Talia Khavortorov |

Ah, that's right. I was thinking it was a flat minus across the board. Thanks, Nara!

RavenVoron |

Whoops! Sorry, I forgot I was doing that! *channels inner do-gooder*
Magna, seeing the others hurt and hearing Naralesh's call out of what the beast is, makes a split second decision to shift gears. She raises her axe into the air and yells, "Torag! Hear my call for help!"
Light seeps from her pores and basks everything in a thirty foot radius in holy light!
Trade two lay of hands for a use of channel positive energy, effecting everyone in a 30 ft radius. DC 15 for the wight.
Channel Positive Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

Naralesh |

I'd agree about Magna in that regard! But you might want to consider using Lay on Hands directly on the undead instead of channeling. It's a melee touch attack (and if she uses Weal's Champion (her smite-evil analog), she gets bonuses to hit), and the undead gets no saving throw.
I've played a lot of paladins, hehe.

Old Guy GM |

I can't get the damn map to work, so...
Vosil's whip lashes out and wraps around the Lonely King's helm. A quick yank twists the helm on his head, obscuring his undead eyes. Arrows fly, elemental fists flail, but it is Magna and Edric who manage to damage him.
AC 27/16/23, hp 57/85, CMD 26
The Lonely King steps forward not bothering adjust his helm. His wrath shifts to Vosil, and he brings his earthbreaker down in a terrible overhand smash.
att: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 Blind Fighting 'odd': 1d6 ⇒ 6 Missed!
His swing goes just wide, brushing the brim of the bard's wide hat and cracking the stone of the floor. The skeleton king shakes his head vigorously, righting his helm on his head.
ROUND TWO: The Lonely King went. You are up. The LK shifted 5' to his right as he faces Talia and Vosil. The elementals are behind him, opposite Edric and Magna. Everyone except Dregan and Nara are within his 15' reach. Will keep trying with the map, but don't wait.

Naralesh |

For 1 round after the holy tactician successfully strikes an evil creature, all non-evil allies within 30 feet of her gain a competence bonus on attack rolls equal to 1/2 her Charisma bonus against that creature as well as a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls.
Buffs: +1 Attack/+1 Damage
Seeing that blindness worked so well against him, Naralesh conjured his flashbang spell directly over the undead titan's head.
Glitterdust, DC 18 will save.
"KVRKSHT. VRMTKH, KKHRVT," commands Naralesh in the tongue of Earth, commanding his elementals to prioritize accuracy over lethality. No more Power Attack.
The elementals continue their assault, relentless.
Slam (GRVMTAR): 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 1 = 22 Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9
Slam (Kaldrukth): 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 1 = 9 Damage: 1d4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8
Including the +2 to hit an opponent who cannot see you, GRVMTAR should actually hit if the boss fails his will save.

Talia Khavortorov |

The creature menaces Talia, stepping into her retreat. The Countess holds her buckler and sword arm up, and continues stepping backwards.
5' step to the southwest, should be just southwest of Vosil now. Total defense action, AC is 20.

Vosil Comarenza |

Vosil merely raises an eyebrow as the great weapon just misses him and slams into the ground at his feet. On the basis that if it works, keep doing it, he again flails his whip at the skeletal foe, seeking to disable it rather than hurt it.
Ok, this is a contingent action: if the thing fails Nara's will save, it will be blind so I'm going to trip it (doesn't provoke an AoO due to blindness); if it succeeds, I'm going to dirty trick (blind) it.
CMB Check: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 12 + 1 = 27
(add another +2 to the roll for a dirty trick attempt, not that it's needed)

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What's the initiative OGGM? Cause with a FF AC of 23 Edric and Dregan would have hit on the first round unless he went first... I couldn't tell from the posts.
Edric, refusing to let the wright get away moves up swiftly behind it to strike again.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 3 + 2 = 22
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 + 4 = 17 Damn it! Maybe with blindness...

