Talia Khavortorov |

Talia steps forward a little more, looking to the others and shrugging. It seems harmless enough. "Hello... friend. We're just passing through, on a survey trip of the land around here. We'd love to chat with you for a few minutes. Perhaps you haven't had dinner yet? I'm Talia, playwright from Brevoy. With me are Magna, Gavriil, Naralesh and Dregan. And you are? "

Old Guy GM |

The blanket cover whips aside and the head thrusts out again.
"Dinner? Dinner?" The man - for that's what it is - steps out of the hut and flashes a smile of missing and yellow teeth. "Why didn't you say so? Come in! Come in!"
He is dressed in dirty and threadbare clothes, matching his face. He holds aside the curtain for you all to come in.
The hut is dark, save for a small fire that seems to be lit under a ramshackle alchemical contraption. A small pot bubbles angrily over it. There is a pile of broken crockery in one corner of the hut, near the door. Various gear for brewing and mixing lies about the floor. A ragged and rather odorous pile of rags serves as a bed on the far wall.
The man moves with a nervous twitch, like a hummingbird on caffeine root, as he tries to find seats for all of you. He manages: one broken stool, and overturned bucket, a stump, and a some rather ragged bolsters.
"Sit down! Sit down! I'm Bokken...what's for dinner?"

Magnitofera Skeller |

"Please to meet you, Mister Bokken."
Magna sits on the bucket, her eye going for the metallic seat.
"We have some trail rations if you don't mind. Nice home you have here. I bet you cook potions, right?"

Gavriil |

Gavriil slowly comes to a halt and dismounts his horse with the others. When the man finally came out to invite them in, Gavriil sighed and thought: Great, a crazy old hermit. This is just what we need.
Once inside Gavriil covers his nose from the stench of a man who probably didn't bath... ever. He gives Bokken a weak smile and looks at the "chairs" the man had provided. "I'm fine standing, thank you, though."
He shoots a look to Magna and then the pot with the fire under it and thinks: I hope he doesn't try and have us for dinner!

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia smiles a thin, little smile, more humoring than humored. Brushing off her traveling breeches before she sits down, the playwright pulls the broken stool up and takes a seat. Looking around for a clean spot for her pack, Talia decides to let it rest on her feet, against her legs, and starts digging around for some of her rations. "Umm, well, I'm afraid we don't have much. I've just got some hardtack, jerky, and a little water." I was hoping you'd have something, but upon seeing the state of your hut, it is probably for the best that you don't. "You're welcome to any of it, Bokken."
If this guy is a good example of the quality of local living in these parts, we've got our work cut out for us.

Naralesh |

Naralesh enters as well, observing the strange man with amusement. I'm glad my fears seem unfounded, he thinks with relief, his short-lived defensive spell already fading. He stands by the wall, Nora laying on his right shoulder, tail wrapped gently across his neck. "Thank you for your welcome," he says.

Old Guy GM |

"Potions don't cook, they brew! Hee hee! Trail rations? Better than what I've had! And you are welcome, hee hee! I've got stale bread, don't mind the worms, just protein is all! Traveled folk like you know all 'bout that I'm sure, hee hee! I brew potions you know, all kinds! Need some? Want some? buybuybuy! Hee hee! Usually I don't get many guests, and I sell to Oleg, he carries most of my work! Don't like folk, talk way too much, you see? Hee hee!"
All the while he moves about the hut, peering over shoulders, taking items of food from you and stealing a bite of it. As often as not, he puts it back in your lap after he tastes it. He never stops moving, and its quite dizzying to try and follow his movements.

Gavriil |

Gavriil rolled his eyes at Bokken offering them stale bread with worms throughout it. I think I preferred when I thought he was a cannibal. he thought whilst pulling a bit of jerky out of his bag and taking a bite. He was about to take another when the crazy old crack-pot stepped past him, snatching the jerky from him and taking a bite of it himself before tossing it back at Gavriil absentmindedly over his shoulder. The swashbuckler caught it and frowned before placing it back into his pack, careful not to let it touch the other food. "Gee, you mean people aren't lining up to meet you?" he said under his breath.
He glanced at the others when the man finally settled in and started brewing. He raised his eyebrows and nodded to the door to silently say: COME ON! BEFORE HE CHANGES HIS MIND AND TRIES TO EAT US!!!!

Talia Khavortorov |

As Bokken puts a piece of hardtack back into Talia's hand, crumbling and half-chewed, the young woman winces and places the bread on Bokkens... table? Or whatever the cluttered surface in front of the noblewoman is. "Ah, Thank you, Bokken. Why don't you keep this for later." Wiping her hands yet again on her leggings, Talia turns to the alchemist, and unconsciously covering her nose, says, "Tell me, when you say "all kinds" of potions, what does that mean?"
Looking to Gavriil, Talia smirks and nods her head towards the door. I'm with you - soon.

