Almah Rovshki

Maeve Enna's page

11 posts. Alias of Pahlok.

Full Name

Maeve Enna




Hunter 1 | Animal Focus: 1/1 | HP:11/11 | AC:17 T:14 FF:13 | CMD:14 FFCMD:10 | FRT:+6 RFX:+6 WIL:+1 | INIT:+4 | PER:+5













Strength 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Maeve Enna

Maeve Enna and her Roc, Apollo

Character Background:
Maeve grew up in the southern forests of Brevoy. Her parents never kept much of a watchful eye on her, and were content to let her roam as she pleased. She trained herself in bowmanship as a hobby, and began to form an affinity with the nature around her.

After discovering a large egg suspiciously left on the forest floor, she brought it home. Her parents demanded that she get rid of it immediately, but she kept it nearby until it hatched anyway. The resulting Roc imprinted on her, and hiding the creature from her parents became an impossibility. When Maeve's father threatened to kill the bird himself before word could get out about it, she fled on the Roc out of fear and hatred.

She was alone now, however, and without support or purpose. It was then that she decided that she would join the Swordlords' cause to explore the Greenbelt. She had already been down that way a few times on her own, and she had been looking for an excuse to fully explore it.

Character Personality:
Maeve is a free spirit, doing what she wishes as she wishes with little regard to the consequences. Despite this, she is a good person at heart and would never intentionally put someone in danger. She is still young and naive, and has a playful, childish quality about her. She abhors the senseless killing and destruction of animals and nature, but is not at all opposed to hunting out of necessity. She is especially protective of her roc, Apollo, whom most tend to misjudge for a dangerous beast.

Character Appearance:
At only sixteen years old, Maeve is a lithe and nimble youth. Even for her age though, she is quite small, rising up to only 4'7" and weighing in at only 95lbs. She has stark, black hair, sharp features, and a thin frame.