maybe he had been charmed by the witch yesterday, in fact that would explain the others actions too. He would have mention this to them after the witch's spell wore off.

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Edric stays where he is, slightly in the water and between both parties. "Mr Corax, if you would consider it, Fairhaven would be delighted to sent up a lumber contract with you and your men. You would be given suitable logging rights and our protection while we receive your goods at a reasonable rate. The first step of course is to end this little stand-off. Besides, my feet are getting damp!"

Talia Khavortorov |
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Smiling, Talia turns Apple to face the loggers. "There you have it, countrymen. Go north, and you've got first rights on the trees at Wyrm's Crossing That's what we named that place, if I recall correctly?. Our woodsman, Dregan, will draw you a map. I suppose you want to see justice here today, but near as I can figure, no one is entirely in the right."
"Compromises are a little like arranged marriages. One need not enter into the agreement with passion, but it can suit all parties well enough."
Assuming, things are OK with the loggers...
Turning Apple back towards the fey, Talia, still atop her steed, gives the woman a bow. "And we'll talk with the dryad on your behalf. Further, we'll offer assurances that no one will touch any trees around your pond in the future. Does the dryad have a name?"
Before the fey can answer, Talia plows on, hoping to catch her off-guard. "Of course, we'd appreciate a little information, if you can spare it. I'm interested to know the answer to Vosil's question: do you know our friends, Tyg and Pervy? And on a similar note, we found a unicorn not too long ago. It was curious... the unicorn was quite dead, and although the scene of the attack suggested it had been dead for some time, the majestic creature showed no rot. What, do you think, would cause such a phenomenon?"
Talia's eyes narrow; fey were difficult to read, but if the creature displayed any shock - or lack of it - at the mention of the unicorn, the Viscountess hoped to pick up on it.
sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Old Guy GM |
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A Spymaster unable to Sense Motive? tsk. tsk.
"Oh very well." Melianse says with a giggle. She gestures with her left hand, and the men in front of her begin shaking their heads as if waking from a deep sleep. After a moment, they join Corax's group, although one of them looks back wistfully at the nixie as if he was having second thoughts about leaving her. Sometimes it doesn't take magic to charm a man.
Corax agrees with Gavriil's proposal now that he has his men back. As far as he is concerned, any source of lumber to make a living is good enough for him. "Anything to get away from these damn fairies." he mumbles as his men pack up their gear.
Melianse giggles again at Vosil. "Tyg and Perl? Of course I know them, silly! Who doesn't?"
At the mention of the unicorn, the nixie blanches. She turns a pale white and shakes from head to toe. "Don't speak of it!" She hisses, glancing from side to side. "The woods have ears, and not all of those are friendly! She'll hear you, and that would be bad, very bad."

Naralesh |

A mysterious 'she?' Naralesh thinks, curiosity piqued. It seems that the fey of these parts all seem to know what happened to that poor creature. What could have done that, and terrified a whole region's fey into silence?

Vosil Comarenza |

Vosil holds up one hand, placatingly. "Understood, fair nixie - we shall ask no more on that. But can you tell us anything of the unfriendly ears you mentioned? All we have so far encountered are the friendly ears: Tyg, Perl, yourself... whom should we be concerned by?"
Diplomacy, gather information: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Old Guy GM |
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Melianse holds up her hands, palms outward in a sign of supplication. "Don't ask! Please, don't ask! We don't want to draw her attention! Find the dryad, fix my trees, that is the agreement." With that she drops back down into her pool, and will not come out no matter how much you beseech her.
Not yet, my precious. No no, we does not tell, not yet.

Talia Khavortorov |

I'll do that, OGGM. I'm traveling at the moment, so it may be a week or so before I have the time and the CS5 to update the map.
Onto a6!
perception aid another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
perception aid another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
perception aid another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Dregan Hirscherz |

With the fey gone Dregan remove the ear plugs and joins the others.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 +2 more if forest
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 +2 more if forest
K Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
As they travel Dregan will ride next to Nara "Do those charms wear off naturally or does the creature have to dismiss it? And if they do wear off how long does it take?

Gavriil |

But... but... we're in A6! Can't we at least walk in circles looking at trees in a new spot?!?! :p
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14+2 if forest
Gavriil rides along with the others, trying to come up with a bawdy ballad about a woman in a lake....

