Jade Regent - The Minkai Trail

Game Master Googleshng

Caravan Stats/Loot Tracking

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Ok, Mumbles backstory and stats are fully uploaded in this alias. In addition a few short fluff ideas:

Why do you live or are in Sandpoint?: Mumbles is in Sandpoint as part of his Irori training, but mostly because he is smitten with Ameiko.
One short and one long term goal: At the moment, Mumbles' short term goal is to continue cooking exquisite foods in sand point until he can find out Ameiko's favourite dish. His long term goal is to be a fluent poet, performer or scholar, and confess his undying love to Ameiko.
One fear: Being powerless to help someone he has promised something to.
One living person you care deeply for: Other than Ameiko, the person that Mumbles cares for most in the world is the Abbot of his Irorian Monastery (about 3 days travel from Sandpoint). The only man to take the time to get to know Mumbles despite his limitations, the Abbot would spend hours playing cards or chess with Mumbles, communicating everything in writing between each other. Mumbles hopes to get the chance to visit the Abbot again when he has finally learnt to speak.

The Exchange

Relios Sura wrote:

Brainstorming a bit, going back and forth between these two concepts. Let me know if anything is a problem.

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Still a bit rough as I get a feel for them.

Not that my opinion matters much, but I like the kitsune concept.

i have one more question. its about weapon proficiency. if we find an eastern weapon like throwing stars and katanas can we train with it in game and become proficient with it instead of having to use a feat to use a new eastern sword?

Submitting Jeanna's statistics: Half-elf Ranger (falconer/skirmisher) - working out a backstory now.

Relios Sura wrote:

Brainstorming a bit, going back and forth between these two concepts. Let me know if anything is a problem.

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Still a bit rough as I get a feel for them.

At a quick glance, I'm digging the kitsune more out of the two. Lots of nice incidental personal connections to things that are likely to come up here and there.

bejan paknia wrote:
i have one more question. its about weapon proficiency. if we find an eastern weapon like throwing stars and katanas can we train with it in game and become proficient with it instead of having to use a feat to use a new eastern sword?

That's a tricky one there, so I reserve the right to flip-flop after some more thought but...

I vaguely recall the AP saying at some point that a fair number of weapons that show up that are close enough to apply relatively similar proficiencies. Katanas for instance are close enough to bastard swords that if you have the ability to wield one one-handed, you can wield the other the same way (two-handed, both count as just martial).

Most of what I recall turning up as noteworthy magic weapons to be acquired in this AP trend towards being at least as weird as a spiked chain that anyone would need to specifically blow a feat to use them without penalty. The weird edge cases that jump to mind would be wakizashi, tetsubo, and shuriken. There... I'm pretty inclined to reclassify the first two as martial (short one sided blade, metal studded club), but... super cheap disposable throwing weapons with no real handle may actually require a feat to use without penalty.

If I remember right, wakizashi were originally just considered MW shortswords....Doesn't effect my character, but it seems odd that it would be Exotic to me. On a RL note I have 2 of them. ( one 'fake' for display and one real.) they are a little long handled but work as shortswords for me. XD
Umbryl uses a silver sickle or a cold iron light mace.

Scarab Sages

dotting for interest!

Googleshng wrote:
Relios Sura wrote:

Brainstorming a bit, going back and forth between these two concepts. Let me know if anything is a problem.

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Still a bit rough as I get a feel for them.

At a quick glance, I'm digging the kitsune more out of the two. Lots of nice incidental personal connections to things that are likely to come up here and there.

bejan paknia wrote:
i have one more question. its about weapon proficiency. if we find an eastern weapon like throwing stars and katanas can we train with it in game and become proficient with it instead of having to use a feat to use a new eastern sword?

That's a tricky one there, so I reserve the right to flip-flop after some more thought but...

I vaguely recall the AP saying at some point that a fair number of weapons that show up that are close enough to apply relatively similar proficiencies. Katanas for instance are close enough to bastard swords that if you have the ability to wield one one-handed, you can wield the other the same way (two-handed, both count as just martial).

