![]() All right, here is the first draft of Temerith's background. Still debating if I want him to be more of a classic Alchemist or to focus on the Bombs so crunch will be done later tonight. Temerith: When the tiefling that would take on the name Temerith was born there was little evidence of the Abyss’ taint seen on Temerith when he was first born; the only signs being some reddening of his skin. As he grew up the signs that he was a Tiefling quickly started manifesting themselves. When he began teething there were fangs, not the expected teeth that appeared. He was the first amongst his siblings to learn how to crawl, and then to walk. Temerith was also the last to learn how to speak, and even then, for a long time the only words he could say were garbled Abyssal. As the years went on his skin became an increasingly darker red before stopping darkening when he was eight years old. Growing up he had difficulty forming any bonds with his siblings, spending his time trying to take apart and put the second-hand toys he played with back together.
Still, the most outrageous markings of his Abyssal heritage came as he entered puberty. Whatever was stopping the most dangerous changes of the blood from enacting themselves ceased and Temerith was wracked with a constant, terrible pain. Horn stubs quickly grew and matured into full-fledged horns, and a prehensile tail grew and matured over the course of a month. Finally, the two most painful and longest transformations to force themselves upon Temerith was the breaking and reformation of his legs to be backwards bending, and the growth of fine, armored scales. The dual curses rending him bedridden for more than a year. During this time his parents did everything they could to ‘cure’ their child, contacting Clerics of every pure faith in the city. When they were told there was nothing to be done they sent for another cleric to be told the same thing, quickly using up what little savings they had. Eventually they ran out of both coin and clerics to consult on the matter, leaving Temerith to deal with the changes in his own, and leaving him with a desire to find a way to pay back the gold that they had spent trying to ‘fix’ him. However, no one could accuse Temerith of being a criminal mastermind as a teenager. His first idea was to rob the alchemist’s shop in the town, surely there would be good things for him to pawn there. Two things happened when he tried to rob the store; the first was that he learned that he enjoyed explosions, the second was that knocking over some of the potions cause explosions. Explosions that woke up half of the town. It didn’t take a great detective to put together what happened, and he was quickly arrested for the attempted robbery and destruction of property. This led to some of the more firebrand members of the town calling for his banishment, and in the more extreme cases death. After all they claimed that he tried to blow up a building, what was next? Others worried about him influencing the others already arrested. In the end it was decided that while he was too dangerous to be left in a cell death was too grievous a sentence, so banishment was designated as his punishment. Temerith’s family bade him farewell with a mix of disgust, pity, and understanding for what he had done and why he had done so. In the years after his banishment he took on the name Temerith to try and distance himself from the banishment, and to make sure that his name didn’t bring any more shame back to his family. While he wandered he took what jobs as he could as an alchemist’s apprentice, learning to create the reactions he had created on accident and to master them. No matter where he went he sent the majority of the coin earned anonymously back to his family. Years turned into decades and he began properly grasping the art of alchemy. Potions were now a simpler matter to him and he had learned the most rudimentary bombs. Once he had this knowledge he returned to his old crimes, using his knowledge of alchemy and his dexterity to break into places in a vain attempt to repay a perceived debt. This went on for several years, and while he never had contact with his family again he hoped the money was at least making a difference. Temerith’s career as an alchemist thief ended rather abruptly when he had the misfortune to cross paths with a Paladin of Sarenrae. She gave him a rather simple ultimatum, lay down his weapons and speak with her or be dragged in front of a less balanced judge than her. He wasn’t a suicidal fool, so he did as she asked and laid his arms down. The pair sat and talked for hours, until the sun began to come up once more. He spoke of why he was doing what he did, where most of the coin went, and things of that nature. For her end she spoke of Sarenrae, and the fact that she was a path of redemption. While he had initially agreed to speak to save his hide he found himself increasingly convinced by the Paladin’s words until she asked him to accompany her to the temple, to learn, and to redeem himself. Temerith accepted the offer. Over the next few years Temerith spent his time at the temple, learning more about Sarenrae and found himself agreeing with her virtues. It took time for him to figure out how he could turn what he already knew into more practical applications for the church. Brewing potions for the sick and weary, and using his bombs to dispatch those who were preying on the faithful but wouldn’t be turned like he was. As his final step towards redemption, Temerith was sent to investigate the rather vague rumors in Sandpoint that here could be rampaging dragons or armies of giants. ![]()
![]() GM Phntm888:: Whoops, wrote that down when I created the sheet on Myth-Weavers but completely forgot to note the Opposition schools. I've edited the profile now, but they're Necromancy & Enchantment.
