
Aila & Aina Rhodes's page

72 posts. Alias of AdamWarnock.


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True, and to be honest, I as a player would rather work towards weakening the Erohin and breaking their rule. I was just throwing that out there as an alternative. And I wasn't thinking so much that we hide as we leave with everyone that wants to be out from under the Erohin and their hypocrisy and smack and Erohin attempts to bring us back into the fold. Think less the resistance and more US Monroe Doctrine, except less hypocritical.

"I guess I'll talk the big guy down, then," Alruna says before leaping over to where Phil the Manticore is. With a deep breath, she dismisses the helmet and reveals a face much akin to the twins with white hair streaked with red and mismatched eyes, one blue, the other crimson.

"Hey, Phil, Right? Sorry about the shadow thing. I... I didn't know that was part of you,"she says, awkward but earnest. "Guess we're both having a bad day."

Empathize: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11 Woo!

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Hmmm. Interesting thoughts. What about a third option. Our goal is to find a place where we can be free?

Alruna shakes her head and the lines of red shift to purple.

"Shiny? Shouldn't it be glowy," she asks in a confused voice. She shakes her head again like someone trying to shake water out of their ears.

"Okay, this is weird. I don't know what's going on, and you're asking me what we should do. We must be in trouble."

Behind Nobody, two of the drones, still glowing red, begin harassing the girl/gelatinous cube hybrid. The other four take up position behind Alruna like wings.

The two drones harassing the hybrid monster is just flavor. I figure Aina would be wanting to get back at the monster that made Aila cry, and I thought the idea of her retaining enough control of the drones to annoy her? it? whatever you call a girl/gelatinous cube hybrid. Nothing that'd require a roll, just something funny in the background.

Yeah, but the twins don't know that. As far as they're concerned, this is just a big Charlie Foxtrot with monsters.

Welp, that went south in a hurry.

Going to need to ponder what Alruna's going to do now.

Okay. Sorry. I'll take the stress and up it once.

Let's get dangerous. If I trade all the way to Desperate, could she take out the three remaining shadows as well? She's got six drones out there and as far as I know there's nothing against having a Hunter-Killer type of ability. As for consequences, I'm sure that the fallen Erohin and the Cube would be able to complicate things nicely. Maybe Brightness gets the drop on Alruna?

Using that armor. The twins have taken enough of a beating today. Besides, Alruna isn't done yet, and the mean kitty is in the way. Using Defy to kill Lihp, Anti-phil, Nega-phil, whatever we're calling this thin.

Defy: 1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 5 That's a success!

The armor keeps the dark manticore's teeth from biting into Alruna's shoulder just long enough for her to slip out of the thing's jaws, leaving the armor behind to be crushed. She spins around, between the manticore's paws as it spits out red, shimmering dust that quickly fades. Nobody can see something else forming in Alruna's hand. Hexagons shift up it as a pistol materializes from nowhere, slick, dark, and bits of it ominously glowing red. Just as the manticore turns back to snarl at its prey, Alruna shoves the pistol into its mouth.

"Smile kitty," she says before pulling the trigger and blasting through the the back of its throat and out the back of its skull. Its head shatters, scattering bits of shadow that gleam like obsidian for just a moment before vanishing into wisps of black smoke.

Alruna throws the now headless shadow's corpse to the side and stands, banged up and scuffed, but otherwise unharmed by her encounter with the manticore. An evil grin emoji flashes across the otherwise featureless faceplate of her helmet as she spies the cube and the girl with it.

"Hey ugly! I got a present for ya," she calls out to the cube as she lets go of the pistol and lets it dematerialize. In her hands appears another gun, this one a large, brutal looking rifle that Alruna aims from her hip. "Might wanna find cover, Ms. No-Shadow. This is going to get messy!"

Yeah, Alruna is leaving herself open for a counter from the big guys on the other team. I don't know if this would be moving to Risky to get the Standard effect or Desparate to get the Greater effect. I think the Social link was expended so Chessa could help Alruna/the Twins.


I just feel like an idiot now.

Okay, so Chessa rolled a 5 and a 6 for the help. which means that the two rolls I did in the my last post should be ignored if I've got this right.

basically just ignore my entire last post. I just goofed up something fierce.