Dregan Hirscherz |

frustrated Dregan lets out two more arrows in quick succession.
attack: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 17 point blank, ranger focus, weal champion, rapid shot.
damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 12 point blank, ranger focus, weal champion
attack: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 21 point blank, ranger focus, weal champion, rapid shot.
damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 8 point blank, ranger focus, weal champion

Old Guy GM |
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I don't post specific Initiatives once I roll for the order, makes things go too slow. I use post order for the most part. There's advantages and disadvantages to both ways of doing it.
Will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
The Lonely King tilts his head back, clawing at his empty eyes sockets as the Glitterdust spell blinds him. GRVMTAR slams the blinded king, cracking bone. Vosil's whip entwines his legs as he staggers, and drops him prone just as Dregan's arrows fly by!
Edric lashes out, dealing a significant hit on him. While Magna's axe sends splinters on the prone form!
Magna dmg: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
The skeleton lashes out with a bony claw, rage consuming him! All to no effect, as he cannot overcome being prone and blind.
att: 1d20 ⇒ 18 miss chance odd: 1d6 ⇒ 6 Miss!
"NOOOoooo..." He howls in frustration as he can't shake the effects of Naralesh's spell.
Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
ROUND THREE: you are up. Lonely King: AC 17/9/13 hp 21/85; Glitterdust for the win! Elementals (flank), Magna (flank), Edric (flank), Vosil, Talia in range to srike. Dregan add +4 to AC for him being prone.

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Edric, seeing his opportunity, strikes at the same time as Magna. Aiming for the head he brings his earthbreaker down in a crushing blow.
Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 3 + 2 = 27
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 + 4 = 22 And that should kill him if I'm counting right...
His blow smashes into the wright's skull with a resounding *CRASH*.

Old Guy GM |

The Lonely King is crushed under Edric's blow. Hundreds of years catch up with the barbarian wight in an instant, and he is reduced to dust.
Combat over. No one died and ruined the other thread, yay!
The important stuff: +1 chainmail, +1 heavy wooden shield, +2 fey-bane earthbreaker.
Hex explored. For god's sake get back to Concord and stay there! ;)

Vosil Comarenza |

Vosil nods appreciatively at Edric's handiwork, and leaves it to him and Magna to salvage the loot - none of which he can use.
I can't use the chainmail or the shield, and the earthbreaker has "Edric" written all over it
Taking refuge in humour to hide his concern, he approaches Talia. "I thought we'd previously discussed your unsuitability for front-line fighting..." Looking at her, he does his best to assess her wounds, but doesn't get much beyond 'bad' - enough that the slight smile falls off his face.
Heal, untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 5
"Edric, if you're done with your new toy for now, I think our Countess could use some assistance."

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia looks to Vosil, pale(er) than usual, her eyes unfocused and glassy. "I... I thought I could sneak in, under its guard, and cut the weapon cord."
The Countess, smiles, her grin wan, her lips flat. "I was wrong. At least everyone is alive. And we got Edric a fine weapon for the low price of a few cracked ribs."
Sliding onto the floor, her back against the barrow wall, Talia waits for the diplomat's ministrations.
No objections on the equipment here!

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Seeing the countess slump against the wall Edric leaves Magna to finish looting the body and hurries over, hands glowing. Kneeling he takes Taalia's hand and begins to pray quietly.
LoH: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7
LoH: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
As he prays Taalia's wounds begin to close.

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On the ride back to Fairhaven Edric continues to look after Taalia as best he can. With the aid of Desna's light the wounds inflicted by the Lonely King are healed quickly but the spiritual effects of the blows are much harder to remove, although by the time Fairhaven rises in the distance both Edric and Taalia feel much better

Old Guy GM |

Big jump here...
31 Kuthona 4707
It's the final day of the year. Tonight is a night that is viewed with fear and joy in equal measure: The Night of the Pale.
More information here
Tomorrow you ride back to Concord, but tonight you 'celebrate'. Hunters and trapper come in to Oleg's intent on spending the night within the walls of the trading post. Nat and Gwen lock up there cottage and come in as well. Svetlana and Gwen prepare the evening meals, complete with the breaded cookies said to ward off the ghosts. There is some trepidation about this evening, as there has been much accomplished this year, and the vengeful spirits of the Stag Lord and his band are on everyone's minds.

