Jade Regent - The Minkai Trail

Game Master Googleshng

Caravan Stats/Loot Tracking

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OK folks! It's time to start up a fresh iteration of the Jade Regent adventure path! I'm actually going to be going with just 4 PCs here, and I've already promised one of those seats to someone, so... I'm going to have some tough choices to make when I close recruitment in a week I'm sure.

That said, here's how things are generally going to go:

- 20 point buy, each level you can either roll your HP or take the high end of average. Take the average for your class on starting cash too.

- Two traits, one of which must be one of the campaign traits listed in the player's guide, which you can pick up right here.

- Races allowed include, of course, the standard seven, as well as Tengu, Kitsune, Nagaji, and Samsaran. There's enough historical immigration from Tian Xia in Varisia played up in the AP after all. I'd also be inclined to allow goblins, because there's plenty of those around Sandpoint, but given that things start off with a bit of goblin extermination and a prominent friendly NPC tends to have it out for them, there would be some awkwardness to overcome.

- Classes are restricted to first party sources. Summoners cause too many headaches for me to be too keen on them, and I'm not a fan of setting-dependent archetypes being taken by people who aren't properly playing it up (i.e. Razmiran Priests and Black Blooded Oracles who don't respectively hail from Razmiran and the deepest depths of the Shadowlands). I'm not one of those people who has an issue with Gunslingers, but if you run with one you're most likely to be stuck crafting your own weapons and advanced firearms are off the table.

- Worth keeping in mind: While Jade Regent is often thought of as The Minkai AP, that's really only true of the final third. For the most part, it's really more of a long road trip being taken by a fairly close-knit group of small towners from Sandpoint who have known each other for most of their lives. Keep that in mind for both character concepts and long-term expectations.

Oh, and feel free to ask any questions.

So... hrm.



I think...






I will enter with an Alchemist!

Super Dot!

He needs fixed, because he was made for mummy's mask, but here is my gunslinger. He needs minor adjustments

So... Half-Elf. Yes.

Bramble Brewer Alchemist is a-go.

Aleon there would be the one pre-approved PC so yeah, plan around there already being a gunslinger in the party when pitching characters.


Grand Lodge

dot dot dot

Would you be ok with a Tiefling of Oni descent? I'm looking at a true neutral cleric (or Warpriest if you allow ACG playtest) of Yamatsumi.

For your consideration:
Caerwyn Callandriil, Half elf Rogue (Scout archetype).
I was considering Caerwyn as a more martial oriented Rogue as opposed to the sneaky type. Figured to take a couple of levels of Rogue to start out, then 3-4 levels of Fighter, and then finish out as a Rogue again.

Consider a Magus?

Gadget here, with a very rough background up. Hope you'll consider me to fill the CC/Utility spot.

Cuàn wrote:
Would you be ok with a Tiefling of Oni descent? I'm looking at a true neutral cleric (or Warpriest if you allow ACG playtest) of Yamatsumi.

I'm actually fine with it if anyone wants to try out any of the ACG playtest classes (although should this game still be running when the book comes out, expect some adjustments).

Given the role that oni and their descendants play in this AP though (and to a lesser extent, outsiders in general, really), things would get way too weird with a tiefling in the party.

Worshipping Yamatsumi would potentially be a bit weird too honestly, because again...

Googleshng wrote:
- Worth keeping in mind: While Jade Regent is often thought of as The Minkai AP, that's really only true of the final third. For the most part, it's really more of a long road trip being taken by a fairly close-knit group of small towners from Sandpoint who have known each other for most of their lives. Keep that in mind for both character concepts and long-term expectations.

Still the best AP you're going to find for playing a character with something of an eastern bent (i.e. the samurai or ninja people keep shooting down on you), or a devotee of a deity in the Tien pantheon, because hey, you eventually are going to end up over in the old country and you can make a pilgrimage of it, but again, since the primary focus of the AP is on what a long hard journey it is to get from Varisia to Minkai or vice versa, any eastern connection you have in a character concept should really be at least a couple generations removed. In this case for instance, "I'm a traveling missionary devoted to Yamatsumi" would be a no. "My grandmother always told me stories of how our family would never have survived the journey across the crown of the world if not for the mercy of Yamatsumi, and I'm trying to uphold the family faith" would be just fine however.

would you be cool with a goblin rouge who would eventually become a shadowdancer? i used him in the we be goblins campaign that was before this and id love the chance to play him again. hes a sneaky chaotic good type he dosnt have the evil streak of his fellow goblins and is a lot more sociable.

bejan paknia wrote:
would you be cool with a goblin rouge who would eventually become a shadowdancer? i used him in the we be goblins campaign that was before this and id love the chance to play him again. hes a sneaky chaotic good type he dosnt have the evil streak of his fellow goblins and is a lot more sociable.