Most of what I recall turning up as noteworthy magic weapons to be acquired in this AP trend towards being at least as weird as a spiked chain that anyone would need to specifically blow a feat to use them without penalty. The weird edge cases that jump to mind would be wakizashi, tetsubo, and shuriken. There... I'm pretty inclined to reclassify the first two as martial (short one sided blade, metal studded club), but... super cheap disposable throwing weapons with no real handle may actually require a feat to use without penalty.

dont worry a dm has the right to be flip floppy when its needed X3 id enjoy having my goblin practice with stranger weapons and eventually learn to get the hang of them if he comes across any cool ones like a butterfly sword or shuriken or tonfas or Kusarigama or Wakizashi.

So here is my entry A human barbarian with the Caravan guard starting trait.
hp: 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

And edited to fit the campaign, let me know if anything looks off, didn't have all my books with me at work tonight *lawls* good luck to all!

Hmm...I'm strongly considering a kitsune swashbuckler. I think I can come up with the fluff, but one of the questions I do have is with a feat in the ACG.

It's called Slashing Grace, and I'm wondering if the Weapon Finesse-like feature you get at 1st level as a swashbuckler counts for this feat. :)

ShadowyFox wrote:

Hmm...I'm strongly considering a kitsune swashbuckler. I think I can come up with the fluff, but one of the questions I do have is with a feat in the ACG.

It's called Slashing Grace, and I'm wondering if the Weapon Finesse-like feature you get at 1st level as a swashbuckler counts for this feat. :)

I am 99.9% sure that is the intent yes. Similarly, that all the feats requiring 13 int and combat expertise don't require the 13 int for swashbucklers.

Woohoo! Ok, that gives me great ideas! Once I get a bit of sleep, onwards towards a schmoozing sort of frontliner.

The Exchange

When will recruitment close?

Also with so many dex-based submissions I'm imagining the encounters are going to be as beautifully choreographed as they are in wuxia films.

Saif al-Fajr wrote:

When will recruitment close?

Also with so many dex-based submissions I'm imagining the encounters are going to be as beautifully choreographed as they are in wuxia films.

I'm keeping it open until roughly friday (which may totally mean thursday, with timezones and such), if only because that's what I said in the opening post, and I don't want to be a huge jerk to someone who decided to spend the whole week writing up a super detailed pitch or something. There's already enough here that I'd think a pretty solid party can be tossed together with enough fun concepts left over to make me feel a bit guilty, but such is the curse of the PBP GM.

Saif al-Fajr wrote:

When will recruitment close?

Also with so many dex-based submissions I'm imagining the encounters are going to be as beautifully choreographed as they are in wuxia films.

I almost feel like rolling up a new non-dex character just for party balance. But I can't because a whole dex wuxia adventure sounds awesome!

Honestly one of the better APs for everyone to dump str, too, because you have this whole wagon train to carry all your loot on most of the time.

It's also, I suppose, a decent one for not having a full on cleric or oracle, since Koya can deal with a lot of the mainline clerical needs, which is good because so far I don't believe anyone's pitched a 9 level divine caster.

I'm still working on the Warpriest of Yamatsumi. She will be a strength based character.

I could turn her into a Cleric if needed, but so far I'm more than happy with the Warpriest.

The other advantage of a few of the builds suggested by players so far is that people could dip into roles as need be.

Although the dude that's building towards Thunder + Fang should just focus 100% on that, because it's badass

*glances left, glances right, puts on a coat to hide the muscles*..."yeah... dex based combatant right here" *whistles*

Aah, Kvell (Randall here)
Looks like we have similar tastes in games.

I was leaning towards him myself. So by popular demand I present Niveus Anguis. Still pretty rough but I am working on it. ;)

The Exchange

Woot, full arcane caster on board! An enchanter at that. I know Kitsune sorcerers make the best enchanters (thanks to a few juicy bonuses) but I haven't seen one in action before. Looking forward to seeing your fleshed out concept.

Added a blurb to the character sheet on the Halo of Blades, though its a copy/paste from Faiths of Purity. I thought it would add a bit of context to the environment he was raised in. Going to continue tweaking as the week goes on.

Kvell wrote:

So here is my entry A human barbarian with the Caravan guard starting trait.

[dice=hp] 1d12+2

Don't you get max Hp at first level?

Well he is not an enchanter just yet. His only spells known right now are color spray and magic missile. But he will in time should he get picked, until them the old silver tongue will just have to pick up the slack. ;)

Crunch is done, working on backstory and such.

I'd like to submit this poor orphan from a past Jade Regent where the GM abandonned us all to die in the swamp at the very beginning... before we even got to the Licktoads...

