Aleon Hunter |

will level up Aleon in the morning, can't do the the math and work right now.

Googleshng |

Leveled up Niveus. But not his hp sense I don't think we went over how that is handled. If so let me know as I missed it. x)
You can take the high side of average (d6=4, d8=5, d10=6), or roll it and keep what you get.
... unless people would like to go with the wacky method I've been testing in home games, where you roll and either keep that, or the LOW side of average. In practice, worst case scenerio you're down 1 HP per level from the standard method, but you still only average a 4 on a d6, 5.25 on a d8, 6.5 on a d10.

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Going to take the average as well. If its alright with you, I'll probably hold off on leveling until we get back to town unless we get into a desperate batttle that requires a super-saiyan upgrade mid-fight to win.

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Hey guys, I need to take the next two weeks to focus on some stuff going on in RL. I'll be back in mid september. Bot my character until I get back.

Googleshng |

Hmm... given that the end of this here fight is something of a turning point where the actual proper start of the AP is revealed, a bit of a boss fight of sorts, and one with some undead samurai issuing a challenge at the closest equivalent (the bardadin) I'm kind of inclined to pause here and wait for Saif to be back some time this weekend.
Anyone object to that?
I should also use this time to pluck out a replacement 4th PC, really.

Aleon Hunter |

fair enough say something in the recruitment thread. And edit the title, looking for one more.

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Hey guys. Unfortunately I won't be coming back. Sorry for dropping like this but I'm having less and less time for Paizo boards and a lot of RL stuff has come up recently. Have fun, it was great playing with you all.

Aleon Hunter |

It's okay, enjoying the game no matter how slow. If in 1 year time we just reach book 2, at least it is progressing and moving forward and the game is continueing on.

Aleon Hunter |

still here, the DM should probably make a post in the recruitment to recruit.