So, rolled two for Transcendent. Rolled another for help. Rolled again for the bargain that I completely forgot I wasn't able to accept with the help, not that it mattered since I still failed. Sorry about that.

So yeah, basically I rolled 3d6 and failed. Ignore that last roll because I was being a dummy.


Nobody finds that even as she's talking, she sees that her appearance is very easy to change to her liking, though refining the materials proves harder.

"We don't know," The twins answer in unison to Nobody's question.

"I guess it lasts as long as it takes for us to get things sorted," Aina says, though she doesn't sound very sure.

Looking around, it becomes a little clearer that time hasn't really frozen, more that things are moving incredibly slow. A clock appears before the twins, counting down the seconds.

"Or not," Aila says, noticeably calmer now that she's had a moment to regain her composure.

"Can you tell us what's going on? What are these monsters? Why is everyone dying," Aina asks. The countdown continues to wind down, now showing about a minute remaining.

Okay, I'm going to have to reread the rules since I've apparently missed half of them. I'll accept a Risky position for the opportunity to do something cool.

Dark bargain: 1d6 ⇒ 1 ...

Seriously? That's four 1's out of the last 5d6 I've rolled here.

Help from Chessa: 1d6 ⇒ 2 ...Typical. Okay, time to really crank up the heat on Alruna.

The flashing hammer hides the the flashes of red light as the six drones teleport to the six shadows nearby, but in the barest moment Alruna's eyes are closed, the Cube and the Shadicore act. The strange monster engulfs Alruna after moving impossibly fast around Nobody to get at the girl. It leaves a hole around most of her while holding fast her hands and feet. The Shadicore leaps through and rakes its claws down Alruna's back as it slams her into the floor.

Welp, so much for being Transcended and kicking butt. It was going to be so cool too with the drones behind Alruna teleporting to the mooks and blowing their malicious li'l heads off. Now I'm about to get the Twins munched for no gain.

I'm guessing I don't need to roll for Aila?

Aina Resist: Tsundere: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Aila shudders in Nobody's arms as she's pulled from danger. Tears stream down her face, but she seems whole for the most part. Wisely, perhaps, she keeps silent, not wanting to distract the girl who saved her from the monster just bare yards away.

Aina watches, helpless, as it seems her sister is going to die horribly before her eyes, before she can do anything to help. She barely has time to feel any relief at her timely rescue as the shade counters her clumsy attack, injuring her shoulder. With a snarl, Aina slams the thing into the pillar hard enough to stun it and runs for her sister.


Her cry draws the attention of everything in the large chamber as she runs towards her twin. Aila reaches out, both fearful for what is to become of the two of them and elated that her sister is still alive. The grab each other's wrists, and their eyes go wide as they begin to glow, Aila blue and Aina Red. A flash of white light fills the chamber and beyond as pure desperation drives them to Transcend.

Reunion and Union (Aila, Aina, and Chessa):

Everything stands still. Time, it seems, is frozen. The twins kneel where they had been standing just a moment ago as they hold each other in a tight embrace. Around them, everything is white with outlines of black. There are no shadows or colors to tell them what shape everything has, only the grid of thin, black, lines. The only exceptions are the girl that glows in shades of purple, her denim outfit replaced by a version that appears to be made of black silk and trimmed in glowing purple lines of light and themselves. Aila glows blue, her clothing replaced by a bodysuit of a darker blue and trimmed with lines of white light. Aina is much the same, save she and her suit are red.

"Wha- What's going on," Aina asks as she looks about, then looks down. She and Aila both have a Metagama, now glowing green, about their necks.

"I- I don't know," Aila half-sobs, almost terrified beyond reason. Images of memories appear around the trio showing from the time Aila arrived at the Tavern to when the twins had touched. Aila recoils in fear from the images showing her time in the room she'd run form into this mess, but Aina glares at the images before glaring at the cube, More images appear as feelings of anger, guilt, and love mingle with those of fear and helplessness as they all swirl around the twins.