Vosil Comarenza |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

31 Kuthona 4707
The only spirits that concern Vosil tonight are the sort you find in a bottle. At least, that's what he tells himself. The shades of the past year do their best to intrude on his conscious mind - his former ward Natashya Lodovka, the slain unicorn, the Stag Lord and his nameless minions, even the barrow-wight and the Sootscale chief: all parade through in a ceaseless circle - but he firmly closes the door on them.
Pouring himself another generous measure of whisky, he raises the glass thoughtfully, admiring its hue in the candle-light. Desna moves in mysterious ways, but the past year has taken twists and turns that he never could have foreseen. He wonders dimly what the new year brings. More of the same wonder and unpredictability, he hopes.
He grins, slightly muzzily. Be careful what you wish for...
Nevertheless, this is as fine a group of companions - of friends - as he has had in many a year. Whatever is coming their way, he is sure that they will see it through, together.
Don't have much to add at this point.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan settles down nervously to wait out the night. Periodically he goes to the window and look out a moment before returning to his friends. After obviously mulling over the question for a while he askes "Its just those that died in this year, right? The dead that we invaded their sleep, they've been died for centuries, right? We didn't re-kill them did we so they wouldn't count? Besides they never lived here did they?" Taking a sip of his drink he grins "I kinda hope my brother will come, but he'd go back to my pa's old farm I guess and no one is there anymore. But if he did I could punch him for what he did to ma and pa."

Gavriil |

Gonna answer Edric's post from the other thread here too.
Gavriil raises one eye-brow high up at Edric's request for help. He studies the paladin for a long moment before finally opening up, "I actually think that's a fine idea, Edric. The dwarves may be very prudent with our money. But I have to ask: Why do we have to clear it with Vosil? He's the spy master and yes, part of the council, but we all are. If there's anyone we should take this idea to it's Talia. She is the one who gets the big, fancy chair in the Privy Chambers. And she's the one who makes the final call. The rest of us try to advise her the best we can."
That evening...
Gavriil grins at Dregan pacing back and forth between the window and his chair. The normally cool and collected ranger seemed to be on edge tonight. Realizing that he is not going to get any sleep with the ranger going back and forth across the creaky floor boards, Gavriil sits up and says, "Well, considering that I didn't kill anyone this last year, I don't think I'll have to worry about any spirits coming for me. If anyone asks for me they're probably just looking for money. So, I guess that frees me up to help you with your ghosts. They say if you speak well of the dead tonight it may appease them. So, Dregan, why don't you tell me about your brother some. If I remember right, he was a bandit, but not all bandits are bad. Some are just trying to survive. Like Nat."

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Gavriil raises one eye-brow high up at Edric's request for help. He studies the paladin for a long moment before finally opening up, "I actually think that's a fine idea, Edric. The dwarves may be very prudent with our money. But I have to ask: Why do we have to clear it with Vosil? He's the spy master and yes, part of the council, but we all are. If there's anyone we should take this idea to it's Talia. She is the one who gets the big, fancy chair in the Privy Chambers. And she's the one who makes the final call. The rest of us try to advise her the best we can."
"Because he's the sceptic." Edric replies. "Taalia may have the final say but Vosil is the one most likely to disagree with the plan and therefore oppose it. If we sound him out on the idea first and he's on side then I don't think there'll be any issue in full council. If you don't think it's necessary then I just bring it up at the next meeting."

Gavriil |

Gavriil winces at Edric's retort. Maybe he was just too suspicious of his older counterpart because he himself worked angles on people his entire life. Maybe his was just jealous that the old man seemed to have the ear of the only reason he had come back to this God forsaken land. Whatever the internal reason was, it was wrong. He couldn't let that get in the way of the work they were doing.
"You make a lot of sense, Edric. Sorry to doubt your thinking. I say we should bring it up at the next council meeting, but if you want to take it to Vosil first then I'll be there with you to support your thinking. But you have to present it yourself. You don't give yourself enough credit when it comes to words. You do a great job with speaking and more often than not you have a different approach that none of us scoundrels had thought about. The only way you're going to get better at talking though is by doing it." He grins at the man, "Just look at it like your drills with your men. You do them every day so that it comes naturally to you, right?"

