Dregan Hirscherz |

As Dregan finishes checking the dead and bring them all to a central area ready for burial he hears what sounds like something formal coming from inside and moves to hear the end of Gavriil's speach. He pauses there for moment thinking before speaking "I don' know if they deserve t' be killed awer not, I didn't see much so I'll leave what t' do me be'ers. All I 'ave t' say is if they are t' be killed let d' it merciful', 'angin' ain't a good death fer noone."

Old Guy GM |

Kesten replies to Talia. "This isn't my decision to make. You are the appointed agents of Restov, I am here to support you."
Oleg, still red-faced, takes several deep breathes.
"What did they do? What did they do? Only robbed me monthly, threatened to mutilate me and take my wife from me! They even stole her wedding ring! I nearly broke myself buying that ring! That's the only nice thing we had!" At this, Svetlana breaks down in tears.
Oleg points an accusing finger at Happs. "And this one came every month at their head, except that first time, and lorded it over us. Never showing no remorse, not once." He drops his hand to his side and goes over to stand behind his wife, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Some justice, that, if the Swordlords let thievin' bandits go free 'cause they said they was sorry."

Magnitofera Skeller |

"Justice without mercy is cruelty. But if we let every bandit go away without punishment, then the law is only a closed book. Happs, were is this woman's ring?"

Magnitofera Skeller |

"We have your confession about stealing the ring, then. I think we can conclude you are guilty. I am not glad, but I fear law must be uphold. Any objections?"

Talia Khavortorov |

"You'll hear none from me. Sorry, Happs. Guess you won't be around to see me bring Kressle in."

Magnitofera Skeller |

If no one is against it, Magna will organize the execution, together with Kesten's men, in the most "humane" way possible (neck breaking).
She will try to "look the other way" about the other bandit. So what's next? Bandit hunting?

Naralesh |

Perhaps a short rest is in order to allow the wizard to recover first. :P
In the other room, the snowy-white fox has taken up a seemingly permanent residence on top of the unconscious wizard. She sniffs curiously at the bandages on his face, and eyes the comings and goings of the former bandit with what can only be animalistic suspicion, but it's clear she's capable of understanding that he is helping her master. She moves out of the way when he tends to the bandages, though the fur on the back of her neck stands on end as she watches his every move.

Gavriil |

Gavriil forced his lips into a thin line when the others finally agreed to execute the bandits. He wasn't bloodthirsty for their heads on a stake like Oleg, but he was glad the others didn't choose to look the other way. If he'd ever been caught even guarding smuggled cargo he'd have been met with a similar fate, and was slightly appalled that the holy dwarf had even thought of sparing them. If they had surrendered in the first place, or even hadn't killed so many of their allies, Gavriil may have been able to look the other way. The line had been crossed, though.
He grabbed Nat by the shirt collar and led him next to Haps, where he collected the head bandit in a similar manner and ushered them out the front door. He turned to Haps and said with a grin on his face, "Yeah, yeah, make sure to keep a fire burning for me." Not exactly the best timing he'd ever had but he couldn't control his wit sometimes.
He placed the two on their knees and waited for Magnitofera, Kesten, and his men to come out. He took a step back away from them to allow them to take care of the rest.

Gavriil |

yeah I was in the doorway with them, mags. We agreed on execution. So Gavriil is just brining him along since he did mention him in his speech and no one opposed him. The man isn't dead yet, so you can still save him.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Having heard the verdict Dregan will go to his horse get his spade and go out behind the trading post and start digging some graves.
Sorry for low interaction currently, will be better once this part is dealt with.

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna stands if front of Nat
"Were you a bandit? Did you kill somebody? Do you deserve to die for your crimes?"
While she speak harshly and bluntly, she looks at him directly and with her hand on his arm, holding him gently but firmly.
"Don't lie. Trust me and tell us the truth."

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia turns to Kesten, and really looks at the man for the fist time, taking in the account of his character. Seems to be a decent enough type, certainly not very imaginative, but good at what he does, I'm sure.
"Kesten, good sir, what may I ask is your title? What are your plans now that the bandits shaking down the Levetons are caught?"