Assuming that all 4 players are cool with one member of the Licktoad tribe turning out to be a decent enough sort to pal around with and not try to wipe out as a firework toting menace, and you're fine with the rest starting out kinda bounty hunting all those other crazy weirdos to kick things off, I'm fine with it!

It's actually pretty easy to rationalize if you feel like selling everyone out for hogging all the flashy loot after you worked so hard to get'em.

that works for me X3 and the licktoad chieftain does need to be taken down a peg or two. hehehe i can even see the chieftain or his buddy slorb selling me out or stabbing me in the back. i dont think id need that much motivation to join the party.

Want to see if this guy can make it farther this time.

Jordan Andosano wrote:
Want to see if this guy can make it farther this time.

From the way everyone's talking, it seems like APs fall apart far more often than they should.

Yes, made it to level 2--so I have dialed him back to starting. Didn't even make it on the caravan :-)

Trying an evoker because it isn't supposed to be the best for an arcane caster. But free magic missiles seem fun at low levels!

Silver Crusade

I would like to apply with maybe the character closest to my heart. Was picked for a game that got maybe 50 posts

The Exchange

Submitting this character. Crunch is stil a WiP but I have a couple of questions: can I take a drawback in exchange for an extra trait, and can I forego taking the human bonus feat at level 1 in order to take Dervish Dance at level 2?

quick question. as far as traits go if i were to play as my goblin character none of the traits listed in the players guide would really fit him. could i choose this goblin racial trait instead?

Color Thief (Goblin)
Your skin is an odd tint that somehow absorbs background colors. Maybe because your mother drank a lot of potions when you were still inside her belly. Maybe because you’ve been blessed by the barghests. Maybe because you’re just better than the other boring goblins.

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Stealth checks, providing you wear only light armor or no armor.

Silver Crusade

Quick question: What is starting gold?
But an goblin would for sure be funny!

Saif al-Fajr wrote:
Submitting this character. Crunch is stil a WiP but I have a couple of questions: can I take a drawback in exchange for an extra trait, and can I forego taking the human bonus feat at level 1 in order to take Dervish Dance at level 2?

I might change my mind later, but I'm inclined not to go with drawbacks for this one. And if you make the cut, I'll probably be OK with that delayed feat since it seems to be a clear cut case of taking a hit mechanically in service of a concept.

bejan paknia wrote:

quick question. as far as traits go if i were to play as my goblin character none of the traits listed in the players guide would really fit him. could i choose this goblin racial trait instead?

Color Thief (Goblin)
Your skin is an odd tint that somehow absorbs background colors. Maybe because your mother drank a lot of potions when you were still inside her belly. Maybe because you’ve been blessed by the barghests. Maybe because you’re just better than the other boring goblins.

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Stealth checks, providing you wear only light armor or no armor.

Well, Shalelu spends enough time out in the woods hunting goblins that you could potentially rationalize Childhood Crush, Rescued, or Hero Worship in a weird sort of way. But yeah, that would be an acceptable swap.

Ikoma Gohei wrote:

Quick question: What is starting gold?

But an goblin would for sure be funny!

Class average. So in your case, 105.

ok here is my character.

spookra of the licktoad tribe.

20 point buy

str 10
dex 19
con 12
int 14
wis 12
cha 10

(i belive i did the point buy correct adjusting for the goblin racial stats as well. +4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, and –2 Charisma.)

Color Thief
Armor Expert

level 1 rogue

feat: weapon Finesse

Spookra was one of the goblin heros (my goblin hero anyway) from the we be goblins module. We can go over just what happened and what put spookra in the position hes in now, however it needs to be for your campaign.

"Spookra is very sneaky and spookra is also smart. spookra also know it is very smart to be sneaky about being smart."

I actually thought of having him/her (not settled yet) take the Younger Sibling campaign trait and realting the character to Ameiko. That would probably create a lot of questions but also solves any issues it might cause. Wouldn't be any weirder than a Nagaji in Varisia if you ask me, but it's up to you.
He'll be a human otherwise.

I do realise that worshipping Yamatsumi is a bit tricky considering our starting area but coming from a Tien family could solve it. Personally I think Yamatsumi is the kind of deity that could feature in ancient children's stories of the Dragon Empires and as such he/she could easily have been exposed to those stories and as such the teachings of the god (since those old stories are often fables or parables).