Old Guy GM |

Bokken stands up. "Oh, all kinds! Need a bit of healing? There's a potion for that. Need some shielding for yourself? there's a potion for that! Need a little extra pep in your step?" He prances about, lifting his knees higher and higher as circles you.
"There's a potion for that! Hee hee"
Essentially, he can brew any potion up to second level. He typically brews them and provides them to Oleg for sale. You can order anything and have it sent there.
"Oh. One thing." Bokken stops suddenly, bending down to put his face next to Talia's. "If you happen along any fangberries, you know, the red ones with the long thorns, I could use some. Hee hee."
He leans in closer. "The secret," he breathes, "is the fangberry juice. It makes great tasting potions! Bring me enough for a half-dozen or so, and I'll cut the price of your potions by a quarter...for a MONTH! Hee hee heehee!"
Quests updated.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia recoils from Bokken's breath, a mixture of rot and stale bread. And perhaps fangberries. The playwright smiles a little at how ridiculous this scene would look to her family, were they able to see it. "Great, Bokken, thank you! One question - how many berries do you need for a half-dozen potions? Oh, and one more question - it is getting near dark. Can we camp by your hut tonight?"
Assuming we've finished our exploration for the day, that is.

Old Guy GM |

Exploration of this hex is done.
Bokken stands up again, a frown forming on his face. "Safe? Safe? As safe as anything around here. Too many bandits. Too many...other things! I don't go far from my hut here. Why do you think I asked you to find the fangberries, hee hee! You can camp outside." He moves back over to stir his 'pot'.
"Besides, if you want safe, why are you here anyway?"

Naralesh |

"She means that if it is not safe, then we aim to make it so." Naralesh speaks with confidence. "We will be sure to keep an eye out for fangberries in our travels nearby. I like the look of your potions, and I'm sure we would all appreciate such a generous discount."
((Potion Seller... I am going into battle, and I need only your strongest potions.))

Talia Khavortorov |

Great, regarding the exploration. I'll get the map updated tonight when I get home.
Standing, Talia grabs her pack. "Thank you for the information, Bokken. Naralesh and Magna are correct - we will make these lands safe for you to travel them without worry. And we'll certainly need your potion-brewing to do so. We'll be in touch about those fangberries. Thank you for allowing us to camp on your land this evening." That said, the noblewoman steps outside where she sets up her bedroll for the evening.
Talia's done with crazy man, but don't let me rush anyone else that wants to hang out with the guy some more :)
Do we have a watch order yet? I don't have great perception and human eyes - can I have first or last watch, while the light may still be OK to see by?
Next day exploration rolls, as we head onto h1.
aid another perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Naralesh |

Naralesh prefers first watch - he only needs a few hours of meditation to rest, and he is usually awake to keep the later watches company. Nora usually stays awake for Naralesh's first watch and sleeps the rest of the night. For some reason, the wizard's daily spell preparation always seems to rouse the little fox from slumber, and she watches over his shoulder as he studies the delicate leather book that contains his spells, seemingly pretending to read along.

Gavriil |

Gavriil nods along with the conversation as the others talk to Bokken, still uneasy about the hermit. Once the others agree to stay the night, he rushes outside on Talia's heels and takes in a big, over-dramatic breath in and say, "AIR!!! THANK THE GODS!!!"
Gavriil would like second shift so he can sleep in as late as possible. He's not much of a morning person
If we get through the night without incident...
Perception for next day: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Old Guy GM |

9 Pharast 4707
Bokken watches as you leave for your explorations the next morning. "Goodbyeeeee! Have fun exploring the Greenbelt!"
The day is spent in pleasant spring weather, the early flowers starting to show themselves in the meadows of the plains. That night, the peaceful solitude is broken by the howling of wolves to the south.
Hex explored, next?

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan rides with everyone and attempts to join in with Gavriil singing on the third day and seems in general to getting more relaxed.
Percetion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Aid Naralesh on Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Magnitofera Skeller |

For a Dwarf, Magna seems to enjoy the outdoors as much as anyone. A sweet smile on her face with her short hair moving while she rides.
But she doesn't sing.
Rolls for the next day:
Perception Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Survival Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia sighs, as Dregan begins to sing along with Gavriil, but the noblewoman allows herself a small smirk as the men hit a particularly high note way off key. Its no night at the opera, but it will have to do out here on the plains. I'd never be caught singing these bawdy tunes myself, however, even out here in the middle of nowhere.
aid perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Gavriil |