Old Guy GM |

Happs says nothing, staring straight ahead.
Nat begins to sob. "I done said I was sorry Miss didn't I? Didn't I help with yer elf friend there? They were gonna kill me they were! I had nothing left! Nothing I tell ye!"
Kesten doesn't look at Talia. He is busy watching Gavriil and Nat's interaction. "Sergeant Kesten Garess, Miss. I am placed at your disposal by the Lords of Restov. Myself and my men are to support your efforts here." He looks around at her, his face a mask of seriousness.
"And I would start with this advice: Killing is easy. It is the path of Mercy that is the hard road. Happs has made his decision, he spits on your authority and that of the Swordlords. Mayhap he hopes for a rescue or an escape. Even now he observes and waits for an opening." He pauses for a moment. "The other, Nat, he seems to be truly repentant. Many men are forced to desperate acts in order to survive." He looks away at Gavriil as he continues with Talia. "Isn't that the very reason some of you are here? I can think of few things more desperate than taking a post in this gods-forsaken land."
"In either case, I will follow your orders. What is your decision?"

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia sighs, rubbing her temples. I'd much rather not deal with these matters of justice. Magna seems to have a mind for it though.
"We need to head south and find these bandits, as soon as our friend is back from his near-death. I cannot risk bringing a wolf on a chain into the wolves' den - we've lost too many already."
"If you are at our service, perhaps you should stay here and protect Oleg's from reprisals from Kessle and her ilk? If we were to remand Nat to your custody, could you and your men watch him while we are gone, and make sure he pays his debts to Oleg and Svetlana? If he is repentant, then he should have the opportunity to make good on his errors, but I'll trust him more under armed guard."
Turning to Magna and Gavriil, Talia addresses them both in turn. "Magna, would that be agreeable to you? Do you feel Nat is repentant enough to spare his life?"
"Gavriil, you make a sound case for Nat's death. If Kesten agrees to it, would you feel comfortable leaving him in Kesten's custody, if we're to head south for the rest of the bandits?"

Magnitofera Skeller |

"Compassion is the hardest part of justice. I trust in Nat, and I am willing to trust him with my word, and even my life. Nat, would you trust me too? I will vouch for you, and ask them to spare you, but in return I will ask you to repent from your ways, live straight from now on, without lies, evil or violence, and obey our every command, until the day we saw fit to release you from your bond. Will you trust me?"

Gavriil |

Gavriil watches Nat and Magni talk back and forth. Him blubbering about being sorry. Her trying so hard to make a case for him. It reminded him of a boy not much younger than himself that he had done a job with. It was the boy's first time on the job. Gavriil couldn't remember why the boy had actually taken the job, something about a sister to feed. He remembered how nervous the boy had been, always thinking the guards were going to show up. In truth, Gavriil probably should have listened to the boy's intuition. The guards showed up and Gavriil slipped away, leaving the boy behind to be caught red-handed. The next day, Gavriil watched the boy dangle at the end of a rope in the square after pleading for his life right up until the rope pulled the life out of him.
He turned to Talia, "Aye, that'll do. We'll leave him in the hands of the guards." He turned to walk back where Dregan was working after grabbing a shovel from Oleg's shack. "It looks like you can use a hand," he said as he started to dig a hole next to the one the ranger was already digging. "Thank you... By the way. I'm not sure if Kesten and I could have stopped them by ourselves. You and Magna showing up when you did really saved all of us."

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan looks at at Gavriil and nods as he arrives "Aye, thanks. It's just good timing. Can I ask wha' 'appened? I mean t' tha noblewoman an' tha elf. There seems a lot wha' people don't wan' t' talk about"

Gavriil |

Gavriil nods to Dregan, "Aye, I guess there's good reason for that. The job turned out to be a little more than we signed on for. At least for me it is. It seems to have become less about charting these areas and more about policing them." He lets out a sigh as he thinks about where to begin. "Biggest problem is we're all strangers. We showed up at Oleg's to rest and get ready to start mapping out the Stolen lands, but we found out they needed help with bandits. We all agreed that something needed to be done about it, but that was pretty much all we agreed on. We had a knight with us who said honor was the only way to go, and the noblewoman agreed. The wizard and I didn't think we'd be met with honor so we wanted a sort of back up plan. So we laid a little trap. Box in the bandits, make them see their surrounded. Maybe even get them to surrender right off the bat," he paused to wipe the sweat off his brow and to try and recollect what exactly happened next. It was all still a bit of a blur to him, but he continued the best he could: "Before we could do anything, though, they were on us. They caught the knight on fire and shot the Narlesh almost immediately. I couldn't see what happened to Talia, and didn't quite feel like trying my luck against five killers who'd just mopped the floor with my associates, so I ran for help.
"I ran into Kesten and more people coming to chart the area and we decided to try and rescue Talia. So we snuck in and were doing pretty well until Nat caught us. He skewered the man I was with and kept on coming at me, trying to kill me. Which he might have if you hadn't shown up." He paused again, making sure he had gotten the gist of the story out. Then he added, "I don't know if they did anything to Talia. She seems all right, but you can never be too sure."

