
Barod Brighthammer's page

3 posts. Alias of Jeff Przybylo.


"Aye. But we could use the money...and the supplies, lad."

Barod stomps into the council chamber, heavy boots 'gathumping' on the marble floor.

"'Ere's the bloody problem." He growls to no one and everyone. "That lizard fergot ta carry the two!" Then without looking up, he turns and goes back to his little office.

I was freaking out, because my search for 'Brighthammer' only brought up one post! Then I realized I was searching in the wrong thread...Let's move this along, shall we?

10 Abadius 4708

The wagon carrying your new Treasurer arrived moments ago. The guard who brought you the news had barely the time to shut door when Barod stomps in, pushing it open roughly.

"Now then! Lemme see th' books, eh? And bring me an ale while yer at it? That's a good lad! Oh...g'day ta you, Milady." He says with a short bow.

"Where do we start?"