What are the ages of Ameiko, Shandru, and Shalelu? and what is the start date of the Adventure?

Adventurer#33 wrote:
What are the ages of Ameiko, Shandru, and Shalelu? and what is the start date of the Adventure?

Start date: 22nd of Sarenith, 4711

Ameiko is 22, Sandru is 32*, Koya is 65*, and Shalelu is 130 (which by my math says she looks about 26).

*give or take a couple years.

And yes, it is a little weird that I can be so specific with all that.

While I'm on the subject, while it really would not be fair to call this AP a sequel to any of them, it's worth mentioning that this is all starting off roughly...
- 4 years after the events of Rise of the Runelords (in which both Ameiko and Shalelu play small roles).
- 3 years after Second Darkness (where Shalelu shows up again).
- About a week or so after We Be Goblins!

This actually really threw off my regular weekly group when I happened to decide to run Jade Regent, followed by Rise of the Runelords, with Second Darkness likely to follow. She just won't stop making cameos for'em.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am on the drawing board at the moment.

General Concept: A Samsaran Chef that has a life goal of making the Perfect 5 course meal and dessert using the finest ingredients that he can find while on the jade regent journey. (Maybe it will take many more lifetimes). May sound a little absurd, but I am going to make him anyway. Possibly interesting.

Silver Crusade

I am asking because cavalier has 175 gold and the defining weapons of a samurai is the katana wich costs 50g. Add a wakazashi and you have nothing left for armor and saddle. But I will trust you that all will be fine and change equipment asap. Can only post by smartphone atm.

Adventurer#33 wrote:
What are the ages of Ameiko, Shandru, and Shalelu? and what is the start date of the Adventure?

Who are you going after?

The Exchange

Aleon Hunter wrote:
Adventurer#33 wrote:
What are the ages of Ameiko, Shandru, and Shalelu? and what is the start date of the Adventure?
Who are you going after?

Who are YOU going after? ;)

Also updated the crunch and added a brief primer on how I plan to progress the character mechanically.


I'll be submitting a Monk (Zen Archer) who is either a dwarf or a Tengu - just playing around with some stats at the moment. Hopefully, he'll be a spin on a PFS character idea I've played through one adventure, but I want to run it past the GM first:

The character will be named Mumbles. His low charisma score (either 5 for dwarf or 7 for Tengu) is due to the character's perpetual habit of speaking in an almost unintelligible slur of words. For this campaign, I was think it could be bashful behaviour that's led to him not only stuttering but messing up his sentences all together. Especially given his crush on Ameiko (*wink* campaign trait *wink*).

Despite this, he has one rank in linguistics, which for the tengu build means 5 languages known at level one.... :/

Silver Crusade

I will drop out.

Submitting with this character. He was saved by Shalelu so now he feels like he owes a debt to her, regardless of what she says otherwise. I will expand on this more whne I have the time.

Here is my submission an elven fighter. As for what I plan to do with him. I will probably keep him a fighter for the most part. maybe a dip into rogue to pick up some more class skills.

Caeth Hadirthir
Male Elf Fighter 1

CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
dagger +5(1d4+1/19-20)
elven curve blade +5 (1d10+1/18-20)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse
Traits childhood crush, treerazer's bane
Skills Climb +5, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Perception +3, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Sylvan
SQ elven magic, weapon familiarity
Other Gear leather armor, arrows (40), elven curve blade, longbow, bedroll, waterskin, Belt pouch-whetstone, flint and steel, 2 gp 8 sp 8 cp
Arrows - 0/40
Childhood Crush (Shalelu) (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Childhood Crush (Shalelu) (1/day) (Ex) Gain crush's favor & +1 to saves(DC15 Cha check). +1 vs foe threatening them.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Treerazer's Bane You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons, evil fey, and plants and animals corrupted by evil.

Caeth was born in 4580 in the Elven village of Crying Leaf in the Mierani Forest. Caeth's parents were good friends of Shalelu's parents so as children they often played together. They were both still very young when Caeth's parents took him and moved to Kyonin. Where Caeth's father took a position as a captain in the militia fighting the ongoing war with the demon Treerazer. When Caeth reached adulthood he also joined the militia but the war with Treerazer that began when the elves first returned to Golarion had settled in to a stalemate. Caeth's time with the militia watching over Treerazer's blight was uneventful to the point of boredom. He is well-trained in the bow, and the sword, and how to fight Treerazer's minions, but saw very little action in the 70 years he was with the militia.