Gavriil |

Gavriil stopped shoveling for a moment, stunned by Dregan's question. He hadn't even thought of that. "I'm sure they'd come looking looking for them." he went back to shoveling and continued with, "But I think we may have some time before that happens. From what the Levetons said, these guys have let their guard down. The others might not worrying for a few days after they were expected back."

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan continues to dig while he talks "I can probably tell tha route they an' all took, we could set up an ambush fer when they come fer us, or dis place used t' be a fort, we could just make dis place mawer secure. If they can't get in I could pick 'em off easy from tha wall wiv me bow."

Gavriil |

Gavriil nods, "Aye, that sounds good. Better to hitt'em before they get here, though. They might expect a fight when they get here, but I doubt they'd expect to get jumped either at their own hideout or on the way. They probably view this as their country. They won't be expecting someone to hit them in their own country."

Old Guy GM |

Nat looks at Magna with tears in his eyes. "You won't regret it, Miss. I swear."
Happs looks at him with disgust. "Yer gonna burn wit the rest of 'em, Nat, when Kressel comes. Ya know that."
"Mebbe Happs." Nat says. "An' mebbe not. These folks 'ave given me somethin' to work to. More then you'n Kressel ever did."
Releasing Nat? Happs gets the sword? The rope? What's next?
Oleg grumbles about setting Nat loose, but goes quiet after a word from Svetlana. He obviously doesn't like it, from the look on his face.

Talia Khavortorov |

"The sword then, for you Happs." Taking one of the bandits' short swords, Talia hands it to Magna, giving the woman a nod. "Magna, you speak much of justice. Is this something you would like to do? If not... I'll do it." But I'd really prefer not to.
Regardless of who does it, once Happs is executed...
Grabbing Nat, Talia turns him so that the bandit faces the corpse of his leader, holding him in place to gaze upon the lifeless body. "Your atonement begins now, Nat. It is time you prove your intentions. Tell us everything about your camp. How many are there of you? What is the layout of your camp? How is the watch rotation set? How many are on watch at any one time? Any tripwires or traps we need to know about?"
"If your information is true, then you will have earned a little of our trust. If it is not... then the rope isn't as pleasant a way to go."

Old Guy GM |

Happs dies as he lived his life, violently.
Nat shakes as he speaks, his eyes never leaving Happs' body as Kesten's men drag him away.
"Well M-Miss. There weren't n-never more than twelve of us at any t-time, ya know. Kressel, Happs, an' the rest of us. Four came here s-so that would leave Kressel an' seven others." He swallows hard. "That Kressel is a mean one, but not much for leadin' other than bullyin', ya know? Th' camp is at Thorn Ford, twenty or so miles southwest of here. Th' camp is s-set 'round a ford in the river, an' usually two are on watch. They sit up in platforms in the t-trees."
He pauses to take a deep breath. "Listen Miss, I don' wanna sound disrespectful or nuthin' but Happs did have a point. I don' think ya'll are up for takin' down that camp. At least not yet. Groups could be gone fer a week or more at a time, an' no one thought nuthin' of it, so I don' think they'll be worried. Anyhow, Kressel used time Happs was away ta tumble some of the other lads, if ya know what I mean. She ain't in no hurry."

Old Guy GM |

Kesten nods, and one of his men steps up to lead Nat away. When the man is gone, the guard sergeant speaks. "Miss Talia. I think this man is right. Now is not the time. Understanding the lay of the land in the immediate vicinity may be prudent. Your man here," he nods at Dregan, "has a point, but he should not go alone. Myself and my men can hold the trading post while you take your group and scout our immediate surrounds. Eight bandits cannot take an armed and ready fort."
At this point Asha, wrapped in heavy bandages, steps out from the doorway. Her eyes are bleary from her efforts with the elf wizard. "He will live. The blessings of Erastil have seen to it. He may even be ready to move in two days. He will be awake on the morrow. (HINT, HINT) For myself, I will help you see this bandit issue to it's end. I will go."
Kesten nods at the cleric's words. "To rest then. I will see to the post until morning."

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia nods curtly and flushes, apparent to any onlooker that she is not accustomed to being disagreed with. Soon enough though, a smile graces her face, and she lays a hand on Kesten's shoulder. "Thank you, sergeant. We certainly appreciate your council, and your assistance in protecting Oleg and Svetlana from further reprisals. I would hate for anything more to happen to this fine couple."
Walking to the shortsword that ended the brigand leader's life, Talia picks it up and cleans Happs's blood from the blade, wiping it on the bandit's cloak. Removing Happ's scabbard, Talia places the sword in it. "I'd like to keep this shortsword, if that is OK with everyone. It will remind me of the lessons learned today. I suppose we've got some other equipment as well, by might and right. Oleg, anything that we don't want, can we trade to you?"
Suddenly weary, the adrenaline of the evening leaving her body, the noblewoman sighs, and raising her hand to her head rubs her temples. "It is early and we're all tired. Good night all."