"It doesn't matter, right now. We're together again, aren't we," Aina says in a soft soothing voice. [smaller]"We can figure out the rest as long as we have each other."[/smaller

Looking up, Aina locks eyes with Nobody. The images disappear as quickly as they had appeared and the chaos of emotions slowly resolves into three feelings, love, gratitude, and raw, boiling fury.

"Thank you for saving my sister," Aina says, her voice calm. "I just ask that you leave the bastard that was planning on eating her to me."

Feel free to interact with the twins in this freeze frame. Now it's time for something a little more kick-ass.

Everything goes black. For a single moment of eternity there is no light, no sound, nothing.

Then there's a spark of ominous red.

Lines of light, red and angry flow out from that single mote in the chest of this new figure. In the dim glow, it's clear to see the twins are gone. In their place, there's a figure of about the same height and dressed in black armor that does little to hide the feminine figure beneath. A skirt of some thick, tough material swirls about her legs while plates of armor hang from her waist. Behind her are six objects of similar shape to the plates over her skirt arranged like wings. A helmet with a flat, featureless faceplate covers her head and hides her features. An evil smirk emoji appears just behind the glassy surface of the faceplate as everything returns to normal.

"Let's clear the board of the pawns shall we," she asks in a voice that has an electronic edge to it. She raises a hand and snaps her fingers.

Okay, so I want to take care of the six mooks closest to us. Going to use Defy since Alruna the Thousand-fold Dancer, the Queen of Steel is just going to shot them in the head.
Defy: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Hmm, How about this for a dark bargain, 'cuz I'm not going to just accept that as my opener for my transcend:
Alruna takes harm from the Shadicore Lihp as he gets ticked at losing all of those minions. It claws Alruna across the back or something while she's focusing on reducing the number of foes.

Defy (+1d from Dark Bargain): 1d6 ⇒ 1 ... Are you flippin' kidding me?! So much for the cool move.

Especially since I can really only post in the evenings.

Will be posting in the Gameplay thread in just a moment.

Okay, Using Flow for Aila to evade and get past the shade at the door to get away from the Gelatinous Cube. Using Defy for Aina to batter her way in and get to Aila.

Aila: Flow: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 3
Aina: Defy: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Ouch. Okay GM, what happens when Aila sees the GC and tries to slip past the shade blocking her way? Also, what happens when Aina tries to bull her way past the shade between her and Aila? Can one or both of them take Harm to wind up where I would like them to be? (Marked by transparent tokens.) Sorry there's just a bunch of questions in this post, but I want to make sure I know what's going to happen so I can work it in.

Well, Aila would be screaming about now because there's dead people everywhere and she doesn't really have anywhere to run. I was thinking that Aina would hear her and start looking for her.

GM, How much leeway do I have in getting Aila and Aina together?


Conceal: 1d6 ⇒ 6 Woo!

Aila doesn't want to get any closer to the thing than she has to, but she's too afraid of staying. Her only way out is the door it had blocked her from going through, but she might be able to make it if she was sneaky. She stands and tries to calm herself. The slime sends a shudder up her spine as she steps in it, but she forces herself to remain calm. She hid the fear as she did with many other things, burying it deep. She moved with purpose, seeming to approach the cube. Then she was out the door and running down the passage.


Defy: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

Aina knew that to stay was to to die. There was nothing she could do for the cultist that had his throat slashed. She barrels through, trying to find safety in this madness. Dread washes over her as she passes through the door.

"We need to leave. H-how are we supposed to get out of here," she asks the others.

Honestly just been waiting for the scenes with Aina and Aila to move forward.

Sorry. Poor wording on my part. I meant to ask if there was a reply, or is he just going to gobble her up?

No response to Aila's actions?


For the first time in years, Aina begins to whimper in terror. She has no clue what is happening, and her ignorance of what is going on only makes her fear more terrible still. She's trapped. She can't see any escape, so she curls up against the wall and cries with her eyes screwed shut in a vain, fleeting hope that this is all just a nightmare.

Sorry, but Aina's just a normal human for the most part. She isn't ready for this kind of stuff just yet.

Oh boy.
I can't see her not trying to resist that second one. That's the one I bombed, though so... yeah.
Okay, 4 stress it is.

Desperate Distress (Aina):

Aina feels her feet leave the ground as two of the cultists grab her and start hauling her off by the arms. More annoyed than anything, she's about to make a sarcastic remark when she sees one of her comrades hurt one of the cultists.

