KC's Age of Worms

Game Master Kobold Catgirl

The Library of Last Resort is your last chance to find the resting place of Dragotha's phylactery. But you aren't the only people looking for it.
Loot Sheet.
GM Notes.

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Female Kobold

Hey, I'm just taking a few days to get sorted. I'll keep steadily communicating, even if the messages start getting repetitive, just because I don't want to drop off the face of the thread. Things are okay, but I overshot myself a little and need to slow down and focus on work for a bit.

Female Kobold

Yeah, still working on things. Being off Adderall is doing a number on me, and I may go back on it soon, once I feel safer with the mood stabilizers.

Female Kobold

The PbPs are moving to be higher priority as I'm getting more caught up on work, so I'm hopeful.

Female Kobold

Just as a quick update, the mood stabilizers seem to be working. I'm working on building Krekie now and finishing the xill stats--once that's done, this should fly by a lot quicker. Though I won't deny I've considered more than once just doing a timeskip to after the fight, just to get the PCs out of this area at long last. :P

I'd be fine with that lol, unless you think this'll be an interesting and difficult challenge.

Female Kobold

It's... not-not a consideration. When I planned this fight, I had way more energy and passion for it, but that passion petered out a whole ago. Past KC's eyes are always bigger than her stomach.

Female Kobold

I'm currently shooting for somewhere between the 26th and 28th, when the Christmas/birthday buzz has died down a little.

Female Kobold

Have a Happy Hollydays, everyone!

Female Kobold

And Happy Boxing Day, the real reason for the season. Remember to tip your garbageman! :P

Female Kobold

It's snowing pretty heavy, so I'm bracing myself for outages. Oregon is just the worst at handling snowstorms. Just a heads-up.

Female Kobold

Well, the snow's melting, so I guess we dodged that bullet! I've been a little off-kilter since the holidays (lots of days off in a row make it hard to reenter the flow of things), but I hope to reorient myself soon.

Yeah, getting back in the swing after time off is rough.

Female Kobold

By the way, it's been a while and I don't remember if I've asked--does the party want Krekie to come along through the gate, or stay behind?

Temp Acid Resist: 30|Action Points: 10/13|Bombs: 11/23|Female Undine (Formerly Yugoloth-Spawn Tiefling) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 16|HP: 85/85|AC: 22(36)/14(23)/19(26)|Saves: +15 Fort (+20 vs. Poison), +18 Ref, +12 Will (+1 vs. Enchantments)|Initiative: +3|Perception: +21

...uh, I don't remember what I decided. :(

I've no objection to her coming along.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

I assumed she would be accompanying us, yes.

THP: HP: 164/165 (212/213), BR 27/36, APs 9/12; AC 27, T 15, FF 26; Fort +18 Ref +13, Will +13 (16, +2 ME) (+4 vs evil all saves); Perception +19, Init +5 Everyday buffs: GFL, bear's endurance, protection from evil (permanent, undispellable) Currents: good hope, shield, owl's wisdom

Seems wrong to leave her here if she wants to come. I'm fine with her coming.

Female Kobold

Happy New Year, by the way!

Same to you! Cheers.

Female Kobold

Aaaand I'm sick.

Nothing huge. Chills, nausea, sore throat, headaches. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse, but I am dreading having to spend the next week holed up in my room.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3
Kobold Catgirl wrote:

Aaaand I'm sick.

Nothing huge. Chills, nausea, sore throat, headaches. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse, but I am dreading having to spend the next week holed up in my room.

My sympathies- that was my status last week. (Minus most of the symptoms- I had congestion and a cough that is still lingering, but nothing that pushed it into even 'sever cold' category.) The quarantine was the worst part. Fortunately I had roommates that would leave food outside my door.

Female Kobold

The quarantine really is the worst. The chills are mostly gone, at least. I think I'll either get a post up tomorrow or at least finish statting up Krekie.

Female Kobold

I've never done that before, and I'm not going to make it a habit. I bit off more than I could chew with that encounter, though, and perfectionism was going to be the death of this campaign.

Female Kobold

As a recap: You are sent here by the old friend of Bucknard, Lashonna, seeking an ancient repository of knowledge constructed by the Order of the Storm. The Order of the Storm was a druidic organization that may have stopped the dracolich Dragotha's attempt to bring Kyuss back to launch the Age of Worms. They alone knew where Dragotha's phylactery can be found. Hopefully, the Library of Last Resort still holds that information.

Your old enemy, Zyrxog the mind flayer, is working with the Hierophant, who's basically the Vecnan Pope, towards uncertain ends involving this place. Krekie, ex-Triadmember, was persuaded to defect to your side, at least in part because she was shown mercy the last time you encountered her.

There is some suspicion that Carina's 'sister' may also be involved with this Vecnan group in some way.

Am I missing anything? Oh, right, the Age of Worms is bad news owlbears.

EDIT: Also, you befriended the tempest, Tilagos, that surrounds the island. The ancient elemental allowed you to enter, in part because it and Clunk both bear ties to the Wind Dukes.

Also-also, Moreto contacted you recently.

THP: HP: 164/165 (212/213), BR 27/36, APs 9/12; AC 27, T 15, FF 26; Fort +18 Ref +13, Will +13 (16, +2 ME) (+4 vs evil all saves); Perception +19, Init +5 Everyday buffs: GFL, bear's endurance, protection from evil (permanent, undispellable) Currents: good hope, shield, owl's wisdom

Thanks, I definitely needed it.

