Mello of Blades |

So, three bastards and an elf walk into the woods...
This thread is completely for OoC discussion. Feel free to acquaint yourselves with each other, chat, ask questions, and make plans all you wish in here. Any OoC in the gameplay thread should be limited to remarks and clarifications regarding your post and rolls.
Please PM me with your gmail account so that I can give you permissions for files. You will need to make one if you don't have one already.

Naralesh |

Hello, everyone! I'm very excited to be working with each of you. I liked all of your applications, and I'm glad we were the ones selected.
...Did you all actually pick the Bastard trait? I hadn't caught that on the first read-through.

Talia Khavortorov |

Hello! Nice to meet you all - I'm excited for this campaign.
I did indeed also choose the bastard trait. However, I can choose a noble trait instead and just drop the bastard trait. My backstory is easily editable. Instead of being a bastard, a member of an upstart noble house and a provocateur playwright, Talia could just be a member of an upstart noble house and a provocateur playwright.
Mello of Blades, would it be OK with you to make those minor edits to backstory and one trait?
Also, I forgot to add a scorpion whip to my inventory before my submission. Would it be OK to make that change as well?
I enjoyed everyone's submissions - this should be a fun game!

Mello of Blades |

Yes, you're all welcome to make any changes you deem necessary as long as they're hammered out before you make your first post.
I was aware that three of you had chosen the bastard trait when I selected you, so no worries. It's such a strong trait, it's hard not to want to pick it as a human, and it's very flavorful too. If you wish to change it up, you're welcome to. I wasn't too worried about it since each of you had a different spin to it.
At the top of this page right above "Campaign Info" you should see a link that says "Tracking Sheet". You'll see a page for your character in that spreadsheet. You all should be able to edit it after logging into your gmail accounts. If not, let me know. If you have any questions about how to use this sheet, let me know. The left side is your inventory, the right side is the sum of all your gains and expenses.

Gavriil |

Yes, you're all welcome to make any changes you deem necessary as long as they're hammered out before you make your first post.
So I can completely reconstruct my character from the ground up? XD
I got my sheet updated and I'm ready to roll into the stolen lands!
Also, You had a difficult job narrowing us down to us. I read through each other recipient and there were some really good applications in there. I was biting at the bits to see if I got picked with all the awesome submissions. I don't think I could have picked if I were you! XD
I'm glad we're the ones that got picked. You guys all had awesome submissions!

Talia Khavortorov |

Also, You had a difficult job narrowing us down to us. I read through each other recipient and there were some really good applications in there. I was biting at the bits to see if I got picked with all the awesome submissions. I don't think I could have picked if I were you! XD
I agree - there were a lot of really strong submissions to this game. I'm glad I got picked, as I really enjoyed creating this character and I think she'll be a lot of fun to play, but I was pretty prepared for disappointment.
I was aware that three of you had chosen the bastard trait when I selected you, so no worries. It's such a strong trait, it's hard not to want to pick it as a human, and it's very flavorful too. If you wish to change it up, you're welcome to. I wasn't too worried about it since each of you had a different spin to it.
It is a great trait, especially for low-wisdom characters like Talia that can't afford a feat slot for iron will until like level 9 :) I'll make the change or not tonight so as not to hold anyone up.
@Mello of Blades - question about the scorpion whip. In UC it is just listed as a performance weapon. However, the OGC SRD has it listed essentially as a whip (disarm, reach, trip as well) that does lethal damage, with the note that whip proficiency allows the user to use the scorpion whip as a whip. However, I couldn't find anything in the PRD that states this is the case. I was just curious as to how you'd rule on it? Lethal-damage whip or just a whip-like weapon used for performance but without the reach, disarm and trip qualities?

Mello of Blades |

Ah, the infamous Scorpion Whip. Here's what I've found.
A scorpion whip uses the same rules as the whip in the PFRPG Core Rulebook, except (1) it deals lethal damage, even to creatures with armor bonuses, and (2) the stats in the table.
The only thing left to question under that clarification is whether or not the Scorpion Whip works with Whip-specific feats. Since it's intended to work under EWP (Whip), I'd imagine yes. So, yes, it's literally a whip that's better in every way; as long as you're proficient with whips.
The reason for the differences between the PRD and OGC SRD is that there are three printings of the Scorpion Whip. All three of them are different, all three of them are just as vague, and none of them have been designated as the "official" version.
Yes, it was certainly difficult to choose, especially limiting myself to only 4. I'd have loved to take 5, but that would mean rebalances and a slower game. I'm confident in my decisions, however.