Since leaving Crying Leaf Caeth has maintained contact with Shalelu through letters. Caeth's time in with the militia is finished and he has decided to find his old friend Shalelu and see if he can convince her to go looking for adventure with him.

appearance and personality:

Caeth Hadirthir
131 years old
6' 4" 136 lbs
Brown hair
green eyes
fair skin
Caeth is a tall slim elven man. He wears sturdy boots that reach his knees, leather breeches, a linen shirt, a thigh length wool tunic, with a leather jack over it. He wears a red scarf wrapped around his waist to pad the wide leather belt that supports his Elven Scimitar(elven curve blade) on his left and a long curved dagger on the right. Leather gloves and a hooded cloak complete his outfit. His cloths are all green and brown in color. He carries a sturdy longbow, a full quiver of arrows, a bedroll, and waterskin. The hilt of his Elven Scimitar is worn from use.
Caeth moves with a panthers grace. He is quick and agile. If Caeth learned anything from his time with the militia it is patience. Despite his relative youth he is calm and collected. Caeth has spent most of his life with others of his kind and interacting with other species is something that is new and exciting for him.

Interesting pitches so far. Oddly heavy on male dex-based-melee (half-)elves as a general sort of trend, although that's not necessarily a bad thing with the main support NPCs factored into the mix.

Here is my jade regent PC, will need some adjustment on the crunch mind you.

I thought about doing a human but most of my characters have been human. I have never played an elf before and thought I would give it a try. A dex based fighter is going to be a bit squishie since the heavier armors limit the dex bonus. But a dex based melee fighter also give you a high range attack bonus which fits the feel of an elf better. I have no problem switching my character to a human. I actually may have one around that didn't get picked for a different game.

Actually, having a big ol' pile of elves would make an interesting change of pace from the typical big ol' pile of humans. I just find it interesting that so many people decided to go pointy-ears.

Speaking of races though, Relios might want to take a closer look at the list of approved races up in the first post there.

You considered Tiefling so I thought you would Aasimar. If not I will look up something else, may need to scrap the PC completely and make a new one. Get back to you in a bit. ;)

The Exchange

Googleshng wrote:

Actually, having a big ol' pile of elves would make an interesting change of pace from the typical big ol' pile of humans. I just find it interesting that so many people decided to go pointy-ears.

Speaking of races though, Relios might want to take a closer look at the list of approved races up in the first post there.

Weird. I'm used to there always being a token human, but most games I've played in allowed most if not all races outside of core.

Relios Sura wrote:
You considered Tiefling so I thought you would Aasimar. If not I will look up something else, may need to scrap the PC completely and make a new one. Get back to you in a bit. ;)

Allowed: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Kitsune, Nagaji, Samsaran, Tengu.

The only time I mentioned tieflings was to explain in greater detail why that one character pitch would particularly cause problems down the line.

Saif al-Fajr wrote:
Googleshng wrote:

Actually, having a big ol' pile of elves would make an interesting change of pace from the typical big ol' pile of humans. I just find it interesting that so many people decided to go pointy-ears.

Speaking of races though, Relios might want to take a closer look at the list of approved races up in the first post there.

Weird. I'm used to there always being a token human, but most games I've played in allowed most if not all races outside of core.

True. With every race allowed, you tend to just get the zoo effect. Still, it'd be interesting if we end up with a majority of something that isn't humans was the point.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32


quick question here. this game will be a play by post game correct?

bejan paknia wrote:
quick question here. this game will be a play by post game correct?


Monk starting gold is crippling! 35gp: can't even afford a longbow :D

Anyway, here is a "Mumbles" placeholder, just updating the stats and such now.

EDIT: wow, shopping for as many items as one can afford for 5GP is hilariously fun though.

I had chosen Half-elf for the Multitalented racial ability because of my plans to multiclass Rogue/Fighter.

Brainstorming a bit, going back and forth between these two concepts. Let me know if anything is a problem.

Niveus Anguis:

A kitsune sorcerer with a silver tongue and venomous fangs. He hails from the jade quarter of Kalsgard but has grown up in Sandpoint. Being the best friend of Ameiko has softened his cold nature over the years. Listening to her stories of the wider world has instilled a desire to travel and explore the recent power that has awoken with in himself.

Saltus Fulvus:

An elf witch of the Mierani Forest and somewhat hermit. Saltus is a long time friend of the Mvashtis family, considering he has seen a few generations go by. While well traveled with in Verisia he has never left the land and finds his days spent looking beyond the borders of the land he has known for over a century. Still recent events compelled his word upon the death of Niska Mvashtis and despite the unlikely event he intends to keep it. If he is to travel it will be with Koya to grant his aid.

Still a bit rough as I get a feel for them.

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