Do we know if/how are the Vecnans involved in the Age of Worms stuff?

Is the plan to go after Dragotha after we get the phylactery?

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Female Kobold

I don't believe you know the Vecnans' involvement, though Krekie indicated that she wasn't aware of her former master being pro-Age of Worms itself so much as after the secrets the island holds.

I'll note that they aren't with the Ebon Triad, the heretical group that wants to merge Hextor, Erythnul and Vecna into one "Overgod". At this point, you have fair evidence the Ebon Triad are just pawns for the agents of the Age of Worms.

The plan is to get the phylactery's location, then go destroy the soulcage, then go destroy Dragotha, yes.

Liberty's Edge

Male Underpowered Warrior 1

Hey! Sorry, I haven't been checking these threads since November, apparently. I will try to be checking more frequently now.

*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

Personally, I was hoping that with the phylactery in hand, we could then go and negotiate with Dragotha, and really, really, really, piss Astraden off.

Female Kobold

Also an option.

Female Kobold

Sorry, working on a resume--post tomorrow!

Female Kobold

My girlfriend and I are looking into moving into a new place sometime over the next couple weeks, so I may be sporadic for a little while longer.

Female Kobold

I'll be moving things along tomorrow, with any good luck!

Female Kobold

Post by the end of the weekend, I hope! Just got a little overwhelmed and needed a day or two off before the moving stuff heats up.

Female Kobold

Sorry, I didn't get around to it today! Hoping to start the next scene tomorrow, before the move stuff starts to really occupy me.

Female Kobold

I'm sick again, even though I never go out. I hate this freaking year.

I don't know when the update's coming. I managed to push through and update my other PbP today, so hopefully tomorrow I can do this one.

Liberty's Edge

Male Underpowered Warrior 1

Hope you get well soon! Take your time.

Female Kobold

Thanks. I'm running a fever today, but with any "luck" it's just the yearly flu.

Female Kobold

Still not feeling well, but the fever broke a couple days ago. I should be able to resume posting soon!

Female Kobold

While I'm recovering, both my roommates have caught it, and they've caught it a lot worse than I did. Might be a bit still.

Female Kobold

I'm feeling a lot better, and I'll try to get a post up tomorrow! :)

Female Kobold

Sorry, tomorrow, I hope.

Temp Acid Resist: 30|Action Points: 10/13|Bombs: 11/23|Female Undine (Formerly Yugoloth-Spawn Tiefling) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 16|HP: 85/85|AC: 22(36)/14(23)/19(26)|Saves: +15 Fort (+20 vs. Poison), +18 Ref, +12 Will (+1 vs. Enchantments)|Initiative: +3|Perception: +21

I know that feeling. :(

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Female Kobold

Sorry, having a bad couple of days. The stuff in Texas has me pretty shaken, and I'm refraining from shaving for a couple days so it's easier to pluck, which is pretty uncomfortable in the meantime for me. We're also poised to start the move, so I might be quiet for a bit, but I'm still here. :)

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Female Kobold

I'm doing okay now--threw in the towel and just shaved. We're still quite busy, but I'll progress the night soon! This adventure from this point is fairly open-ended, with no "required order", so you'll be able to decide for yourselves where to search first.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Kobold

The move has gone well! We're finally getting settled into the new place. We get chickens in a couple days, the kitchen is sorted, and we finally got the power fixed so we don't all have to live in the living room. I'll look to pick things back up by Thursday.

Female Kobold

Sorry, I'm fine, I just realized I wasn't ready to get back into the swing of things yet. I'll check in in a couple days. I appreciate everyone's patience.

Female Kobold

I hope to get a post up tomorrow! Things have been going very well, I've been keeping up with work for a while, and I'm slowly starting to steal time for my hobbies again.

Temp Acid Resist: 30|Action Points: 10/13|Bombs: 11/23|Female Undine (Formerly Yugoloth-Spawn Tiefling) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 16|HP: 85/85|AC: 22(36)/14(23)/19(26)|Saves: +15 Fort (+20 vs. Poison), +18 Ref, +12 Will (+1 vs. Enchantments)|Initiative: +3|Perception: +21


Female Kobold

Sorry, I have my fingers in way too many pies at the moment and it's getting away from me. I forgot I had to do dinner today on top of working late. Tomorrow is a maybe, Friday is a stronger maybe, and Saturday is the most likely. It's just very hard to get things moving again, especially when this sort of thing keeps happening.

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step...

TBH, I don't think you need to fret over each individual post being "bigger and better" after a hiatus. Going with the occasional small post might help you stay in the habit instead of getting into the loop of "It's been a week since I posted, I need to make it extra good to make up for it" --> "I'm too brain frazzled for a super awesome post, I'll try tomorrow" --> "It's been two weeks, I bet nobody is interested, I need to make it double plus good to get back on track..." etc. loop that's been behind half of my own dead games.

Female Kobold

Yeah, that's what I try to remind myself!

Unfortunately, my ex pulled something really gross and awful this morning and it's put me completely out of commission today. I hope I'll be in a better state tomorrow.

Stupid Drama:
I was so close to not having to deal with her anymore, and now I have to consider filing a claim just to get my great-grandmother's dresser back.

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