Naralesh |

Naralesh, your Pioneer trait lets you begin play with a horse. Will you be doing so? I didn't see you mention anything about your potential horse anywhere, so I'm unsure as to whether you want it or not.
Yes, I will be starting with a horse, the only animal he didn't sell from his farm. I included saddlebags, a saddle, and feed for the horse in my inventory, but I hadn't picked a name for the horse yet so I didn't include it in the write-up. I assume that would be a non-combat trained Light Horse?

Naralesh |

Alright, I got Naralesh's info up in the sheet. I decided to put down the individual price of each item in the left section for reference, even for the items I got for free or as part of my Wizard's Kit.
Are we going to be tracking encumbrance, feed, and rations strictly? I would actually be entirely into that for this particular campaign, since logistics and organization seem to be the order of business rather than pure flash and action scenes.

Naralesh |

Also, can I begin with additional 0-level spells scribed into my spellbook if I pay the scribing cost? As a specialist, I don't start with any cantrips from my opposition schools, and I'd at least like to pick up dancing lights.

Mello of Blades |

Yes, these things will need to be kept in mind. I'm leaving it to you guys to keep track of your encumbrance, but I will be checking on it occasionally to make sure it's right. Most of you have an animal capable of hauling most of your goods, so I don't imagine this will be too much of a problem. The only things you shouldn't track weight for are your clothes and gold.
As far as feed/rations, here is how it will go. If you're out exploring, you'll need to expend one feed/ration per day per animal/person or forage using survival. If you run out, best hope you can find food before you and your animals starve to death. If you are in a civilize area, you may either continue to expend a ration each day or you may use the Meal Rules from the Core Rulebook. Of course, if you're provided meals for free for some reason, you won't have to worry about that.
Edit: Yes, as long as you pay the cost for them, you may add spells to your book. Also make sure you track how many pages you're using.

Naralesh |

What is your stance on refluffing feats? I'm interested in taking the Acadamae Graduate feat (either now, or at higher levels) to represent Naralesh being able to "rush" a summoning spell at the risk of exhausting himself from the strain, but I don't plan on him having studied at the Acadamae in his backstory.
Would you be opposed to that?

Naralesh |

Cool. Is the idea I had for Acadamae Graduate okay with you? I imagine that it would be a technique Naralesh would discover out of desperation the first time he uses the feat, frantically chanting the convoluted spell more quickly for fear of being interrupted by an enemy mid-cast. Performing the difficult incantation in this way puts a strain on his body, though, and can quickly leave him drained of energy and too exhausted to exert himself until he's able to rest and recover.
I think I'm going to take it at first level in lieu of Improved Initiative since it seems like a much more interesting option.

Talia Khavortorov |

So, yes, it's literally a whip that's better in every way; as long as you're proficient with whips.
Sweet! Thanks for the clarification! I am going to drop the longsword and add a scorpion whip then.
I also can't wrap my head around the idea of a noblewoman traveling without a horse, so I'm having to ditch the bard's kit and disguise kit and go a la carte for some stuff to make room for a riding horse, bit and bridle, saddle, saddlebags and feed. Kitting out a horse is expensive!
I've got the spreadsheet and the character sheet updated to reflect Talia's current equipment. Don't think I'm going to change out the trait or anything else, so I should be good to go!

Naralesh |

Excellent. Naralesh has been updated with his new feat and opposition school selection (he has a knack for conjuration, but he struggles to control the chaotic energies of evocation, and finds necromancy distasteful). His mare is named Susan.
Kitting out a horse is expensive!
That was one of the big reasons I wanted the Pioneer trait. I considered Noble Born (having his wife be part of one of the families), but Pioneer fit a little better and the horse is a beautiful benefit.

Talia Khavortorov |

Oh, and I just saw you gave me a nice donkey token, Mello of Blades. I'm sorry to make you do the extra work!

Naralesh |

Just had a thought, is it alright if I pick regional languages for my bonus languages known? I don't have any reason for Naralesh to know "Orc" and "Goblin," and it makes much more sense for him to know the local languages of his new home.

Talia Khavortorov |

That was one of the big reasons I wanted the Pioneer trait. I considered Noble Born (having his wife be part of one of the families), but Pioneer fit a little better and the horse is a beautiful benefit.
Pioneer is the perfect trait for your backstory, which I loved, by the way. Being a fan of drama and romances, if Talia ever hears your story, she'll probably swoon (and then go about adapting it to the stage).
I thought about the trait that gives 900gp (can't remember the name off the top of my head) at game start to kit Talia out as a noblewoman should be, but decided instead that her departure was a bit rushed and unplanned. Why, she even forgot changes of clothes, jewelry, her mirror and disguise kit stage makeup kit!