I completely forgot to add spellcraft, have the right number of skills now including the background skills. (Bluff, Dip, Knowledge Arcane, Religion, & Planes, Perception, Sense Motive, & Spellcraft with History and Linguistics as background) Yup, forgot about some of the spells. As for the Monograph and Familiar, I'm not exceptionally well versed in this campaign so if you have a good suggestion for where they would be stashed I would really appreciate it. ![]()
![]() @Kayne I'm sure we can come to a nice equitable way to divvy up the world (You get the western hemisphere, I get the east, etc), or, y'know, power struggle until someone comes out on top. Edit: Gonna work on the crunch, I came up with a 1081 word backstory so still working on condensing that to not make it an annoying read. ![]()
![]() Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Sarvin had been preparing his tent, not hearing the commotion going on. The moment he actually heard what was going on he came out of his tent and grabbed his crossbow, quickly aiming it at the spider and firing off a bolt. Ranged: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
![]() "I'll take the second watch then with whoever wants to take it." Sarvin moves over and sets his gear down by a tree, looking around the forest. One day, he would have enough power and influence that he would no longer have to wade through a damned forest and set up his gear on his own. Until then however, he has to do the work himself. He set about setting up the tent, glad to not have the extra weight bogging him down anymore. ![]()
![]() I already have a character that I think would be great for this campaign, the only real trouble would be getting him ready for a NPC level and the like and getting him typed out for Paizo. Concept was a Diabolist in the end, think it would work exceedingly well in a Cheliax setting. Do I still have time to get him adapted or is it midnight already for you? ![]()
![]() I am actually super interested in rolling up someone that could eventually become a Diabloist with this. Someone teaching Conjuration and the Outsiders and eventually moving to the Diabloist PrC. Would that be okay? If not, I'll have to think for a minute on what to make, but dotting this for interest. ![]()
![]() May I offer up a suggestion? Since you said its basically Shadowrun in High Fantasy, we could all be part of a larger conglomeration of Runners, or all be based in the same area. It could be one large pool of people that Dungeonpunk's version of a Fixer draws from to assign for a mission, and the people that aren't picked for a particular job can RP at the base, or do work in the town, etc. ![]()
![]() Have to get away from the controlling influences somehow if all of thats being forced upon you, and if you twist it just the right way, signing up with these reprobates is an exercise in growing his power to live up to what they want. (And if he happens to drop off the face of the planet while adventuring, well, he's free.) ![]()
![]() I was asking for Bloodlines to see how appropriate they'd be. I like the setting, hrm, how about this? Background:
Zoren grew up with a hefty amount of Arcane in his veins, a blending of two sorcerous families who sought to increase both of their powers and gain a higher position within the port city. growing up he had every pressure to exceed both of his parents in the ways of the Arcane, and a decent job in Hyskos might do just that. Crossblooded Sorcerer with a focus on magical damage and debuffing through the damage. ![]()
![]() Yeah, apologies for jumping around. Was trying to find something that wasn't taken aside from straight up Blaster. But with Hamster swapping to rogue I believe I know what I'm going, but I'd like some more information if I have time. Could I get some more information on the dragon cartels that you mentioned in the opening post? And what about the influence of the outer planes? ![]()
![]() Well, I was looking at bloodlines, and Nanite seems practically made for this kind of thing, so I might go Sorcerer instead. Role in the party would be item creator and fighting while transmuted with the Arcana helping out Transmutations. Might go Blasty Blasty too with it, sadly the Nanite power only works with melee weapons. I'll just make two characters, one for fighting one for support and see what the party could use more. ![]()
![]() All right, I think I know what I want to make. After all, if you're going to go Dungeonpunk, you may as well go hard on it. So I'm going to make a Wizard on the road to become a Technomancer. Short Premise: Growing up its not hard to be amazed by the arcane and scientific wonders around you, and Zoren took to them with a natural ease. He tinkered endlessly with the creatures, and when his gifts with the Arcane showed he has tried endlessly to marry the two together. He is dead set on crafting the greatest technomagical wonders in the world and leaving his mark on it. ![]()
![]() CoT Character Application wrote:
![]() "Mumbles" wrote:
Thanks a lot! I've always wanted to play a Dragon Disciple (and the other classes) and a Nagaji sorcerer seemed like an interesting way to play the class. ![]()
![]() Okay! I came up with two characters and retooled a third that could maybe work depending on what the party would benefit most from. Ausk:
First up would be Ausk, a Half-Orc druid I created. In combat he primarily is going to be focusing on Wild Shape in combat along with his animal companion. Out of combat he's primarily useful for what druids are good at, getting through nature and dealing with animals. Personality wise he grew up admiring Shalelu, and has a curious streak in him that makes him want to get out and explore places, instead of the same old that he's been surrounded by since birth.
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=874925 Andrezi:
Next up is going to be Andrezi, a Nagaji Sorcerer. He's going to be aiming for the Dragon Disciple PrC when they get to a high enough level. In combat he's going to be a melee caster primarily, and tries to intimidate the opponents before anyone gets hurt. Out of combat he's more useful for spellcasting things. Background wise his heritage has been so far removed from the Dragon Empire that he actually believes that he's descended from dragons instead of the Nagaraji. Koya has been raising him for as long as he could remember and treats her like a mother.
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=874884 Suin Ko:
This is actually a character I came up with for another campaign that I retooled. He is a Half-Orc Bard dedicated to Sarenrae and has the Dervish Dancer archetype. (The original was a pitborn tiefling from Osirion trying to redeem himself to Sarenrae) In combat he acts like a typical Dervish, but he tries to use Diplomacy to get the other side to stand down or otherwise not fight the party before anything happens. If he thinks someone doesn't have to be killed he'll try to use nonlethal tactics to take them out. Out of combat he's a nice person, tries to follow the example of Sarenrae wants from her followers and take care of people.
Sheet - http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=873824 I don't have a great idea on what everyone else is rolling up to take part in the campaign, those three are the first ones I came up with and aren't fully fleshed out yet. Are any of these so far a good fit or should I start working on other concepts? ![]()
![]() GM Lithrac: Hello! This is one of my first times applying for a PBP campaign, so I'm unsure as to the format that you would like for the character to be submitted in. I have a character written up already as my PFS (never played them yet), is there any particular format you like for sheets? And do I have to submit a sheet before introducing the character? |