"Hey!" she shouts at the maniac, "Stop hurting people! we're here to have fun, you idiot!"

No sooner than the words leaving her mouth, however, Brilliance's voice rings out and turns everything into a nightmare. Aina watches in shock as shadows rise up off the ground like balloons being inflated and separate from their owners. Then she watches in horror as her own shadow joins the growing horde.

"Run. Run!" Her voice quavers in fear as her feet flail uselessly to propel her away.

Desperate Heroism (Aina):

Kuudere(Flow, but doesn't really matter without Aila): 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10 => 4, I think that does it. :)
Tsundere(Defy, Trying to make it clear she just wanted to have fun, not hurt anyone by biting the assassin's head off): 1d6 ⇒ 2 Oh, I don't think that's going to work.
Tsundere (Defy, though this is freaky enough that she's going to be booking it.): 1d6 ⇒ 5 Woo! I think she still has her shadow. That's 3 desperate rolls, right?

Aina has a moment of clarity as she feels the two coming up behind her. She can feel the flow of movement around her. With surprising speed, she ducks down and spins between them as she gets behind them. A grin spreads on her face that disappears in a look of shock as she hears one of the ones playing the cultists shout in pain.

"HEY! Stop trying to hurt people! We're here to..." she begins to shout before Brilliance's voice rings out and cuts across her anger at the brutality of one of her comrades. Some of their shadows come to life, peeling off the floor and separating themselves from their owners.

Aina's face turns bone white as she looks around, scared, and confused. Her mind buzzes as she tries to formulate a plan, but there's only one thing she can do.


She grabs anyone who looks like they aren't affected by Brilliance's words and tries to lead them out, bullying her way past the bottlenecks and trying her best to save who she can. What had been something that is supposed to be fun has turned into a nightmare.

Aina prays that Aila is safe and away from all of this.

Desperate Distress (Aila):

"W-w-who are you?"

Aila's voice is barely a whisper as she asks her question and curls up in the corner of the room.

"W-w-what do you want from me?"

Cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with both of the twins. :)

So just a straight roll, then another one if I succeed, right? Guessing it'll be a Defy? She is being rather brazen and daring the cultist to try and get past her.

Flow: 1d6 ⇒ 4 I think that succeeds.
Defy: 1d6 ⇒ 2 I think that one fails! Guess we'll be finding out if these guys have anything to fight back with.

Class: Barbarian!:

Aina flinches away from the errant missile, but it does little to dampen her enthusiasm. She catches up to the cultist and tumbles past them to stand between them and the exit with her "sword" pointed at their chest.

"Aw. You're not even going to say 'Hi' before running off? That's just mean," she coos before tapping the cultist on the chest with the tip of the boffer. "And that's two for me!"

Apparently Aina's job involves lots of running. How else do you explain her being a speed demon? :P

Meanwhile in Horror-Movieville:

Aila finds the acrid smell overwhelming and starts coughing as she backs away from the door and whatever it was that was so close to her. She stumbles and hits the floor with a yelp as she nears the wall. She tries to see through the gloom, but her eyes haven't adjusted to the dim lighting.

"C-can you open the door I came in through, please," she asks once the coughing fit has died down. The tremulous note in her voice betrays the fear she's feeling, a fear that went beyond the fear of just getting in trouble. Something about this room and its occupant made her hair stand on end and gave her chills.


"With gusto!"

Putting words into actions, Aina bounces up the steps whistling tunelessly. She keeps an eye out for more cultists and where they might be hiding while trying not to get distracted by any machinery unless it leads to secret doors.

"This is actually kind of fun, even if I didn't get to pick who or what I am," she admits quietly to herself after she's down the hall and out of earshot.

Aina's going to keep going until she finds something to bomf, talk to, or inspect.


"I-I'm sorry. I g-g-got lost," Aila lies as she reaches for the door to find it locked. Something about the voice made the back of her neck prickle and her fingers tingle unpleasantly. With no other option, she carefully walks towards the door haloed in the comparatively bright light.

"M-may I go this way? The other door is locked."