Naralesh |

Pioneer is the perfect trait for your backstory, which I loved, by the way. Being a fan of drama and romances, if Talia ever hears your story, she'll probably swoon (and then go about adapting it to the stage).
Thank you! Writing him made me feel sorry for him. I've got a soft spot for characters who have endured pain, and I gave Naralesh the adorable fox familiar reunion because I felt sorry for him! He deserves some comfort.
He doesn't share his emotions often with others, so he'll put up a happy and friendly facade. Being around other humans is good for him though - sixty years did nothing to dull his fascination with the quick-moving younger race, and it is likely to help him greatly in his recovery.
I thought about the trait that gives 900gp (can't remember the name off the top of my head) at game start to kit Talia out as a noblewoman should be, but decided instead that her departure was a bit rushed and unplanned. Why, she even forgot changes of clothes, jewelry, her mirror anddisguise kitstage makeup kit!
I believe it is simply called "Rich Parents," which is admittedly pretty perfect for Talia.

Talia Khavortorov |

Naralesh's opinion on a possible civil war is, for reference, "Somewhere very far away from me would be nice, thanks."
Ha! I think that is a perfectly reasonable opinion on a civil war. Talia, being young, romantic, and full of notions of honor and duty, would probably be right in the middle of it, until the reality of it set in, at least.

Godwin Artifice |

I'm still kind of working out Godwin. He's probably going to need just the right moment to really bring out his character. The root of his concept is a "medieval ronin" (which is why I specifically made the reference), which is quite a bit like a knight errant as Gavriil suggested, but still kind of different. Combined with his youth, poverty, and need to overcome his origins, he's got a forward but complicated driving force.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia's turning out a lot more self-involved and cheerful than I had originally pictured her. It is always interesting where characters go when you put them on the page. It usually takes me a little bit to get everything figured out as well.

Talia Khavortorov |

How do you all want to handle the bandits? Let them come on in and jump them. Give them a chance to surrender and/or change their ways?
Talia would probably want to talk to them and offer then terms of surrender before any combat starts.

Naralesh |

Naralesh would rather ambush them, and if it comes to discussion (which we could handwave away for the sake of time), he will point out a flaw with any plan involving surrendered bandits. If the penalty for banditry is death, and we have no other way of imprisoning them... what do we do with a repentant bandit? Set them free to return to their camp, so they come back with an army like the first time they visited?
I've no desire to face a dozen heavily-armed thugs all at once.
On the flipside, Naralesh has never been in a true fight - decades of dueling practice and formal, ceremonial combat, but he's never honestly drawn blood, even in his more than a century of life. I actually have no idea how he'll react the first time he's required to take a life.

Godwin Artifice |

Godwin would wish to confront them upfront. If words come to blows, then so be it, but it is entirely against his nature (and by extension, his Cavalier Order) to perform such an ambush himself, even against bandits. He isn't opposed to delivering their penalty for banditry, however, as it is the law for their misdeeds. Lawful Good doesn't ncessarily mean Lawful Nice, after all. I could see a setup working where Godwin and Talia confront the bandits themselves to try and talk to them, and if push comes to shove, Gavriil and Naralesh will conveniently step in from an unseen location to assist. This gives us the chance of handling matters peacefully (though I doubt it will work) and still allows a semi-ambush. from the more ambush-inclined characters.

Gavriil |

Sorry about no post yesterday, guys. Time got away from me.
Gavriil's official stance on the bandits is: NOT OUR PROBLEM!
That being said, he knows the others aren't going to let that slide. He'd be a little more comfortable getting them into a position where they have no choice to surrender.

Talia Khavortorov |

I could see a setup working where Godwin and Talia confront the bandits themselves to try and talk to them, and if push comes to shove, Gavriil and Naralesh will conveniently step in from an unseen location to assist. This gives us the chance of handling matters peacefully (though I doubt it will work) and still allows a semi-ambush. from the more ambush-inclined characters.
I like this idea. I doubt they bite, but Talia would like to offer them the chance to surrender and work off their debts to Oleg and Svetlana. When they say no, then we kick their arses ;) Would that be OK with you, Naralesh?
Since we know there are what - 12? - of these guys total, should we try to take at least one alive to take us to their home?
He'd be a little more comfortable getting them into a position where they have no choice to surrender.
I'm not quite understanding - are you saying that you want to get them into a situation where they have to surrender, or where they won't even think about surrendering and will fight to the death?

Talia Khavortorov |

Naralesh would like to summon something to ambush, while perched somewhere either concealed, or with cover, for archery support.
Perhaps on top of the building to the inside right of the gate? The one with the beds in it? That could give you a good spot to drop a summons and snipe. I imagine that Oleg and Svetlana have a ladder that we can borrow to get you up there.
Oops, meant to say no choice BUT to surrender. Yeah he'd rather not fight if it's not necessary.
Aha! I agree.