Naralesh |

Naralesh happily chats with Dregan, enjoying the opportunity to discuss the workings of magic. "I can't be certain of the magic she used without seeing them actually fall under her spell, but it is very unlikely to be permanent. It seemed to me that they were under the influence of a charm - it would make you see the one bewitching you as the closest of friends, but would not make you forget your other allies. I doubt those loggers would have attempted to do lasting harm to their companions, even if Melianse had urged them." He strokes his chin, thinking about the loggers' actions under the enchantment. "I suspect I could work out how to duplicate her spell, given time. It's an interesting effect - and relatively common among the forest-folk." He shrugs. "I can't say I'd be too comfortable toying with the minds of others, though. I much prefer the direct approach with my spellcraft."
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

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Edric just rides, happy that the situation was diffused without violence. As the party travels he takes the time to update his own maps, extracting his coloured chalks and slate to recreate the areas that they have travelled over the past days.
"Have you noticed how things seem to be getting more dangerous the further south we go? First we encounter a fairie dragon, then a nixie and everywhere we go they talk of some greater being. We know its not to the north... Maybe we should be careful when we start expanding Fairhaven into the south. I feel that we will need a lot more protection this way."
"So Talia, what did you and the Belledame discuss in the end? Is she friend, foe or something in between?"

Vosil Comarenza |

"Hold a moment, please, gentles all. Let me check that I have understood this correctly."
Vosil starts to tick points off on his fingers.
"Item one, we have resolved matters with the loggers and they are leaving. Item two, we have resolved matters with fair Melianse and she simply wants the felled trees replaced. Item three, nobody is claiming the felled trees. Item four, Concord is in need of resources: if you recall, we recently had a flood and it would make sense to construct some bulwarks against it happening again: some piers, a dock, possibly even a jetty or two. Item five, all of those constructions are made from wood."
He takes a breath. "Is there anything or anyone stopping us from taking this felled wood back to Concord?"
"Oh yes: Item six. We still require a Royal Enforcer - and that Corax chap strikes me as the type who gets things done without worrying too much about... other things."

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan nods at Nara as he talks "Yeah that sounds about right" Vosil didn't attack me, just disarmed me. Sounds like just the sort of thing you might do if guarding your best friend from a another friend. I owe Vosil an apology but if he hasn't recovered yet... might be better just to let Talia now. "Interesting, if you learnt to do it how long do you thik it would work? and after when it wore off would the victims feel angry for being 'tricked' or would they remember the time charmed with fondness?"
Dregan listen to Vosil suggestions carefully "You are right, that wood is valuable. We might struggle to get it back to Concord, maybe we could float it down to the lake and across but I'm not sure the Fey would like that. Nara do you have magic that could make the trees small and lighter or something. I'll leave Royal Enforcer up to the Royalty."

Old Guy GM |

3 Gozran 4708
The exploration continues. You move west by south west (thank you, hex-shaped world!) through the woods of the Narlmarches. The trees part to reveal a peaceful forest glade dappled with sunlight. A small pond lies placidly at the roots of an enormous oak tree with a scattering of leaves floating upon its surface. Birdsong twitters from the branches high above.
A woman kneels by the pool, softly weeping. Her soft tears spill into the water, causing small ripples. In her grief, she oblivious to your approach.

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Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Completely oblivious to the beauty of the scene around him, Edric hurries into the clearing. "Are you hurt mi'lady? Why do you weep so?"

Talia Khavortorov |

"So Talia, what did you and the Belledame discuss in the end? Is she friend, foe or something in between?"
"Oh, I'd say she's no enemy to Fairhaven, and if we get the Belledame the mushrooms she desires, she'll be friendly enough."
"Mostly, we talked of the surrounding area. What resides where, and the like. What was your opinion of her, Edric?"

Talia Khavortorov |

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Talia yells, as Edric walks towards the woman, her arm waving the man backwards, towards the rest. Then, she starts over in another language.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan looks at Talia in confusion but she clearly thinks something is wrong so readies an arrow and leads around.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
Remember everyone gets +2 to perception, initiative, Stealth and Survival

Naralesh |

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Naralesh's attention is drawn to the woman's strange behavior rather than the scene around her. Something is wrong. He is already halfway through the words to his usual defensive incantation when he hears Talia's warning. He immediately begins looking toward the bushes.
Casting mage armor on self.

