Kawaii Rebirth

Game Master BastianQuinn

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Arcana Aeternum is a science fiction book about life on a space arc. I wrote it seven years ago. It also comes in paperback. I think I sold thirty copies.

Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

I know I have at least a couple social links with one of the 'wonder twins'
I will make a post when I get home today.

[Sheets] [Map]

Tracy: You have 3 Social Links with Aila, who failed an untrained Flow Action (worst of 2d6).
Chessa: You have 2 Social Links with Aina, who failed a Defy Action (1d6).

Here are the descriptions of the things you can spend Links on:

Recover Stress: Spend 1 link to recover 2 Stress. This can affect you or the linked character at your option.

Shrug off Harm: Spend a Link with someone to allow them to choose a single Harm tag and ignore that tag’s penalties as long as they are Transcended.

Helping: You may spend a Social Link with someone to Help them without spending Stress, or needing to be there. Even with Tracy and Chessa Helping, Aila could not pass their Flow Action. Chessa can spend a Social Link to Help Aina's Defy Action...

Lending strength: When someone rolls a 4/5 result on an Eclipse roll, you may spend one Link with them to prevent them from passing into Eclipse.

When you Help, you can roll the die you're granting the other player, just to speed things along in PbP

Especially since I can really only post in the evenings.

Will be posting in the Gameplay thread in just a moment.

Welp, so much for being Transcended and kicking butt. It was going to be so cool too with the drones behind Alruna teleporting to the mooks and blowing their malicious li'l heads off. Now I'm about to get the Twins munched for no gain.

Ok, I'm going to act as soon as I get a better grip of the situation (it's a bit hard with us being so split). Are those black figures on the floor enemies?

[Sheets] [Map]

The enemies are kingdom hearts heartless, they're all in the dungeon. The silhouettes are just bystanders. The most obvious entrance to the dungeon is the room at the top left. Right now, the questions to answer are: Do you enter the dungeon, how, and is there anything you need to do before then.

[Sheets] [Map]

I'm lost.

I'm not sure how to interpret all those dice. I may need to re-explain the situation and your options.

So, rolled two for Transcendent. Rolled another for help. Rolled again for the bargain that I completely forgot I wasn't able to accept with the help, not that it mattered since I still failed. Sorry about that.

So yeah, basically I rolled 3d6 and failed. Ignore that last roll because I was being a dummy.

Enigma [Expurress, Conceal, Purrcieve 2] M/T/K 1/1/1

I'd already rolled the 2d6 for the help (I am a transcendent person helping you and your transcendent power is that you're better at being helped by transcended people), as instructed above. :)


I just feel like an idiot now.

Okay, so Chessa rolled a 5 and a 6 for the help. which means that the two rolls I did in the my last post should be ignored if I've got this right.

basically just ignore my entire last post. I just goofed up something fierce.

[Sheets] [Map]

I think that means you did it?

What did we do to mitigate the effects of the two level 1 Harm? Was it trade position/effect and a Social Link?

Yeah, Alruna is leaving herself open for a counter from the big guys on the other team. I don't know if this would be moving to Risky to get the Standard effect or Desparate to get the Greater effect. I think the Social link was expended so Chessa could help Alruna/the Twins.

Enigma [Expurress, Conceal, Purrcieve 2] M/T/K 1/1/1

I spent one of the social links for 2 stress for you guys, and the other to help you ignore one of your level 1 harms, shaken i think.

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Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

Hey all, my personal life has kind of blown up in my face. I don't even feel up to going into detail beyond that.

Tracy has three social links with Aila. Bastian, will you please go ahead & apply those, either to reduce their stress or something else useful.

I'm not bowing out, but for the time being, consider Tracy will be focusing on getting the other 'mere mortals' to safety or something.

[Sheets] [Map]

Thank you for giving us an update, I'll let Tracy fade into the shadows and try to keep the twins safe. When you're ready, feel free to pop in whatever scene you feel confident acting in. Don't worry about where she was in between.

Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

BQ, Tracy should actually be with the group getting the non-combatants out of the threat zone. Is that the back door?

[Sheets] [Map]

Getting non-combatants out of the threat zone could be done from either door. The Erohin went in the front door, so it would make sense if Tracy wanted to work her way in from the back and help any surviving corporeal cultists.

[Sheets] [Map]

Thoughts? Questions?

Welp, that went south in a hurry.

Going to need to ponder what Alruna's going to do now.

