Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna smiles at Kesten.
"Excellent work captain! If it is ok with you I would like to make an inspection of the men and the work, and after it we can have a meal together. I also want to know if there is supplies or equipment we need, so we can provision them."
If the soldiers sleep in tents outside she will do so too.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia crumples, weary, into her bed, and sleeps away the morning. Rising to the sounds of a meal, she makes her way to the courtyard, and sits next to Nat. Between bites, the noble passes the time by asking the young man questions. "I hear you are quite the farmer, Nat. Did you grow up on a farm? You seem to have a good hand with animals as well..."
And so she spends her lunch in conversation with the ex-bandit, after which she goes to find Oleg about supplies.
Using diplomacy to increase Nat's attitude. Will use the inspiration trait to roll twice, and if not a good roll, a re-roll with the heraldic expertise class ability.
diplomacy inspired trait: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 I'll take this one!
diplomacy inspired trait: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Also hoping to buy a longsword, buckler, and 6 days trail rations, for a total of 23 gp. Would like to sell my shortsword to Oleg for 5 gp resale price. Total profit for Oleg = 18 gp.

Gavriil |

Gavriil's smile grew ever so slightly when Talia stammered to respond. He'd meant it as a joke but it seemed the joke had been taken serious. "No, I don't believe that's their intention, m'lady," he says, suppressing a laugh. He stood where she left him, watching as she hurried to the door, and grinned ear to ear as she stopped to flash him a smile before she went inside. Oh... she's going to be trouble, he thought before chuckling and heading inside.
He nodded to Oleg and waited for Talia to leave before saying, "Yeah... sorry about that. The past few days have not been good for traveling, especially considering that a few of us aren't accustomed to roughing it out in the wild. We'll try to be more sensitive in the future."
He gave a quick glance around to make sure Svetlana isn't around and continued, "And we haven't found the ring yet, but we are looking. When we find it we'll be sure to get it to you as fast as possible."
Now, if it's all the same to you, I'm going to see about getting warmed up for a bit. Maybe a little later I could give you a hand around here. It's the least I can do for us being so rude. And when you have a second I'd like to look over what you have in stock. I have a few things I'm looking to get to help us out."
With that, Gavriil turned to find a hot bath and a fire to dry his clothes by.
Around the time that Talia sat down with Nat, Gavriil went looking for Oleg to see if there's anything he could help the inn-keeper with and to look over his stock.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan will sit in front of the fire to wait for his companions to finish washing and changing. Once they are mostly all present he'll say "We need t' make plans on 'ow t' deal wiv tha rest ov tha bandits. Any ideas?"

Talia Khavortorov |

"I know what we don't do - fight fair. That'll be a sure way to get more of us in the dead book. I think, if possible, we try to sneak up on them. With enough time, I can hit any guards with a sleep spell from about a hundred feet away and if everything goes well, we can take them without firing an arrow. If things go badly, then we've got Naralesh to drop any that come near us."
If Nat isn't around...
Talia looks around, making sure that Nat is out of earshot, and dropping her voice, whispers, I've been chatting up our ex-bandit. Give me another day or so, and I may be able to convince him to spill everything he knows - guard rotations, names of bandits, anything else that you all want to know. Hells, I may be able to convince the kid to come along, if we offer him a full pardon or something like that."
Open to other ideas, of course. This plan necessitates us getting within 100 feet of any guards without being seen, and then they'd all have to be clumped in a 10' burst, and then they'd have to all fail saves. That's a lot of ifs...

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna answers Dregan,
"Like a hammer on a piece of raw iron, we need to strike true, and strike hard. Find out their hideout, and making sure they are a threat no more."
Magna winks at Talia.
"I am sure you will be able to get good, and very useful, information to aid us on our mission."

Gavriil |

Gavriil sat down eating an apple just as Dregan brought up the bandits again. He still wasn't quite sure about dealing with them, especially considering how the last confrontation had gone, but he had to admit that they weren't nearly as green anymore. Maybe this time it would end better. Around his apple he added, "I second Talia's plan. We've faced these bandits before head on and it only got people killed. We should fight fire with fire."
He nodded along with what Talia said about Nat. "See what you can squeeze out of him. We don't necessarily need him coming with us, best not tempt him with his old life and all, but I for one would feel much better about going after these bandits with more information than we have. Especially if this Kressle is as bad as Nat and Happs say she is."
He turns to Dregan, "If we don't get that much info out of him would you be willing to scout the place with me?"