Take care of yourself GM. We can wait if we need to.

That said, don't feel like everything has to be written out in beautiful prose. We could just fill in the blanks from what you give us. :)

Woo! Happy to get this moving along. I'm so looking forward to the first time Aina and Aila transcend. :)

Yeah, but I can't remember where in the rules it is.

So, a question about the matagama, do both halves of the Harmony character need one to transcend or do they just need to be touching?

It took reading through a few times for me to understand that. Yes, Aila would like to sneak through a door and wind up close to where Phil is, but not in the same chamber, a connected area would work. As a consequence, some gets pushed closer or all the way to the Darkness.
Narratively, I'd like for it to be a yokai that's a foil to Phil, a bully who thinks he deserves more though he hardly does anything, but yeah, that's the gist of it.

Conceal: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10 Woo! This should be fun!

Expanding on the proposed Dark Bargain:

Apologies if I'm overstepping here.

So, I was thinking that you have Phil whose in danger of falling to the Darkness. He is disrespected and degraded at every turn, even though he's only trying to do his best. Aila finds her quiet place, but then Phil finds her. The danger here is that he now has someone who's not only not disrespecting him (Aila's the wallflower most of the time) but is also at least a little afraid of him. At first, it is because she's worried about getting in trouble and Aina getting punished for it. Depending on the encounter, Aila could grow physically afraid of Phil as he begins to give in to the Darkness.

I know Chessa is trying to prevent that, and it is possible that Aila could pull Phil back from the bring thanks to Chessa talking to him and sticking up for him. Then again, it's also possible that the Darkness pushes even harder since Phil has a chance to end someone who could become a threat to it.

If Phil does give in, I do have a dramatic moment in mind.

Alternatively, someone else is in danger of falling into the darkness and takes Phil's role in the above scenario. Maybe a Chimera Yokai in a who feels they're owed more than they've gotten is slipping towards the Darkness, and them being a bully would make them an interesting foil for Phil.

Actually, I think I like that idea better. Aila's dark bargain for that extra die is that she finds her quiet place, but a chimeric yokai, this one a bully, is in danger of turning to the Darkness and finds Aila alone.

One knives in sword fights:

Aina grins as she jumps down the stairs. She tries to not hit the guy too hard, not wanting to actually hurt someone, but she still brings it around in a huge swing.


"Didn't anyone warn you that this was a swordfight," she asks as she pulls back and waits for the expected call.

Never LARP'd, so no idea what the rules are. Assume that Aina was paying more attention and would actually follow the correct procedure for this, even if she's going to find it a little silly. She just wants to bomf some goons and blow off steam. Getting the others mad at her isn't gonna help with that.

Doors in the Dark:

Aila slinks off after the cultist, figuring that the back way will be unwatched. Her mask is in shambles, cracked and broken as her emotions take control. Tears spangle her vision as she tries to regain some composure but to no avail. She has to face the truth. She is a part of a system that is doing its best to snuff out what makes humans, well, human. Art, culture, relationships, and everything else would lose almost all meaning without emotions. People who wish to express who and what they are find themselves ground under the boots of the Erohin and their stupid, ridiculous assertions that it is those things that made humanity prejudiced and degenerate when they are just as bad if not worse!

And she is helping them. She cannot lie to herself now. She is helping them by building the very weapons that will be used to do it. She can hide from others, is good at it even, but she cannot hide from herself. In that moment of realization, she hates herself and wants nothing more than to find a place with no one around, a hidden place to curl up in and weep for everything that she had become without realizing and weep for her missing sister.

So, Rolling another Conceal here since she's trying to keep out of sight and out of mind. She doesn't want anyone to see her crying like she's trying not to right now. I have an idea for Dark Bargain, and want to see if it's acceptable before I roll.

Aila does get to her quiet place in the dungeon, but then Phil finds her.

Fair enough.

Looking forward to seeing what happens to poot Aila. :)

Works for me. :)

Conceal: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11 Woo! so, what does Aila run into? Also, what does Aina find when she goes looking into that shadowy bit of room?