I'll have to double-check the gear that it was an average buy, but it's definitely a 20-pointer, and should go well with all the rest of the pointy-eared submissions.

Saltykid wrote:
Kvell wrote:

So here is my entry A human barbarian with the Caravan guard starting trait.

[dice=hp] 1d12+2

Don't you get max Hp at first level?

You do, yes.

Sorry, it was late when i saw the thread >.< I know i read about rolling hp somehwere, I assume now, you meant at level up. Terrible sorry about that!

@Caerwyn - Waves!

Hello! I saw earlier that you had enough characters that a pretty solid party could be thrown together with enough left over, does that mean that you are no longer looking for applications, or?

Aruetii wrote:
Hello! I saw earlier that you had enough characters that a pretty solid party could be thrown together with enough left over, does that mean that you are no longer looking for applications, or?

Nope, applications are open until my clock says it's friday.

All right, awesome then! Do you prefer any particular format for sheets and the like?

Nope, as long as its legible I'm happy.

Googleshng wrote:

Nope, applications are open until my clock says it's friday.

On that note, what timezone are you in?

Eastern. I'm hoping nobody's waiting until the VERY last minute to toss out character pitches here.

Alright, starting to cook something up.

I am going to work on back story first. After that the crunch should fall in place smoothly.

Okay! I came up with two characters and retooled a third that could maybe work depending on what the party would benefit most from.

First up would be Ausk, a Half-Orc druid I created. In combat he primarily is going to be focusing on Wild Shape in combat along with his animal companion. Out of combat he's primarily useful for what druids are good at, getting through nature and dealing with animals. Personality wise he grew up admiring Shalelu, and has a curious streak in him that makes him want to get out and explore places, instead of the same old that he's been surrounded by since birth.
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=874925

Next up is going to be Andrezi, a Nagaji Sorcerer. He's going to be aiming for the Dragon Disciple PrC when they get to a high enough level. In combat he's going to be a melee caster primarily, and tries to intimidate the opponents before anyone gets hurt. Out of combat he's more useful for spellcasting things. Background wise his heritage has been so far removed from the Dragon Empire that he actually believes that he's descended from dragons instead of the Nagaraji. Koya has been raising him for as long as he could remember and treats her like a mother.
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=874884

Suin Ko:
This is actually a character I came up with for another campaign that I retooled. He is a Half-Orc Bard dedicated to Sarenrae and has the Dervish Dancer archetype. (The original was a pitborn tiefling from Osirion trying to redeem himself to Sarenrae) In combat he acts like a typical Dervish, but he tries to use Diplomacy to get the other side to stand down or otherwise not fight the party before anything happens. If he thinks someone doesn't have to be killed he'll try to use nonlethal tactics to take them out. Out of combat he's a nice person, tries to follow the example of Sarenrae wants from her followers and take care of people.
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=873824

I don't have a great idea on what everyone else is rolling up to take part in the campaign, those three are the first ones I came up with and aren't fully fleshed out yet. Are any of these so far a good fit or should I start working on other concepts?

Aruetii wrote:

Okay! I came up with two characters and retooled a third that could maybe work depending on what the party would benefit most from.

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Andrezi sounds great :D

Backstory is up, still a bit rough so prone to polish when I can. Will work on other stuff to add as well. Seems we are racking up a number of interesting characters. ;)

"Mumbles" wrote:
Aruetii wrote:

Okay! I came up with two characters and retooled a third that could maybe work depending on what the party would benefit most from.

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Andrezi sounds great :D

Thanks a lot! I've always wanted to play a Dragon Disciple (and the other classes) and a Nagaji sorcerer seemed like an interesting way to play the class.

Jenna's Stats and background are all done now... Any suggestions for changes are welcome, especially with regard to her father... I looked at some NPCs for Sandpoint and he seemed to fit. I don't know what happened in the other APs set in Sandpoint so, if he's dead or anything I can change the details.


Jenna and her twin sister Tanethia were born to the wheelwright Bilivar Wheen of Wheen's Wagons. The twins were, from birth, as different as chalk and cheese and never got on well with each other. Where Jenna had dark hair and tanned skin, her sister was blonde and pale. Where Jenna loved the outdoors and was known as a tearaway, Tanethia was bookish and always did what he was told. Where Jenna showed the distinctive pointed ears and eyes of a half-elf, Tanethia was, to all appearances, human.

