cuatroespada |

@Diceros in case you didn't know, you can leave slots empty and take 15 minutes or so to fill them later. this allows you to pick combat spells at the start of the day and pick up utility as you need it.
Spell Selection and Preparation: A divine spellcaster selects and prepares spells ahead of time through prayer and meditation at a particular time of day. The time required to prepare spells is the same as it is for a wizard (1 hour), as is the requirement for a relatively peaceful environment. When preparing spells for the day, a cleric can leave some of her spell slots open. Later during that day, she can repeat the preparation process as often as she likes. During these extra sessions of preparation, she can fill these unused spell slots. She cannot, however, abandon a previously prepared spell to replace it with another one or fill a slot that is empty because she has cast a spell in the meantime. Like the first session of the day, this preparation takes at least 15 minutes, and it takes longer if she prepares more than one-quarter of his spells.
this is the divine entry. there isn't a separate one for druids.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Plan of attack:
1) Cast enlarge person on Ike. (Because he still technically counts as humanoid, I think)
2) Storage just bursts with a flood of gray slime.
3) Bandits wet their armor and run
4) All bandits leave the Stolen Lands for fear of the wave of gray goo that might slowly consume the land
5) ???
6) Profit

Arlen Graytale |

6) Profit. Always a key part of any good plan.
I can prep two enlarge persons if Ike would also enjoy being enlarged. :) Three if Sigurd likes the idea too. The biggest obstacle is having somewhere for a large creature to hide with full cover before popping out to say hello. At level 1, the duration of the buff is only 1 min and the casting time is a full round. That's why I was thinking of just casting on one person who can charge out the barn door. But if Ike and Brokk'r both hide inside the barn, I can enlarge one then the other then send them out with a good 8 rounds or so of enlarge left. I figure I should probably have at least one CLW prepped, just in case.

Arlen Graytale |

The barn door looks like it's intended to accommodate large creatures (e.g. horses) so I don't think being large would be a problem. That's why I picked the barn.

Arlen Graytale |

Arlen's positioned himself to be ready to throw the door open for you, which you can see in character. Anyhow, I don't think you could charge anyway since we only get a move action or a standard action in the surprise round. Charge is a full round action.

Arlen Graytale |

Oh gotcha. I actually never noticed that. Thanks! Then Arlen throwing the door open should work fine, right? I assume he can open the door while standing out of the way or 5 ft stepping out of the way.
Edit: Haha you guys look awesome enlarged on the map. I do think only you or Ike will be able to charge. Not both.

Arlen Graytale |

Mine too! In honor of his knowledge, I nominate cuatro to take the standard action charge while Ike follows behind. Ike's greater move speed should allow him to follow up and get in position nicely anyhow.
Edit: Oh Ike also has a 20 ft move speed? Is that due to armor and how does that work if you're in ooze form? 30 ft speed in ooze form? I assume you're in ooze form right now in order to maximize profits?

Arlen Graytale |

Oops! I accidentally moved the entangle effect while moving my character around! Sorry! I think I put it back in the right place but please correct if I messed it up.
What's the issue, Rai? I thought you were supposed to attack first.

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the spell effect seems to be grabbed as a square shape even though it looks circular, so it will often in the move. If you need to move it out of the way, the top purple line should be right under Ike's current position and then one square to the right.

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i've been adding loot from the gameplay to our Kingmaker spreadsheet...not sure if we want to designate that or our profiles as the main place to upkeep inventory (both I guess). But, that spreadsheet will help us divide up stuff and and sell stuff together.
does anybody want any of that loot besides Rai's bow & arrows? we can sell the leather armors, short swords, and long bows. I can always put the potions in Pygmy's saddlepack.

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some questions:
1) so we should go ahead and just transfer items to gold on the spreadsheet, mustache? just make sure they are half price sales, and the total doesn't go above 500?
do the furs sell for 1/2 their value or is that a straight up "they are worth 50gp sold?"
2) GM, let's assume in game that I'll reroll survival tracking every mile, until we think we may be getting close to their hideout? if you want to bot it in a summary, fine with me.
3) how many miles can we cover typically in a day of normal conditions and speed?

GM Mustache |

1. Here is a good way to think of it. Anything you have to look up on an pathfinder table or PCGen is going to be 50% off the listed price. Any special find or trade good or gem or jewelery will sell for whatever we say it is in chat.
questions 2 and 3) Hold onto those til you read my next post, then ask if you want clarification. But for now, don't worry about going straight for the bandit hideout. You may want to explore a bit first.

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alright, from the armor, swords, wolf pelts, and long bows, we got 290 gold. add to that the 75 gp found on the bandits bodies, and I divided it 6 ways for 60 gp each, 10gp in the party pot. updated on the spreadsheet.

Arlen Graytale |

Thanks for tallying, Diceros!
GM: Would fortune and guidance be appropriate in the exploration context? I'm not thinking I'd do that for every roll. Just toss it on a friend every now and then to give someone a happy boost. "Ike is really good at perception right now."
Also, bought a dagger and 4 waterskins.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Hey guys!
I'm probably going to be pretty busy today with the family, so I might not be able to post anything until later tonight. Go ahead and move around me and I'll try to catch up as soon as possible.

GM Mustache |

Thanks for tallying, Diceros!
GM: Would fortune and guidance be appropriate in the exploration context? I'm not thinking I'd do that for every roll. Just toss it on a friend every now and then to give someone a happy boost. "Ike is really good at perception right now."
Also, bought a dagger and 4 waterskins.
I think this is a good use. I think you should use your hexes, on yourself is fine, on another is fine, I just want you to say you are doing it.

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just for clarity, Diceros and I aren't itching to go fight more bandits. It felt RP to be focused on the source of a future battle, especially since it would be logical that another group could be sent to Oleg's, and maybe it would be larger and meaner. So Diceros isn't against exploring this hex, he's just advocating to figure out the general direction the group would come from, and trying to stay in between that group and Oleg. I wouldn't think they'd be too far off.
anyway, Diceros will be happy to explore the plains tomorrow! But since I've made the rolls to find the tracks...can I find out which direction they were heading off?