Hey GM, just a suggestion to make things a little easier on you, Instead of rewriting the scene for each of us when we notice different things, why not just write out what everyone sees then put what each of us notices in our own spoilers.
And yes, I've been a bad noodle and read all the spoilers.
Also, I hope you don't mind if I take some liberties when Aina finds her little trinket.


Aila watches the scene and does her best to hide her shock and the flash of anger she feels as the thought police bring out the guitarist. She wants to speak out in their defense, but as she considers the ramifications for Aina, herself, and the musician, especially with how she's dressed, she finds the words dying on her tongue.

They're no better. They prejudge those that do feel and assume we'll fall into hate. Is it jealousy or hatred of those have not surrendered that part of themselves?

Finding herself trembling, she looks down to hide her eyes, and hopefully her soul, from the gaze of others. She then notices the strange gem next to her foot and realizes that this must be what she had felt hit it when they'd thrown the guitarist on the ground. Quietly and discretely, she grabs it with her toes and looks up to the scene playing out. Outrage, shock, and fear swirl around now as the tension builds. Her already whipsawed emotions threaten to break her control.

Slowly, she backs her way through the crowd. Step by step as they were all lashed by the ones assigned to police them in absence of the yokai. Degenerate, pervert, and other less complimentary or at least less polite labels are bandied about without care for how they might affect those listening. So what if she wants to feel and to dance? That is who she is. That is who Aina is. Isn't this the same thing the Erohin accused humans of doing? What gave them the right?

Aila reaches down as her foot holding the gem pops up. Even as much as she wants to flee, she feels that she has to hold onto it. It is important even if she can't say why. She takes another step back as she clutches the gem to her chest, then another and a fourth. Memories of fire and shadow come unbidden and she turns as she ducks her head so the others won't see her tears as they wear away the dam she'd put them behind.

No one notices as Aila leaves the tavern and runs to hide in the maze made for those going out as adventurers.

And I think Aila will roll Conceal to hide her emotions and cover her slipping away. I'd like to take to take 2 stress to add +1d, unless someone can come up with a good Dark Bargain. I'm kinda drawing a blank there. I'd love for this to not come back on either Aila or Aina. Basically, no one notices her slipping out. I'm pretty sure the gypsy dress is going to come back and bit Aila on the butt given how everyone saw her.


Curious, and not really wanting to ask for permission, Aina quietly goes to see what lies to the south.

Aila's going to look down at the thing that hit her foot. Can you go ahead and tell me what it is so I can work it into my next post this evening?

Yeah, I just got a little confused.

By the way, do I mark any links for this and the interaction with Chessa?

Naturally, I go with the option that's most likely to cause trouble for poor Aila. I'm sure the gypsy girl outfit and the flagrant disregard for her assigned role are not going to help. :P

Aila knows she shouldn't be eavesdropping, but she couldn't help it, nor could she keep from feeling empathy for the person next to her. Before she could say anything or ponder on what she'd heard, or even reach for her drink, Another of the tavern's staff comes out and sends the drink tumbling into her lap. Aila is fairly quick, but not quick enough to avoid getting soaked from belly to thigh.

"N-no, It's alright. I think... I think I'll go change," she mutters before giving the poor cook a wry smile. "Who gives someone a tissue-thin apron anyway," she asks with as she lifts up one corner of the now translucent fabric of the "apron."


She finds the locker-room blessedly empty and is even more thankful for the full change of clothes to replace the ones now sticky with rootbeer. After a quickly wiping off anything that had managed to soak through, Aila begins to get dressed but pauses as she spies a heap of colorful fabrics lying in a side room. Memories that feel a lifetime ago come back, of dancers spinning like flowers caught in a dervish. More recent memories of a dance with a woman so boldly dressed in an age where to show off one's gender is seen as crass came back as well. A mischievous grin began to spread across her face as she walked over to the pile of clothes and unused costumes, leaving behind the one picked her in the cubby.


Aila returned to the taverns common room dressed in a loose cotton blouse that had flowing sleeves and showed off her slender, freckled shoulders. She'd fashioned a set of colorful skirts from blue, green, and white panels of fabric that had not been used. Her feet were bare, though her ankles were decorated with several sparkling bangles as were her wrists. She took two steps out into the room before she realized that she didn't really know how to dance. Self-consciousness stole her bravado, and it was all she could do to not bolt and hide somewhere as she walked over to where the girl she'd danced with was sitting.