Gavriil passes the day by again by singing another tavern song. A smile hits his face when The previously stoic ranger's voice joins in and widens even more when their resident actress joins in as well. Whether it was to improve the sound or just to join the fun escapes him, so he just keeps singing along.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna starts getting restless.
"To forge a tool you need to hammer. To fulfill our mission we must not only explore, but get rid the land from those who defy the law. While we are getting to know the place, our enemies prepare, plan and get ready to move against us. When are we going to do the same?"
Rolls for the next day:
Perception Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Survival Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Gavriil |

Gavriil stops mid-song when Magna speaks out about going after the bandits again. He flashes her a smile and says, "Magnaaaaaa... Don't worry so much. Your friend Nat told us that the bandits go for weeks at a time. Which means they probably aren't even missing Happs and his men yet, let alone plotting revenge! We have time to get the lay of the land a little more and prepare ourselves. So, you might as well just pull up a horse and start singing with the rest of us."

Talia Khavortorov |

As the group breaks out in song for the third day, Talia gives in and sings along with Dregan and Gavriil, doing her best to steer the songs towards classical Brevic standards and away from the tavern songs that the men seem to enjoy. She's not as successful as she'd like, but Talia has to admit she's enjoying herself. The weather is fine, the scenery is pleasant, and the men are still delightfully off-key.
aid perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
I'll get the hexploration map updated tomorrow.

Naralesh |

Back from vacation. :)
"Believe me, Magna, I am far from relaxed. We have duties beyond simply hunting down bandits, though, and while not as glorious, they are just as important." He rides with the others, not participating in the singing, but listening attentively to the music.
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Perception (Aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Survival (Aid): 1d20 ⇒ 7

Old Guy GM |

11 Pharast 4707
A light rain greets you in the morning, and persists throughout the day. Some point around noon you are halted, the horses are nervous.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan turns and rides back to the rest of his companions. Stopping in front of them he starts to string his bow. "There's a large 'erd of elk crossin' our path ahead. I'm fnkin' what a we could take out one of tha stragglers fer food, two if we 'ave time t' dry tha meat. Oleg should be able t' sell their 'ides as well. Just watch out there maybe a few other predators followin' tha 'erd an' all, thuff they are unlike t' look at us twice wiv so much other food available."

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia nods. "I'm no hunter, and will follow your lead. I'm also no cook - do you know how to, what do you call it... field dress an elk?: The young woman draws her sling and places a bullet into it, ready for more direction.

Naralesh |

Naralesh pats Susan's head, trying to calm the skittish animal, and looks up as Dregan returns. "I'm a fair hand with a bow, and with Nora to aid me, my... injury shouldn't noticeably impair my aim." The little fox narrows her eyes, taking to the task of spotting for Naralesh with the utmost seriousness.

Naralesh |

Whichever hex, Naralesh keeps a keen eye* out as they explore.
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Perception (Aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Survival (Aid): 1d20 ⇒ 1
*Singular! :P

Magnitofera Skeller |

As Magna want to go attack the bandits, and they all are in good spirit and health, she will vote for exploring F3 next.
Rolls for the next day:
Perception Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Survival Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Talia Khavortorov |

Shall we move onto f2? I will get our hexploration map updated tonight. OGGM, both h1 and g1 are plains hexes?
Talia starts the day off cranky. Too many days in the saddle, with hardtack and water, and without a warm bath. As the day warms, however, her mood improves, and she entertains the others with a story of a particularly immodest pirate and his journeys in the rigging of a large ship, much to the chagrin of his shipmates. For a story made up on the spot by a noblewoman, it is surprisingly bawdy, and apparently a hit with this roughneck crowd.
oratory: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
aid perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
cross-posted with Magna. f3 is fine with me.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan spends much and the night and the morning preparing the meat and hides for travel the best he can and packing them on the the two spare baggage horses.
Survival for dealing with the elk: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
"We should get back t' tha ouht post, dis meat won't last fawerver, I suggest we explore on tha way back an' find Ms Svetlana's Radishes an' return." Dregan suggests.
Not sure if F2 or F3 are likely to be where the radishes are.
Percetion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Aid Naralesh on Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Talia Khavortorov |

Forgot, yes those are plains hexes. And what do you mean hardtack and water? I just provided lots of fresh elk! Best Forrest Gump impression: Elk steak, elk stew, broiled elk, elk on a stick, fried elk...
Oh, I thought we were going to sell the elk to Oleg. Even better if we get to eat it. In that case, Talia's spirits are immeasurably improved that morning, with Dregan's Most Excellent Elk On A Stick (old family recipe)!
@ Dregan, I think the radishes are in f2?

Gavriil |

Gavriil wakes in a foul mood. He was not ready to deal with the lifestyle he had signed up for on this expedition. Days in the saddle and nights on the ground have left him spurned towards the expedition. Not even Dregan's elk on a stick improved his mood. It wasn't until Talia started to tell stories that Gavriil actually cracked a smile.
I vote for F2
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11