Magnitofera Skeller |

What information does Talia obtains?
Will we scout first, or go "hard and fast"?
Magna would vote for going together, aiming for a fast hard attack.

Dregan Hirscherz |

"They 'ave t' leave their camp, I mean they are bandits an' they won't be able t' bandi' by sittin' around. If we are lucky they send aaaht groups, if unlucky they'll go together. I could probably sneak close enuff ter tha camp t' watch 'em an' if some leave we could attack tha smaller group left behind an' ambush tha rest when they return. If they all go we could ambush 'em on there way aaaht awer if their camp site is defensible we could occupy i' an' ambush 'em when they returned." Dregan suggests

Talia Khavortorov |

Smiling the noblewoman, nods to Magna. "I hope so, Magna. If I can play my cards right, I'll have him singing a pretty little song."
"OK, so according to Haps, the camp is 20 miles southwest in the forest at a ford on the Thorn River. Once we find the river it shouldn't be too difficult to find the camp. We know that, according to Oleg, there were a dozen the first time they came. Four are dead, leaving eight, including this Kressel, and perhaps this Stag Lord that Haps mysteriously never saw. Also, according to poor dead Haps, they would leave 'a few' of their men on watch." Talia, blows into her hands, still a unable to shake the chill in the damp spring air.
"So, three awake? Five asleep, if none are off banditing? If our information is correct, I like our odds if we do as Magna says, and hit them hard and fast. My suggestion - when we find the Thorn River, Dregan and Gavriil scout ahead. Perhaps once of us - Dregan? - can climb a tree and look for a cook fire. Once we figure out where the camp is, we wait until nightfall, and then if possible, I put the guards to sleep. And then we go in, and take care of the rest. If the alarm is raised, we still hit them hard and fast. We've got Naralesh's magic to knock them down and out, and plenty of skilled blades, and will still have chaos and suprise on our side."
"If there are more than eight, or more than a few on watch, or we can't get close, a protracted ambush is the way to go, as Dregan suggests. In that case, I'd like to take their horses, if possible. It will be that much easier to hunt them down if they are on foot."
The ambush tactic is probably the better play, to be honest, but Talia is impatient and has an 8 wisdom. I can certainly be swayed though!

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna looks at the Stag brooch she took from one of the bandits...
"I just thought on something you can ask Nat... Do the bandits know every other bandit?"

Old Guy GM |

Nat knows very little. He doesn't understand things like 'watches' and 'guard rotations'. In the end, you get the impression that the camp was not very organized, and that Kressel made some of them 'keep an eye out', never more than two at a time. On any given day, two of the bandits would be out hunting for food, but everyone would be back at the camp by nightfall. As far as the Stag Lord, Nat never met him, as he has 'some kinda fort' away down south. He only knew the bandits at the Thorn River camp.
He can tell you that only "th' important ones" wore the silver brooch that Magna has. Haps, Kressel, maybe one or two more from the group at the fort - they visited the camp once while he was there.
How many days are you spending here? So we can keep the calendar current... As far as gear, assume that any standard items less than 150 gp are available from Oleg right now. Anything else, including magic items (like a wand) will take one week to arrive at the trading post. Oleg will buy items back from you at 50% of retail.

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna is of the idea to leave to deal with the bandits the next morning, as early as possible.
What about impersonating a new bandit group, using the amulet?

Dregan Hirscherz |

"hey all sound like good ideas, lets see if we can get an eye on their true numbers befawer tyin' ourselves down t' one plan. Will everyone be ready t' set aaaht tomorrow morning?" Dregan asks looking at less experienced riders.

Gavriil |

Gavriil nodded in agreement with Dregan, "Aye. That sounds like the best idea." the thought of riding again so soon made him remember how sore his legs actually were. No rest for the good either I guess he thought.
sorry for a short post. I'm posting from my phone. We can leave in the morning. Gavriil wants to buy 8 trail rations to replace the ones he's used. He also wants to pick up a cloak to keep the rain off of him. I don't know how much you want to make that, does 5sp sound good to you? Also he wants to send 100 gp back to his mother and little brother to help them out.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia tries to hold her smirk as Dregan looks at her. Is it that obvious that I spent little of my childhood on a horse? "I'm ready."