Dregan Hirscherz |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

That evening...Gavriil grins at Dregan pacing back and forth between the window and his chair. The normally cool and collected ranger seemed to be on edge tonight. Realizing that he is not going to get any sleep with the ranger going back and forth across the creaky floor boards, Gavriil sits up and says, "Well, considering that I didn't kill anyone this last year, I don't think I'll have to worry about any spirits coming for me. If anyone asks for me they're probably just looking for money. So, I guess that frees me up to help you with your ghosts. They say if you speak well of the dead tonight it may appease them. So, Dregan, why don't you tell me about your brother some. If I remember right, he was a bandit, but not all bandits are bad. Some are just trying to survive. Like Nat."
"Nah Ulric wasn't nice like Nat or anything. He had a lot going for him smart and athletic like I'm not. But he was nasty and ambitious too. Farming and hunting wasn't good enough for him." he looks embarrassed "My dad always said we were descended from the royality who had settled this land a long time ago. To me it was rambling of an old man, it didn't matter what our ancestors were, what mattered was what we were. But Ulric he wanted to reclaim some name for himself. I doubt he ever thought of himself as a bandit, it would have been a stepping stone to something greater for him. It was that search for power that made him nasty, when we were... Never mind, the world will be better without him, but you know he was family."

Old Guy GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1 Abadius 4708
The new year dawns cold and bright. You all are groggy from the long night, but no ghosts from the past raised themselves to torment you. Only the spirits of the bottle, and those are easily chased away by a hearty breakfast from the Levertons.
Soon enough you are off on your way back to Concord. The next two days are cold, even bitterly so at times, but uneventful. You are getting used to this route, having traveled it so many times. A road connecting the two - Concord and Oleg's - would certainly make things easier. Not to mention connecting the Rostland road to Fairhaven.
3 Abadius 4708
Concord is socked in with snow. Rare lake-effect, but heavy and deep. The streets are clear - but only barely. The warm environs of the castle welcome you. A bright fire burns in the hearth in the Privy Chambers. Asha, Darrick, and Kesten wait to hear the results of the trip.

Gavriil |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

1 Abadius 4708
Gavriil wakes earlier than usual. He wraps a blanket around himself and goes outside to watch the sun rise for the first time in a long time. As he sits on the wall watching the sun make it's first break over the land, he realizes that no ghosts had come to him in the night. No one had come for him seeking revenge or comfort.
No one.
He smiles at that thought. Through his life he had met and influenced many people and had been influenced by many more, for good or worse. But in the end he was always alone. At the end of the year he had no ghosts to haunt him because he was a nobody. No one cared one way or another about a bastard son.
And that was perfectly okay with him.
He smirked at a silent thought he had to himself. Just a simple childish thought that quickly blossomed into an idea in his mind and a large grin on his face. He laughs and whispers to no one but the sun peeking over the horizon, "Lord Gavriil Niktosky, Grand Diplomat, Scoundrel of the Greenbelt, and 'Son of No one'. Yes, that'll do perfect."
3 Abadius 4708
Gavriil rushes into the Privy Chambers and drags one of the large chairs across the stone floor to a spot right next to the fire, the chair letting out a screech in protest the whole way. He plops himself down in the chair and huddles around the fire, seemingly ignoring the other councilors.
Finally, he turns a look to Asha and says, "Ok, I'll bite. Who pissed off the gods and how do we fix it, because I can't deal with this cold any longer."

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Edric doesn't seem to do much about the cold, seemingly too wrapped up in his own thoughts to pay much attention.
Coming into the council chamber he stands near the window looking out over the bleak landscape beyond and waits until the rest of the council are seated and comfortable before he speaks.
"I have a recommendation for treasurer."

Talia Khavortorov |

1 Abadius 4708
The sheer chill in the air and biting wind brought Talia's headache to the fore as she steered Apple down the trail, just beginning to form, by travelers between Oleg's and Fairhaven over the past almost-year.
Almost a year! Talia smiled into her cloak-hood and pulled it tight against the wind, using the opportunity to rub some snot from her nose.
She'd take a headache and running nose every morning for another almost-year as brilliant as this past one.
3 Abadius 4708
Talia smiles as Gavriil drags his chair across the floor. Truthfully, she didn't care for the northern winters either, though it brought a bittersweet and contemplative mood on most days that helped with her writing. And the wind honed her memory, filling her thoughts with long forgotten - and briefly remembered - snippets of poetry, like the great Brevic Bard's musing on this most difficult of seasons. The Countess murmured,
"Winter, which being full of care,
Makes summer's welcome thrice wish'd more rare"
Shaking herself from her musings, Talia raised an eyebrow to Edric. "Yes?"