Magnitofera Skeller |

With a somber mood Magna executes the bandit. After the deed she proclaims.
"Torag teaches us that by hammering away the impurities we can make the metal be useful. Today we start hammering in these lands, and with Torag's help, we will make this lands safer and prosperous."
She takes Happs head and mount it on the fort's walls.
"From now on everyone will know these lands are no longer free for bandits to attack the innocent. From now on these lands are under our protection!"
She then goes to talk with Kesten, and tries to learn everything about he and his men, as well as getting them to know her.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Aid another will be thanked for
for the next days she will try to get to know everybody, and start the repairs on the fort.
"This place is our house now, and we need it to be the best shape possible."
She will enlist Kesten and his guards help, as well as the Leventon's. Are the big weapons "fixable"?

Dregan Hirscherz |

"I suspect no one well 'ave a problem wiv you keepin' tha sword 'owever we 'ave others t' fnk about as well. These bandits an' allk a lot from tha Levetons I fnk its only fair what they get first pick of their stuff. Then there's tha two other charter bearers that died, their family should ge' sum as well. 'Nd what doesn't mun'ion anyone else effected by tha bandits." Dregan says to Talia.
Then to everyone "I'd prefer t' deal wiv tha bandits sooner van later but takin' on eight at once would be foolish. I should be able t' watch tha camp an' when some leave t' do their banditin' we ambush each group separately. "
"If you really just wan' t' explawer Bargs an' myself'll be fine but anyone who wan'ed t' keep us company would be welcome."

Gavriil |

Gavriil finishes up the hole and nods to Dregan, "We can dig the last one in the morning. Then maybe we can have Asha say a few words. I've never been a religious enough man to know what to say."
He walks back over to the group just as Kesten is giving them his two copper. He adds to the man, "And, well, it's not our job, really. We're here to map these lands out. And," he turns to Kesten, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the bandits are your job. Yes, it says we're supposed to deal with bandits if we come across them, but our first job is mapping this place out."
He turns to Talia and, with a weary (yet still charming) smile, says, "That seems fair, you had the hardest job today, Miss. I think you should have your pick. The rest of us will sort out the rest in the morning. Right now, I'm going to head to bed. A face like this needs it's sleep." He gives them all one more lop-sided grin and heads to bed.

Talia Khavortorov |

The noblewoman stares at Dregan, watching his lips move, trying to figure out the woodsman's inscrutable brogue. I think he just gave his blessing to taking the shortsword? "Thank you, Dregan. I'll not ask for much beyond my fair share, but I think I've earned this sword this evening. And I'd be happy to assist you with some scouting, though I must admit I'm no woodsman. Perhaps tomorrow we can scout the lands around Oleg's place while the guards work to fortify the gate?"
Turning to Gavriil, Talia gives him her best noblewoman's curtsy. "Gavriil, I think it is no exaggeration to say that I owe you my life. Thank you for getting Kesten and the guards and coming back. My House remembers their debts." A Khavortorov always pays her debts!
As Talia leaves the room to sleep, she stops and talks with a Magna and Kesten. "It was a good thing that you did, Magna, to end that bandit's life mercifully. I may not have been so nice. And Kesten, I think I can speak for Magna and the rest of us when I say that we are thankful for your assistance. We will bring order to these lands - no longer will Brevoy's southern citizens have to fear the lawlessness pervading this area inflict any harm on them."
Aid Magna diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Old Guy GM |

Dawn rises on a fine day. 5 Pharast 4707, the 'Day of Bones' for Pharasmites. Appropriate I suppose, for the task at hand. Lay the fallen to rest, to travel their last road.
You don't get much from Kesten, other than he is here by the order of the Swordlords to assist you in your endeavors.
By morning, Kesten and his men have set up their tents just south of the stable, in the shadow of the palisade.
The Leveton's are up early, Svetlana readying breakfast while Oleg does a check of the grounds and buildings. After all have eaten, Svetlana approaches Talia and Magna when they are alone.

Old Guy GM |

Oleg crosses paths with Gavriil and Dregan while they are outside finishing the last of the graves. The sound of tools working on the gate can be heard from the post as he approaches.
He starts to walk away, before he turns back. "Err, don't tell Svetlana, ok?"