Following Tanethia's death by drowning in 4706AR, their father descended into a dark and depressed state, letting the business flounder and taking no interest in his remaining wayward daughter, except when he subjected her to beatings for her frequent bad behaviour. Tanethia had always been his favourite and the old man blamed Jenna, who had been swimming with her sister when she drowned, for the other girl's death.

Shalelu took pity on the wayward girl and would take her hunting and showing her around the forests of Sandpoint whenever she was in town. Jenna proved to be a quick learner and soon showed an aptitude for hunting and a way with animals, often bringing hurt birds back to town and nursing them back to health. Shalelu convinced Ameiko to hire the young girl as a stablehand at the Rusty Dragon and soon Jenna began spending the nights there, rather than return to her father's house. On one occasion, when she returned to town Shalelu brought with her a small injured goshawk which Jenna nursed back to health and which remains with her to this day.

Now, with Bilivar talking about taking his family away from Sandpoint, Jenna fears that she might be separated from her friends Ameiko and Shalelu. She has been listening to their stories of adventure since she was small and wants to emulate their heroism.


Jenna is a pretty 22 year old female half-elf. She has dark brown hair, large hazel eyes and a quick, cheeky grin. Jenna generally dresses in simple but well-made clothing consisting of black leggings and a grey tunic with leather sewn into the left shoulder and sleeve for "Pipsqueak" to perch on.

When hunting (or adventuring), Jenna also wears worn studded leather armour and carries a composite longbow and a shortsword, all given to her by Shalelu. Pipsqueak, a small male goshawk, is always close-by and often squalks menacingly at strangers, especially males who he seems to distrust.


Jenna is generally happy and outgoing, but lacks self-confidence, having had it beaten out of her by her father. She sees Shalelu as an older sister and Ameiko as a friend. Jenna is brave, verging on reckless. - She wants to prove her worth to herself, her father and especially Shalelu.

Pipsqueak is fiercely loyal to, and protective of Jenna. He often brings her "gifts" of dead mice, rats and rabbits - a habit which does not endear him to Ameiko at all.

Kairi's past lives have been hazy and unclear. But 1 goal in each succession has remained, to create the perfect meal with the finest ingredients in the world of Golarion. Her personality has changed through rebirth, but the passion has stayed the same. The delight of seeing children smile at the sight of dessert, the joy of watching a grown man pat his belly when he is full, the smell of food that draws people together to make communities. Kauri believes that food has a magical power, the most beautiful way to exercise intrinsic benevolence. She is on the hunt for the finest food that will change the foundation of cuisine and happiness. However, the journey to accomplish such a daunting task will not be an easy one. All people deserve a seat at her dinner table.

A little teaser!

dotting for interest. I'll post something tomorrow.

Kairi wrote:
A little teaser!

An entree even... :P

Also, 2 chef/cook characters have been suggested: one devoted and one accidental. How amusing that we're getting tonnes of dex and tonnes of chefs.

Dot. I'll have something up tomorrow.

Thinking of a human bard of a minor noble family.
Bit of a sarcast and cynic, but he's an "okay" guy once you get to know him. What he lacks in martial prowesss he makes up with his words.

In combat, aside from typical support, he'd mess with the mind of his foes. Via enchantment, word display or mind compulsing effects.

Think a bit blackadder, come to think of it.

Human ancestor oracle, Younger Sibling trait, but he doesn't know it. (bastard of Ameiko's father and a glass factory worker.)
Whoops, need to fix his attributes, was made for a 25 pointer.

Backstory (crunch not yet finished) for Haru Yoshioka, Kitsue bard:

Everyone thinks that the Yoshiokas are just another one of the Minkai expatriates of sandpoint, like the Kaijutsus and others, but the family of four has a secret. Clues could be found, such as the small shrine to Daikitsu they have in their house, or the way they strongly oppose fox hunting in the forests around Sandpoint, but so far only a handful of people know their true heritage.

These shapeshifters live as humans at nearly all times. Sometimes they change in private, keeping their abilities fresh and practiced. The youngest child, Haru, has difficulty maintaining her silence, and gave the secret away, one day, as she was travelling with Shalelu in the forests.

When the young woman she had agreed to teach tracking suddenly transformed into a humanoid fox, unconsciously taking the form as she tried to follow the trail of a hare, Shalelu said nothing at first.

"Nice tail," the elf finally said after a few minutes.

