Old Guy GM |

I am sorry to announce that I have to withdraw as your GM. I can't keep up with work and give this game the time it deserves. It's been great since the beginning, and we've had some excellent moments together. I wish you all the best, (I'm glad you're ok, Talia), and you can always reach me via PM.

Talia Khavortorov |

Aw, bummer! Thanks for running this OGGM. You're a great GM and I'm thrilled to have been a part of your game. Making it almost through two books of an AP in PBP isn't too shabby! Thanks for all of the time and effort put into this, and for taking it on after the original GM left.
And thanks to all you players too. From Edric's nice guy and surprisingly well-adjusted (if gods-touched) paladin, to Naralesh's always dependable wizard, to Gav's most likeable Scoundrel of the Greenbelt, I've greatly enjoyed the journey with you all (and the others along the way).
Best of luck to everyone, and happy gaming!

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I wouldn't object, but given how slow the game has been I've been feeling something of a disconnect from it - I'm honestly not sure what we've been doing recently, or even why... I think it may be better to let it die a death and simply remember to play with each other again in future! :)

Naralesh |

...honestly there is no way in hell we'll get a GM capable of matching OGGM's performance. Even if we did, being in three games (two of which were OGGM's) has been taxing on me.
July 31st, 2014. Dear god. Very nearly four years.
Rest in peace, Fairhaven. I am gonna miss this.
Thank you for all you've done. I'm very sad to see you go - you are one of the most talented GMs I've ever played with.
Good luck with everything, and I hope you can get back in touch someday.

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...honestly there is no way in hell we'll get a GM capable of matching OGGM's performance.
Rest in peace, Fairhaven. I am gonna miss this.
Thank you for all you've done. I'm very sad to see you go - you are one of the most talented GMs I've ever played with.Good luck with everything, and I hope you can get back in touch someday.
Seconded in every aspect.

Naralesh |

I'm gonna have some art commissioned from a very talented friend of mine of Naralesh and Talia together. At first I thought it was just going to be the two of them, then I read through some of my old posts and remembered:
In the art, Naralesh and Talia are going to have a half-elven child with them. :)

Naralesh |

Talia Khavortorov |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

^ Hehe, that was a good one!
I look forward to seeing your art, Nara. My long term plans for Talia was to do just that - have a little kiddo running around Fairhaven.
That's pretty crazy that you know Mello IRL. She was a good GM as well, as far as she took us.