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"Offer it to one of the dwarf brothers who lead the mining expedition. Both are good fellows, honest and dwarves of their word. They've organised an exodus over hundreds of miles and of course we all know dwarves reputation regarding gold. If we give one of them a seat on the ruling council then they have that much more stake in Fairhaven and give us the prospect of their support long-term, not just until the gold is played out." Edric speaks in something of a rush, getting almost all of it out with a single breath. He's turned to face the rest of the council but his nervousness is showing.

Vosil Comarenza |
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In an effort to remind himself of warmer days, Vosil has dug out one of the library tomes on Ancient Osirion, although from the numerous errors he has underlined, he privately doubts that the author ever left the confines of Lepistadt University. He has made a significant number of marginalia and corrective annotations; it passes the time.
Setting the manuscript aside for another day, he listens keenly to what Edric has to say. "I'm in favour of the proposal. The dwarves are part of the realm and should be represented on the Council. Might I also point out that we are still in need of a Royal Enforcer? It would assist me greatly in maintaining stability in these lands..."
Vosil has devoted a considerable proportion of his time over the last month to eradication of banditry. He has achieved this, by and large, by hanging people - not too many people; just the right ones. And not personally, of course. He has people to do that sort of thing for him.
I moved my Spymaster bonus to Stability last month; just adding some flavour to that :)

Talia Khavortorov |

At first Talia scowls, but as Edric speaks, the Viscountess is almost surprised to find herself nodding along with his, and then Vosil's arguments.
"Yes, yes, despite my personal feelings about the Brighthammers, and their apparent hewing to every preconceived notion of dwarfness - gods, what a people lacking in the virtues of diversity of thought and action - there is no doubt that they are probably the two most qualified individuals in the kingdom for such a position. And getting them - as a people - more invested in Fairhaven is a good thing for all... If there are no counterarguements, I'll send out a letter to the Brighthammers on the morn. Is there one of the two we'd prefer?"
"As to a Royal Enforcer, I'm not aware of any in these lands that have both the temperament and the skill set to fill that need. Any suggestions?"

Barod Brighthammer |

I was freaking out, because my search for 'Brighthammer' only brought up one post! Then I realized I was searching in the wrong thread...Let's move this along, shall we?
10 Abadius 4708
The wagon carrying your new Treasurer arrived moments ago. The guard who brought you the news had barely the time to shut door when Barod stomps in, pushing it open roughly.
"Now then! Lemme see th' books, eh? And bring me an ale while yer at it? That's a good lad! Oh...g'day ta you, Milady." He says with a short bow.
"Where do we start?"

Vosil Comarenza |

Heh. I can imagine the confusion...! Incidentally, what's the modifier for either his Int or Wis, please? I need the higher of the two for the kingdom stats.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia flashes her winningest smile. "Why with the gold of course! We've been without a treasurer a bit. We'll need a full accounting of the kingdom's finances - and your advice about the direction of Fairhaven as well."

Old Guy GM |

Heh. I can imagine the confusion...! Incidentally, what's the modifier for either his Int or Wis, please? I need the higher of the two for the kingdom stats.
Thought I replied to this...guess not. +2 for Wis. Let's get 2 more building turns in - then go for more exploration in the Spring?

Old Guy GM |

21 Abadius 4708]
The first full moon of Abadius marks the celebration of Longnight: a chilly festival during which revelers stay up all in defiance of the long winter's nights and greet the dawn.
22 Abadius 4708
Nothing moves throughout Concord on this morning...or during the rest of the day...
On to Turn 9!
3 Calistril 4708
There is a noted problem amongst the guardsmen in Concord, and several of the sergeants in Fairhaven's small army. A quick investigation finds that there is no small number of followers of Cayden Cailean among them, and last night was Merrymead, a celebration during which all of last year's alcohol is consumed.
On to Turn 9 for real this time...remember to post Kingdom Building in the other thread, but only the actual building stuff, keep the RP here.

Old Guy GM |

20 Pharast 4708
Winter begins to loosen it's icy grip on the Green Belt. Asha has not been in Concord for weeks leading up to today - which is the beginning of Planting Week. An Erastillian 'festival' during which farmers begin planting their crops for the year.
Time to get back out there and explore. So let's do Turn 10 as part of this, but we will hold off on Turn 11 for a bit. Where do we want to go?

Talia Khavortorov |

Is Asha back today, or is she missing?
I'd like to explore C7, and see what else is in the Concord area.