"I... I, um..." she stammers as she struggles to find the words for the question she wants to ask the other woman.

Defy (No ranks for Aila, so worse of the two): 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 1 that's a 1. Definitely could have gone better. :\

I figured it was for harlot, but I got the reference, even if I wish I could forget the book. (Paragraphs that would just go on and on and on and on....)

Hope Aila's reaction is funny rather than awkward. Tracy has certainly left an impression on her. Also, my apologies if I get the rules wrong. I'm still learning and having fun with this.

Something tells me that Tracy and the Twins are going to be trouble once some of the baggage has been unloaded between Aila and Aina.

Oh this is going to be fun. Hope you don't mind if I take some liberties. :)

Tracy and Aila doin' the Tango:

Aila, even later, was never sure exactly how she wound up looking up into Tracy's eyes, one of the other woman's hands pressing into the small of her back and holding her body tight against her as they began to move in rhythm with the beat of the guitar. letting the flowing chords take them up in a sweeping melody of fire, love, passion, and a hint of bittersweetness, of loss. In one of the slow moments, Aila feels something is supposed to happen and begins to purse her lips for a kiss, only to stop as she remembers where she is and the Erohin's distaste for such showings between humans. She instead buries the urge deep and continues with the dance.

By the end of her turn dancing with the woman she'd approached, Aila is breathing heavily and her face is far past flushed. She stumbles over to the bar, her legs quivering like jello, and grabs onto it next to Salvia for support.

Act cool. Act cool! It's no big deal, even if she's hot and sexy. Nope, not bothered at all!

"G-got anything for... after that!" she asks as she tries not to just melt into a puddle or burst into flames.

Well, so much for the twins being asexual. Can I roll Conceal for Aila to lie to herself? :P
I really enjoyed that, so if the flow was to build a link with Aila, I guess add another d6 to that? I hope this was a fun look into Aila's head. It also gives me a way to use defy for one of these once Aina gets to know Tracy. "My sister says you managed to turn her on with just dancing. Prove it!"
In any case, what should I roll for this link?

Oh boy. Still brand-squeaky-new and already Aila's getting a black mark by association. :P Lovely music by the way.

Tracy and Aila:
Aila feels the heat rising in her cheeks rising more as she overhears the conversations and reads the looks of those around her. She wonders what they must think of her for approaching the audaciously clothed woman. The guitar playing, though, soothes her some. She'd missed music so much since it had been banned some years ago. It was too dangerous, the Erohin had reasoned, but was it really? Emotions, desires, and dreams were what made humans human, weren't they? She couldn't let anyone else know that, though. She'd worked so hard to get a position on the Purity Council and maybe she might be able to help Aina and even be with her sister again.

She had to be careful, though. Her conversation partner might only be dressed that way to weed out those not fully in control of their libido. Little slip ups like earlier were likely to leave her in a bind she could ill afford.

Aila's Costume:

Aila's dressed in baggy coveralls that are cinched at the waist by the toolbelt. The boffer sword hangs from her left hip with the Nerf blaster hanging below it. She almost tosses the apron, but changes her mind and puts it on anyway since senior member of the Purity Council had given it to her to wear.
[ooc]Class: NPC/SAGE (Shy Awkward Girl in Engineering)

Aila and Tracy:

"Sadly, this one does not," Aila answers as she tries to size up Tracy without seeming rude or giving herself away. "This one does think that the card stating this one's role makes it so that this one should probably be pulled along by someone with this one's character's best interests at heart. Maybe a friend who is more outgoing and charismatic?"

Aila takes a moment to study Tracy's outfit for the first time and finds herself blushing some.

"Dang, you must beat them off with a stick," she mutters, not quite aware that the words came out of her mouth instead of staying in her head. Aila shakes the thought away, knowing better than to let it linger too long.

"Or you could be talking about what kind of 'quest' the others should go on. Maybe there's a rat problem in the pipes?"

Oh what fun! :D

Okay, I think k I understand a little better now.

By the way, Tracy, Aila awaiting your response to her greeting.

Don't look at me. I'm playing the Twins as asexual.

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