Old Guy GM |

Ok, setting out on 15 Pharasma, 4707. How are you going about it? Which way - known hexes? Exploring on the way? As long as the things you buy fit in with the criteria I laid out, just fill in your sheets and move on.
14 Pharasma 4707 - late that night
Asha comes to Talia late in the night, waking her up sometime after midnight.
"Talia," she begins, a look of consternation on her face, "there's something I must share with you. Since you all left, I've had several disturbing dreams. In them, I am taking flight over these lands. Drawn to the south, in a deep wood, I see an old overgrown shrine of Erastil. But all is not right with the shrine. There is a manifestation of evil there, but I do not know what it is. Please, if you can, find that shrine and what is the cause of its profanity." She looks long at Talia, then goes to her bedroll. New quest, no picture on this one.
15 Pharasma 4707
Just after dawn the next morning, a hammering on the outer walls of the post wakens you. It is one of Kesten's men, putting up a large board. Noticing your interest, Kesten comes over to greet you. "I felt we needed some place to put these." He says holding up an official-looking document. "Wanted posters, other items of similiar ilk." Without waiting for a reply, he takes the hammer from his man and nails the poster up. Smiling at you, he walks off to survey the work for the day. New quest posted.

Talia Khavortorov |

Map updated. As a city girl, Talia will leave how we get to the bandits to the woodsier types ;) By our reckoning, the bandit camp should be in E3, correct?
Talia wakes with a gasp, hand reaching to her side for her non-existant scorpion's whip, sure that the group is under attack. "Asha! Don't do that!" As her heart subsides, the playwright listens to Asha's story, nodding her head gravely. "Sorry to snap at you - I've always been a jumpy sleeper. It could, I mean, it is possible, that you are just having fantastic dreams, borne from stress and worry. But, stranger things have happened than the sleep of prophecy, and I must admit it is a strong narrative device in many great plays - Mac and Beth, Ham Cutlet, and Death of a Galtian. The possibility of a defiled shrine of Erastil is certainly something to take seriously. I'll tell the others - in the morning - and we'll take this into account when we explore the deep woods."
Those plays sound horrible!
15 Pharasma 4707
The morning brings a better mood to Taila. She's warm, soon to have a full belly, and a night in bed - despite Dregan's incessant snoring, and Asha's interruption - much better than sleeping on the hard ground. Munching on some hearty bread and gooseberry jam, Talia observes Kesten's board going up. "Taking out the bandit camp to the south should have an immediate effect. We'll be leaving this morning to do so." Turning to the others, Talia swallows the last of her toast and takes a drink of strong, bitter coffee. "Also, there may be a shrine to Erastil to the south, in the old forest. We should keep our eyes out for it. Asha thinks it might be defiled." Casting her eyes to the others, the noblewoman sighs and downs the last of her coffee. "I'll follow your leads."

Magnitofera Skeller |

...and I must admit it is a strong narrative device in many great plays - Mac and Beth, Ham Cutlet, and Death of a Galtian
Those plays sound horrible!
I love the titles!
Magna seems in a somber mood that morning."I think we must concentrate in the task at hand. No gathering ingredients, no searching for ruins, no exploring, no procrastinating about. There are a group of bandits on this lands, and they must be dealt with swiftly and decisively. After this lands are safe, then we will be able to do all those other things, without the risk of an arrow in our backs."

Gavriil |

Gavriil awoke last the next morning. The days in the saddle had taken more out of him than he'd thought. If I keep this up, I'll be bow-legged in a month! he thought as he slipped himself into a chair with the others for breakfast. He sat slowly and cautiously, still quite sore. Just another reason to hate horses.
He ate the food presented to them vehemently, not realizing that the days on the road had left him so starved as well. How he longed for the easy days in Restov. He kept an ear on the others, though. To his dismay, they were still talking about the bandits. Yes, they were a problem, but where were bandits not a problem?! Everywhere had bandits, just as everywhere had guards to take care of them. But the others seemed bent on tracking these bandits down so he added, "Okay, okay, Magna. We'll go after them. We already agreed to it last night. BUT Asha has helped us out a lot. She saved Naralesh's life! So I think we could at least keep our eyes open for her. It's the least we could do in thanks."