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan Hirscherz wrote:Whoa there, cowboy...The next morning:
After everyone has eaten breakfast Dregan asks "Anyone feel like sayin' a few words fer tha dead bandits befawer we bury 'em?"
Just trying to keep things moving, sorry. Please ignore my post

Old Guy GM |

Old Guy GM wrote:Just trying to keep things moving, Ignore my postDregan Hirscherz wrote:Whoa there, cowboy...The next morning:
After everyone has eaten breakfast Dregan asks "Anyone feel like sayin' a few words fer tha dead bandits befawer we bury 'em?"
I know, just messin' with you. I appreciate it when players do that.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia cocks and eyebrow and looks at Svetlana, somewhat bemused. 250 gold for radishes? Is 'radish' some slang I should know about? "That's a lot of gold for some vegetables, Svetlana. If the patch is just south, I'm sure we can look for it when we scout the area. I assume these moon radishes will make themselves apparent easily enough? Do they have any easily identifiable characteristics? Any, um... unusual effects when eaten?"
After the holes are dug, Talia steps forward at Dregan's request. "I don't have much to say about the bandits, other than that Happs spared my life, and for that I am grateful, even if it meant that I had a hand in ending his. I would like to say something about Godwin. He was a good man, filled with notions about honor and justice, notions that I was raised to believe in as well. He and I came up with the idea to offer these bandits surrender, and he paid for it with his life." At this point, Talia turns to Naralesh, just up and around from his near death experience. "And Naralesh paid for it as well. I assure you, sir, that I've disavowed any ideas of honor in dealing with the remainders of this bandit group. We will hit them hard, and gods willing, when they don't expect it, and we will avenge Godwin, and the two that Gavriil brought back on the rescue, and the good wizard Naralesh's eye."
nobility check on Kesten: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
nobility reroll with heraldic expertise: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Magnitofera Skeller |

To Svetlana Magna answer that she will bring some radishes, if she find them.
"As payment we will only ask for some soup." - she says smiling.
To Dregan she answers.
"I could only say that I hope their dead helps us in our mission, by showing the other bandits their time here is over. I do not enjoy executing criminals, but I won't refrain from hitting them until they came into shape, even it that means separating them from their heads when the law demands it."
She also goes to check on Naralesh.
"How are you feeling? Can I do something for you? How is your fox called?"

Talia Khavortorov |

Giving a sideways glance to Magna, Talia puts her hand on the dwarf's shoulder and says, "What Magna means to say, I'm sure, is that she would be happy to accept soup as her share of the payment. Me, well, I'm terribly embarrassed to say this, but I had to leave Restov on short notice, and wasn't able to bring much money with me. I'm pretty broke, actually, and would love an equal share of the gold promised, if I - or we - can find you some radishes. Of course, any gold that you pay will most likely find its way back into your home. I will need to pay for a room, board, and supplies, and you're the only game around. Which kind of begs the question - other than bandits, who visits this place?"

Naralesh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The elf and his fox tread softly through the misty woods, the trees around them gently swaying in the breeze. It is peaceful here, and up ahead, Naralesh can see a gateway... a passage through the trees which will lead him beyond these woods to a different place. Suddenly, however, the aged fox beside him stops and sits down abruptly. Naralesh turns. "Nora?" he asks, confused. He walks over and sinks to the ground beside her, laying a hand on her soft fur. Gazing into her eyes, everything begins to become clear. "Oh... I understand. These woods aren't the place for me yet." He looks wistfully behind him, through the corridor of trees. A sad smile crosses his lips. "Rebeccah will understand." As the image of the trees begins to fade away, he embraces the fox before him as light floods into his world.
The brightening light coalesces into a dimly-lit room. A throbbing pain joins other sensations as the elf winces, moving stiffly as he attempts to move. He's barely twitched before an excited white blur pounces on him, however, the tiny fox familiar licking his face frantically, relief and happiness obvious in her manner. Her excited yips quickly draw the attention of those near his room. He manages to sit up, one hand already stroking the fox's coat, and grunts in pain from the movement. Glancing about, his vision blurry, he realizes something is wrong, reaching up towards his right eye, his fingers finding the bandages there. He grits his teeth as he begins to realize what happened. As memories of the ambush fly back to him, he looks about. Too bleary-eyed to recognize Nat's face, his gaze falls upon the sigil of Erastil clutched by the weary cleric, and he realizes he must be out of danger, at least for the moment. Old Deadeye was never one to favor banditry, he thinks.
His voice cracks as he attempts to speak. "W-what has happened?" He looks towards the door. "Are the others safe?" He looks to Asha. "Where are we?" With his hand on the fox's back, it's clear which 'we' he refers to.