[Sheets] [Map]

You have a moment to talk and observe. Get your bearings, figure out what just happened, and remember your mission is to recover the eggs. Everything else is gravy... As long as neither Erohin eclipses...

Yeah, but the twins don't know that. As far as they're concerned, this is just a big Charlie Foxtrot with monsters.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Ao's working with what happened, so "A Date with Suzu" is going swimmingly, but "Awaken Matagama" did not happen as thought. I had not thought about the Shadow Animation effect being a standing enchantment, so that's definitely a character error.

Though, I do appreciate the hints given in return. Those are definitely intriguing.

To confirm, my previous study of the Magatama would be enough to Transcend now? Or should I roll something?

[Sheets] [Map]
Me'mori wrote:

Ao's working with what happened, so "A Date with Suzu" is going swimmingly, but "Awaken Matagama" did not happen as thought. I had not thought about the Shadow Animation effect being a standing enchantment, so that's definitely a character error.

Though, I do appreciate the hints given in return. Those are definitely intriguing.

Someone quietly following Ao knows tons about how the magatama work. There's something to the information you alluded to, but the thing that's in the way of Ao's Transcendence is his own confidence in doing so. I think the Guardian has an undefined move we can write about using the matagama with yokai or erohin.

Salvia Maris wrote:
To confirm, my previous study of the Magatama would be enough to Transcend now? Or should I roll something?


You don't need to roll anything to transcend, but what do you want to do once Transcendent?

BastianQuinn wrote:
You don't need to roll anything to transcend, but what do you want to do once Transcendent?


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Enigma [Expurress, Conceal, Purrcieve 2] M/T/K 1/1/1

For those not following along from season 1, Tomoyo/Sakura was the twins spirit. Its 'owner' was a scared little girl, far too young to be a magical girl. When she made her first pact, she did so with tears, as she cried into her doll, and gave up her emotions in the process... but the doll gained them.

The character eventually died, creating a sort of crisis, as the Doll still had all of those feelings and had no idea what to do with them. She was used as a catspaw near the final act of the arc.

Their theming was strings/puppets, and their zodiac sign was Gemini. Their passive power was understanding the connections of others.

The song that still makes me think of the pair is Once by Bradley Caleb Kane.

[Sheets] [Map]

There is nothing on this earth more gratifying than a summary from a player.

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Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3
BastianQuinn wrote:
(snip)...I think the Guardian has an undefined move we can write about using the matagama with yokai or erohin.

First name that popped in my head is "Stronger Together", if it's an echo-augmentation sort of thing.

Or if we wanted to allude to The Matrix, "Improvisation Adaptation"

Though the blank one on the playbook says "a move about sincerity", so "Heart of the Matter" might work... "Stronger than Lies" has a good ring to it, also.

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Enigma [Expurress, Conceal, Purrcieve 2] M/T/K 1/1/1

I've been thinking...

Maybe our end goal isn't to fix everything, to change everything, to force our own utopia. Maybe our goal is to allow places where people can embrace themselves and be free, if only for a while. Maybe an underground railroad for yokai - the previous status quo sucked hard for them, this one generally probably isn't much better. A club house for the people who just want to do what they enjoy. If the enemy is the oppression of the most powerful in society, the weapon we use most freely and openly is rebellion.

Or, we could just go full Spartacus.

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Hmmm. Interesting thoughts. What about a third option. Our goal is to find a place where we can be free?

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I was more for a full liberating revolution. Hiding away from the Order so that we can be free in hiding doesn't sound much like freedom to me, it sounds more like a closet.

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Enigma [Expurress, Conceal, Purrcieve 2] M/T/K 1/1/1

Closets can be kind of big... especially if you're cat sized. They're a great place to pounce from, too. :P

But yeah, I agree with just finding someplace to be free... but Aila or Aina probably know that Temerity's Liberation Units are always on the lookout for such boltholes to... Liberate people from.

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True, and to be honest, I as a player would rather work towards weakening the Erohin and breaking their rule. I was just throwing that out there as an alternative. And I wasn't thinking so much that we hide as we leave with everyone that wants to be out from under the Erohin and their hypocrisy and smack and Erohin attempts to bring us back into the fold. Think less the resistance and more US Monroe Doctrine, except less hypocritical.

[Sheets] [Map]

Some posts went up which I didn't notice. I'm working on an update.

Enigma [Expurress, Conceal, Purrcieve 2] M/T/K 1/1/1

Hey, BQ... it's been a while. It's time for your mandatory GM Wellness Check. How you doin'?

Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

I will have internet back on Wednesday.
Will try to post in gameplay then.

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