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna will say nothing, but will keep an eye open, trying to find the culprit.
Perception Check: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Sense Motive Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia nods, to both Gavriil and Magna. "Agreed on both accounts. The bandits are priority number one. We should get going. If they are about 20 miles to the south we have a long day of riding ahead of us."
How do you all feel about going straight there? That should still take us at least 8 hours, and if we're lucky, we can find the bandit camp by dark.
perception aid another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Dregan Hirscherz |

sorry for the low posting rate. Still on holiday and using my phone
Dregan leads them off two follow the river south. He intends to stop a mile or two short of the camp using Lem's description as a guide. Tie up the horses and continue on foot.
Percetion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Aid other knowledge nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Old Guy GM |

Hold up there cowboys...
Sometime after reading the Wanted! poster hung by Kesten, (you DID read it, right?) you prepare to set out. Horses saddled, pack animals readied, all is set. Everyone is up and out to see you off: Kesten and all his men, Oleg and Svetlana, Asha, and even two trappers who came in late to trade. They wave and wish you luck as you ride out.
You aren't ten paces out of the gate when there is a loud thump! It seems that all of the gear on one of your pack animals wasn't secure, and it slides off of the horse's back and hits the ground, spilling everywhere.
There is much...amusement from those gathered at the gate.

Talia Khavortorov |

Ah, I didn't realize that we all saw Magna's oatmeal feet.
Before, with the oatmeal:
Talia's mouth hangs open as Magna pulls an oatmeal crusted foot out of her boot. Why would someone do that? We have serious business to attend to, and now we have to wait until her boots are clean and dry!
Taking a look around, Talia takes note of the people present at Oleg and Svetlana's. It wouldn't be our people - they wouldn't waste time this morning. Well, Gavriil might, but I'm pretty sure he just got up. Asha's too serious, and Oleg has the same sense of humor as a moldy turnip. Perhaps one of the guards, but I'd think Kesten has better control on them than that. Kesten - too bound by duty. Nat is on probation, and I don't think he'd try to cross Magna so soon after she spared his life. Svetlana seems too nice, but she would have access to the oatmeal. Perhaps one of the trappers then?
As everyone prepares for the journey, Talia makes her way around, first to the trappers, then to the guards, then to Svetlana, asking the following questions.
bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Later, with the gear:
Talia grits her teeth, her face flushing with anger and embarrassment. Forcing the negativity down, she dismounts Noleski, and waves, yelling to the assembled crowd, forcing her voice to be as cheerful as possible. "Very funny! I see you all can appreciate a good bit of physical humor!"
Stooping, the playwright grabs a pack and begins repositioning it on the horse's back. Simpletons. I guess no one here will coming to a viewing of 'The Tender Heart.' I'll have to write a one-act play called 'Johnny Gets Kicked in the Sack by a Mule.'

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna starts to get worried. It is something to poke some fun, but they are in deadly serious business, and someone is playing pranks on them.
She remembers the fluttering of wings.
"An imp perhaps? But whose's?" - she thinks
She helps pack again, trying to see any evidence of tampering.
Perception Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Magnitofera Skeller |

After picking up the stuff Magna approaches Naralesh, and say in a low voice.
"Maybe there is something magical about. Maybe you can spot it."
She concentrates, and starts scanning the area for evil auras.
Magna uses her Detect Evil ability.

Old Guy GM |

The trappers and guards look at Talia with blank stares, wondering what in the world she is talking about. The guards do mention that Kesten is typical for his sort, although he does seem to be taking on this new post with some zeal.
Svetlana just laughs. "Yes, that would be an expensive joke, if I did it! I didn't realize our tough-as-nails paladin had a such refined tastes. You of all people should know that an application of oatmeal is good for the skin, what being a lady of refinement and all."
Outside, the trappers come to assist the re-packing with wry grins, and some mumbling about 'tenderfeet in the wilds'. While doing so, one of them holds up a strap for all to see.
"Why, right here's yer problem, missy. This strap is bit clean through! Though prolly jes' ta come apart after a bit.'
Magna - with very soft feet - can detect no strange auras, and neither can Naralesh, using Detect Magic.