Gavriil |

Gavriil slides off his horse to move forward with Edric right up until Talia calls out in Skald. He quickly looks around.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
But he doesn't see anything. He stays back and draws his sword as the woman says that "it" was coming to kill them. Keeping his eyes on their surroundings, Gavriil calls out to the woman, "What? What is coming to kill us all?"

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Edric doesn't quite flinch back from the contact but the stiffness of his posture shows quite clearly how uncomfortable he is with the sudden, unexpected physical contact.
Hearing Talia call out from behind him in a language he doesn't understand makes him, rather belatedly, cautious and he gingerly pats the womans back while focusing on her - hoping desperately that he isn't holding an armful of weeping evil this close to his major blood vessels.

Old Guy GM |

The woman, who as it is now clear, is a dryad. She falls to her knees in front Edric, still weeping heavily.
"Stop." A voice says. A man, or rather, half a man stands up in the scrub behind the oak tree. He takes a step forward, grimaces in pain, and falls forward. He only just manages to catch himself on the bole of the tree. The 'man' is not a man at all, but a satyr, and he is gravely wounded. In one hand he clutches a strung bow, the other pulls away from the tree to cover his abdomen, and try to hold in his innards. He carries a grievous wound to the stomach, one which will kill him shortly if he does not receive help.
"The...tree..." He murmurs, staggering forward. "The scythe tree...is...coming..." The satyr takes another step then falls on his face near the base of the oak. He lies motionless, a pool of blood already forming under him.
The dryad rushes to his side. "Falchos! FALCHOS!" she cries, but the satyr does not move.

Vosil Comarenza |

Vosil looks concerned. "Edric, can you heal him? He may be able to tell us more about this tree. Oh, and I think I've worked out what Melianse meant when she said the dryad might want a favour..."
He makes a face. He's had little to do with the fey thus far, but the Pathfinder saying is: Don't meddle in their affairs. They're not all that subtle.
In the meantime he ponders the satyr's warning, and draws his whip.
Knowledge check about scythe trees: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Gavriil |

As the satyr comes forward and delivers his warning, Gavriil draws his rapier. What in the world is a scythe tree? he thinks as he scans their surroundings.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 = 29
"Hurry, Edric. You won't all of us having fun cutting down a tree while you play nurse, do you?" He turns to the dryad and says, "Don't worry, Melianse sent us to help. We'll keep you safe. We're great at landscaping!"

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Edric leaps over to the satyr, pressing his hand to the satyr's wound and channeling his healing energies into the wound with a speed born of hard won practise. LoH: 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 6) + (2) = 13 Extra d6 if he's not fatigued, if he is then he's not now :) Hopijg that his emergency healing has done enough for the moment Edric grasps the satyr under the armpits and begins dragging him across the clearing towards his companions.
"We must keep them both safe! Mi'lady - come closer. We will protect you!"

Old Guy GM |

Edric's healing has indeed saved Falchos the satyr, but he remains unconscious. (Plot point, leave it be.) The dryad helps Edric move her lover, her weeping somewhat abated. Through sniffles, she thanks the paladin.
"Oh thank you!" She says, wiping her tears."The scythe tree, its not coming right now, but it's only a matter of time before it finds us. You see, a scythe tree is a dark creature that eats my people! Eats us, and spreads its darkness to our glades. We tried to stop it, Falchos and I, but it was too strong. It lives west of here, in a dark glade of horror..." She shudders. "My name is Tiressia, and I would do anything if you would help me! Anything!"

Talia Khavortorov |

"Well, funny you should mention that. We have a request..."
Turning to Gavriil, Talia lets the diplomat fill in Tiressia with the details of their need for trees.
"Tell us, how did you try to stop it. And more importantly, how did it stop you? These trees aren't gendered by chance? Could one be a 'she'?"
I know that this isn't the case - unless we're already at the last book! - but Talia doesn't know much about fey or trees. Otherwise, Talia's just looking for any tactical information that will help in the fight to come.

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"Then we must move at once and strike at it before it becomes any more powerful." Edric declares, one hand gently measuring the satyrs pulse. "He seems to be healthy, but he's not going to wake up anytime soon. I think we can leave him here safely, long enough to deal with this 'scythe tree' at least." He looks to the rest of the group for support.