"Oh thank you, I try to keep it well-brushed every night... wait, what?"

Haru looked down at herself, and gasped. "Uh... how did that happen?" she tried to bluff her way through the situation.

Shalelu chuckled and put her finger to her lips, and Haru transformed back into her human form, red in the cheeks as the elf woman she revered laughed at her. However, Shalelu kept the secret the youngest Yoshioka had revealed.

Haru will take either the childhood crush (Shalelu) or Student Survivalist traits. (Which one depends on what other characters take. If no one else seems to be focusing on Shalelu as a romance option, Haru will take the former. Otherwise, the latter. Haru is bi, and if Shalelu isn't available, she'll go for someone else. I don't want to conflict with another player's intentions.)

Other than that, she'll be a pretty straightforward buffing, face, skills, spells, and archery bard. The Kitsune bonus to enchantment will help a lot with bard spells.

Hi, I'd like to submit Quig the gnome ninja. He can fill a couple of different roles. First, he's a finesse melee specialist (we need another one, right? ;)), eventually dual-wielding wakizashis (probably via combat trick at level 2). He can also serve as a skill monkey; his high UMD modifer further diversifies his talents.

Quig Pahrooh
Male gnome ninja 1
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (d8+3);
Fort +2; Ref +5; Will +0; +2 racial on Fort vs. poison
Speed 20 ft.
Melee wakizashi +4 (1d4/18-20)
Ranged shuriken (1)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits Indomitable Faith, Student Survivalist
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +4, Craft (alchemy) +4 (+6 to craft poisons), Perception +3, Stealth +6, Survival +5, Swim +4, UMD +7; Racial Modifiers +1 Bluff, +2 Craft (alchemy), +1 Diplomacy
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ gift of tongues, gnome magic, knack with poison, weapon familiarity
Combat Gear alchemist’s fire, shuriken (15); Other Gear backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, caltrops, chalk (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, iron pot, mess kit, mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, studded leather armor, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin, wakizashi (2), 12 gp
Gift of Tongues
Gnomes love languages and learning about those they meet. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred.
Gnome Magic
Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the gnome's Charisma modifier.
Knack with Poison
Some gnomes have an instinctive understanding of poisons and their uses. Gnomes gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks to make poison. The bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poisons increases to +4 if the gnome accidentally poisons himself when applying or readying the substance. This racial trait replaces illusion resistance and obsessive.
Sneak Attack (Ex)
If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The ninja’s attacks deal extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the ninja flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two ninja levels thereafter. Bonus damage from sneak attacks is precision damage. Should the ninja score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this precision damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, whip, or unarmed strike), a ninja can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, even with the usual –4 penalty.
The ninja must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot, and must be able to reach this spot. A ninja cannot sneak attack while striking a creature that has concealment.
Weapon Familiarity
Gnomes treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.

Several years ago, after his parents died, Quig came to live with his uncle Veznutt who runs a shop called The Way North in Sandpoint. The maps his uncle sold fascinated him, particularly the few maps of Minkai. Quig devoured everything he could on the strange ways of Minkai's people; he even went so far as to have a pair of wakizashis made for him. Unfortunately, his uncle was to busy with his own pursuits to raise Quig. Koya took pity on the little orphan gnome and raised him; she even encouraged his interest in geography and languages. He has been honing his skills and waiting for an opportunity to head to Minkai.

I would like to toss my hat into the ring with another half-elf, but not Dex based, lol. He is a shipwreck survivor from another JR game that had the GM leave, several actually.

I am going to check his stats and wealth now, to make sure thye line up with the requirements.

--EDIT-- I dropped his smoke stick to bring him within the wealth limits; and from what I can see he is now good to go. If I missed something please let me know.

Submitting Shirota Wakahisa. Background and crunch in profile.

Basic idea for how I'll build him is to focus on using the katana (fluffed as a family heirloom, but still payed for it from starting wealth) when combat is engaged, and use my regular (odd-numbered) feats to focus on it. Class feats for combat style will focus on archery, making him deadly at range and melee.

Also, will be focusing on Ameiko via my campaign trait choice.

If you see any issue, please inform me (I did this all by hand, so some mistakes may have occurred, though I try to avoid those as much as possible.

Googleshng, would you allow the Hide shirt?

Nevermind, I need to go lighter. Lamellar Cuirass it is.

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