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna's mouth turn into a very thin line after seeing the cut strap.
But she doesn't say anything, just goes and checks the others straps and equipment.
Perception Check: 1d20 ⇒ 15
If nothing else is amiss, she tells the others is time to move out.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan fails to hide a laugh at the oatmeal boots however when the pack falls off he lets out a growl and calls out "Very good Puck. Do you want to come out and say hi?"
Dismounting he says to his companions "Puck's a gnome, this is just his sort of thing, practical jokes on anyone who he think is being too serious. Never seen him this far south..."

Talia Khavortorov |

Before... No need to respond to all of this, OGGM, if there's nothing there - just fishing for a bit of information...
Talia, squints at Dregan, not sure if he's serious or not. Looking around to be sure, the noble doesn't see anything, and turns back to Dregan. "Puck? Is this someone you know personally, or like, an iconic gnome trickster, an ideal or myth?"

Old Guy GM |

Earlier to Talia: "Typical as a guard cap'n miss. Though he's got some story in his closet. No one volunteers ta come out here."
The rest of the straps and packs check out okay, and there is no sign of the prankster.
Still fairly early in the morning of 15 Pharasma, the day is bright but chill, with an easy northerly wind. The day goes by without incident, and you reach the edge of the woods as dusk approaches.
Camp time. What are the watches?

Talia Khavortorov |

"Ha, you got that right!"
Squinting into the dusk, Talia knows her eyes will let her down if she has to stand watch in the dead of night. "I'll take first watch."
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Old Guy GM |

You travelled all day and reached the edge of the wood where you found the radish patch. Lighting a fire, this is where you camp for the night.
Second watch - Gavriil
It is dark, and the sounds of what must be a million insects reverbs through the darkness. Moths as big as your hand float about the edges of the firelight, occasionally flying near to Gav's head.
Suddenly, two dim lights appear in the distance, deeper into the wood. Not far, maybe sixty paces or so, but they are moving, like two people carrying torches along a forest trail.

Gavriil |

Gavriil sat in the almost quiet of the night as the others slept. He missed the hustle and bustle of the city. He missed the warmth of the indoors, the soft give of a bed, and the feeling that he could find something, anything, to do at any hour of the day. Out in the sticks all he had were his thoughts, which were few and far between.
So it was boring.
The only saving grace were the bugs. Yes they were disgusting little creatures, but their chorus was comforting. It wasn't real music, but it helped, especially with the dancing moths that he found them oddly beautiful.
He was admiring them when he saw the lights bobbing in the woods. He sat to attention, watching the lights for a second before crawling to the others and shaking them awake. Once they were each awake, he put his finger to his lips to tell them to be silent and pointed towards the lights.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia was having the most pleasant dream, filled with cream-filled puff pastry, dinner parties, opening nights and adoring fans, and shaking - lots and lots of shaking...
...and then Gavriil, crouching over her. "Slorgha," Talia says, still half asleep, and then her eyes widening in alarm at the quiet sign from her scoundrel friend. Slowly rising to her feet, the playwright grabs her scorpion whip and makes her way towards the lights, slowing when she gets within what she thinks would be earshot of what she assumes is two bandits making their way home from hunting for the day.
stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Naralesh |

Naralesh stirs from his trance silently, peering off towards the lights with his elven eyesight. Nora is slower to rouse, but the tiny fox's snores stop when she senses her master's concern through her slumber and she scampers up his sleeve to perch on his shoulder.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Can Naralesh see anything with his low-light vision?
Knowledge (Local, Nature, Dungeoneering, Religion, The Planes, Nobility): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 if relevant.
"Talia, be careful!" Naralesh whispers sharply as she rushes out of the campsite. He quickly grabs his bow and arrow, spell components already at his hip, and murmurs the words to a protective spell as he creeps forward, not getting too far from the others as he feels no need to get up close to use either his arrows or his magic.
Casting mage armor on self.

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna, without her armor, takes her Greataxe and moves behind Talia, as quietly as she is able.
Stealth Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Perception Aid Another Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Survival Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20
She gives Talia a +2 to her Perception roll. Without Armor and Shield her AC is 10.